Stupid Big Sis part 3 By SamsonHF

Quinn found Angel giving him the cold shoulder for an entire hour, post-shower.

Suited him just fine; still reeling from mostly blocked-out thoughts of not only giving a blowjob, but his first-ever, too, to his chubby fuckin' dope of a useless big stepsister out of all people, he was glad for the peace and quiet. He'd soaked in there, afforded himself what'd felt like ages to completely wash the foul taste, the oily residue, of the lube from his mouth. Only once he'd finally managed it did he retire to his bedroom, shut his door – couldn't lock it, though, he'd never been allowed a lock, Angel only got one because she was a freakin' girl and needed her "privacy" – and try to go back to his happy place. For that one hour, he was allowed the peace to simply just listen to one of his favourite relaxation vids and paint his miniatures.

However, that blissful hour was of course doomed to end, the harbinger of which being the plodding thuds of Angel's oafish footfalls rushing up the stairs, turning towards his room, and-



His bedroom door bounced back off his wall, damn near swinging back into Angel – and the delicious-smelling pizza box balanced over her one hand. He didn't flinch at the slamming sound, but he did glare, all the same. Staring at her, eyes flicking back and forth between her own and the apparent olive branch perched over her hand, he refused to let what she was wearing bother him, refused to allow her that power, refused to give her the satisfaction of thinking that barging into his room in nothing but a cropped tank top so small, stretched so damn tight across her massive HH-cups, that the bottom hem caught on her cherry-sized nipples, actually bothered him. What did provoke a response, though, was the bottoms to go with that puny fuckin' tit-squisher, up top.

Or to be more accurate, it was the near-total lack of bottoms.

Only other thing Angel had on below the waist was a truly puny thong, the thing semi-transparent lace and so fuckin' small, the stretched-out basin simply couldn't cover her up, entirely. Not only did the round shapes to her billiard ball-sized nuts peek out past the sides, but the waistband dipped low, exposing more than enough thick, black, curly pubic hair. His stepsister's thick, plump thighs only helped pump up the look of her barely covered crotch-bulge, drawing the material tighter and highlighting the long, thick shape of her flaccid member, his stepsister's increasingly hairy root vulgarly defined as a shape snaking down in a squish across her only precariously contained junk.

With a big, cheery smile, Angel announced "Lunch is heeerreee!"

Quinn's expression didn't lighten up. "You ordered lunch," he skeptically questioned, glancing for his wallet. "With what money," he questioned, arching an eyebrow at her.

His implication soared over her head. Gripping both sides of the pizza box, now, her smile split into a giant grin; wiggling in place with excitement, she twisted her hips and wagged around her massive, bethonged bakery, briefly closing her eyes out of the sheer intensity of her own giddy Cheshire smile. Her voice welled up a squeal, but instead of letting it loose, she just happily blurted out "I even remembered your favourite: large meat-lover's!"

Quinn's eyes fell half-shut. Dryly, he reminded "Angel…That's not my favourite. That's your favourite."

Angel froze in place, those pretty eyes of hers suddenly opening back up and locking on him. A second later, her posture relaxed, sagging. "Oh," she hooted, looking first down at the box, then back up at him. Now with a much more sheepish little grin, she shrugged her shoulders high, thrust out her arms, and asked "Well, y'wanna share it, then?"

The boy huffed a sigh, brow hardening.

"…I'll take that as a no, then, sourpuss," Angel sucked her teeth, promptly crossing the room until she'd reached his bed and dropped her massive ass into it hard enough to creak the wooden frame, flipping up the lid of the pizza box before getting to work chowing down on her first slice.

Quinn kept not-so-subtly glaring at her. "Don't tell me you answered the door like that," he complained. "You didn't actually, did you?"

Angel made another face. Around her first partially chewed mouthful, she got out "O' cour' ah did, ya 'ig 'eenie!"

Quinn blanched, face going long. Blood chilling a moment, he blurted out "You what? Seriously?! Angel!"

She swallowed, giving him a confused look. "Whaaat," she whined, affecting that cutesy voice he hated. "What I dooo? I din' do nothin'! Don't be meee-heaan, gawsh-"

"I can see your balls pokin' out your thong," Quinn all but barked, "you're gonna get us banned! What're mom 'n' dad gonna think, the next time they try ordering pizza?"

Angel giggled, shaking her head, even going so far as to point her piece of pizza around at him. She wiggled around over the bed as she ran her mouth, something that she probably thought was playful, but really just felt like a taunt to Quinn; he'd rather she not run her sweaty ass all across his bed if it could be helped, thanks. "You're so funny," Angel snickered, "I'm not gonna get us banned, silly. You're silly. If anything, he loved it."

Quinn gave her a cold, skeptical look.

She took another bite of her pizza, chewed it up fast, and pushed it towards one cheek so she could more clearly speak around it: "See, this is the thing with you, lil' bro: you're way, way too, like, bottled-up, y'know?"

Quinn rolled his eyes, turning back to face his desk while his no-filter stepsister kept right on running her big, loud, DSL'd mouth.

"You've gotta relax, y'knowww, like…Not in a rude way, or anything, but you've always been uptight. You've gotta have more confidence in yourself, bro, this is why you're a chronic virgin and can't find a girlfriend, or a-"

"Don't even say it," Quinn bitterly groaned.

Angel swallowed her mouthful, then put on her cutesy voice again, softly crooning: "I don't unduhstaaand, you're so niiice an' cuuute an' stuuuff, you should be suuuper popular…I think it's just 'cause you're a bit of a silly-willy lil' grouch, sometimes."

"Am not," Quinn sighed with another eyeroll. "Get out of my room if you're just here to be a brat."

Angel took a sniff. "You're the brat," she quietly mumbled, tone sulky, making faces as she spoke.

Quinn huffed another sigh, sitting up straight in his chair like a cat on its hackles. "Angel-"

"Maybe you're right," Angel suddenly interrupted, tone somewhat more mature, "maybe your friends are clueless. Maybe you just need some support from your friends to come ou-"

Quinn's eyes had already been widening. By the end, he turned back to face her in his chair, blurting out a loud "No, you can't, you can't tell them-!"

"Why not," Angel innocently asked, suddenly grinning like a barracuda, "just, y'know, rip the Band-Aid off!"

She made a tear motion with one hand, clearly taking great pleasure in making a tearing noise with her mouth.

"I'll tell 'em everything! Really make their eyes pop open and shoot out," Angel giddily continued.

Quinn could feel the burn sweeping across his face straight to his ears with all the speed of a California wildfire in July. "This is stupid, they wouldn't even believe you," he bluntly refuted.

Angel half-heartedly groaned with skepticism, shrugging with her eyebrows as if to convey "Whatever you say, big guy, suit yourself!"

Quinn froze. "What," he demanded.

"Nothin'," she shrugged, taking another big bite of pizza. "Juh', ah cah 'e 'erhuahive," she added around her food, swallowing it down right after.

Quinn briefly tensed before sighing, the petulant fire fading from his expression, mostly replaced by nervousness. "Don't – you can't, Angel, seriously, that'd be really messed up of you, you'll totally wig them out, scare them off! They'll…Think things, think I thought things-!"

"See? This is exactly what I'm talkin' about, bro," Angel commented, rolling her eyes, for once.

He only looked confused – and mad.

She made a little bit of a scrunchy face at him, puckering and pouting her lips in a bit of a frown. Giving him another pointing with her half-eaten slice of meat-covered pie, she used an overly playful, girly voice as she slowly offered "Weeellll…Maybe I can make you a deal…"

Quinn's shoulders and face sank. "Oh, no," he groaned in pure, unbridled dread.

Angel chirruped a girlish giggle, every fucking curve in her body giving a great bounce as she lifted her wide ass and threw herself a bit closer towards him across the edge of his bed. Grinning her head off, eyes half-closed, she simply couldn't – or didn't care to – conceal the glee she took in her own venom, cooing an all too smug "Oh, chill, lil' bro! I'm not expecting anything crazy! In fact, when you really think about it, like, when you really think about it, I'm just askin' you for exactly what I'd already asked you for: a good, proper blowjob."

"But…But I gave you a blowjob," Quinn bitterly, indignantly whined, face flushing crimson.

Angel rolled her eyes with a "Pshh" noise out of the corner of her mouth. "Yeah, right," she openly mocked, "you call that a blowjob? First off, you didn't take your time at all, didn't let me edge, didn't gimme throat-"

Quinn sputtered, blurting out "You told me I didn't have to!"

Angel continued, undaunted: "-you were totally out of it, like, you weren't even there with me and, it's like, what's even the point then, y'know? I need you, like, present, at least, y'know? There was no ball-play, no face-fucking-"

"You wanna face-fuck me," Quinn legitimately squealed, outraged, ears burning, a total black cat on his hackles with his tail high in the air.

"-y'didn't even mix it up with a handjob or anything, didn't let me play with your ass while you did it, even said it was a hard limit, which, like, big no-no, if you're tryin' to get me off-"

Quinn looked abjectly lost, confused, almost horrified. "What? Didn't let you play with m-my – I don't even remember that!"

"-and to top it all off, when it came time to finish me off, what did you do? You bait 'n' switched me, Quiiiinnnn, y'bait 'n' fuggin' switched me – so uncool! You made me blow my load into a flippin' cup, Quinny-winny, a cup, like some kinda savage!" Raising her eyebrows at him from behind that thick, purple curtain her fluffy bangs made, she pointed at him with her half-eaten slice of pizza, very self-righteously reminding him "I made you a lotta promises, Quinny-poo, and I meant 'em, but I dunno if I wanna go through with 'em, anymore – not for that kinda head! Like, I'm practically taking a bullet for you, over here, and you gave me zero effort! I thought I was gonna get reeeaaal sloppy-toppy!"

Quinn clenched his fists and raised them to the ceiling, shaking them with only somewhat theatrical frustration, the look on his face increasingly exasperated. He groaned in abject frustration before bellowing out "What do you want from me, Angel?!"

She giggled again, tilting her head left and right, kicking her legs over the edge of his bed. "Ohhh, I duuunnoooooo," she drawled, eyes rolling as a finger came to her lips-

…Five minutes and seven seconds later…

Quinn, staring down into Angel's hot, hairy, musky crotch, hands supporting himself against her opened thighs, could hear nothing beyond Angel's panting, his own, and the non-stop din of skin-on-skin slapping, plapping, of the porn playing on the family PC, the girly, horny moaning and screaming around cock-filled mouths thanks to meat-crammed asses positively bouncing off the four walls of the living room.

This was it, the answer to his earlier question: he'd done up a faceful of dusky, sultry makeup, he'd slipped into the open-crotch thong she'd gotten him, he'd put on the kind of subby, man-slut cross-dresser porn she liked, warmed up her huge, surprisingly eager foot-long with his hands until it was rock-solid and pulsing with her heartbeat, then leaned over in his chair…Only this time, it wasn't to reach the keyboard on another porn-hunt on behalf of his lazy, stupid-sexy stepsister, oh no. Even better.

"Pwease, Qwuinn, pwease, it needs it so bad, it's so hot and hard," Angel begged, breathless above his head, quietly panting as she watched the porn.

He answered by noisily spitting against the end of her cock, drooling onto her meat before giving her tip a quick rubbing against his palm, spreading his own spit around the end of her swollen, throbbing prick. She jerked against his hand, pole pulsing and flexing, but he held her secure until she'd relaxed again, balmy face hovering over her claymore all the while, mouth open and waiting, breaths hot and steamy against the end of her over foot-long knob. As soon as she'd calmed back down, glassy-eyed Quinn rewarded her by sinking his head down further, sticking her into his hot, wet mouth; he felt her thighs give a flinch, a moan rushing out of her from just above his descending head. This felt so much easier, the second time around…

"Yyeeesss, yyeeessss," his stepsister gasped in that stupid voice of hers, "dat's more like it, yayyy!"

Ugh – the immaturity! He couldn't believe he was doing this again! Lips sealing around his big stepsister's veiny, circumcised spunk-stick, he dropped his other hand to her fat, dense, borderline apple-sized balls, doing the very best he could to cradle both of her heavy, roiling billiard balls for spunk reactors – God only knew how virile his stepsister really was, how potent and rich her copious amounts of cum really were. Bobbing his head, sliding his mouth back and forth along the end of his big stepsister's inseminator, his mind was strangely, blissfully blank beyond that sudden fascination with the frothy, churning contents of the bull-balls staring back at him, mid-servicing.

He hated the way Angel tasted, he told himself. He hated the way she smelled, the way she'd let herself get hairy – but still paid enough attention to shave her balls! Was she doing it just to bother him, rile him up? It ticked him off, made his brow furrow as he sucked her, eyes shooting a dirty glare down at her fat balls even as he bobbed his head even faster, sucking harder, cheeks constantly hollowing, constantly puffing up. He couldn't tell how much of the constant chorus of sloppy slurping noises were his doing or the porno's; when Angel's balls tried drawing up, he gripped at them hard, almost resentfully, pulling them back down and mouthing her all the while.

"Deeeeper," she full-throat moaned above his head, "I'll help, I'll-"

That was the moment he felt her reach down across his back. Try as he might to suppress it, his stomach burst into butterflies, especially when she touched his ass; her reach was long enough she could grab at him, groping fistfuls of his boy ass-meat, pulling at him, angling his pelvis. Combined with the other hand coming over his head, and cock-mouthed Quinn could only acquiesce, bending over even further, taint and balls sliding against the seat of his chair, his swelling cock trapped all the harder beneath him, borderline crushed between his pelvis and chair. He tried to support himself against her lap with his elbow, hoping he might appease her by beating her off into his mouth as he bobbed away, noisily sucking and slurping on her hot, throbby, musky lollipop, his drool already sliding halfway down her shaft by the time she'd started taking control.

His appeasement efforts were sweet, but insufficient; Angel kept grabbing and pulling at his massive, doughy cheeks, tilting his pelvis and arching his back until she'd managed to reach her true prize. As soon as Quinn felt his stepsister's fingertips probe between his clappable cheeks and find his dark star, eagerly pressing into his anxiously-flexing rosebud, his face went magma-hot, a single deep, overwhelmed sigh rushing out of his nostrils, eyes freshly glazing. His head motions, however, never stopped, his tongue flicking away at and snaking all around Angel's hot, throbbing maleness, lips stretched around the sheer girthiness of his stepsister's spit-sloppy bitch-breaker, her heartbeat ever-present in his mouth and getting closer and closer to the back of his throat as she guided him deeper, made him take her further.

Quinn could no longer ignore the incredible heat in his trapped, uncut, rock-solid cock, his own essentially foot-long slab of neglected libido and achy, achy balls, ass subtly pulsing from the pent-up lust trapped in his swollen prostate; his pinned crotch rubbing against the seat of his chair had pre dribbling from the end of his giant, thong-framed cock, but all he could focus on was the monumental task at hand of orally satisfying his hung, useless goon-pig of a stepsister, on how it always fell to him to clean up after her messes, to fix her mistakes, to pick up her slack…And on how giving her strictly one handjob as an unspeakable favour had turning into sucking her cock, her hand on his head and the other pawing at his ass, greedily fingering at his asshole and rubbing away at it mid-knob slob like he was some kind of…

…Some kind of cheap whore, a cock-craving man-slut slut. A boy fuck-slut Beta bottom-bitch.

That's how Angel made him feel, with all this. Didn't she realize that?

Quinn, glassy eyes still staring down into the smooth beanbag of his big stepsister's bloated balls, felt another incredible surge of heat flush through his pretty, cock-contorted face clear to his ears, a deep, steamy sigh rushing through his nostrils straight into her spit-streaked crotch. The hand she'd put over his head was always pushing him deeper; she'd been rubbing and prodding deep directly between his caked-up cheeks harder and harder, but right when he thought she'd been about to try sticking in a finger dry, she retreated. Relieved, he kept sucking away at her steel-stiff, molten hot, pulsing prick, still playing with those soft, heavy, coveted balls with his free hand; despite the constant thrumming in his boiling cock, the pulsing she put through his mouth took precedence.

He heard the cap pop on one of her lube bottles. He heard the lube shllk itself out, somewhere – then felt the cool wetness drip and drop against the crack of his big ass, seeping between his fat, wobbly cheeks. He started turning his head, trying to look up at Angel with his face still down in her lap, the end of her cock poking against the beginning of his gullet all the while. His eyes roamed past her sweat-damp bush, past her round, cuddly belly, up past her fuck-off huge tits with their rock-hard nips, and finally found his big stepsister's stupid, blushy, blissed-out face, her jaw slack and her beestung lips hanging open as she huffed away, staring at him. It struck him as they made eye contact: neither of them cared about the porn, right now. For maybe the first time, she was watching him and only him.

As Angel slid a greased-up finger into his tight, hot, flexing ass, effortlessly passing through his winking pucker for an explorative probing of his soft, silky interior, her eyes glazed over anew, face suddenly going slack. He knew the look; her switch'd been flipped, and she wouldn't be able to hold herself back, now. For the first time, she was feeling his insides. He hoped it was everything she'd dreamed of, everything she'd wanted, everything she'd needed to feel completely satisfied – for his own sake, of course. Her hold over the back of his head tightened, putting some tension in his face as the head of her gargantuan knob ground itself against the very back of his throat; drool slid past his lips, running down her veiny ten-incher clear to her sloshing nuts. His cock throbbed.

It felt so fucking weird, was kinda uncomfortable, and definitely pulsed his manhood to have her finger in his ass – actually inside his ass! – but when she bit her lip and primed a second fingertip against his lube-soaked crinkle, his face went slack, eyes subtly widening up at her. Still biting her lip, watching him, the corners of her mouth rose high, brow subtly furrowing as she pushed her second finger in, working it right up into him from between the cheeks, wiggling them as she dug them in, clumsily exploring him. Quinn's cheeks puffed up and expanded as he huffed around his mouthful of meat, glassy eyes still locked up on his stepsister's, watching her watch him right back as she started putting more and more pressure over the back of his head. It seemed to go on forever, that moment they'd locked eyes. Quinn couldn't seem to look away, and the more Angel looked, the more overwhelmed she, not he, seemed to become.

The tension on her face slowly mounted as she felt him start to give-

A key loudly slid into the front door's lock.

They both froze, eyes going wide.


It all happened so fast. Angel sucked a huge gasp; letting go of him, kicking her chair back, she bolted behind the nearest door: the kitchen.

Quinn, flabbergasted, moved on autopilot, nearly falling out of his chair in his rush to kill the porno fuckin' blasting from the family computer. The door was already opening – desperate, out of options, Quinn threw the bottle of lube halfway across the living room, managing to toss it behind the couch. Just as he was turning to sprint for the shut kitchen door, he heard his chitchatting parents coming through the living room doorway behind him, dragging their bags in – only for it all to come grinding to a screeching halt with his mother's ear-piercing gasp, her cry of "Quinn?!"

Quinn's world was pulled out from under him. Gut sinking into a frozen pond, he clapped his hands down over his crotch, desperately covering up his nearly foot-long funstick – as if that was the worst thing on display, here. Head hanging, he couldn't find his voice until after his father'd mumbled something under his breath.

"Angel made me," Quinn barely remembered blurting out, alongside something about how early they'd come home – early instead of late, like they'd called and promised – and something about losing a bet, maybe?

He'd barely been able to cover up with something before the interrogating began.

Angel was nowhere to be seen; far as she seemed to care, his place was under the bus, apparently.

His parents never seemed satisfied with any of his answers. It proved one fuckin' looong night…

 The very next day – Monday afternoon, before their parents had gotten home – Angel, as per usual, barrelled into Quinn's room, this time with a great, sulky sigh, a crossing of her arms beneath her heaving bosom, and a bratty "Alright, Quinny-poo, no more blue-balling – time t'suck the fuggin' cum outta my achy-breaky balls, you big butt pretty-boy! You've got an appointment with Deez Nuts!"

Quinn all but roared, wide-eyed and frustrated. "Seeeriioouusly," he dragged out, glancing skyward, "are you freakin' kiddin' me? You're joking, right? Get outta my room! After the humiliation you put me through with mom 'n' dad, leaving me high and dry like that? Rrgh…I can't believe I'm even talking to you, right now…!"

He trailed off as Angel promptly marched across his room towards him, thumbs jamming under the waistband to her tight little pair of booty shorts, tugging them down and letting it fall out, already mostly hard and rarin' to go. His eyes widened at her gall, mouth silently hanging open as he watched it bob around on her way up to him, the fat-bootied boy unable to find his voice despite all his protestations until she'd come right up to him, his big stepsister towering over him as he remained seated in his desk chair. He saw the look in her eyes; he wouldn't have put it past her, at this point, to just grab his head in both her hands, sinking her fingers into his soft, fluffy hair at the same time she's sinking herself all the way down his blowhole. His penis twitched; he gave a start, anxiety clear on his face as he leaned back, throwing up his hands for a quick waving no.

"Angel, wait," he blurted out, "you're being unfair! This is the third time in a day you've wanted my mouth – not that you've deserved it once, you giant brat – s-so if you want it again, you need to let me do something, you've gotta agree with me, for once!"

His big stepsister leaned over him, gripping the headrest to his chair. Her massive tits hanging in his face, barely contained by the plunging neckline to her breezy top, his purple-haired pig of a stepsister loomed over him, hair hanging over her eyes and shoulders, those pretty eyes of hers searching his own somewhat aggressively for an answer. "Huhhh," she huskily dragged out, voice high and lilting, cutesy and confused. "What's that, now? You want something, Quinn? You? You do?"

He opened his mouth to respond, then bit it back. Brow furrowing, his sass bubbled over as he muttered "…Yeah, actually, I do, this time, and it's the only way I'm ever gonna put you in my mouth, again! Only way!"

Angel huffed a quick, cute, tit-heaving sigh. "Whaddya want," she asked out of the corner of her mouth, curious tone legitimate.

Quinn's brow sank, a massive, Grinch-like smile of pure malevolence spreading across his pretty face. "I'm glad you asked. You got to play with my butthole, last time, you pervert," he spat with all the venom he could muster, "so if you want even more head, you've gotta let me play with your ass, too, and not just this time, but any time you play with mine!"

He crossed his arms, very pleased with himself, with his "Hah hah, got'eem" moment.

Angel guffawed, laughing out "Oh, yeah? Mmm, I dunno, Quinn – you got the balls for that?"

He could've screeched. Maintaining his nasty smile, a couple facial muscles twitching, he asserted "Let's find out! Do you wanna drain your nuts, or what? Oh, so, it's cool to do it to me, but you won't do it, too, huh? No way – you wanna cure your blue balls with my mouth, you pay my toll, Angel. Deal or no deal? Take it or leave it."

She narrowed her eyes, smiling from ear to ear, fuzzy foot-long gently bouncing around. "…Deal," she eventually, loudly blurted out, pulling the smaller bottle of inedible lube from her pocket before tossing it his way.

He caught the lube with a start, glancing at it. Well, that was easy. At least this time, he thought, it'd be used the right way: for her ass, not for his mouth. He caught, too, the narrow-eyed smirk she was shooting down at him, staring for a couple seconds before finally turning, bending over towards him and hooking her thumbs into her shorts. Quinn made a face, leaning away in his chair; she slid her shorts down, shimmying her legs and wobbling her tremendous cupcakes within kissing distance of him, all but clapping her giant, heart-shaped, Jell-o jiggling mass of vaguely sweaty ass over him like a lap dance. Giggling, Angel kicked her shorts away, flinging them off a foot and sending them soaring clear across the room. She threw herself over the edge of his bed, expertly folding herself up for a 'round the world servicing.

Quinn stood up from his chair, quietly clearing his throat as he walked over, taking up his position at his stepsister's feet. With her very pelvis at the edge of his mattress, she'd laid back and basically hung her colossal ass off the edge of the bed, the mattress driving a valley across the fat of her thickness; her weighty, practically fist-sized balls hung down far enough to cover her hole, her cock throbbing as it thrust itself straight up into the air over her groin, barely tilting back towards her plump belly, at all. By grabbing herself at the knees, Angel had pulled her legs back as far as she could manage before splaying her thighs wide apart, bringing her heels level with her hips and essentially making a big, pelvis-exposing "M" of her lower half.

He noticed her eyes were glued to him as he opened the bottle of lube, squirting some out onto his fingers. He made eye contact with her; her pretty eyes were half-closed, glazed over, mouth barely ajar, breaths deep and slow but full of anticipation, nipples tall and hard over her gorgeous tits like cherries, his stepsister's sweet face flushing deeper and deeper red the more he moved into position. Sliding his slippery fingers underneath her heavy balls, he lifted them and felt around until, at last, he'd found Angel's big, tight pucker underneath, his two fingerprints sliding against it in circular rubs. Angel croaked a somehow reluctant moan, a groan, eyes closing just a hint more, cock jumping.

He was…Touching her…Touching her there, of all places…He was really doing it…!

Quinn felt his mind…Empty of thoughts…Blanking out as he delicately worked the ends of his fingers against his big stepsister's asshole, of all things, slowly rubbing against it harder and harder, watching the way it makes her eyes get glassy, watching her watch him play with her naughty, forbidden hole…It was another bizarrely…Intimate moment between them, just like when he'd been…Been neck-deep in her crotch the other night, filling his mouth with her, letting her play with his ass as he did it. Why was it making his breath hitch? Why was it making his tummy flutter, so much? Well…That, at least, could be chalked up to nervousness over the colossal protein injection he was sure to guzzle down, momentarily.

As he mounted the pressure with his fingers and finally rubbed through her rosebud, feeling it open against him while sliding his two fingers into her hot, tight insides, she finally let her eyes close entirely, croaking another somewhat stoic-faced moan. Quinn, standing at folded-up Angel's ass, gently shifted her balls against his wrist as his hand moved, his two fingers sliding deep into his stepsister's flexing, gulping confines, searching. Quinn quaked; sweat beaded across his body. He couldn't believe he was actually…God, he was fingering his drop-dead gorgeous bombshell of a dick-swinging stepsister's fat ass, searching for her prostate to milk the bad case of blue balls he, himself, had – accidentally! – given to her. What was his life coming to?

With his middle and ring fingers, Quinn worked his muscles, searching Angel's ass for that spot-

"Uoough," Angel suddenly deflated, eyes bugging out, lips ringing before she bit them and screwed her eyes shut, desperately trying to silence herself.

Quinn grinned. "I-I heard that," he excitedly panted, working his arm harder, using come hither motions to rub up towards her belly, pumping his arm so he could fuck her with his fingers. "I knew it, I am getting your prostate! Hah, hah, I'm gonna m-make you cum with it-!"

"Quuiii-hiiin," she bawled, "aren't you even gonna suck it?! Y-You said you'd suck on it-!"

He reached out with his other hand, gently wrapping it around the base of her rock-solid pole, his hand comically puny compared to her ten-inch juggernaut of a boy-breaker. He couldn't help biting his lip, watching the way she huffed away as he rubbed his fingers around inside her ass, working away at the muscly hill that arose whenever she flexed her walls, watching the way her balls lifted and fell over and over again in his stupid big sis' stupidly big ball sack, her smotheringly fat scrotum looking like…Such a cock-stiffeningly perfect pillow. Pre-cum leaked from the head of her cock, eventually, dribbling down around it like sap from a tapped tree, spilling itself all across her own hog like hot, sticky, all-natural lubricant. He barely gave it even token pumps in his fist.

What was this feeling? The noises she was making…The way she squirmed…Why did…?

"Pweeeeaaase, Quinn," Angel slowly, quietly begged, head turning from side to the side, tension and almost stress on her face, eyes closed as she panted away through her mouth, cock throbbing around in the air above his gripping hand. "Pweeeaaase, lemme cum, lemme cuuu-huh-huum, I've been bad but pwease, I need it so bad, my balls have been so sore, I've been going nuts, I really just…J-Just need my cute…Super-cute, super-sexy lil' stepbrother to…T'help me out, y'know?"

"…Does it feel good in your butt, Angel," Quinn asked, biting his lip with the nastiest smile. His arm worked harder, knuckles clapping her cheeks as he pumped his fingers into her P-spot.

Angel briefly bared her grit teeth before huffing air and collecting herself, blinking rapidly, head turning this way and that hard enough to throw around her bangs. "Quinn, I-I wanted head, sloppy-toppy, n-not…B-Buttplay, you big d-dummy-!"

He slid his fingers as deep as he could get them, shoving them into Angel's walnut. Her belly sucked in from the strength of the gasp she took, body tensing up all over more and more-

He noticed her stop breathing, her face flushing deeper and deeper crimson, puffy lips caught in a ring as confusion overtook her rolling eyes, tension eventually gripping her and making her clench her jaw. She grunted, hard – and Quinn, beet-red face going slack, suddenly dunked his head, opened mouth impaling itself gullet-deep down Angel's cock, pushing her right to the back of his throat in one fell swoop, fingers still working like mad against the muscly bitch-switch inside her slutty ass. Angel sucked a gasp, hard. The way tension coursed throughout her body was like a convulsion; even though her legs were wildly splayed, Angel somehow found it in herself to thrust her hips out of shock at the sudden dive into her stepbrother's drooling mouth, immediately jabbing her cock-head through his virginal maidenhead, popping his oral hymen.

The sudden penile jabbing into his throat was enough to screw Quinn's eyes shut, a harsh gagging sound filling the air – but only for a split-second before the convulsion of sensitivity writhing through Angel's body had her slamming her hands down over the back of his head, just fuckin' pulling him down whether he liked it or not. Quinn's eyes went as wide as saucers, the sudden pressure in his head making them bug out; his cheeks puffed up huge, face flushing to an even deeper shade of crimson, borderline purplish, now, as his stepsister's surprisingly strong arms forced his head, and his throat, further down along the pre-soaked length of her breeding meat.

"Khhk," he hacked out through his cranked-open jaw, barely managing to cough around his corked-up blowhole. Spittle fell from his lips, his chin. Pressure mounted in his head. "Mmnnn!…Hhhnn!...Hcck!"

Angel's hold was so strong – so aggressive, so possessive. She needed it; needed him, and now. She couldn't stop herself – he'd pushed her too far. A couple days of denial and blue-balling had led to this: him, throat violated by his own stepsister's fat, throbbing, stepbrother-loving cock, point of view deeper down into her lap than he'd ever expected to be, head pounding and lungs crying for air as he gags over and over again. She gripped his soft hair and started pulling him back and forth, vocalizing constantly now, practically crying out like a feral fuckin' animal, hissing and puffing away as she bobbed his empty head along her backed-up fuckstick, taking possibly her first-ever prostate milking in the process?

On one hand, it was one of the most intense, strenuous things he'd ever done, having his throat opened and swabbed, a bit, by Angel's fat, drippy cock, but on the other hand, it felt surprisingly easy, submitting his throat to her pole and opening his windpipe for her to take her forbidden pleasure from. He found himself shocked by his own willingness and ability to hold his breath, to feel the molten pulsing, the buzzing throughout his rock-solid, untouched cock as she commandeers his head and fucks his slutty, sweating face hard and deep, bringing him deeper and deeper by the second. He knew his stepsister. She was greedy, selfish, clumsy. The big brat wouldn't be satisfied until she'd gone balls-deep, until she'd made him take every single last inch down his fucking whore throat, and she wasn't even gonna try to do it delicately.

His arm started up a new shaking motion, fingertips rapidly rubbing away at her prostate – and he suddenly heard her groan at the top of her lungs, another hard convulsion shaking through her, her ass suddenly flexing up a storm against his fingers. Next thing he knew, the pole-thick slab of heat stretching out his throat started twitching like mad, jumping around – and when Angel started shooting, fuck, it was like a clogged pipe suddenly getting unclogged. The hot, sticky flood of ichor just wouldn't stop, Angel's cock pouring out semen nonstop like a broken faucet, jetting and spurting hot, creamy ball-butter straight down his gullet on the way to impregnate his confused, churning belly, his stepsister's ungodly potent spunk spewing right down into his gut like an invasive protein dispenser.

Quinn's eyes opened and rolled around in a panic for air, but Angel held him fast, totally self-absorbed in her fuckin' brain-buster of a nut after getting so worked up, so denied, by her adorable and selfless little boy stepbrother.

"Ahhhhahhrrghhhhrhhmmmmm," Angel practically yelled, shuddering partway through into a purring moan, hands still pushing Quinn down. Her ass flexed down on his fingers like a vise!

Quinn started to struggle, squirming, slapping her thighs for air, eyes shut and purplish face puffy, mouth still ringed around his "beloved" stepsister's monster dong. Right when he thought he could take no more, she pinched his nose.

His pupils shrank. No-!

He retched, gagging hard, stomach briefly giving an inverting, but luckily, perhaps by the grace of God, he managed not to bring back up his breakfast – or the frothy "lunch" she'd just fed him – into her lap. Angel's voice cracked as she screamed at the height of her euphoria, at last letting go of his head, prompting him to throw his cranium back for freedom, her hot cum rushing into his mouth and out through his nostrils as he violently coughed up thick, phlegmy throat-gunk and spunk. He fell to the floor, coughing hard, throat feeling somehow numb and loose. Angel was panting away, whining and cooing like the satisfied bitch in heat she was, blissed-out after finally getting her first-ever proper head session from her stepbrother.

Quinn didn't stick around, too desperate for a drink, anything to soothe his throat. He hurried to his feet, rushed downstairs to the fridge, pulled it open, grabbed the first cup he saw, tilted it back-

-and upon tasting that familiar tang of Angel's endless, cloying swimmers in the water, he spat it up in a cloud, damn near dropping the glass to the floor.

Looking at the cup in outrage, recognizing it, his squeaky voice roared out from the kitchen, echoing throughout the house: "Oh my gosh – Angel!! Did you seriously put the cup I made you cum into inside the fridge?! It's been a whole day!! What if someone drank this?!"

From the upstairs stairway, he vaguely heard his stepsister's girlish giggling… 
