Taking Futa Cocks For Science by Michapulos from hentai-foundry

Looking for condom tester. 

The Engineering department is looking for males willing to test a new prophylactic in non-simulated coitus with members of our team. Sexual experience not required.

Heart beating out of his chest, he snatched the yellow paper, shoved it in his pocket, and ran out of the cafe leaving a pushpin in an empty square on the board.

Struggling with the excitement and the guilt, Liam had a long, panicked conversation with himself on the way back to his dorm.

What the fuck is wrong with me? There's no way I can go through with this.

Are you joking? You almost jizz your pants looking at that girl, then she practically begs you to have sex with her in the name of science and you're chickening out?

It might not be with her, though.

But it might! And who cares? You should be happy to lose your virginity to any girl at this point.

What if I'm so bad at it that I ruin the experiment?

You made the decision when you stole their ad. You're doing this.

The debate continued for the better part of the week until after a long introspecting shower, Liam knocked on the frosted glass of the engineering department door and steeled himself against the urge to run away like a prankster.

"Yes?" A gorgeous girl with bright red lips that matched her dyed hair in a messy top bun and big green eyes behind glasses stuck her head out the door and looked him up and down.

Liam still had a chance to say he was there spreading the Good Word of the Lord but the pretty redhead could smell a desperate virgin.

"Oh, you're here for the condom testing? Great! Come in, come in."

Liam didn't as much come in as he was jerked out of the hallway into the anarchy of scopes, soldering irons, canisters, and pistons that was the engineering lab. A mattress and white body pillow placed on a low table stood out for being the only surface clean and free of junk. It was right in the center of the lab, though, so if that very public spot was where the magic was supposed to happen, Liam was ready to say no thank you.

"Girls! Come meet our test subject. It's a cute one."

Three heads popped up from behind various piles of equipment. One with long brown hair, sharp features, and strong eyebrows, a freckled Asian girl with short black hair, and the blonde beauty from the cafe. Liam nodded his head to each of them with pursed lips.

"He is cute."


"I can't wait."

The babes of the engineering department got up from their chairs and walked over to meet him. Liam reeled when he noticed that in the intimate comfort of their labs the girls had foregone the use of pants. His brain eventually catching up to the real shocker: giant penises swaying well past their knees. His peripheral vision caught the penis of the redhead that greeted him. She was pantsless too.

The blonde girl from the cafe had the biggest one of them all. Had he been so entranced by her breasts that he had missed the conspicuous bulge on the front of her long white skirt that day.

"Fut... futa?" Liam had seen futas before, just never four at once and never... exposed. They said futas were well endowed but his imagination did not stretch that far. No wonder they considered it a handicap, yet they put on brave faces and trust him enough to proudly show him their salamis. Long seconds passed and Liam had still not found any other words.

"I told you we should have put a warning in the ad," the brunette said.

"He's the only one who answered. We would have had no chance if we did," the short-haired one replied.

"Hang on," the redhead said. "He's just a little surprise. He's not a bigot like most cavemen on campus, aren't you erm..."

"Liam..." The boy was slowly regaining his composure. Mainly Liam felt worse than ever about taking down their ad and making them think no one was interested.

"Aren't you, Liam?"

"No, I'm not a futaphobe. No way. I just thought. I mean... I just want to know how it would work. Like... we would do it from behind?"

"That's right! The blonde girl spoke with a voice that made Liam think of strawberries. We'll do it from behind, and make sure you're comfortable, and we can stop whenever you want. So, what do you say?"

The answer was already a yes because of the pretty girl asking the question. But Liam still considered it. From behind, it would be like the cocks weren't even there, just the sweet pussy underneath. I owe them to try.

"I can... I mean we can probably make it work," his cracking voice tried to say with confidence.

"Yay! I'm Christine by the way. The redhead is Lucy, the tall one is Madison, and the little one is Kim."

Liam's racing mind took an odd turn as he was nodding his head to each introduction and kept nagging him to ask the question no matter how stupid he might sound. "The condom we're testing... it's for me to wear, right?"

"Of course, it's for you, Lucy said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Making a condom for futas is as achievable as a perpetual motion. I mean, look at the size of this thing." Lucy grabbed a handful of meat and lifted it to Liam's eye level. He was back at the zoo being shown an anaconda but more dangerous-looking.

Christine walked his way, cock swinging, a clear, deflated balloon pinched between two fingers. Her perky breasts were fighting for space under another loose blouse that went down to her belly button. She kneeled and looked up at him with ocean blue eyes that almost took the focus over her deep cleavage.

"This will be easier without pants." She winked.

"Right! Um, we're doing this now? Oh boy, I mean OK. Yeah."

Liam undid his belt, unzipped his pants, and prayed that his penis wasn't as small and shriveled as it felt. He had a newfound admiration for male pornstars; it took a better man than him to get a hard-on under the anxious gaze of strangers waiting for you to have one.

"Do you need help getting an erection?" Christine asked through a genuine smile and no hint of mocking.

"No, it's fine. I'm just a little nervous I guess," Liam lied. He was extremely nervous.

Christine read his mind. "Would this help?" She pulled up her blouse, which lifted her tits until they dropped and bounced hypnotically for a second and revealed their perfect curves: two big teardrops so firm and plump. "You can touch them if you want."

Liam thought of politely declining the generous offer but his hands sprung into action on their own and glued themselves on the soft tissue. He felt their weight, gently squeezed the underboob, and rotated his hands to explore different angles with his palms. He closed his eyes and shut down every sense but his touch. His nervousness melted away for he regretted nothing. Even if something in the lab exploded, killing him instantly, he would not change anything about the decisions that led him here in this moment.

It could have been seconds or hours but, sometime later, slender fingers touched his throbbing cock. It was erect. The brief tease was simply a clinical manipulation to pull the condom over his glans. It took considerable effort to get his penis in the narrow latex tube.

"Ouch, it's too tight, I think." The condom pinched his sensitive manhood with tight compression. There was a subtle pride in the complaint; his size wasn't in the same ballpark as a futa, if he was a carrot, they were prize-winning eggplants from a planet where eggplants were on top of the food chain, but clearly, he was bigger than they thought the test subject would be, so there.

"Sorry, it's supposed to be tighter than a normal condom. It has to hold a lot of cum without slipping off."

Liam had never worn a condom so he pretended to nod and understand why it was a good thing that a condom could hold more cum than usual.

"Is it on? I'm going first! Let's get this party started," Lucy announced, taking Liam by the arm again, tearing him off of boobie heaven, this time directing him to walk like a penguin with his pants around his ankles to the makeshift bed.

The aw's of disappointment from the other three girls fueled Liam's ego until he realized the redhead was implying he would have multiple partners today and performance anxiety was back on the menu. She helped him out of his jean shackles and onto the pillowed table. When he hugged the plushy white thing, it spanned from neck to belly button, his compressed erection pressed against the bottom base and his knees on the mattress underneath.

"Shouldn't I be facing the other way?"

"Why? Are you getting cold feet? Do you need to touch Christine's tits again? Christine!"

"On it! Here you go, Liam."

Christine appeared on the side of the table where Liam's reddening face rested. She placed her chest on the mattress right under Liam's chin and let the boy use them as pillows as well as stress balls. It worked. Liam was much more relaxed now, enough to not pay much attention to the sound of gel squirting out of a tube and the follow-up slicking on a spongy surface.

"Wait!" but the Futa's giant cock was already breaching his tiny asshole and had enough lube on the glans to plunge a foot deep before he finished the word. He had seen the meat between their legs, had acknowledged how ridiculously big they were, but the dilation of his ass was reporting a size almost double the witnessed flaccid girth.

His hands squeezed Christine's breasts like handlebars during an uphill bike ride as he sucked air through his teeth. He was sure the cock was already balls deep but the slowly rhythmic back-and-forth kept making advances in there, past his rectum and up his large intestine. He was unable to speak the entire time that he felt his ass swallow the mutant eggplant inch by inch, absolutely certain and absolutely wrong that every new inch had to be the last. The cock wasn't even halfway in yet.

A warm, soft crotch against his buttocks, indicating the end of the journey, allowed a part of him to relax just enough that he regained the mental capacity to speak or at least grunt and moan from the debilitating sensation of his entire descending colon stretched long and wide. The pain of penetration had dulled and he let go of Christine's melon, leaving red finger marks across the milky skin.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" Liam asked Christine, temporarily forgetting the sensation of two 2L cola bottles back to back in his ass.

"I'm fine. You're always worrying about other people. I really like that about you. Lucy didn't know it was your first time; she would have been more gentle. Right, Lucy?"

"Oh yeah, sure... definitely." Lucy began to slowly rock her hips. A gentle motion at first but gradually picking up speed and amplitude, acclimatizing Liam's ass to its new shape.

"What is the condom for?" Liam asked through clenched teeth. He had a million things to say but this question puzzled him the most.

Lucy replied with no pause in her thrusts. "It's a pegging condom for futa partners. When we use a tight little ass like yours, your body is our condom, but what's stopping you from making a nasty mess all over the bed. With this new material, we hope to hold five hundred male loads without having to waste time changing rubbers. That's only the equivalent of half a futa load, though. That's why I said futa condoms were technically impossible with today's tech."

"How will you know it can hold five hundred loads?"

"... by making you cum five hundred times of course."

"I don't think I can cum at all like this." There were a few giggles from behind Liam after he said this.

Christine widened her smile. "You will once you get used to it. I think you're already starting to like it, you're going much easier on my breasts.

"It's a bit uncomfortable but it... it's certainly stimulating.

The cock inside his ass was moving fast enough to fight against the suction in his bowels like it could pull them inside out. But, just before they actually might, the cock plunged back in and warped them the other way. His prostate, already squished against the inner base of his cock and scrotum by the sheer girth of the invader, was getting a deep tissue massage and building up an irresistible urge to cum.

"You can squeeze my breasts as hard as you want," Christine said, sensing the boy was about to lose it.

And Liam did. Christine's bosom was his only release waiting for the other imminent release. The cock in his ass was picking up a merciless rhythm. Lucy's moans were getting louder, more feral. A few moans even escaped his own lips.

"After this is over, do you want to grab a coffee?" Christine asked Liam at his most vulnerable.

"I... I would like that." His limbs shivered, his back arched, his muscles tensed, and, moaning passionately between perfect breasts, Liam filled the tip of the condom with his seed.

But Lucy didn't give him time for pillow talk; she had not slowed down her strides and now had one leg up on the table to better slap her ballsack against his. The next time Liam came was not five minutes later as a flood of girl-cum drenched his bowels. He felt its warmth grow inside him as she packed a thousand-loads' worth of cream up his bum.

"Ahhhh, I feel better now. I like this ass, so tight and convulsing. When you're done with your coffee, Christine, you better bring him back to our room for the night."

"I always share my boys with you, Lucy."

Lucy's softening cock allowed for a painless, sloppy exit. Liam clenched hard to keep the cum inside knowing how much the girls hated messes but found his anus gaping and unresponsive. He was ironically relieved to feel a dry plug against the twitching hole, even if it was attached to an even bigger cock. The new girl was as violent as she was big right from the get-go, taking full lunges before slamming into his ass, sending tingles of nerve damage down his legs.

"It's Madison by the way. After you're done in their room, you should crawl over to mine next door. My roommate and I are going to ruin your ass so bad, you'll never walk straight again."

"Is... Is that a good thing?"

"Oh yeah, you'll love it."

"Hey Christine, move your tits over; I need to clean up," Lucy said, nudging her cock against Christine's cheek.

"You think you can handle the rest without me, Liam?" Christine asked.

"Yeah, I'm starting, ow, to get used to it, ow" or at least Liam thought he would be once Madison calmed down. However, his hands were heartbroken to feel softness incarnate slip away from their fingers."

"Open wide, Liam this is your mess," Lucy said with a twitching cock almost fully erect again and dripping with seminal fluids from its time in his ass. This was the first time he saw a futa erection instead of simply guesstimating its size by the circumference of his anus. Madison's pounding was numbing his brain; he couldn't understand what Lucy wanted.

"She wants you to clean her cock with your mouth," Christine said, by now an expert at reading Liam's confusion. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"But it's considered super impolite not to," Lucy added.

Liam looked to Christine to know if Lucy was joking. She shrugged her shoulders, pursed her lips, and nodded.

"Sorry. Don't. Know. All. Rules. Yet." Liam paused between each word because the cock in his ass punched hard enough to throw his head forward.

"You'll learn," Lucy said, smooching the slimy glans against Liam's lips. Out of options, he parted his lips but the cock seemed impossibly big. Yet, once again, he was wrong about male anatomy, Lucy wrestled the cock head past his teeth even as it had grown nearly to its full size. "Hnngh, gluk" were Liam's last word before his entire esophagus got the anal treatment and he turned into an accordion with ballsacks slapping an orifice on each side.

Liam rolled his eyes when Madison corkscrewed her naval against his buttocks for maximum depth, he was so relieved to no longer have to endure her pounding that he came for a third time while more futa batter spilled in his guts.

"Alright, Kim, you're up," Madison said after an ejaculation that lasted several minutes. "Don't take too long, I want to go again soon.

Liam's eyes crossed as the entire length of Lucy's cock slid off his tongue, the seminal waste replaced by sticky spit. He had time for one shallow breath before Madison's dirty cock took her friend's place. Once again, the girl proved that rough sex was the only way she liked it, even at the expense of his throat.

"As much as I like a stretched rectum around my cock, I still think we would have gotten more data if we used Sodobot." Kim was the next one to plug the hungry hole. She stayed deep, massaging her own cock with gentle thrusts and pushing hard against Liam's prostate with every pounding of bodyweight to juice every ounce of cum of him. It worked instantly.

"That infernal machine is nowhere near ready, Kim. It destroyed all of our test dummies," Lucy said.

"I'm pretty sure I'll get those minor bugs fixed by next weekend. Bring your boy toy to the lab when you're done with your little dates and he can be the next dummy. Does that sound goo, Liam?"

Liam didn't hear anything but the sound of a cock waves in his cranium, but everyone was looking at his so he gave a thumbs up.

"It's your funeral," Lucy said.

Kim's addition to the semen pool gave Liam a cum tummy. That girl must have been holding out for longer than her friends to dump so many liters inside him. But Liam wasn't worried about that because Christine was next. She reminded him that her cock was the biggest by depositing it on his back. That monster touched the back of his neck and split his buttcheeks wide as she rubbed the shaft in between.

"I'll be gentle," she whispered so close to his ear that her lips grazed the lobe, sending tingles down his spine.

"You don't have to... if you don't want to," Liam stuttered with anticipation.

"I'm happy to hear you say that. I like it rough. Real rough."

"Hey, enough lovebirds, my cock is dripping over here."

"Sorry!" Liam opened his mouth wide and regretted not having taken a deeper breath when Kim's cock crushed his windpipe. He also regretted giving Christine the green flag because the sweet girl turned out to be a sex demon. She jumped on the table and positioned herself like a cat ready to pounce. Her hands were pinning his arms and her cock was lined up for the kill. Liam's muffled screams as she remodeled his colon by using her monster cock like a jackhammer seem to stimulate Kim enough for the girl to beat Christine to the punch in his mouth. Eventually, Christine caught up and for a few minutes, both girls were stuffing him with cream like the last twinkie. And Liam joined them, the condom still working as advertised.

The rest of the weekend was unforgettable. Liam went through every range of emotion, cumming in his inflating condom every five minutes. Ejaculation sometimes hurt enough to cry but the sex was too good to stop himself and passing out was only an option during the few seconds between cocks.

A friend once told Liam that futas did not need sleep. He dismissed it as a silly urban legend but the four riders took care of him for two straight days and never missed their turn. He had lost all concept of time when Kim announced to loud cheering that the test subject had cum for the five-hundredth time. It was Sunday morning. Liam had lost his virginity on Friday afternoon. His cock was resting on a big white balloon of his own making.

"What do we do now?" asked Madison.

"We see how many more loads it takes for it to pop?" suggested Kim.

They held a vote. Four yeas, no nays, and one abstention; the motion carried.


Even after a whole day of sitting in classes, Liam's butt, no, his entire colon was still masticating invisible flesh rods. The deep tingling had not waned in the slightest, and he wondered if the sensation would follow him for the rest of his life. It wasn't unpleasant; it just made it impossible for him to listen to a teacher drone on without daydreaming about his experience in the engineering lab and his upcoming date with a gorgeous girl, all while hiding an erection under his desk. 

Later that afternoon, at the campus café, the phantom futa cocks were still plowing his ass, but Liam was at peace, swimming in the ocean of Christine's big blue eyes across the table. He had barely tasted his drink, but that was not only because of his beautiful date and her braless melons resting on the table and framed by her long, blonde hair; it might be weeks of digesting all the cum clogging his system before he could be hungry or thirsty again. 

"So, did you have fun this weekend? Can we count on you for more testing?" Christine asked, twirling a straw in the whipped cream of her ridiculous Venti Mocha Frappuccino and biting her lower lip.

"It was... intense. I can't stop thinking about it. But, I'm not sure..." his voice dropped to a whisper, and he leaned close, respectfully keeping the prominent cleavage of his date in his peripheral vision only, "I'm not sure my body can take this kind of abuse again. Not for a while anyway." 

"Aww..." Christine made an exaggerated pout. "And here I was hoping I could bring you back to my dorm after this and slap my balls against yours without rest from the moment we crossed the door until sunrise the next morning."

The tingles suddenly grew more potent, and Liam's cock swelled in his pants. A foot? No, something bigger than a foot was sensually running up his leg during Christine's offer. The dripping wet glans appeared between his legs like an escaped snake, pushing against his own erection and making a damp patch on the crotch of his jeans. He had been confident his hazy weekend memory had exaggerated the size of a futa cock, but there it was... as big as a baby's head with a hungry hole mouthing his name. 

Christine had more to add to her enticing proposal: "If you were up for it, I would have rearranged your insides with my big, hard cock until you're nothing more than a sock full of cum. I would have fucked you raw until you begged me to stop, but to me, it would sound like fuck me harder, please."

"Well... we can still go to your place. Maybe I will feel better by then." Liam should have been terrified, but the part of him in charge of maintaining anatomical integrity had been tied up and gagged by the part in charge of maintaining boners.

"Sorry, I get a little intense when I'm horny." Christine took another sip of her coffee but now every small action made Liam think about sex.

"No, I... I like that about you. You're passionate. And you make me feel... useful."

"You're so adorable. Can we ditch the coffees and head back to my dorm right now?" Christine knew the effect she had on boys, and all of her questions were rhetorical.

"Sounds good to me!"

"Just one little thing before we go..." Christine pointed to the table with her pupils a few times, but Liam wasn't getting the message. "Futa erections don't go away on their own..."

"Oh, no. What are you going to do?" Liam looked around the crowded café with genuine concern. Was this his fault? He didn't want Christine to be embarrassed or ostracized because of her dual equipment. Someone only had to bend over to pick up their bag to see the giant, secret erection propping up the skirtless table.

"There's nothing I can do without your help."

"Oh? Oh... You want me to rub it for you?"

"Not with your hands, but yes. You know first hand how much of a mess I can make unless I cum in something tight and stretchy."

OK, the subtlety had reached rock bottom, and Liam was finally picking up what Christine was laying down. "Can I... use my mouth?" It was better than dropping his pants and awkwardly shuffle under the table, blindly lining up his ass while everyone in the place turned to see what was making all that noise. But not by much.

"As long as you do it deep enough. And you know what I mean by deep, right?"

Yes, by now Liam understood a futa's lack of half-measures. He took a few seconds to analyze the situation, knowing Christine was growing impatient. The first foot of cock would need to disappear quickly so that he could hide under the table and the girl's skirt. He knew his mouth could stretch wide enough when pushed to its limit; he had seen the magic trick happen all weekend. But that was with the leg strength of a mighty futa behind it. His own limbs were still shaky from all the cocks rubbing against his spinal cord during his guinea pig days.

His hands reached out for the glans, trying to size it up better than his lying eyes could. No good. His eyes were telling the truth. Even at the neck, he couldn't choke this monster out with both hands.

"You're such a tease, Liam. I want to cum so bad, it hurts."

"Sorry, I'm just not used to doing this on my own."

"Just pretend you're swallowing a pool noodle."

"Yeah, OK." Liam didn't see how that would help, and he had never seen a pool noodle that thick anyway.

He pulled back his chair, grinding it loudly against the floor despite his best efforts to remain inconspicuous. You're just tying your shoe. That's what people are going to think. And before they start wondering why it's taking you so long, they'll have forgotten about you. Your head will be a bump under a girl's skirt, and you're not supposed to stare at a girl's legs in public.

Liam dropped to one knee and, with his hands on his shoelaces, was bobbing for apples in the air, looking for a good angle on the slippery knob. With cheeks coated in precum, he realized the shoe-tying charade was a total flop; he needed his hands to hold the cock steady as he forced himself on it. 

The penis was warm and throbbing like Christine was ready to flood the café with a torrent of her jizz. He did his best to operate quickly. His jaw complained first, then the corners of his mouth. He only started making steady progress once his hands could reach the legs of Christine's chair and his full upper-body strength help counteract the resistance in his throat.

While the first half took minutes, the second half took seconds. Christine's heel pressed against the back of Liam's head and, even from an awkward angle, forced his body forward until her cock head pressed against the bottom of his already cum-lined stomach. Futa legs are strong. At least throwing up some of yesterday's liquid meals was no longer a possibility with the entrance completely sealed. 

A few inches later, his lower lips made contact with the smooth texture of pulsating futa balls. The glans was like the head of a plunger, the suction amplifying its enormousness. Liam knew that reducing the swelling was the only way out of this spitroast.

The skirt was slipping off his head, but Liam caught it before the lewd display was made fully public. 

"No, I want to feel my fingers through your hair," Christine said, admitting the skirt slip was no accident. 

In no position to negotiate, Liam let go of the fabric, and though he could only see the hairless flesh of his date's navel, the afternoon light made him feel exposed.

Chin buried in ballsack, Liam had to pancake his tongue to get it out of his mouth, but its tip successfully touched down, and he wiggled it as best he could, hoping it added more pleasure than awkwardness to his performance. The quicker this was over, the smaller the chances of someone catching them in the act.

Then, Christine moaned. A good thing? In the privacy of a bedroom, yes. In a crowded café, no. She was loud and unashamed. Perhaps Liam fell victim to his own prejudice. He assumed a futa would be embarrassed about her cock because, as an insecure boy, he figured he would be in her shoes. 

There was a shift in tone to the background chatter of the café. It was becoming less chaotic, more focused, and Liam feared he knew why. Christine liked it deep, but he allowed himself to pull back just a little, enough to see the world beyond his table from the very corners of his eyes. And before being shoved back against the crotch, he noticed black rectangles on the left, black rectangles on the right. Phones. Christine's moans had drawn a crowd, and both their secrets were being shared with the world. 

Christine's moans reached a crescendo as her fingers dug deeper into Liam's scalp. Every sound seemed amplified now that he knew people were close enough to hear them. His glucks and gags, his slurps and gulps. Even the squirting of cum inside his body seemed to resonate beyond the witnesses' gossip and giggles. The heat of his face turning crimson could almost compete with that of the cock morphing his stomach like a water balloon left unattended on an open faucet.

Liam's head was locked between squirming thighs, the flow of jizz as endless as he remembered. At least it lasted long enough for onlookers to get bored and move on. Maybe he would not be recognized in any of the footage. Even if he was, Christine was not ashamed of publicly displaying their love, so why should he? 

A few more squirts accompanied Christine's final orgasm twitches. Then she let her toy pull out a couple of feet so he could suck her urethra dry like a good boy. The last few mouthfuls were painful swallows, but Liam didn't want his date to leave a trail of drips on the way to her dorm room. His exhausted legs barely got his cum belly up the stairs. Maybe Christine could settle for a night of snuggling and postpone the ass-breaking all-nighter for their second date... if she thought he deserved one.

"Finally, I was just about to suck my own cock!" The redheaded Lucy opened the door while Christine was still looking for her keys wearing even less than the last time Liam saw her. Instead of a short lab coat, she was wearing... nothing. Her breasts were not as big as Christine's but striking for their perkiness and pierced nipples. She was stroking her giant futa cock in the doorway with an eerie casualness.

"Sorry, had to dump a quick load before leaving." 

"Oh, so you don't mind if I go first." Lucy tilted her head sideways for a better look at Liam's butt. 

"Wait a minute..." Liam tried to interrupt, but it was like the girls were talking about him like he was a fleshlight Christine had brought home from the sex shop. The weekend conversation about the two roommates sharing everything came back from the recesses of his mind, and he realized the time to object would have been then, not so much now.

"He's my boyfriend, and I decide who goes first..."

"Boyfriend?" Did she just make it official? Gravity dissipated and let Liam float up to the nearest cloud, where he was too far to hear the rest of his new girlfriend's sentence.

"...and I say we fuck his ass together."

"Relax, Liam. You're shaking." Lucy said, her voice smiling while a hand caressed the boy's butt, taking in the nervous shivers. The other hand was trying to loosen up his asshole a little bit but encountering clenching resistance even with "only" three fingers, a pinprick compared to the size of her hard futa cock impatiently waiting its turn. 

Christine had abandoned Liam to the whims of her roommate, prioritizing a phone call. She headed for her bedroom while pulling her shirt over her head and through her long blonde hair. Liam was too entranced by the hint of swaying boobs spilling over the sides of her ribcage as she walked that he didn't notice a naked Lucy getting closer until she had him by the collar. A second later, he was thrown pantsless on the living room couch with a judo move. Some men are skilled at snapping off bras; Lucy seemed like a master of taking off pants. Liam wouldn't have been surprised if she had her ten thousand hours of practice.

Lucy spent a few seconds fondling the engorging bulge in Liam's of his underwear, keeping an eye at the bedroom's doorway for signs of Christine as if this was an act more taboo than destroying his anus. Seeing that Christine was taking more than the five seconds worth of patience she had, Lucy yanked the tighty-whities down to his ankles and let Liam's full erection plop free. 

And that's how Liam ended up with his legs stuck against his head by the band of his underwear and a trio of fingers rimming his anus either as a warmup or simply to pass the time.

Liam was more worried about his erection than his vulnerable rectum; when Christine returned, she would think, with good reason, that his erection was because of Lucy's bare breasts dancing in his face as she probed his anus. They jiggled at her slightest movement, and the barbells going through the nipples fascinated him. A girl like that probably derived insane pleasure from a little pinch or flick. Not that he would ever dare touch Lucy without being asked first. He was a gentleman, a devoted boyfriend, and also... he figured Lucy wouldn't be shy about punching him in the dick if he crossed an arbitrary line. In his experience, futa sex was mostly about providing a tight warm hole for giant cocks.

"Sorry. My butt's really tender from this weekend's science experiment." Liam wasn't sure why he was apologizing for his butt being extra shy after everything it endured lately. Some of its destruction was at the hand of Lucy herself. "I know you'll be gentle, but I can't really help myself; it's clenching on its own."

"I never said I'd be gentle. Christine!" Lucy yelled out. "Ready or not, I'm about to start without you." It was not clear whether 'ready or not' applied to Christine or Liam's anus.

Christine came out of her bedroom, now skirtless as well as shirtless. Liam tilted his head way back over the couch for an upside-down view of her naughty bits jiggling as she walked. Liam smiled a goofy smile. He had seen and even touched her breasts before, but he rarely got to appreciate the perfect hourglass that was her body without a navel in his face, a nice distraction from Lucy now prying his ass open with four fingers from each of her hands. Christine put bikini models to shame, and though Liam was being passed around like a blunt at a party, she was all his. 

Christine's free cock swung as she walked, its girth almost as thick as a third leg and hanging well past her knees. It was beyond comprehension that a cock tat big had fit in his mouth less than an hour ago and inside his then-virgin ass on that faithful Friday when he became a man. Should he need to make sure it wasn't all a dream, he only needed to close his eyes and feel the throbbing in his throat and colon, like a memory tattooed inside his body.

"I know, Miss, but something important came up. Yes, it's a boy... Maybe... OK, OK, hang on; I'll send you a picture." 

Christine tapped her phone, held it like a ceiling light over Liam, and asked him to smile. "Lucy put your cock on him for reference."

Lucy did just that, and the hole of her glans gave Liam a wet kiss on the chin. His trepidation at having a cock as long as his torso was sending mixed signals, and he realized the smile he made for Christine's picture must have made him look like a prisoner of war. Then it hit him... picture?! Should he really be letting Christine take pictures of him pantsless with the tip of a futa cock an inch away from his mouth?

"That's him. Yes. No. No, he won't mind. Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice anyway. Guess I'll see you soon."

"Uhm, Christine, who did you send that picture to?"

Christine finished her sigh before acknowledging the boyfriend under her boobs. "Hmm? Oh, it's my Futa Studies professor. I wanted an extension for my report so we can have fun together all night, but she would only agree if she could come over and join us."

"That woman always invites herself to other people's parties," Lucy said. "With a cock as big as hers, you'd figure she could have any boy she wants."

"I wouldn't say that bigger is better, Liam interjected timidly. "But... how big are we talking about here?"

"You seem to care a lot about size for someone who says size doesn't matter," Lucy said.

Christine put a hand on Liam's cheek. "Don't be scared. If you can take two Futa cocks at once, you'll probably be fine." Then she bent down to plunge her bosom into Liam's face. The boy emerged between the tits with another one of his now-trademark goofy smiles and got a kiss on the nose as a reward for his change of attitude. With his head on a pillow of boobs and fingers pushing against his prostate for the last five minutes, this peck was all it took for him to have a little premature accident.

"Eww, Christine, your boyfriend is squirting all over himself."

"I'm so sorry." Cum was pooling in Liam's belly button, the usefulness of the super condom more obvious than ever.

"You're so cute." Christine booped his nose when she previously kissed. "Alright, let's get started. I want to cum deep inside that little ass before Miss Sullivan arrives and warps it completely out of shape."

"That's all I needed to hear." Lucy took advantage of Liam's post-nut bliss by shoving her cock up his temporarily relaxed asshole. With a half-gasp, half-moan, Liam lost all of his remaining strength. He stared at the disappearing cock with disbelief until it had wholly vanished inside his colon. His rectum clenched hard in surprise, but it was far too late; any resistance now only made it more pleasurable for the cock assaulting his digestive system.

She didn't lie earlier; Lucy was not gentle at all. She was able to take long lunges of almost the entire length of her cock to bump her navel against Liam's balls. The moaning boy was fading between the couch cushions as he was being drilled, every sensation amplified compared to yesterday. It must have had something to do with his healing rectum getting destroyed all over again. Liam's prostate was not complaining about getting pancaked, though; his sperm-covered penis betrayed his true feelings about being used like a cocksleeve by his girlfriend's roommate by sporting a fresh erection.

"Is it cheating if I cum inside him without you?"

"Hang on, I'm here. I'm here. Let me just get a bit of lube." Christine scooped most of Liam's mess from his happy trail and rubbed it on the glans of her engorging cock.

"That's right. I forgot that you treat your boyfriends like princesses."

"Maybe fucking them raw is why you can never get a second date."

"Worth it." To gesticulate her point, Lucy slammed her body weight against the couch to send her cock at a depth that temporarily made Liam lose all feeling in his legs. He tried to think unsexy thoughts; what would it look like if he came from Lucy's gut-smacking cock right in front of his girlfriend?

"Can you make him cum again? I need his ass to loosen up a bit." Christine said, answering Liam's question. She didn't mind so long as he was happy.

"OK, but you're getting the messy end this time." 

The sensation of being rotated around an impaling cock was like having your intestines untangled. With flexed abdominal, the athletic, pink-haired futa could lift Liam off the couch by his bent-backward arms. Liam's only point of contact against gravity was the cock in his ass. His erect penis flapped as she jerked him like the reins of a dogsled, spraying the last drops of his previous ejaculation on the living room carpet. The feeling of a futa cock making his hollow-body whole again easily offset the pain in his near-dislocated shoulders.

Then Christine's soft hands caught his metronome penis and toppled the balance in pleasure's favor. To get any sort of non-cock-in-hole affection from a futa was the ultimate proof of love in his mind. She barely had to put in effort in her handjob before Liam came again. He felt guilty for oozing her palm without warning, but the futa just spread it on her gland like butter on toast.

"OK, he's ready," Christine said, and Lucy pulled on Liam's arms until the warmth of her soft breast and the contrasting sting of the cold barbells touched Liam's back. It was Christine's turn to take advantage of his post-ejaculation sphincter relaxation.

"This might feel a little... intense," she whispered in his ear before pushing her slimy cockhead against the thin line where his stretched rim met the veiny, expanding meat of her friend. 

Liam's vision blurred as his eyes crossed. A second cock was almost too much for his poor little ass to bear, but almost too much turned out to be just enough. His flattened prostate kept him in a near-constant state of mind-numbing pleasure while the girls made his limp body dance like a stringless puppet on their cocks.

It took some adjusting, some temporary compromises, but the futas managed to both go balls deep inside the same hole. Despite mild suffocation, Liam was happy in the warmth of Christine's bosom while Lucy's breasts massaged his neck.

"Fuck yes, I missed this so much," Lucy said. "We almost never get to double-fuck a guy's ass anymore."

"You're welcome," Christine replied.

"Are you catching up? I have a whole day's bounty ready to feed his ass," Lucy said, her cock throbbing.

"You didn't masturbate at all today?"

"I had a feeling you'd be bringing home a snack."

"Let me pump him for a minute, then I'll be all caught up."

Shuffling its feet, the beast with three backs moved closer to the couch until Lucy could throw herself across its length. Tied by the cocks with a rubber band called Liam, Christine was yoinked on top of her, squirming boyfriend still between them.

Liam's loving girlfriend adjusted herself in a position of power with one foot on the couch and the other firmly on the floor. Being double stuffed by giant cocks was the most intense feeling Liam had ever experienced, yet he felt like a butt-virgin again when one of the cock went from soaking to grinding inside him.

Making sure she was low enough for her tits to slap Liam's face as she moved and for his cock to get scrubbed between their navels, Christine went all out on his stretched ass.

Liam spurted more cum on his chest that Christine's tits spread around like big soft luffas. He came three times before his partners had their first orgasm, yet he felt the balance about to shift.

"I think I'm ready for my first load," Christine told Lucy for timing purposes.

"Fuck, I'm already on it. Go-go-go..." and Lucy trailed off into a deep animalistic moan.

It was like flushing a toilet full of cum, and Liam's colon was the drain. He bleated like a sheep, digging his fingers into Christine's back. She didn't seem to mind, eyes locked into his as she pushed rope after rope down his intestines. 

All three spent a few minutes in a panting sandwich after the deluge of semen that turned Liam into a cream-filled pastry. Lucy was the first to recover. "Alright, flip him like a pancake. He's done on that side."

Without much consideration for the spasming anus clenching their cocks, the girls shuffled around until Liam was lying butt-up, face-first on a cushion of his girlfriend's soft tits. Their chests were sticky with his cum, but Christine didn't seem to mind. The added pressure of Lucy's weight on his massive cum bulge was the only disturbing part. That cum wasn't coming out from the plugged end, that was for certain. He could feel it slug up his guts the more Lucy squeezed him in a way that felt intentional.

Now on top, it was Lucy's turn to control the rhythm of her thrusts. "I'm going to make you squeal, little piggy." She whispered in his ear before rubbing her cock vigorously against her roommate's inside his ass.

"Ignore her. Just kiss me."

Getting fucked hard by her friend was not how he imagined his first kiss with Christine, but this relationship was full of surprises. Lucy's grunts and the screams of his destroyed assholes stopped existing in this moment of passion. All three cocks ejaculated at the same time. Only one made a mess because it wasn't in a tightly sealed container. Though Liam released an impressive tablespoon of semen because of the intensity of his double-anal orgasm, it was nothing compared to the gallons of fresh cum rushing down his bowels. He wanted this moment to last forever, undisturbed...

No one heard the knock at the door. Christine's Futa Studies professor must have just barged in. "Hello, girls." She was standing by the couch.

Thick-rimmed black glasses, dark hair in a messy bun, a black shirt with more unbuttoned buttons than buttoned buttons, which put most of her black-laced bra on display, there was no doubt she Christine's sex-craved teacher. The cock she had stuffed into her pantyhose was so big that the part appearing under her pencil skirt was twisted folded like an anaconda in a net. And if she didn't look enough like a sexy Halloween version of a strict teacher, she was slapping her left palm with a thick wooden ruler.

"Are you done warming him up for me?" The cock in the woman's stockings was engorging. Soon the giant futa cock would break through the stretchy fabric, and Liam imagined his ass would soon feel the same way.