Stupid Big Sis part 1 By SamsonHF

The tip of the slender paintbrush daubed into the miniature paint bucket, returning coated in ivory.

All he had left to do was the eyes; he'd already spent hours agonizing over the rest of the miniature.

Thump, thump, thump…Thump, thump-

His brow barely sank – he tuned out his sister's heavy, oafish footsteps. He brought the fine tip of the paintbrush towards the right eye of Bellem, the beautiful elf prince and hero of his people, when-



He flinched as someone clumsily shoved his bedroom door inwards, eyes shutting when it struck the wall; he did a little jump in his seat. His sister whined something – something inane, as usual – but he utterly tuned her out, instead far more concerned with his miniature. He knew his hand had slipped, but he didn't know the damage; opening his eyes, he couldn't help but silently deflate, pouty lips turning into a disappointed frown. Look: he'd ruined it. He'd accidentally smeared white paint all over his pretty elf face!

"Heyyy, Quinn? Did you heeear meee?"

He cringed at her cutesy voice – he'd always hated that way she dragged out her words, wasn't cute at all. He sighed again, but his brow relaxed as he set down his paintbrush and tainted miniature, swivelled in his seat, and asked "No, what? What do you want, Angel?"

She pouted her big lips at him in that damned way she always did, giving him sad eyes until his shoulders sank. Finally, he mumbled a defeated "Sorry…I just didn't hear you."

She smiled wide, using a cutesy, girlish voice as she said "That's okayyy, I forgiiive you."

He smiled a little, shoulders lifting.

His big sis – such as she was – smiled brightly as she explained "I was hoping you'd go out and, um, maybe run me some errands? There are just a couple things I wanted to get-"

He immediately hung his head back and groaned, hard. "Gosh dang it, Angel," he blurted out, "I just went out! Why didn't you gimme a shopping list then?"

She smiled guiltily. "Because I didn't tink of it den," she mumbled, cranking up the charm. "Pwease, I pwomise, I'll be better next time!"

Quinn stared at her, lips a flat line. Sometimes he couldn't believe his older sister: she's four years older than him but she acts like she's ten years younger than him. Surprise moves like this were a daily thing, for her. The thing about Angel was, she was lazy – so fucking incredibly lazy that outfits like today were commonplace for her. All she had on was a sweater two sizes too big for her and a comfy pair of thigh-high stockings; if she even had underwear on today, the hoodie covered her up. She was such a lazy slob that she rarely did much with her hair – thank God for her naturally perfect freakin' complexion, otherwise she'd look like a sow. She was on the heftier side, after all, not that Quinn…Necessarily disliked her chubby belly.

It definitely thickened the rest of her; his older sister, on her worst day, was still hot enough to land Bangbros deals, which wasn't to say she worked because again, she was fucking unmotivated. She kind of coasted on those big, huge HH-cup tits, there, and how could she not when they were bigger than her own head, pressing out into her sweater so much they practically lifted it out from her tummy. Her hips were naturally huge, too, however, and more times than he'd care to count he'd been forced to witness her enormous dump truck jigglin' an' wigglin' around, swallowing up thongs and G-strings of all shapes, designs, and sizes. Her thighs were thick, and she at least groomed herself and kept herself smooth, but ugh…He can't respect her.

Not when he has to do all her shopping for her because she can't be bothered to get dressed and walk somewhere. Or does her cooking because she's feeling too tired and/or lazy to get in the kitchen. Not to mention the times he has to clean up after her and tidy up her room because she's letting it go to hell in a handbasket. She won't even work, so really when she's asking him to run out and get stuff, he's getting stuff for her! How do you respect somebody you do everything for?

Well…She was pretty, not that he cared. Everyone else did, though.

He kept glaring at her until sighing, hard. "Fine," he muttered, "I'll get dressed and go-"

She lit up with a slow, dopey smile. "Yayyy, thank you sooo much," she practically yawned, half-heartedly clapping her hands together. "I'll text you my list, okay?"

He rolled his eyes, but he did it. He got dressed, he got his shoes on, and he left. He glowered his way through the whole trip to the drug store, hands stuck into his pockets. When he got the text, he gaped at it; Angel expected all this?! He fumed. He gnashed his teeth. He did it, though; he got a basket, he went from aisle to aisle, and he got her everything she wanted. He got her that expensive skin cream she liked, the oil-based face cleanser, the fake eyelashes she liked and that new nail polish colour she wanted to try. He got her a Monster energy drink – not that she needs more - and some chocolate bars, plus makeup removal pads. He got her a pack of Pokemon cards – again, not that she needs more – an expensive scented candle, and last but not least, a fresh pack of XXXL condoms.

Yes, this shopping list was entirely for Angel, his big sister. Make of that what you will.

The cashier certainly did; judgemental eyes shifted onto Quinn more than a couple times, but he got it. He understood. He knew he looked…Eye-catching. Only reason why he knew it, he felt, was because he actually went outside, touched grass, and interacted with people, unlike his chronically clueless sister. He knew he looked like somebody's fantasy; he couldn't control being influenced so much by his curvaceous mama's genes, though, could he? It wasn't his fault he was so short, lithe, and skinny, just like it wasn't his fault he had those huge goddamn hips or that fat ass!

If, however, the cashier spied the rather stunning bulge secure in the front of Quinn's snug shorts, well, her gut reaction about the condoms would've been off. No, the fact of the matter was that Quinn had never bought condoms for himself, he'd never needed to – every time he showed up and made this embarrassing purchase and faced those judgemental eyes at the register, it was always on behalf of his stupid big step-sister. He paid for her crap and headed home.

Of course, Angel was happy as a pig in shit once he'd returned, clapping and squealing as she watched him unload her haul of goodies, but then she was giving him those damn eyes again, those begging puppy dog eyes.

Quinn sighed, giving her a bit of an impatient look: "What now?"

Angel's pretty face contorted into a couple different versions of remorse: "No, no. I can't."

He sighed with disappointment. "I didn't forget anything-"

"No, no, it's not that!"

"Then what?"


She squirmed in place, a little…Just for a moment more. Then, she was looking him in the eyes, murmuring "Well…You remember how you owe me a huge favour for covering you with mom and dad, last week?"

He sighed: "Yeahhh…"

"Weeeell, I thiiiink I know what I want as thanks," she suggested.

He prodded her on until she finally dropped the bombshell:

"Uhm, I think I need help cumming," she said with a sudden grin.

He gaped, eyes wide; a split-second later, his face went red and scrunched up in that adorable way she loved. "What? Ew! You pervert! No way!"

She clasped her hands together in front of herself, praying at and begging her much shorter, younger little femboy of a step-brother. "Pwease, pwease, Quinn? You owe me! You owe me big! It'd just be a handjob, no big deal – no different than what you give yourself every-"

"No," he blurted out, pointing at the floor, ears red, now, too. "I will not do that for you, no way, you're crazy! You're crazy if you think I owe you that badly!"

…Four minutes and forty-two seconds later…

Angel was sitting at her computer, grinning from ear to ear as she pulled up Google Images. 

"Woooow, amaaazing," Angel cooed, "I'm sooo glad you came around and decided to help me!"

Quinn's painted lips quavered; the scarlet looked good on his pouty, kissable mouth. "After this, we're even," he asserted, to which she nodded. He thought, then added "This is a one-time thing, too. You're lucky I'm dressing up like this, for you."

Angel just nodded dumbly, mumbling "Yeah, yeah sure," paying way more attention to opening a separate tab and typing in Pornhub.

"Are you listening to me, Angel," Quinn asked, staring over at her. Their chairs were so close together that he could smell her flowery conditioner.

She looked over at him, answering "So, like, here's the thing, Quinn. Umm…I'm, like, really horny, I think-"

He closed his eyes and internally sighed. One ear, out the other.

"-but like, I dunno what to do, like…"

His eyes widened. "You know what masturbation is," he uttered, voice deep and outraged.

She gave him a pleading, pitiful look without dignity, quietly exclaiming "Yeahhh, buuuut, like, nothing I look at really turns me on!"

He made a sound like a scoff. "Everyone has kinks!"

"I don't knooow mine! There are infinite kinks out there, like, I don't usually look at porn, I usually just use my imagination – but it's not woooorking anymoooore, liiike, Quuiiinn, can't you just help me out a little? You help me with everything else, this is just an innocent handjob! It doesn't mean anything; you're just helping me out, like this! Can't you just pick and put on some different porn vids and help me along until I finally pop?"

She squirmed in place over her seat, hands pressing low into her hoodie. She bit her lip, looking at him with sheer desperation on her face before mumbling "Pweeease, my baaalls feel like they're gonna explooode!"

"Okay, okay," Quinn finally agreed, giving her a dirty, sulky look. "Fine, I'll do it…This time. This one time, I mean. You're lucky."

"I am, I really am, I'm so lucky to have such a nice and cute lil' step-brother," Angel happily agreed, laying back into her chair.

Quinn's lips shifted unhappily, but his eyes and brow relaxed, even softened. "…Don't call me cute," he sulked, hands reaching out. With his right hand, he reached over and started pulling back Angel's hoodie for her – she'd been too lazy to undress, naturally – getting it up off her bethonged crotch, exposing the transparent mesh basin and the fucking massive package filling out the material near to splitting. If there was just one thing step-brother and step-sister both shared, it was that in their family, the cocks came huge; it was hard to believe Angel was a grower when she had a flaccid hang around ten inches, and it was harder to believe that at maximum stiffness, she was about fifteen point three inches. Her thong stretched across her flaccid, circumcised cock while her heavy nuts, each the size of a billiards ball, helplessly spilled out either side of the woefully undersized scrap.

Of course, her laziness meant she didn't always trim her pubes. Her long drapes were dyed purple, but the soft, bushy carpet around her fucking enormous cock and balls was black.

"Help me out," Angel asked, earning a sigh from Quinn.

He reached over, not hesitating to touch his big sis' meaty, oversized junk, not thinking twice about touching her ultra-smooth, silky skin and soft, tickling hairs as he slid his fingers in past the side of her thong, helplessly brushing across her fat, limp snake in the process of pulling her thong to the side. He found himself staring, swallowing some saliva, watching her big, soft noodle flop around, a little, as he got the thong next to her big, hanging beanbag, freeing up her incredible meat – and her musk, the flowery fragrance nevertheless making him crinkle his nose.

She just watched the screen and nodded as he said "We're gonna get you hard, then get a condom on you, okay?"

As he tore open the box of rubbers he'd just bought for her – and never expected to break in with her – he also got the first video running.

"We'll go category by category, okay," he instructed, "until we find something that gets you going really hard, 'kay? Just relax, watch the screen, and be honest with yourself. Just let the excitement and the feel-good happen…And don't take your time. You're lucky I'm doing this for you, at all. Don't push your luck by making my arm sore."

She nodded, nibbling her lip and contentedly humming "Mmmhmmm…"

He paused, glancing at her, noticing her reaction. Then, gulping, he pulled out a condom strip, tore off a square, and neatly set it by the keyboard in front of her…Then reached over as the video finished loading, his soft little hand slowly sweeping down across her big tummy before crossing her soft, fuzzy crotch, fingertips trailing down that long, thick, familiar shape in the center of his older step-sister's groin. Slipping his fingers around his step-sister's big, flaccid meat, he gulped and stared with nervous eyes; his hand looked almost comically small around her meat, like he'd need three just to wrap around all of her. She was so broad, too, his fingers didn't even fully meet around her – his thumb was just barely out of reach from his fingertips. Proportionally, they were essentially the same, but her bigger body made those same proportions bigger, too.

He wiggled his fist around, making the rest of her long, soft meat flop and bounce around over his fist. He found himself grinning, lipsticked lips parting in amusement; he suppressed his giggle, though, eyes shifting over onto his step-sister's slack face. She was staring at the video on the computer screen, already entranced, arms relaxed at her sides; she almost didn't even seem to notice him anymore, or the way his soft little hand was holding her limp, floppy prick. His eyes shifted onto the video, another uncontrollable swallow flexing his throat. The first category he'd opened had, naturally, been Anal, and the video was a fast compilation of dozens of hedonistic scenes, each as wholeheartedly devoted to sphincter-stretching as the last.

Angel's glazed eyes soaked in dozens of women's plump asses being stretched open around long, hard, veiny porn-cocks…As did her little step-brother.

Quinn felt a stirring in his underwear, but he tried to squeeze his smooth legs together, hoping his thick thighs would crush it; he distracted himself by starting up his stroking, lifting and dropping his little hand across her long, limp hog. Avoiding being too rough with the thing, he was gentle and considerate with it, watching his big step-sister's skin slide up and down across her shaft as he helped get her motor purring; as the seconds turned into minutes and the compilation kept rolling on, Quinn could feel the hot blood coursing into his lazy step-sister's equally lazy cock, her behemoth of a pole only slowly beginning to twitch, swell, and expand. Quinn gave it five minutes before changing the video.

"Okay, so, we know you like…That," he commentated, unhanding her meat, leaving it pulsing gently over a thigh.

Angel, gently biting her lip, breathed slow and steady through her nose, eyes half-closed and glassy; with a slow nod, she hummed out "Mmmmhmmm…"

He had to lean over, somewhat, to reach the mouse, arm and body reaching past her legs and some of her lap; it was a little inconvenient, sure, but his right arm was his fapping hand, so if he's doing this, it's easier he's to her left. He hovered the mouse over the next category: Asian. Quinn's eyes shot back over onto Angel from over his shoulder; "Uhh, you like Japanese girls? Chinese chicks? Koreans, Filipinos?"

Angel stopped biting her lips, opting instead to pucker them out in dramatic fashion as her eyes squinted off into the distance. After a moment of just sitting there, fat, floppy root twitching and pulsing in her crotch like a thing alive, she finally hummed, shrugged, and mumbled "I dunnooo, I guess I never really thooouught abooout it…"

Quinn briefly made a face, his eyes going half-closed as his mouth went flat. A split-second later, he was smiling a little, raising his eyebrows, and quietly commanding "Angel, I kinda need you to stop thinking and to start thinking with your cock, okay? I know that sounds kinda silly 'cause you already do so much, but now I need you to, otherwise I'm gonna be here all day and I am not letting mom and dad find out I did this for you."

Angel turned her eyes onto his, making a shiver course down his spine; she tiredly mumbled "I'm trying, I'm trying! Put on another video, pwease, and touch me, again-"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just…Okay, if we're skipping Asian, let's move on to Blowjob."

Angel nodded, not making a sound. She completely relaxed back into the chair, eyes fixing themselves to the screen as a new batch of pornography was dumped into her trough; now, the video playing was an endless sequence of faces with ringed mouths, thick meat-sticks of varying colours taking turns sliding through puckered lips, into cheeks hollowed from sucking, only to come back out spit-shined for the girls to fawn all over with naughty smiles and panted breaths. Sometimes the blowjob was a sensual mouth-massage with plenty of lip, tongue, and edging, given by a real fellatrix with a need to control her adored cock; other times, it was the dick doing the dominating, fucking mouths and throats in heads held fast by strong hands, plumbing the gullet and smearing the lipstick and making the girl's pretty face all red and sweaty and teary.

Quinn kept gently playing with and tugging on Angel's big, soft lady-dick, feeling it twitch and pulse – but barely grow. There was a flicker at one point, and Quinn had gotten excited – but it'd seemed to come from this one particularly rough clip in the blowjob compilation, and once it'd passed, so too had Angel's excited growth. Wasn't good enough.

"Uhh…Okay, let's try…Um, Big Ass? Big Boobs? Big Cock?"

A twitch went through Angel's meat.

"I like them all," she mumbled, grinning guiltily.

Quinn gave her another tired look, then checked the categories again.

The mouse hovered over the thumbnail for a couple seconds before he finally clicked it. He found a video with a thumbnail of a hot cumslut, pulled it up, and let it roll; sitting back in his chair, Quinn let his hand go over into his step-sister's lap, again, as he found her unmotivated prick, got it back in his hand, and went to work petting and groping it, again trying to excite his step-sibling. The masked futacum-slut in the video was light skinned, his body so smooth it shined under the lights; his thighs were thick, his underwear was black, and all for the camera to see, her spread his thighs, showed off his erect prick, and started stroking, petting himself hard enough to make his drooping beanbag sway between his thighs.

As soon as he'd started touching himself, Quinn heard Angel exhale a hard groan; the twitches flickering her cock strengthened into full-on pulses and throbs as it started feeling harder, firmer, the shape slowly beginning to fill itself out and expand. Okay, we're gettin' somewhere…

Quinn let the video play all the way through, considering it wasn't very long. He was busy searching the thumbnails when he suddenly heard Angel pipe up:

"Ooh…Uhh…Maybe that one?"

He glanced over his shoulder at her, again leaning over her lap to get to the mouse. He tried following her eyes; looking back at the screen, he put the mouse over a thumbnail, one of a futanari topping somebody, asking "This one?"

"Nooo, the one neeext to it," Angel clarified, smiling guiltily.

Quinn's face flushed a shade deeper once he'd looked back over. Eyes subtly widening, his head swivelled back to face her; a hint accusingly, he blurted out "Guy Swallows Futa Cock?"

She bit her lip, barely whining before pointing out "You tooold me to think with my diii-"

"Alright, alright," he defensively sighed, clicking the video.

He rolled his eyes as he sat back into his chair, reaching over for another gentle hold of his big step-sister's lady-meat. He didn't face her while he did it; facing straight ahead, he gave her the cold shoulder, staring straight ahead as he got back to work tugging and jerking her twitching chub. He didn't even watch the computer screen, instead staring at the wall behind the monitor. Almost immediately after the video had loaded, however, he heard her give a surprised grunt – a noise swiftly followed by a rapid onset of growth in her hog. His eyebrows lifted a little before he gave in and let his eyes shift to the screen.

They went wide pretty much instantly; just as swiftly, the tent in his underwear started lifting itself.

The video showed off a guy who was kneeling over a pillow in front of a stacked n' packed futanari, his contorting face flushed a shade of pink as the woman in front of him thrust her hips at a shallow but fast pace. He was holding his knees and trying to keep his head still as she, high heels shoulder-width apart, held her hips and hung her head down a little, rapt by the show he gave her trying to handle her pole poking into and out of his pretty, perspiring face.

"Ohhh…Ohhh, wooow…Holy fuuuck…That's so hawwwt," Angel slowly groaned, briefly smiling before her blushing face went slack again, glazed eyes glued to the screen.

Quinn's throat silently flexed. His free hand stealthily shifted into his lap; a fingertip pulled aside his restrictive underwear, freeing the pulsing cargo between his thighs. "Yeah, yeah it is," he quietly admitted. His heartrate ticked up.

They watched the video together, his hand sliding across her rigid pole, helping it extend further and further over her lap. Blown up across the screen, the guy's eyes narrowed in exertion as the futa's thrusting deepened, the woman's head hanging back as she moaned; her hands rose from her hips, one groping and squeezing a big breast as the other held her head, running through her long, thick blonde hair. The femboy obediently lingered on his knees, eyes eventually shutting as he made a gagging noise around the hot cock filling his drooling, lipstick-rimmed mouth, but she only moaned over him; her hips kept rocking hard and fast until the boy's head was barely bouncing back and forth, body gently rocking as the shemale's cock hit the back of his throat. He gagged again, sweaty face tightening in a grimace; she kept going, grabbing both tits, now.

"Holy shit," Angel panted, "look at her – look at him take it. That's sooo hot…"

Quinn could feel his ears heating up. He, too, stared, trying to hide the way his mouth had started hanging open, trying to silence his hard breaths. His right arm reached over and shaking back and forth, the panting boy's free hand kept pressing down into his lap, pinning his mounting hard-on against the chair beneath him – not that Angel seemed to care. She was way too relaxed and blissed out by that point, her cock completely solid, now, and jutting out from her lap like a third goddamn leg, the full fifteen wide inches rigid like a steel beam poking out between her round, chubby tum-tum, wide hips, and thick thighs. She'd started spreading her knees apart, then her legs, relaxing all the more as she basked in the pleasure her little step-brother's pistoning fist worked through her.

When she started groaning and his fingers started feeling wet, he bit his lip, uncontrollably glancing over before forcing himself to face the porn on the screen. He'd never have guessed his step-sister was a leaker, a dripper; her pre-cum slowly creeping across his fingers, his efforts inevitably took on some brief slipperiness – Angel only moaned harder, opening her legs further, reclining back a little further into her seat. Her bloated balls audibly flapped and flopped in the gap between her thighs, the rest of her remaining motionless and relaxed, arms loosely holding onto the chair's armrests…

Quinn's lips quivered as he pressed them together; he couldn't think anymore, his mind foggy with hot clouds. His glassy eyes remained glued to the computer screen as the futanari in the video finally grabbed that gothy boy's head, moaning like a desperate bitch in heat as she pulled him down, finally violating his battered throat with all the remaining inches she'd been depriving him. The camera got a nice, clear view of the boy's bright red face and wide, teary eyes, staring back into the camera; a visible bulge stuffed the front of his throat, sliding back and forth in tandem with the rest of her cock as it passed back and forth between his gaping, smudged lips. He gagged and coughed around her meat until she finally pulled him down to the base, planting his pretty face nose-to-crotch. He coughed as well as he could, through his nose and around her cock; her balls started lifting in her heavy sack.

Quinn's eyelids were flickering, thick eyelashes fluttering; a bead of sweat rolled down his face.

His hand pressed down hard between his thighs. His juicy legs quivered.

Angel's hot dipstick boiled and throbbed in his fist; she moaned like crazy, grunting and panting out all kinds of foul dirty talk: "Yeahhh, you liiike that? F-Fuck, little slut!...Hoh my God, look at him; he was born to blow cock. He likes it…He loves it…He'll give her his throat any time…He wants her cum! He wants it in his ass, the little slam-piece! He's a gay goth slam-pig!"

Quinn's mouth gaped the more he listened. By the end, he was even looking over at her, eyes startled. Her face was bright red, glossy with sweat. Her eyes refused to leave the screen; he felt like he didn't even exist, like he wasn't even there, like…

Like she was using his hand like a jerk-off machine.

…Like his hand was just an automatic onahole.

He whimpered; his legs trembled harder.

And right about when the video was finishing up, right about when that gorgeous babe was dragging her long, veiny battering ram out of that boy's drooling, gasping mouth so she could grab it with a manicured hand and start jerking her wet cock off into his exposed face, that's when Angel gasped out "M-Mom's guh, gonna be m-mad if you make me staaaii-hey-haiiin iiiit-"

Quinn had to bite his lip and tear himself away from the video right at the money shot; his head whipped over, eyes going to Angel's eyes-crossed O-face, then down to her cock and the way he'd been holding her straight up with a mild tilt back towards her. Then, his eyes went down to her nice, fancy hoodie, a recent expensive purchase their mother had only reluctantly afforded Angel. Thinking quick, he throttled her cock down, pushing it until it aimed much further away from Angel and much more towards their nice, virginal computer. Angel's mouth fell open as she enjoyed the money shot to the fullest; Quinn only got to look over after the fact, ears filled with the sound of the futa's high, squealing cries of blissful, mind-wiping ecstasy as well as the boy's happy, gasping moans, his face already glazed with more than a few syrupy, goopy ropes as she finished stroking out the last few drops into his open, panting mouth-

A hard, choked grunt croaked from Angel's gaping, lipstick-ringed mouth.

Quinn flinched when a huge jet of cum fired from the end of Angel's jumping, flexing cock, flinging itself out directly into the computer screen with such fucking force, it audibly splatted and threw itself everywhere, ivory rivers cascading out and down across the computer screen, droplets splashing everywhere. Quinn blanched, face opening wide in shock; he kept jerking Angel's cock, milking her at the end. There was a split-second pause between ropes, but then another tense, squeaking grunt croaked from between her puffy set of DSL and, again, a fucking humongous rope of thick, sticky ball-butter fired up and out from his big step-sister's cum-vein, again hosing down the computer screen – he gasped, lifting her cock higher, but when the third enormous geyser of rich, backed-up slut-slime went shooting up into the air, it all just came back down for a perfect splash across the keyboard, sappy semen and milky sperm soaking in around damn near every key.

Quinn practically squealed in outrage, his red face contorting into pouty anger. "Jesus Christ, Angel, what the hell-"

His free arm came whipping over, his hand coming down over the head of her cock, his palm pressing against the end of her enormous bitch-breaker; she whimpered, eyes rolling back into her head as her orgasm dragged on. She squirted a fourth time, but the thick, curdled cream just forced itself out against Quinn's palm and blew back down against her cock, running thick down her shaft and over the hand he still milked her with, working out the last of the protein shake from her milk-stick. Through the cloudy haze of spunk and sperm covering the computer screen, they could still see the boy in the video: panting with his head held back and his glazed face on display for the screen, closing his mouth and swallowing once she's finished milking and shaking off the final drips onto his tongue. His throat flexes before his mouth opens back up. It's empty.

Angel moaned her way into a full-body shiver as the no doubt intense afterglow kicked in; Quinn, meanwhile, was hot, bothered, and grimacing, his whole face tomato red clear to his ears. Letting go of her cock, he looked at his own slimed hands, pulling a face and frowning. "Ewww, groooss," he found himself groaning.

"No way, you're gross," Angel sulked, puckering her lips off to the side.

"I'm not the one who just nutted like a firehose because your step-brother jerked you off," Quinn jabbed; he added insult to injury by wiping off his hands against her big, chubby belly. "I can't believe – can't believe – I forgot to put the dang condom on you. I even had it out, right here, right in front of me! Holy cow, I have to clean the computer, now! Why didn't you warn me you shoot so far?"

Angel didn't even seem to care, sitting there spread-eagle as she panted, closed her eyes, and relaxed. Her red, veiny rod kept throbbing and thrumming over her lap, refusing to soften up; she mumbled "Don't be meeeaan, Quiiinn, it wasn't 'cause-a you, it was cause-a tha porn! Fuck, that was so hot! Wooow – I looove a cute boy who takes cum to the face!"

"Y…You do?"

She bit her lip and grinned, nodding with her eyes shut – until she'd stopped, opened her eyes, and looked over into his lap for the first time since this had all started. He caught her instantly, and it didn't matter; when she saw his own massive cock, easily over nine inches long, thrusting itself up from between his absurdly wide hips with an uncut tip soaked in transparent sap, she grinned, and the instant she snickered, he fired his hands over to try and cover himself up…Which sure isn't easy when you come from a family of donkey-hung cocks. He gave her a baby-faced glare, pouting out "It had nothing to do with you, Angel, don't go getting a fat head!"

"Then what waaaas it," she teased, narrowing her eyes at him, smiling from ear to ear.

His eyes shifted around: "…It…It was the porn. I liked – uh - really liked the porn! That's it!"

"Oh, okay," Angel nodded, stilling smiling, eyes still narrowed.

He stared back. His throat visibly flexed.

"Okay then," Angel eventually allowed, nodding again. Her smile split into a friendly grin. "In that case, uh, you wouldn't mind if we…Maybe did this more often?"


She grinned, giggling like a little girl. "C'mooon, Quiiinn, if we like the same porn, anyway, we can just do it together, can't we? I had a lotta fun, just now – you're such an awesome lil' bro, so fucking cute and so helpful and so, so sweet to me."

He opened his mouth to argue, but the compliments made his syllable stutter and fail.

"This was so much better than doing it myself – you can't expect me to go back to doing it myself! C'mon, Quinn, help me out, here! We'll be porno buddies!"

"I," Quinn announced with a strict tone of formality, "am going to take a shower. And when I'm done, you're going to take one, too. And we're never gonna talk about this again!"

"Awww, Quiinnnn," Angel whined, but no…He was already getting up, his enormous dong waving around in his lap, dribbles and strings of pre-cum flinging off of him seemingly every couple of footsteps.

Poor Quinn went into the bathroom, turned on a cold shower and, with a grimace, made himself go inside.

He hoped the cold would purge him, make him stronger.

…It took him a long time to leave.


"Quinn, honey? Breakfast is ready, would you mind waking your stepsister up?"

Quinn didn't look up from his phone, hardly even acknowledging his mother's request, at all. Brow barely furrowing, pouty lips puckering a little, he rose from his living room recliner and sulkily muttered "She has two different alarm clocks, but sure, I'll just go drag her fat, lazy butt out of bed on top of everything else I already do for her-"

His father scowled from the nearby computer, set up in a living room corner. "Don't talk about your stepsister that way," he declared, instantly making Quinn roll his eyes – discreetly. Quinn was still on his way to the upstairs staircase when his father abruptly sighed, somewhat frustratedly blurting out "God damn keyboard. I think we need a new one, honey, all of a sudden the keys just keep sticking. Sometimes I press buttons and it just doesn't register, at all!"

Quinn's eyes subtly widened, his pace quickened; he'd disappeared upstairs and made it to his big stepsister 's bedroom door in seconds.

Forehead inches from the door, he drew a silent breath, huffed it out, and gripped the doorknob. He was already looking pissed and sulky as he opened the door and stepped inside, ironically being rather quiet with his entrance; he'd shut the door behind himself and left it unlocked before he'd crossed the room, heading for his stepsister 's bed. The look on his face only soured with every second he spent in his stepsister 's private space. It was dark, of course, with the curtains blocking out the lion's share of sunlight, and the entire space smelled like her, reeked of her, even: her skin, her sweat, her hairspray, her perfume, her musk – everything. Clothing and underwear were everywhere, of course, but the floor was borderline invisible.

Sprawled out over her bed was, of course, his stupid big sis, Angel. Names could deceive just as often as looks, he felt.

She was starfishing the bed, as it were: over her back, legs out and a bit spaced apart, arms out by her sides and her big, long head of messy purple hair tossed out around her pillows. The blanket did a decent job of obscuring her curvaceous body, but it couldn't completely hide her – Quinn could still generally make out the big…Humps her various…Endowments made through the covers. He fixed his quietly snoring stepsister with an unimpressed stare, his mouth barely able to muster up a pouty little frown. He stood over her at the side of her bed.

"…Angel. Angel. Wake up, stupid."

She didn't react.

He barely sighed through his nose. Reaching out, he harshly poked two fingers into her arm through her blanket, working his wrist and lightly bouncing her limb into the mattress beneath her. "Angel, wake up, mom's got breakfast ready for you."

She abruptly sucked a deep inhale through her nose, brow furrowing. She barely groaned in her throat, arms slowly shifting beneath the covers, tossing the blanket up over her face for a shield.

Quinn's brow furrowed deeper. He made it a point to draw a quick breath, huff out a harsh sigh, cross his skinny arms over his narrow little chest, and blurt out "Wake up, Angel, I'm not fooling around. We have to get ready for classes, c'mon, your breakfast's downstairs."

"Mmmn, mm…Nnnoooo…"

"Yes. Get up-"

He shot an arm out, grabbed her blanket, and threw it back down from her face. Her eyes screwed shut and she groaned in her throat, lips twisting unhappily. She promptly pulled the blanket right back up to just over her eyes.

Quinn's expression relaxed some, but his whispering voice was hardly any less biting: "Look, you don't have to get up if you don't want to, but when mom gets mad at me, I'm just gonna tell her you didn't wanna listen to me, as usual. Then it's your problem."

Angel mumbled underneath the covers, eventually slurring "Nn…What time is it…?"

"Time for you to get your useless butt out of bed and get to school, obviously."

Angel barely whined in her throat, brow hardly knitting above the blanket's hem. "You're soooo meeaaan to me," she whined underneath the blanket.

His eyes shot skyward, a moment.

Muffled through the walls: "Angel? Quinn? Hurry up and come down, your father and I need to leave for work!"

Angel groaned plaintively; Quinn glanced over his shoulder towards the bedroom door, quietly hissing "See? If you're not up soon, mom's gonna get pissed at us both. Mostly you, but both of us, for sure."

"I caaan't," Angel barely whined, voice cutesy despite the slight, sleepy slurring she was doing.

"Why the heck not," Quinn quietly demanded.

"Mmmmm," his big sis whined in her throat. "Just can't, not awake enough…"

"I can toss a bucket o' water on you," Quinn coldly suggested, smiling a little.

Angel shook her head under the covers…And a few moments later came the move, of course. The move: arms sliding down underneath her blanket, she groaned in a whiny, complaining tone as she tugged her blanket up her legs bit by bit. Quinn made it a point to sigh as he watched her drag the sheets up her thick, smooth legs, steadily exposing herself tug-by-tug until she'd finally pulled it past her groin, shamelessly confronting him with not just all of herself from the hips down, but with her overgrown junk, specifically, humongous and wickedly engorged, the over ten full inches of musky, heat-emanating meat accompanied by a pair of scrotum-bloating nuts each the size of a billiards ball and crowned at the mons with a big, thick, wild bush of black pubic hair.

"Hnnh, mm, c'mon," Angel barely managed to moan out, more a whine than anything else.

Quinn huffed another brief, harsh sigh through his nose, pouty lips still caught in a frown, his eyes glaring towards his stepsister 's crotch. "No! Angel, you know I shouldn't! I'm not supposed to, it's not natural – and I've already done it for you five times, now!"

Angel whined a long, emphatic "Mmmmmmmmmnnnngh!"

Again, through the walls: "Quinn! Angel!"

Quinn scampered back to the door, opened it just a crack, stuck his done-up face through the gap, and lightly called back "Angel's being bratty, again!"

"We have to go, like, now," their dad emphatically hissed.

"It…It's fine, don't wait up, she only needs another ten minutes," Quinn answered, trying to keep his reluctance subtle. "I'll order us an Uber and make sure Angel gets to school."

He heard their mother sigh, sharply. "Fiiine," she groaned.

"You'd better, young man," their father chimed in.

Quinn listened to the sounds of their footsteps receding, downstairs. Once they'd shut and started locking the front door behind themselves, he'd eased Angel's bedroom door shut, again…Then turned back around to face her bed, the huge-bootied, thick-thighed boy confronted by a sight that just couldn't help putting a lump in his throat: those long, thick, silky smooth legs spread open wide on that bed, the blankets pulled up to a big bundle in front of her groin…Almost like a barrier, he thought, clawing for some sense of modesty. Those absurdly big balls looked so full, so heavy, and she was just completely rock-solid, her circumcised pole just sticking itself straight up into the air with only the mildest tilt back towards her belly, gently thrumming and throbbing as it pulsed. With a cock just over ten inches fully erect, her morning wood was like a California redwood.

She must've known he'd been staring; first she flexed her cock and made it hop, then groaned.

He made himself sigh, putting on another angry, sulky face. He was already pulling his phone from his pocket and turning on the screen as he marched over to the foot of her bed, facing his stepsister purely from the hips down, the lazy lout still not even bothering to give her own face fresh air.

"This is the last time I'm doing this for you, Angel," he asserted, stuffing his hand into the opened box of XXXL condoms she'd left out on her bedside table and stripping off one of the enormous plastic squares.

"Mmmng…Wahheverr," she groggily exhaled.

He tore open the rubber's casing and got it out before going into his phone's media app, pulling up a porn video with tried-and-true results from Angel; the music they both recognized, now, began playing from his phone as he set it down and got to work rolling the huge rubber down her stupefying bitch-breaker, Angel giving a gentle groan of appreciation – and perhaps anticipation, satisfaction – as the snug, off-white prophylactic rolled itself down the length of her vein-covered morning wood. Quinn didn't even realize the way he watched his own hands with a glazed, heavy-lidded stare, his jaw relaxed and his lipsticked mouth barely ajar; he closed his mouth and slowly gulped as he briefly put both hands on his stepsister 's giant hog, making sure it was unrolled as much as possible, even making sure to give the tip a little tug to prime the reservoir.

Then, the whole shameful process got underway: with a tired, disappointed sigh, Quinn used one arm to hold his phone out towards Angel's face, broadcasting the porn in the direction of her eyes, and with the other arm, he grabbed her cock and got to work, pulling that beast up and down with the arm-pistoning strength he knew, by now, worked the most efficiently.

He just wanted to get this over with. She'd cost him their free ride to classes, for the day – for this?

A handjob from her little stepbrother ?

Just because she's too fucking lazy to beat herself off?!

It was humiliating, but then, a lot of what Angel did ticked him off…He just had a hard time always holding it against her, being his stepsister and all. She was useless, but she was still his stepsister …And even though she frustrated him, made him do everything she said, had their parents and everyone else all wrapped around her little finger…He knew she'd be helpless without him. She wouldn't know her ass from a fuckin' hole in the ground, really. He took care of her – in so many ways. She was his big sis, his stupid big sis, and she was his responsibility.

Angel groaned, first low and slow, then drew a breath and sighed out a long, shuddering exhale. She inched down the blankets just enough to be able to peek her peepers out and watch the porn he was holding out towards her face; as soon as she'd focused on it and could zone out, she did, body relaxed and limp as jelly over her bed as someone else handled her morning wood, for her. She didn't have to do a thing but lie there, keep her brain turned off, experience the feel-good, and let her cute baby stepbrother 's soft little hand work her in an intense, if somewhat clumsy, handjob, her smooth balls heavy and ripe, the thickness of her pubic hair at odds with the silky-satiny quality the rest of her body enjoyed. Her dense balls gently lurched up in her big, loose beanbag; Angel's eyelids flickered before she croaked a moan.

"C'mon," he sternly muttered, staring towards the wall as he beat her off with one arm and provided her masturbation material with the other, "don't keep me waiting! Rgh! Let it go! Watch the porn, relax, and let it happen, already!"

Angel grunted. "I'm twwyyyyying," she whined out, affecting that infantile tone he hated. It only made him beat that pole harder.

It was an incredibly surreal, almost uncomfortable situation, honestly. There he was, sitting up in a bed in the morning, face a mask of tension as his arm pumped away, but he wasn't pleasuring himself, no – he didn't even have his cock out. Besides his own lack of pleasure and satisfaction, it was a very stereotypical scene for a hormonal young man like himself; he tried, briefly, to take vicarious satisfaction through Angel, closing his eyes and imagining the pleasure he'd be giving himself with that sort of effort, imagining how good Angel must've been feeling to be squirming and making the noises she was, but beyond sending him from half-hard to steel-stiff, he got nothing. He felt cheated. The "pleasure of giving" was total bullshit, he thought, spending all his morning energy on milking his stepsister 's dick.

That cute boy just kept pulling cock until Angel'd started squirming more enthusiastically, whining and groaning – and Quinn pursed his lips, brow scrunching up and eyes rolling skyward before dropping onto Angel's cock, the tension rapidly leaving his expression as he watched that fat dick spew itself into the condom wrapped around it, watched his own little hand pass back and forth along it, watched and felt every little flex and throb as wad after big, thick, sticky and virile cock-snot wad dispensed itself from groaning miss Angel and filled the condom to bloating. By the time Angel's balls had stopped draining themselves, the condom was bloated like a rounded cum balloon, hanging off the tip in a heavy dangle towards her chubby belly.

Within seconds of her final, shuddering gasp, Quinn was turning off his phone screen and killing the porn. He let go of her cock – almost pushed it out of his hand, really – and stood up from the bed, aggressively stuffing a hand down the front of his shorts and desperately adjusting the nine inches inflated within, doing his best to minimize it. "There, you're done…At least there's no mess this time," he muttered, tone so cold despite the red-hot cock warmth still filling his hand.

She mumbled, groaning a little sleepily. Eyes barely open above the hem of the blanket, she mumbled something to the effect of "Mmnyeahhh…Hmm…Hurrr…"

"Now, get up, Angel. Take a shower, get dressed, and let's go, I told mom and dad I'd make sure you went to school, today!"

She drew a long, slow breath, filling her lungs to capacity before aggressively sighing it all out in a sudden gust. "Maaaaan," she loudly whined, "I just don't feeeeel like it, today-"

"Angel," he blurted out, eyes wide.

"Fiiiiine," she groaned, throwing the bed sheets from herself.

He maintained eye contact with his purple-haired, hourglass of a stepsister as she lurched up to her feet, her fat, veiny, over a foot long root hanging off her crotch like a snake, like a third foot, her humongous hard-on still lingering about – just with a little less intensity, now, perhaps. The flooded condom swung around like a small weight off her pube-crowned prick, her dangling balls still dense and loose; her back-breakingly huge tits bobbing and thick, manslaying ass swaying with every harsh step, she carelessly stumbled past him, headed for the bathroom with a brainless mumble about needing to piss. He closed his eyes once she was gone, drew a deep breath, and gave a harsh sigh, marching back out of the stepsister -smell filling her messy room.

Her bouncing, jiggling curves, her bobbing, swinging cock and balls, were images he simply couldn't banish from his mind – not until he'd gone down to the kitchen freezer, popped out a couple little ice cubes and, with a jaw-locking hiss, tucked them both down the front of his shorts.

It was a cruel move he pulled on himself, but it ensured his meat would go down before they left for school.

He just hoped the discouragement he kept giving himself would eventually stick.

Quinn had very patiently waited around while Angel'd taken a long, singing-filled shower – and the last thing he'd wanted to hear was the first thing out of her mouth, of course, upon emerging from the steam-wafting doorway, a thick bathrobe pulled around her curvaceous frame and a towel-crown wrapped about her hair. She barely even had her eyes open, still – was she full of shit?!

Quinn glared at her through the doorway to his room, just a little up the hall. He immediately demanded "Why aren't you blow-drying your hair-?"

Angel sucked a dramatic yawn, leaning hard into the bathroom doorframe, letting her head droop. Thick lips barely moving, she mumbled "Quuiiinnnn, I'm still soooo sleepy-"

Quinn's brow sank deep, the petite boy stamping a foot against the floor. "Ohh no," he barked with as much baritone authority as his squeaky voice could muster up, "you agreed to get up for class-"

Angel whined, a little. "I'm so tiiired, y'know? I feel kinda weeeaak, toooo…I think maybe I'm siiick, or somethin'…"

Quinn only looked angrier for a few moments, but eventually he stilled, lips in a pouty little frown with barely a knitting of his brow. He heaved a sigh, crossing the hallway towards her. "Alright," he wearily announced, "I'll get the thermometer, go sit down somewhere…"

Angel barely had time to mumble a weak "Yayyy" before Quinn, almost sounding as whiny as her, now, earnestly begged "What am I gonna tell mom n' dad, Angel, what?"

Angel shrugged and whined back "I dunnoooo, don't wooorrry about it. Just, like, leave it to me, I'll say something to them."

That gave Quinn pause. He froze in the bathroom, looking at her intently. "You will," he asked, a hint surprised.

Angel nodded, yawning. "…Yeah, yeah, for sure," she barely croaked out.

Quinn pursed his lips, continuing to watch her for a few moments before finally grabbing an electronic thermometer from a cabinet. "…Well, alright, but I should get to classes, then, too-"

"And leave me all alooone," Angel mewled, wounded.

Quinn sighed, but when he tried walking past Angel to guide her along, she quickly slipped her hand out of her bathrobe pocket, producing a small tube. When she pushed it into Quinn's free hand, he just looked at it in confusion, blurting out "What the heck-?"

"I'm still so sweeeepy," Angel cooed, eyes still barely cracked open, "can you pwease put my cream on me, for me? It'll just take a minute, no biiiggie…"

Quinn's brow sank as he tried making sense of the tube's labelling. It was obviously some kind of medicated ointment, but for what? "What's it for," he asked.

"Ohhh, it's, like, my jock itch cream," she casually explained, instantly prompting a screwing-up of Quinn's lightly dolled-up face. "I'm just too tiiired to put it on, but if I dooon't, I'll only have a flare-up…Can you pweeaase put it on, for me?"

Quinn's eyes bugged out, his brow sinking deep. Outraged, he blurted out "You expect me to…T'rub this gunk all over your taint n' scrote?!"

Angel barely nodded. "And in my ass, pwease, it gets there, too, sometimes," she mumbled through sleepy eyes and duck lips.

Quinn stamped the floor again, squeaking up at her "H-Hell no, Angel, do that yourself! Why should I help you deal with the consequences of your own bad hygiene, you slob?!"

Angel hung her head back and let loose a protracted whine. "That's not faaair," she wailed, "you're so meeaan! It's not 'cause-a bad hygiene, you meanie, I can't heeeelp it, it's 'cause-a my huge junk! I can't help getting all hot n' steamy, down there – and that's what causes it!"

Quinn's eyes went wide as he blurted out a harsh "Doesn't happen to me, dummy! What's your excuse?"

"Can you pweeaase just heeeelp me, y'big meanie," she begged, which finally had Quinn sighing, defeated.

"Fine," he'd answered, dragging her back into her own bedroom. Angel'd drawled a happy sound, dropping her robe to the cluttered floor of her room before falling back into her bed, towel crown still perched over her head as she got over her side.

When Angel lazily lifted one of her legs in his direction, eventually grabbing herself beneath the thigh and pulling her leg into an upraised, completely spread-eagle pose, aggressively exposing all of herself, down there, to her little stepbrother , he could barely suppress gulping…For all of five seconds before uncontrollably doing it, anyway. Cock, balls, and ass, all staring right back at him; Angel cooed "And don't go anywhere, bro…That cream's rough on my skin, so I always put a good moisturizer on, afterwards…Don't wanna dry out my bits and get even more itchy, right? You can do that one, too, can't you? Pwease?"

Quinn's grimace slowly intensified as he unscrewed the cap on the ointment tube. The only answer he gave her was a dread-filled groan as he squeezed some of the white cream out onto his fingertips…

Quinn sighed by the front door, calling out "Alright, Angel, I'm leaving!"

Angel abruptly emerged from the top of the stairs with a confused warble, slowly wandering her way downstairs in nothing but a pleated mini skirt and a tight little button-up top precariously wrapped over and across her heaving bust, the thing knotted off together beneath her breasts, the top-most buttons not even done up, together. She'd done up an entire face of sexy makeup, complete with heavy eyeshadow, some eyeliner, mascara, thick pink lipstick, and even a hint of rouge dusted across her cheeks; her perfume was overwhelming and body glitter had been liberally sprinkled across her collar bones – and down into her perky, plunging cleavage.

"Waaait, you're leaving alreeeaady," she moaned in confusion.

He grimaced at her, telling himself his cheeks burned from outrage. "Would you put some clothes on," he bitterly groaned, "I can practically see your bits past that skirt!"

"You caaaan't go," she sighed, ignoring his remark. "I still neeeeed you here, Quinn. I'm still hungwy, breakfast wasn't enough for me…Can you please make me something, first?"

Quinn almost blurted something out, barely catching himself in time. Obviously frustrated, he begged "Why can't you just make something yourself, Angel, why? Just, just pop something into the oven-!"

Angel shook her head, cooing "Nooo, I caaan't, c'mon, bro, help me out. I'm gonna be busy for the next hour, anyway – I've got a Grindr hook-up on the way."

Quinn's eyes bugged out, the boy letting loose a primal little shriek of squealing frustration. "What?! Mom n' dad would flip! I'm not gonna hang around here and cook you food when you're just gonna be – no!"

Angel's eyes briefly flicked past his head. "Quinn, c'mooon, I'll owe you, okaaaay? Just, like, don't tell mom n' dad, and pwease, I'm huuungwy, okaaay?"

He clenched his fists down by his sides and angrily squealed up at her, squeaking wordlessly in dramatic frustration. After gnashing his teeth, he drew a deep breath, exhaled and, with a considerably calmer look on his face now, quietly muttered "…Fine. But you owe me."

She smiled with total legitimacy, gratefully sighing out "Absolutely, Quinn, I owe you, for sure. Can you bring it up to my room when it's ready? I'm so lucky to have such a sweet and considerate little stepbrother , you're so nice and cute-"

"Don't call me cute," Quinn feistily snapped, "but nice, yes, I am definitely nice to you, Angel-"


Quinn flinched, spinning around to face the knocking. Someone he didn't recognize was there-

Angel smiled from ear to ear, giggling a little. "That's gotta be her," she cooed, patting Quinn over his shoulder as she wandered her way past him. Reaching for the doorknob, she casually admitted "Don't worry, we won't cramp your style, or anything. We'll be going up to my room pretty much right away."

Quinn could barely even grimace before Angel'd pulled the door open, revealing a curvaceous woman with a big, thick head of hair and a milky sort of caramel complexion; both women smiled their heads off and squealed in delight upon seeing one another, just babbling on and on, lavishing each other in enthusiastic – and occasionally raunchy – compliments as Angel only slowly ushered her in past the threshold. It gave Quinn plenty of time, at least, to scope out his elder stepsister 's, urgh, booty call; she definitely seemed Angel's type, at least. She was about as tall as Angel, so just over a head taller than Quinn, himself, and maybe even plumper than his stepsister , a bit chubbier in the middle and thick elsewhere, too, to back it up.

She'd done herself up with a whole face of dark, sultry makeup, and her thick, glossy hair hung down nearly to her ass; her boobs were quite a bit smaller than Angel's but those hips of hers were huge, giving her a thick pear of a figure, the girl most definitely blessed with dumper. She really wasn't wearing much: an oversized T-shirt that hung halfway down her thick thighs, some fishnet stockings and sleeves, the tattoos on her hands and the many piercings she sported, punkish earrings and facial studs alike. Quinn couldn't help wondering if she had more.

Suddenly, the girls turned their attention to Quinn – and he perked up in time for the strange woman to whine out an "Awwww" at the sight of him, followed by a "Wow, he's so cuuute, hah hah! Is he your little stepbrother ? Wow, lucky you!"

Quinn tried not to wither too overtly.

Angel giggled, reaching out and ruffling his hair in front of her guest, a move which practically set his face aflame and had steam whistling out of his ears. "Quiiinn, this is my new friend Valeeerria," she casually explained. Smiling wide with sleepy, innocent eyes, she met his stern stare and cooed "We're gonna, like, go hang out in my room for a little, 'kaaayyy? Just, like, bring my food up whenever it's ready, I'll just eat it upstairs. Please and thank you."

Quinn didn't say a word. Angel didn't really wait for an answer. Taking miss Valeria by the hand, she made her date swoon by guiding her straight towards the nearby staircase, guiding her upstairs on a collision course for his stepsister 's bed. Just before they'd rounded the staircase corner into the second floor, Quinn heard Valeria breathe out a chortle, not-so-silently purring "Mmm, look at us, straight to business – straight to buttgasms, right…?"

Quinn's eyes went wide, shoulders lurching upwards as he frowned. He heard his stepsister giggle after they'd rounded the corner, the two swiftly disappearing into an upstairs bedroom with the gentle clicking of a shutting door. Quinn drew a breath, held it, then sighed, turning to move into the kitchen. It'd barely been seconds after he'd reached the freezer that he heard a thump through the ceiling; his eyes shot skyward, barely able to hear the shuffling of two bodies over his big stepsister 's bed. He gulped, hard, then pulled open the freezer, looking around inside for something to make her. He knew she liked Pizza Pockets, and their parents had just recently gotten a bunch of jumbo deluxe extra-meat ones, so he pulled three of them out – then a fourth, knowing Angel's appetite – and double-checked the cooking instructions.

He'd hardly even shut the freezer door before he heard the first moan. He didn't freeze this time, but he still ended up gulping a lump in his throat; seconds later, rhythmic knocking came up, rocking, creaking, shifting, swaying, and with the seal already broken, the moans kept right on coming. What made Quinn sweat was how none of it had been coming from his stepsister , so far. The voice was new, unfamiliar, already creaky and bracing, rising in pitch and tempo as time, and the creaking, went on. Quinn's nostrils flared as he moved to the oven, brow a little furrowed. Angel was so…So…!

He sprayed a cooking tray, then set the Pizza Pockets over it. He set the tray into the oven, turned it on, and set a twenty-minute timer...And then there really wasn't much left for him to do except pick a kitchen stool, sit down at the counter, put his nose down in his phone, and pretend he couldn't hear his stepsister fucking through the walls of their home, do his best to pretend he wasn't constantly, uncontrollably visualizing everything going on in his stepsister 's personal space. He could imagine his stepsister now: cock out under her skirt, the other girl's clothes messily pulled out of the way, his stepsister 's body sawing back and forth as she just reamed out that ass, hips swinging and booty cheeks clapping and wobbling as she humped away at her cheap, easy hook-up, his stepsister 's huge, heavy nuts swinging, slapping, plapping, flopping, and plopping against Valeria's balls…

…And balls Valeria most certainly possessed, Quinn was very aware. Life with his stepsister – and porn, naturally – had made it easy for him to spot a t-girl, sure, but he'd also seen the heavy, hanging shape of her scrotum swinging into her long, flowy shirt on her way up those stairs, earlier. Plus, let's be real: if you see a girl on Grindr, she probably has a cock.

The moaning grew louder, more intense. Freer. It just kept coming. It just kept getting louder.

Quinn coughed and cleared his throat, then again. Again. He scrolled faster through his phone.

He could finally hear his stepsister 's voice, now. She moaned long and loud; Quinn could hear the sudden shudder in Valeria's moan at the emergence of her date's lust-infused voice. He helplessly cleared his throat again; sweat crept from his hairline to his eyebrows. His clothing felt hot, stifling; his skin itched, his crotch felt hot. He put a video on his phone to distract himself, even cranked up the volume, but the creaking through the ceiling just got louder, Angel and Valeria both wailing their ecstasy loud and carefree. Quinn gnashed his teeth and locked his jaw, pretending the tightness at the crotch of his shorts was entirely unrelated – and then the oven's timer dinged.

He got the Pizza Pockets out onto a plate, then sprinkled some shredded cheese across them. Pouring a little barbeque sauce out into a tiny dish, he grabbed a paper towel sheet – Angel at least used those, most of the time – and let himself trudge up the stairs towards her bedroom, semi-hoping his heavy footfalls might announce his oncoming presence and encourage them to stop, a minute. The noises, even louder up on the second floor, did not stop, not even when he'd reached Angel's door; he lingered there for several seconds, sweating and trembling, before finally willing himself to open the door and confront the scene his stepsister had clearly wanted him to walk in on.

Once the door had slowly swung in far enough, Quinn frowned, hard, eyes a little wide, nostrils flaring as he took deep, fast, quiet breaths. His eyebrows shifted upwards in arches.

His imagination had been eerily accurate: Angel hadn't bothered to take any of her clothes off, really – not that she was wearing much, to begin with – and had simply pulled her massive slab of beef out from underneath her skirt, but pretty much all of Valeria's clothing had been cast aside past the foot of the bed. Thick, chubby Valeria was face-down over the bed down to her waist, her hips and huge ass at the very corner edge, her legs dangling outwards across the floor; Angel, meanwhile, stood over her from behind, essentially straddling Valeria's huge, pale ass with one knee raised and one foot planted against the bed for extra thrusting power and depth. Holding her hips and moaning around pants for breath, Angel swung her hips in and down before scooping back; Quinn had a crystal-clear view of the action, the point of penetration, the good stuff: long, thick, oily, veiny, blushing cock jamming in and out of someone's fucked-loose caboose, the slippery sounds of phallus through sphincter intense.

He didn't announce himself. Quinn stood there in the doorway for a few moments, quaking a little, the plate and dish of the food he'd made for her up in his hands. Neither of them seemed to realize or care he was there, yet. That didn't change until he'd shuffled his way over to Angel's nearby makeup desk, setting the plate down by her vanity mirror; the sound made Valeria look over in a hurry, barely gasping. Angel looked over, noticing him and her food – and barely smiled, still casually rocking her hips and fucking away at her Grindr date's huge, pillowy, tatted-up dump truck of an ass.

"Ohh, mmm, awesome, bro. Just, mmf, just leave it there, yeah-"

Quinn didn't even have time to think about turning away and leaving.

Valeria started gasping air, breathlessly panting "S…Stawp, Angel, y-your stepbrother 's…H-Here, he caaaaan see eeeverything-!"

Angel breathlessly giggled. "Nooo he caaan't," she promptly laughed out, "but that's even hotter, let's do that-"


Angel didn't hesitate to pull Valeria to the side, throwing her onto her hip, making her face Quinn's direction without even pulling her cock out of the other t-girl's ass – and then Angel was lifting Valeria's leg into the air, stretching it up across herself until she had it next to a tit with a heel over Angel's shoulder, her legs the definition of spread-eagle. Quinn and Valeria, they both went wide-eyed – at each other. Quinn had a completely clear view of Valeria's fucking wild set of junk, her circumcised little cock extending itself like an overgrown clit from the nexus between her chubby muffin top belly and thick, plump thighs, maybe three and a half inches long – maybe. Sticky strings of white extended from the end of that trembling little pink pistil, connecting to a dark, slime-tinged wet spot in his stepsister 's bed sheets.

Like a tanuki of legend, however, Valeria's balls looked enormous, her scrotum huge and so full, her fucking giant sack bouncing, swinging, and flopping around across the girl's thigh as she kept catching it sideways over the bed, her beanbag rocking back and forth; what the hell, Quinn thought, had she filled her purse with saline?!

And furthermore, his stepsister was clearly not wearing a condom. This was raw anal butt-fucking.

Angel bit her lip, shut her eyes, and really started working her core, just fucking plowing Valeria's loose, stretched-open anus, her lubed-up, thickly pube-crowned, dark and veiny rod firing back and forth through that naughty, naughty hole underneath the cheap slut's chubby, cuddly body, Angel's lap smacking into the other woman's body hard enough to jerk her into the bed with the recoil. Ramming into Valeria over and over and over again, Quinn simply stood there, stunned, as he watched Valeria's mouth gape open, eyes widening before steadily rolling further and further back into her head, tension stiffening her up from her red face clear to her toes, clenching above Angel's shoulder. Valeria began croaking out a long, low moan, throat tight; a sudden, rapid dribbling of creamy semen began ejecting itself from the end of Valeria's stiff little thumb of a cock, her rigid little doorstopper hopping up a storm as clump after clump of spunk rushed out into Angel's bed sheets like a cheap tissue.

Valeria couldn't stop hyperventilating at her peak, eyes back in her skull as she babbled out "Ohhh Gaaawwd, Angel, buttgasm, buuuttgaaasm-!"

When Angel slammed in, threw her head back, and held it there, barely ramming in a few more balls-deep humps, she let loose a long, long, tension-filled "Ooooooohhhh yyyeaaahhhh-huh-huh-huh-"

-and that was all Quinn could take, the boy finally blinking his dry, staring eyes, turning, and rushing for the bedroom door, gasping as he pulled it shut behind himself. His over nine inches of hot, pulsing cock was getting stiff as steel, the huge, obvious shape of his overgrown man-meat thrusting a humongous, bulging tent into the front of his shorts; he desperately rushed back downstairs into the kitchen, got a glass, filled it with cold water, and tore open the freezer. He popped a bunch of ice cubes into his glass, then guzzled it down.

Then, without hesitation, he pulled out the front of his shorts with his thumb, readied the ice cube tray, and tipped it over, dumping cube after cube into the front of his shorts – and beyond a quick, steady deepening of his breathing and a twitching at his cheekbone, he made no reaction. The tray ran empty, and he let go of his waistband; allowing his shorts to snap shut, he slowly drew a deep lungful, closed his eyes, and noisily exhaled, aggressively sighing it all back out. A wet spot slowly began to emerge in the fabric at his crotch. The many ice cubes gently clinked together in their hot, packed prison; Quinn could hear the girls giggling, probably debating whether or not they'd get in a second round before Valeria'd left Angel to her lunch.

Meanwhile: Quinn, maybe a dozen little ice cubes down his crotch, melting against his molten cock and boiling-hot cream reservoirs. He set his fists down against the countertop, struggling with the mean thing he'd just done to himself, the discouragement he applied to his own rampant, wildly neglected penis, his own criminally under-indulged libido. The hot, rock-solid spike trying to jut itself from his groin just wouldn't relent; wet, stiff in his shorts, he was hunched over the countertop, trying to mentally fend off the hard-on…

Damn it, Angel! Why were you like this?!

Why were you…Just so damn stupid, all the time?

Fucking slut – she'd just been teasing him! Why?!

You call him mean? God damn it, Angel…!