Asher's Futa Opportunity part 1 by RenSilver

So, yeah. My name is Asher. I'm you're not-so-average high schooler. I'm 18, that's required by law, a senior for as little while longer, and a futa. For those that don't know what a futa is, why are you even reading this?

How I became a futa isn't really important to this story...yet. Let's just say it involved making several life choices and agreements that I'll probably regret further down the road...starting about chapter 18 or so. But for now, I'm a hot girl with a bit extra. Well, more than a bit, really; otherwise, what's the point?

Let's see, oh yeah, me. I was a skinny white girl with crappy skin, mussy hair, and a flat chest. Now, I'm still that white girl but with an awesome figure, hair that stays in any style I want, clear skin, and a pair you just want to bury your face in.

I live at home with my mom, dad, and brother. I have a sister, too, but she moved out when she started college across town.

My mom, Angela, is a total manipulative bitch. It's probably because she's always been gorgeous and, unfortunately, always known it. Her family was rather well-to-do and doted on her like a princess. She always got what she wanted and was even a frickin' cheerleader in high school.

Why she married my dad, I don't know. I mean, I know why I'd marry him, but I don't know what made her do it. Dad was a dork in school, bookish, and not popular. Apparently, he liked to work with his hands, though.

Mom's the disciplinarian of the family. I wasn't surprised to find bondage gear in that box she keeps beside her bed that I'm not supposed to know about. She's uptight, strict, and mean to my dad. From the fights I wasn't supposed to overhear, I don't even think they've slept together in over a year. She's apparently holding out on him for some reason.

My dad, on the other hand, is a sweetie. A nice guy with a dad bod coming on, but he's still handsome. I mean, I'd fuck him, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Dad is the one always taking care of me behind Mom's back after she's gone off on one of her holier-than-thou tirades. She's not religious, just a bitch.

Dad recently lost his job of like a decade and is currently doing the house-dad thing while looking for something new. Mom, on the other hand, is a corporate bigwig, which is something else that feeds her ego. If she weren't such a prude (yeah, I know the bondage thing surprised me too,) I'd bet she's probably got a piece or two on the side that she keeps tied up in her office at work.

Thomas, my older brother by two years, is in college here at the local community college but still living at home. He's that shy, quiet type of nerd who's into video games and wearing the hood of his hoodie up while in the house. He's cute, and if he cleaned himself up a bit, could easily nab himself a girlfriend...or a boyfriend, I don't judge. He's a good ear, even if I don't know if he's listening half the time. Plus, he's got a car and will take me places if I ask nicely.

My sister Remmi is a senior at the state college across town. She got herself a gymnastics scholarship and didn't have to bother with the community college. She won the genetic lottery of the family and inherited mom's rockin' good looks. She does great makeup, has stylish clothes and is smooth, if you know what I mean. Sadly, she moved out right about the time I could have really used her help with all of that. We always picked on one another, but what sisters didn't?

This all do I put this? I'm horny, like all the time. It wasn't hard finding a boy willing to do a little sexual exploring with me, but I found they aren't that great at it. I've heard men are better, but I haven't had the nerve to go there yet. Girls, though, girls are amazing in bed.

My best friend Terri, who turned 18 before I did, has been my best friend forever. She lives two streets over and rides the same bus as me. We talk boys and occasionally girls. It seems that she and I are on the same hormonal level most of the time and have the same tastes. Don't get me wrong, she can be a bitch on occasion and delight in my suffering, but I try and return the favor when I can. That's what being friends means, right?

Let's see...anyone else important? No, not really, I guess. So, back to how I ended up with my father's cock down my throat.

That all started after Dad walked in on me getting dressed after a shower. I know, so cliché, right? But it really was unintentional; I just forgot to lock the door. It was one of those awkward moments that you try not to think about. But when I started thinking about it, it seemed like my father lingered just a little longer than he should have before apologizing and hurrying out. Of course, he never mentioned it again and pretended it never happened. But once my horny little mind got ahold of something, it tended to dwell.

Of course, I didn't really think about my dad that way, who does? And he'd never once made any kind of inappropriate advances. It wasn't until I borrowed my dad's computer to do some schoolwork that things changed. While working, I came across a few bookmarks he'd forgotten to hide. Once I knew he had hidden ones, I snooped until I found those as well.

They were all father-daughter porn sites. While I was shocked at first, my hornyness overcame that quickly with all the cute girls and not-quite dad bod guys. I copied all the links and sent them to my phone to explore later.

And that's how I discovered futa. I'd never heard of it before. I was just going down the list of sites my dad had and there was a whole group of futa sites. Most of them had both daughter and dad pitching, which sent my imagination soaring to a whole new level. I mean, I knew my dad was a bit weird, but he seemed so...boring. The thought of him with someone's cock up his ass was...OK, the more I thought about it, the hotter it became.

When I asked Terri about futa, she said she'd love to find one. If she ever did, she'd probably marry them. It was too bad they didn't exist in the sense they were depicted in all the hentai.

After that, I couldn't stop thinking about futa. Of course, whenever I thought about it, I always returned to thinking about my dad. I tried pushing the thoughts aside, but they kept creeping back until I found myself spying on know, for the sake of curiosity.

I tried catching a peak of him all over the place. The pool in the backyard, him doing the dishes, getting out of the shower (that didn't work out so well.) Finally, I'd taken to waking up in the middle of the night and spying on him in bed. Luckily, he liked to sleep nude, but I'd yet to have the courage to yank back his covers while he was sleeping.

It was one such night that I hit the jackpot. I'd gone to bed early, my brother already asleep as he had early classes the next day. I'd hoped my mom and dad would go to bed early as well, and I was rewarded when I heard them padding past my room.

I wasn't a futa yet, just a horny girl with torrid thoughts and filthy fantasies. I cracked my door just as they closed theirs. I looked at my phone and set an alarm for an hour before laying down to do some serious scrolling of porn sites.

By the time my alarm rumbled in my hand, I was so wound up from the porn I was probably going to have to change the sheets.

Sticking my head out of my door, I didn't see a light under my parents' door. I slunk down the hall, listening for any sign they were still awake and was surprised to hear a moan coming from their bedroom.

I'd never heard my parents having sex, ever. Never accidentally walked in on them, nothing. That was how rare they probably did it.

When I got to the door, I could hear that it was my father moaning. In a low voice, he was begging my mom to do something, but I couldn't hear what it was. My mom said something to the negative and then followed it up with a snarky comment I did manage to hear.

"Finally! Now I can take a shower in peace!"

A moment later, I heard the shower start and the door to the bathroom in their bedroom close. I could hear my dad whimpering and couldn't help myself, I cracked the door.

Inside, my father was naked and strapped to the bed. He was face up, blindfolded and had the most raging hardon I'd ever seen. I opened the door a little more and saw the bathroom door was indeed closed.

My dad moaned pitifully again. Seems mom had promised to play with him if she could tie him to the bed. Once she'd trussed him up, she'd left him to suffer. This pissed me off. I'd never trick someone like that...well, I'd trick them, but I'd end up following through in the end.

I slipped inside and closed the door, locking it as they should have. I went to the bathroom door and listened. Sure enough, my mom was taking a shower, the bitch!

Turning back, there it was, what I'd been wanting to see in all its glory. I couldn't help but be drawn to the bed to get a closer look. His cock was a good size and thickness. It was also practically purple it was so hard. As I watched, it throbbed and swayed slowly on its own.

Before I realized what I was doing, I reached out with one finger and touched the tip of his cock, making him gasp.

"You came back?" he asked in genuine surprise. Apparently, this wasn't the first time she'd left Dad hanging.

I'd held several cocks by this point, but none of them were like this. His cock was a solid steel bar in my hand as I slowly wrapped my fingers around it. I couldn't help but imagine what this would feel like pounding into me.

I slowly stroked his cock as pre-cum started to glisten from the head, and Dad groaned. I rubbed my thumb over it, smearing the thin, sticky liquid across its head.

My other hand reached up and grasped his sack gently. I knew guys were sensitive there, but they loved having it played with. He squirmed against his bonds as my hands started to work in unison.

I watched as another slick of precum trickled out, and once again, I couldn't help myself. I leaned over and licked the head. He hissed as my tongue made slow laps around his head, making sure to get every drop of the salty yumminess.

After glancing at the bathroom door to ensure the shower was still running, I took the plunge. Slowly I lowered my mouth onto his dick.

I made sure my lips were moist as they slowly slid over the head of my dad's cock.

He gasped as his head popped into my mouth and my lips sank lower.

Now, I'd given several blowjobs by this point, but I was nowhere near an expert. I knew there was no way in hell I was going to get this beast all the way into my mouth. So, I slid my hand down to his base, my other hand still playing with his balls, and moved my lips further down.

I paused as his cock hit the back of my mouth and thought about what I was doing.

Here I was, in my parent's bedroom, my dad blindfolded and strapped to the bed, thinking his wife was sucking his dick. Instead, the head of his cock was slowly rubbing against the entrance to my throat while my mom was in the shower just a few feet away, oblivious. The thought caused a gush between my legs.

I started moving my lips up and down his cock, my hand moving with me. I kept my lips relaxed, letting my spit fully coat his cock to help me slide easier. By the time I had a good pool of spit running down his balls, he was straining at his restraints so much I thought they would break.

My head was spinning. I felt like I'd been drinking Terri's mom's wine again, but I couldn't stop. The feeling of this warm, taboo cock in my mouth was amazing.

Holding my breath, I swallowed and pushed my head down as hard as I dared, feeling his head slip past the resistance of my throat and into it. My eyes popped wide and I had to fight the urge to gag so hard my eyes started watering. But from the sounds he was making now, it was all worth it.

I tried moving but even a little movement caused my gag reflex to flare and I had to get him back into my mouth proper.

By this time, he was panting and growling with need.

I couldn't help but grin evilly as I knew I was about to make my dad cum in my mouth. I kept going, thrusting my head back and forth in rhythm with my hand stroking him. My hand playing with his balls moved, my fingers finding his ass and one spit-lubed finger sliding inside.

That was all it took. His cock expanded in my mouth, and before I knew it, he was blowing spurt after spurt into my willing mouth. Half of it was in my mouth before I realized what was happening.

I stroked him, while slowly moving my head back and forth, my tongue slipping over his cock slit and feeling another jet spurting into my mouth.

I inhaled, the taste of him coming to me. His seed was thick, salty, and just a little bitter. I waited until I was sure he was finished, then ran it around in my mouth for a moment before swallowing it.

I could feel my father's cum sliding down my throat and into my belly.

I started licking slowly. I licked his cock, his balls and part of his belly where a little cum had dribbled, all the while listening to him panting as he came down from his orgasm.

God, I wanted to know what a guy's orgasm felt like. With how out of it they got, it had to be amazing!

I was surprised when his cock started to harden again as I kept gently licking.

Then the shower turned off.

I realized where I was, and what I was doing and had to get out of there. I don't think I could handle the tongue lashing my mom would give me if she found me here with her husband's cock in my mouth and his cum on my breath.

I quickly slipped from the room, locking the door behind me and dashed back into my room. I locked my door before flinging myself onto the bed. My panties came off, and I opened the button-down sleep shirt I wore, spilling my breasts out.

I looked at the hand that had been stroking my dad's cock only moments before. This hand that had milked the cum out of his balls and down my throat. I plunged it between my legs and began to rub my throbbing slit.

I pushed two fingers inside. The thought of the fingers now inside me were the same ones I'd just used to suck my dad off moments before was hot. When the finger that had been in his ass brushed my face, the smell of his musk pushed me over the edge. It was naughty, and it was dirty, and it gave me the most mind-melting orgasm that left me gasping.

I couldn't move. The waves were just too strong. I rode each one all the way into slumber. My last thought was that I wanted more, I needed more.


 In the morning, it took two rounds in the shower before I felt sated and...clean. Part of me was shocked and ashamed of what I'd done. The other, more powerful part was already trying to think up ways to try it again.

When I eventually told Terri--yes, I tell her everything. She wanted to know every detail in vivid color. She got so horny during class that she dropped her phone, nearly exposing the text messaging trail we'd had going for the past three classes. She wanted that much detail.

Terri tried to get me to go to the bathroom with her, but I knew where that would lead, so I told her I didn't want to get my clothes dirty like last time. She growled in frustration and went by herself. Later, she came back to class very flushed but more relaxed.

Terri was impressed by my newfound boldness. She introduced me to some folks who eventually led me to acquire my new body changes.

I borrowed clothes from Thomas that were baggy enough to hide my "growth spurt" around the house for a week or so until I was eventually found out by my mom (my new body, not my cock.) She immediately took me shopping.

My mom seemed relieved, saying her genes had finally pushed my dad's aside so I could grow into a real woman. Heh, if only she knew.

I was pretty careful with my new wardrobe. While my new accessory was solo...OK, I guess I should explain that part at least. When I got the cock, it was basically as if my clit had just expanded. I still had the rest of my lady parts and couldn't decide if I was happy or relieved with not having balls. I hadn't really specified in the deal. On the one hand, I really wanted to know what that felt like, but on the other hand, I didn't have to worry about sitting on them or anything.

Also, it seemed my parents hadn't so much as blinked about what happened that night. Apparently, neither one talked that much. My dad was happy he'd gotten a blowjob, and Mom had a peaceful shower. I guess they didn't want to jinx it. Whatever.

Now, all I had to do was figure out a way to get my dad to want me enough to risk bedding me, and I had absolutely no idea how to make that happen. Luckily, I had a friend just as depraved as I was.

Terri had been trying to get me to fuck her since I'd acquired my new appendage. I'd been stubbornly holding off, mainly to tease the shit out of her. Trust me, she has it coming. You should see some of the crap she's done to me. We had a sorta, love-hate relationship sometimes.

Now Terri had an idea. It seems my daddy fetish had lit something inside her. She now wanted to try my dad's dick as much as she wanted mine. I told you, she's a degenerate...and my bestest friend.

Her idea was to seduce my dad and have me join in or at least watch while she rode him into the ground. I had to admit, the idea got me both hard and wet at the same time.

Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, I'd played with my new cock...a lot already. I can't count the number of times I'd felt my own hot cum splattering across the skin of my stomach, breasts, and once, when I was really horny, my face! Apparently, an abundance of cum and erections came with the futa package. As soon as I'd hosed myself down, I was ready to go again if I wanted. I swear, I felt just like the hentai I'd been thinking of when I made the deal. Oh, and my cum is amazing, I could drink that stuff out of a glass. But I digress.

Terri's plan was all well and good, but, as usual, fate intervened first...well, I did actually. I'd planned on having Terri come over for a sleepover the following weekend, where she'd start all her diabolical plans. Mom was supposed to be gone on an overnight training for work that night (I wish I could spy on her; I just know she's cheating--I'm one to talk, right?), so it would be perfect.

But, the next day, my libido had other plans.

It was just Dad and me in the house, and I was desperately horny. I think my new cock had doubled my horny factor or something cause rubbing one out by myself didn't seem to scratch the itch I constantly felt now.

I considered a plethora of plans, including leaving the bathroom door ajar when Dad just happened to walk by, you know, the normal internet porn spiel. Instead, I went for a different tactic...truth--after a fashion.

"Hey, Dad?" I asked, finding him in his study.

He quickly shut his laptop...a little too quickly.

"What's up, sweetie?"

"Um...Can I talk to you a minute?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" he said.

"Well, it's kinda, it's a lot embarrassing," I did the whole squirming on the spot routine.

"It's alright, you can tell me anything," he offered in the stereotypical way parents lie to you.

"Really?" I said as he nodded. "Well, you's body."

I saw his flinch a little. In my experience, boys tended to shy away from "girl stuff."

"OK," he said cautiously.

"Well, as you know, I've had a bit of a growth spurt," I said, watching him automatically give me the old elevator eyes. I know he knew my body had changed; I'd caught him looking more than once since the change. I'd even seen him glancing into my room when I'd left the door cracked...not that I'd ever do that on purpose. I was now positive he had me in mind when he was looking at his daughter porn sites.

"Yes, you've flowered into a very beautiful woman," he said.

I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing at the word flowered. My dad was right out of an 80's sitcom.

"Well, I have some questions," I tried to put on the innocent voice that so many men wanted to hear in the porn we both watched.

My dad looked a bit flustered. "Don't you think your mom would be a better source?"

*Mom's a bitch and wouldn't--* The thought popped into my head then, and I had to push it way down as something to think about later.

"Actually, Dad..." I said, and suddenly, I felt a strange panic. Was I really going to do this? If I did this, there'd be no turning back. What if he didn't like me, really? What if I'd misread the whole thing?

My dad, bless him, misread my hesitation.

"Never mind, honey. Tell me what's up. I'll help any way I can, honest." The earnest look in his eyes broke through my hesitation.

In a sudden burst of "now or never," I did it. I pulled the top of my shorts down, revealing my semi-hard cock. Had Dad not always been there for me, supporting me, I doubt I would have had the courage to take this plunge.

"This dad, I need help with this," I said, feeling an unusual burning sensation in my cheeks. I didn't blush, I was a pretty forward hussy. I never got embarrassed. But, as I stood there in front of my father with my new girl cock slowly growing in my hand, I felt my cheeks on fire.

"Wha--" my dad stammered.

"It came with the rest, Dad. Everything sorta grew out, my boobs, my hips, my...cock," I said, trying to bring back the innocent tone but faltering as my cock was growing larger the longer my dad stared at it.

"" was all he seemed capable of saying, all the while never taking his eyes off my member.

"I don't know, but I definitely can't talk to Mom about this. Unless she's also has a--"

"No," my dad said firmly. "She's not got one of those," he said. I swear I saw drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

My cock was fully erect now and starting to throb. I knew I was bigger than my father and wondered what was going through his head. Did he want to touch it? Did he want to suck me off? Would he if I asked?

I couldn't help it; as my thoughts ran away with me, I stroked my cock just a little.

"Dad, this thing gets in the way so much. I had to buy special clothes just to accommodate it. Is it supposed to do this all the time? I mean, I know it's supposed to when you like someone, but I get it all the time!" I whined.

I glanced down and could see his own pants were starting to tent. As I watched him squirm, I noticed the first hint of precum coming from the head of my cock.

God, this was hot. I was standing in front of my dad, slowly stroking my cock right in front of his face. I could practically feel his panting breath on the head of my dick.

"I...uh...well..." Dad's breath was getting short and I could practically see him panting. "Yeah, that happens a lot, honey...and yes, it can be quiet...inconvenient."

Geesh, my dad was trying to recover and actually go into "dad mode" instead of "bang your hot futa daughter" mode.

"I know guys jerk off a lot..." I started.

"Jerk--masturbate, you mean," he said, starting to regain his cool somehow. I couldn't have that.

I ran my finger across the head, smearing the growing flow of precum. This got his attention and he unconsciously leaned back in towards me.

"I know how to get myself off as a girl Daddy," I threw in the word and pushed the voice with obvious effect as I lifted my cock, revealing my glistening slit. I heard him suck in a breath. "But I don't know how to do it with this thing," I whined.

I watched the indecision in his eyes.

"Can you help me daddy?" In my head, I was screaming *suck it already!* as the tension finally broke.

His hands reached out and gingerly wrapped around my cock, making me nearly explode right there. I pulled my hands away as he took over, slowly stroking me. I heard him mutter, "It's real!"

I moaned softly as I watched him watching his own hands, stroking his daughter's futa cock in amazement. A cloud of lust was filling his eyes now.

"Does that feel good, baby?" his voice practically cracked when he said it.

"Oh yes, Daddy," I played along.

He looked up into my eyes, and I saw a flicker of hesitation.

"Don't stop, Daddy, that feels too good," I laid it on thick with the innocent voice.

He stroked my cock in full measure and locked eyes with me.

"Tell me this is what you really want," he said in a strangely serious tone I'd never heard before.

"I want this, Daddy," I said, still in the innocent voice.

His finger expertly rubbed the underside of my cock just below the head, making me shudder in ecstasy.

"Then say it in your real voice," he said, eyes still locked with mine.

A slow smile crossed my face before I said, "Dad, I want this," my voice was my normal tone, albeit a bit throaty from the lust coursing through me. "I've wanted this a while now."

"I figured you found my websites, but I wasn't sure," he said.

"I thought you wanted me to find them," I cocked my head at him, playing a new game.

"Maybe, part of me did," he said, bringing his other hand down and running it gently across my slit, sending a new wave of pleasure through me that nearly made my knees buckle. His fingers were instantly slick with my moisture and easily slipped inside me, causing my eyes to roll briefly.

"Tell me what you want," he said straight, still not taking his eyes off mine.

"God, make me cum already...with your mouth, please with your mouth," I cried.

"All you had to do was ask," he smiled up at me before leaning forward and taking me deep into his mouth.

That was all it took. My cock exploded, firing spurt after spurt deep into his mouth as he expertly sucked every drop down. His fingers gently slid in and out of me as my walls pulsed in time with the spurting. I leaned heavily on his desk to keep from falling. My hands found the back of his head and held on for dear life as my father never stopped sucking and swallowing my seed. This man knew what he was doing.

Slowly, the room stopped spinning and I came back to myself. None of my previous orgasms had been anything like this. They were awesome and all, but this was an entirely new level of awesome.

I gave one final shudder and looked down to see my father's eyes looking up from where his lips were still wrapped around my cock. He gave one final stroke, then pulled off my cock and made a show of swallowing the remnants of my load.

"That was--" but I didn't have words. I needed to invent a new word for what that was.

"Helpful?" He grinned at me and sat back to take in the sight of his sweaty, panting daughter and her futa cock, which still hadn't softened fully.

"Helpful?" I said incredulously. "I'll show you helpful!" I said before dropping to my knees. I had his straining cock free of his pants and into my mouth before he could say anything.

I attacked his cock with a fever. I couldn't help it; he'd lit something naughty in me reminiscent of the week prior. I was horny all over again and I wanted to pay him back for what he'd just done for me. Somehow, it had been more than just a sexual act. But I couldn't ponder that right now, I needed his cum in my mouth.

"It was you, wasn't it?" he said, looking down at me with half-lidded eyes, my lips working him. "Last week, when I was blindfolded."

I licked from his balls all the way to the tip of his cock.

"How did you know?" I asked, reveling in his scent.

"Because your mom can't suck a dick half as good as you can." He smiled.

I took the challenge and went back to stroking his cock with my lips, each time trying to take a little more until he was at the back of my mouth again.

"Jesus, where'd my daughter learn to suck cock like this?" he moaned.

"My friend Terri," I said, pulling off just long enough to speak before jumping back on.

"Easy, slow down; it's not a race," he said, touching my head.

I paused, his cock still in my mouth and looked up at him. I felt so slutty, and excited, and horny! My dad was watching me suck his cock, and he wanted me to take my time. He'd said I gave better head than mom!

"Actually, it is. Mom will be home soon," I said, slobbering on his cock before trying to get it in my throat once more.

"Oh, yeah," he glanced at his watch, then back at me as I managed to get his head into my throat once more.

"Jesus!" he cried, running his fingers through my hair. I've got to thank this Terri!"

I coughed and had to come of his cock, gagging slightly. "Oh, you will. But that's a story for later. Right now, I want to get this thing all the way down my throat!" I said excitedly and threw myself down on his cock.

He managed to control himself long enough to give me a few pointers on how to deepthroat him and stay on it. My dad was teaching me how to suck cock, his cock!

"'re going to make me cum honey!" he warned me.

I took a deep breath and did as he'd told me, stuffing his cock into my throat and holding it there. Just as my lips met my fingers at the base of his cock, I felt him expand and begin to pulse.

At first, I couldn't feel anything. But then I felt his cock jerk, and a jet of cum hit the inside of my throat, then another. I tried to hold it, but the sensation in my throat caused me to cough and gag again. I pulled off just in time for another spurt of cum to splash against my cheek.

I pulled the head of his cock back between my lips and stroked him, milking the rest of his orgasm onto my tongue before swallowing.

It was then I heard the keys in the front door.

"Oh shit, mom!" I hollered, his cock slipping out of my mouth with a "pop!" I stood up quickly, but he pulled me back down to him.

I thought he was going to kiss me, but he held my gaze even as I heard the front door opening.

"We'll talk later, OK?" he said, then delicately licked his splash of cum off my cheek that I'd already forgotten about. His hot tongue instantly caused the now-cold semen to heat up before he kissed me deeply. His cum passed into my mouth and I sucked at his tongue greedily. The exchange was just too damned sexy.

My cock was standing straight out, practically poking him in the chest now.

"OK," I said as the kiss broke.

He nodded and said, "Behind the chair." His tone was casual and not rushed, even though I knew he heard Mom's heels clicking on the stairs.

I managed to tuck myself away in my shorts and straighten up behind Dad's chair as Mom appeared in the doorway. Dad had opened his laptop back up to make it look like he was showing me something. Unfortunately, he had been looking at porn when I'd interrupted him.

I was greeted with the sight of a dark-haired 20-something girl being railed by an older woman who was done up as a futa. Thankfully, the sound was off, as the video alone wasn't helping with my hard-on problem! By this point, the head of my dick was poking out the top of my shorts! I had to untuck my shirt to hide it.

Mom and Dad exchanged pleasantries before Mom headed off to change clothes. As soon as she left, Dad turned to me and said, with all seriousness, "The key to not getting caught is to act like you're not doing anything wrong." He said it like he was speaking from experience. "Don't rush. Take your time, or else you might make a mistake."

I wondered a bit more about what this man, who was my father...and now lover, had done. 


 So yeah, that happened. As I lay in bed the next morning, dreading getting up and going to school, I reflected on what had occurred last night. Of course, this made me horny, and I had to relieve myself before I could get on with the day.

I honestly don't remember school that day. I was in such a daze, daydreaming about my dad. My mind just kept flip-flopping between "Did you really do that?" and fantasizing about things I wanted to try.

We hadn't had time to talk about last night because Mom was in one of her moods and took all of his attention. I mean, yeah, she's his wife, but I really wanted to play some more!

When I got home, I was flushed with excitement about having some alone time with Dad. Sadly, he wasn't there. Thomas was home, playing his video games like always. He barely acknowledged me when I stopped by his room to say hi.

So, I locked myself in my room and returned to the daydreaming I'd been doing all day. My cock was aching by this point as I hadn't been paying any attention to it. I absentmindedly ran my fingers across it while it was still tucked away, teasing myself.

A knock at my door roused me from my sleep. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep at some point.

I guess I hadn't locked my door after all as Dad cracked it open and stuck his head in.

"You decent?" he asked.

"Would it matter?" I said softly enough so that Thomas wouldn't hear me from his room across the hall.

"Everyone's downstairs already, you coming?"

I started to grin at my father's words but stopped, not sure how he meant it. His grin was answer enough for me.

"Dad, can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure honey, but not right now. Everyone's waiting."

I sighed and nodded before rising from my bed.

"You might want to..." My dad pointed at the large wet spot on my jeans from where my cock had been leaking.

"Oh!" I said in uncharacteristic embarrassment and immediately grabbed a pair of shorts from my dresser to change into. When I turned around, my dad still had his head around the door watching me.

I bit my lower lip and slowly began to peel my jeans off in front of him. This, of course, sent a lightning bolt down my cock and it stiffened as I pulled my underwear off.

Dad glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was there before turning back to the impromptu striptease I was giving him.

His eyes were glued to my cock and never wavered, "Incredible," he murmured.

I smiled and slowly pulled my shorts on sans underwear. I took my time slowly moving and adjusting my still-hard cock until I had it safely tucked away. With a sudden thought, I moved it until just the tip was poking out the leg hole of my shorts.

"OK, I'm ready," I said as I approached him.

For just a second, I thought he was going to come in and close the door, but then he growled slightly and tore himself away from the sight of me.

I smiled as he disappeared back into the hallway. Seems I could affect him after all. Sadly, he had more control, which was a good thing. Otherwise, we'd probably be going at it right now.

Dinner was quick, as Dad had brought something in. Mom was in a foul mood. Apparently, something had happened at work, and she'd had to do some honest work for a change. Dad did his best to console her, and Thomas just sat there eating, occasionally mumbling a response to a direct question.

Afterwards, we vegged in front of the TV. I sat across from my dad, where he could see me but I was hidden from everyone else. I did everything I could to catch his eye. Every time I did, I'd make a lude gesture or touch myself to get a reaction. He was a rock, only smiling and nodding at my attention. When I finally broke down and flashed a boob, all it got out of him was a cough.

I wasn't sure what was up with him. Maybe he was having a bout of morality or second thoughts or something. He didn't seem to want to play with me, and it frustrated me to no end.

After two hours of this aggravation, I excused myself and went upstairs to take a shower. I was so frustrated I didn't even get myself off. I just finished up and went to bed.

Later, when I heard Dad open the door to say goodnight before he went to bed, I pretended to be asleep. If he didn't want to play, fine. Then I didn't want to play either. I was still frustrated and a little hurt that he wouldn't play.

The click of him shutting the door as he left was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

A moment later, a hand was shaking me gently awake.

"Ash?" Dad's voice was a whisper.

I rolled over and found his silhouette standing over me. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was like two a.m.

"Dad?" I started before he shooshed me.

"Everyone's still asleep. Follow me quietly." Then he helped me to my still groggy feet and led me downstairs to the basement, where his "office" and a small den were.

He pulled me into the office and locked the door behind us. I plopped down onto the small couch as he turned his desk light on low.

"Dad?" I asked, yawning.

"You said you wanted to talk," he said as he sat beside me.

"That was before you ignored me," I huffed.

"Is that what you're upset about? Sweetie, I was being cautious."

"Cautious?" I asked.

"Yes. We still hadn't talked and I didn't want to misread anything."

"What was there to misread?" I asked. "I was literally showing you my boobs."

"Yes, and they're beautiful. But, I had to make sure."

"Make sure?" I asked.

"Yes baby. What we've done...what we're doing, isn't acceptable behavior."

"Acceptable behavior?" I scoffed.

"Would you rather I say it was wrong?" He looked at me and waited. When I finally shook my head no, he continued. "Trust me, I know how to be daring and sneaky better than most. I know exactly when someone is heading to our basement stairs and when they're coming down, so I know how long I have to get myself decent."

"What, do you have motion sensors or something?" I asked.

"No, I just know the sounds of the house and can watch the shadows on the stairs."

"Why?" I asked. "You keep talking about being sneaky like you've been doing this a while now."

"I have," he nodded. "Ash, I'm a horny guy. A VERY horny guy. Some have told me I'm the most sexual person they've ever met. I'll try anything, usually twice, in case I screwed it up the first time."

I laughed slightly.

"I'm pretty horny myself...sometimes a bit too horny," I sighed. This is how it was with my dad. We could be honest with each other and blunt when we needed to be. We had a pretty special relationship before we started fooling around.

"There is nothing wrong with it, as long as you don't let it control you or get you into trouble," Dad said.

"Like on the couch tonight while watching TV," I said.

He nodded. "There are ways to do what you wanted tonight, but you can easily get caught if you don't know what you're doing."

"Or if you're so horny you're not thinking straight," I grumbled.

"You got it," he said as he booped me on the nose, making me giggle.

"Now, you might not know this about me, but I'm a bit of a slut," he said.

"With how well you were sucking my cock, I figured you had some experience," I grinned.

"Yes," he sighed. I've been with guys, girls, both, you name it. Your mom, on the other hand, she's different. She was a pretty straight-laced girl back in the day. I sorta...corrupted her on a lot of things."

"Is that why y'all got married? You had her wrapped around your finger?" I asked.

"Not as such. She was popular and had to keep up appearances. But she wanted to test the waters and explore sex, safely, before she went off to college. So, she figured no one would believe a geek like me if I said anything, and we started having 'study dates.' I'm not going to say I was some perfect Romeo in bed or anything. I was only 18 at the time, your mom was a hair older than me. But I was perverted. I read and watched A LOT and then tried most of it out on your mom. After a while, it became more than just screwing around," he said.

"Huh," I said, digesting the information.

"What about you?"

"Me?" I asked.

"Are you a pervert too?" He grinned at me.

"I went after and sucked my own dad's cock; what do you think?" I grinned back. When he just kept grinning at me, I continued.

"Yes," I sighed. "I'm horny all the time too. I have been for a while now."

"So, it wasn't your addition down there that did it?" he asked.

"My cock? Oh hell no. I was a slut long before this," I laughed.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, and before you ask, I'm careful." I rolled my eyes.

"You're a smart girl," he said.

I frowned. "I've tried a lot."

"And your friend Terri?"

"Oh, she and I have known each other biblically since my 18th birthday. She was actually my first," I shrugged.

"Really? Y'all have had a lot of sleepovers since then," he started.

"Yes Dad, we've fucked on some of them," I shook my head.

"Maybe I should get some more security cameras?" he said, mostly to himself.

"Yeah, you do that," I said sarcastically.

"What about me?" he asked, turning back to me.

"What about you?" I asked.

"When did you take an interest?" he asked.

"It was the websites," I nodded with him. "I'd never heard of futa before and really liked the idea. The problem was--"

"All the videos you'd seen included a dad," he finished for me.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Sorta came with the package, pun intended. Even when I watched videos without a dad, I still thought about you. Then I started stalking you, trying to catch a peek whenever I could."

"I remember you walking in on me in the shower a few times," he said.

"Hey! You started it!" I glared at him. "Was that on purpose? That first time you walked in on me? Were you trying to see me naked?"

He was quiet for a minute.

"You were! You dirty old man, spying on your own daughter!" I tsked at him and shook my head. "You should be ashamed!"

"I totally am," he nodded. "I should be punished."

We both laughed a moment later.

"Like daughter like father," I said.

"Seems we're both perverted sluts," Dad said.

His words sent a jolt through my groin. I wanted to jump him right then, but another question came to me, and I had a feeling if I didn't ask now, I wouldn't get a chance later.

"Dad, have you cheated on mom?" I asked seriously.

"You mean with you?" He smiled.

"No, with other people. The way you talk about sneaking around..."

"Your mom and I have a sort of agreement. Ever since she seemed to have lost interest in sex, she says she doesn't care as long as I don't bring home any luggage," he said.


"Nothing that won't wash off," he said.

"Oooooh," I got it. "So, you've...with other women--"

"And men. Sometimes both."

"You are a slut, aren't you?" I grinned, breaking the serious moment.

"I'm just horny, and masturbation only goes so far," he said.

"Ain't that the truth," I agreed. "So..."

"So?" He asked.

"So what about us?" I asked.

"What about us?" he grinned.

"Don't tease me!" I complained.

"But you like being teased," he said.

I growled and he chuckled.

"OK. Am I interested? Yes," he began.

"Is it just because...because of my cock?" I asked, suddenly feeling vulnerable.

"Your cock? No. You are a smart, funny, gorgeous woman who I've been fantasizing about since your birthday. Your cock," he cleared his throat. "Your cock is the icing on the cake."

"That was horrible," I groaned.

"Sorry, I am a dad," he shrugged. "Dad jokes come with it."

"Why haven't you said anything before?" I asked. "I mean, it's been a while since I turned 18."

"Do I really have to answer that?" he asked.

"Oh...yeah." I thought for a moment. "You said you've been fantasizing about this. Have you ever...roll played it out?"

He blushed furiously.

"OMG, you have!" I grinned.

"Only with someone who didn't know I had daughters," he said.

"Oh? Is it just me, or do you think about Remmi too?"

Dad blushed even harder.

I shook my head, "Such a slut. Wanting to fuck your own daughters." I tsked again.

"Hey, you were both legal!" Dad grinned. "So, are we back to punishment already?" Dad asked, looking at me slyly.

I laughed.

"So, I take it you want to keep doing this?" Dad said, indicating the two of us.

"Oh fuck yes! You're sexy and have an amazing cock!'re good to me," I blushed a bit then. Again, with this man...he's been the only one who ever made me blush.

"To what end?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How far are you looking to take this?" he asked.

"I haven't thought beyond trying to get your cock down my throat, Dad!" I said in exasperation.

"Is that all you want, oral? Or do you want more?" he asked.

"Oh, I thought you meant something else," I said. I thought he was talking about a relationship or something. I was pretty sure I was just in it for the sex...pretty sure. This was so crazy, though; who knew?

"I did," he said, looking at me. "But let's keep it simple for now. Do you want more than oral?"

I could see him starting to get excited again as the conversation turned.

"Yes Dad, I want more than blowjobs. I want all of it. I want to try everything...twice," I said.

"Just in case you screwed it up the first time?" he grinned at me.

I just nodded as we stared at one another.

"I do have a rule, one I have with everybody I've been with," he said seriously.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"No games. I'm not talking about the innocent voice you like to use roll-playing, or any of that. I'm talking about real mind games. If you want something from me, ask. That's all I want. Be honest and tell me what you want. That way, there's no confusion. And if at any time you want to stop, we stop right then and there," his eyes were on mine as he said it all.

I studied him for a minute, letting his words sink in. This man didn't want to hurt me. He was being so honest it was obvious he'd had problems in the past. Slowly, I nodded and gathered my courage.

"Dad...I...I want you to fuck me," it was really hard saying it for some reason.

He nodded. "Only if you agree to fuck me back sometime."

My eyebrows went up in surprise. I don't know why I was surprised, but I was. But the thought of it was insanely hot and made my cock sit up.

"What?" he said innocently. "You did say you wanted to try everything, and if you think I'd pass up a chance to get banged by a hot futa, you're crazy!" He grinned at me. Then he looked down, "And it appears someone finds the thought attractive."

I didn't have to look to know my cock was rock hard at this point and starting to strain at my shorts.

"You should probably take those off before you make another wet spot," he said, a bit of sexy touching his voice at the end.

"As long as you take responsibility for it," I said as I raised my butt up and started scootching my shorts off. He leaned over and kissed me as my hands were occupied, causing me to stop.

His mouth was warm and inviting. His tongue snaked into my mouth and explored. We shifted, and it was my turn to dart my tongue into his mouth.

Then he was kissing my jaw, my neck and my collarbone.

My shorts were half off, forgotten. I felt his fingers as he slowly unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my breasts.

He stopped and admired my chest long enough for me to start to get a bit self-conscious before his large hands were cupping me, and his mouth was working its way down to a nipple. He massaged my boobs as he took his time licking, sucking and kissing every inch of them. Most guys just pay attention to the nipples, but he gave everything equal, marvelous attention. My cock was poking him under the chin by the time he moved lower.

Moving off the couch and kneeling before me he paused. Glancing up at me he moved to the office door and opened it, causing me to freeze. He then went and turned on the light to the stairs before returning and kneeling at my feet.

When I looked at him and the now wide-open door, he shrugged. "It's how I know if anyone's coming," he said as he finished pulling off my shorts.


"Plus, it's pretty hot, right? The thought of maybe being caught?" he asked.

I had to admit, the thought of getting caught added to my excitement, but that was all forgotten as he leaned over and took my cock into his mouth.

His lips were amazing. Without using anything other than his lips and tongue, I knew this man could drive me wild. Then he was kissing down the length of my shaft. He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward. Pushing me back onto the couch, my cock lay on my stomach as he began kissing and licking my slit.

It was a new feeling. I'd been eaten out plenty before I had a cock, but it mostly involved my clit. My dad was running his tongue through my folds and occasionally diving within. His fingers joined his mouth in exploring my pussy.

All I could do was lay there, staring over the top of my cock at the man that was making noises so lewd I should be offended. Instead, I found myself heading towards orgasm.

How? How can he make me feel this good? Can he make me cum without touching my cock? How? I'd never had an orgasm without some stimulation to my clit. But before I knew it, I could feel the old waves of my girl orgasm washing over me.

My cock just throbbed. It didn't cum as my body was racked by wave after wave of pleasure. How had he done that? My father was an oral God, apparently.

As I lay there, my body still spasming from the aftershocks, I realized I could cum as a girl and as a guy. They were so different. I briefly wondered what it would feel like to have both at the same time, but my father's cock drew my attention.

I felt his hot cock as he rested it along my slit. I looked down to find him looking at me questioningly. All I could do was nod as I watched the head of his cock slip lower until it was resting against my moist lips.

It wasn't the first cock I'd had inside me, far from it. But it was my father's and the thought of what we were about to do sent a thrill running from my pussy to the tip of my cock and back.

Then the head slipped in.

He was probably the biggest I'd ever had, and I could tell. I was being stretched as he continued to slowly sink into me.

I opened my eyes again; when had I closed them? He was looking at me. I bit my lip and spread my legs a bit more to make way for him.

When he bottomed out in me, he leaned down and kissed me deeply. He held his cock still as I reveled in the fullness he was giving me and delighted in the kissing. It was incredibly hot. No one had ever kissed me like this before, and definitely not while fucking.

Then he was moving. It felt like it took forever as he pulled all the way out of me. My pussy made an ugly slurping sound as he plunged back in. Still kissing me, he began to slide in and out of me. No one had done that either, coming all the way out of me and then back in. Normally, they kept the head in and went at it from there. But not my dad. Thankfully, I was insanely wet and his bulbous head slipped between my lips with ease.

I thought he was going to stop kissing me, but he didn't. He just kept fucking me, kissing me over and over. Even when we were both panting for air, his lips still didn't leave mine.

My eyes rolled as he filled me over and over. I started shaking from the pleasure and moaning into his mouth.

I knew the door was open, and the rest of the family was right upstairs. They could come down at any minute and find Dad railing me on the couch. It just made me moan more and louder! Dad didn't stop me from being loud and didn't stop pounding me. 

I could feel his belly rubbing against my cock. My precum had damn near coated my cock, and it was slippery against his stomach. He rubbed and rubbed with each thrust, doubling my pleasure.

He didn't stop, he didn't pause, he just kept going. Longer and longer he went. How he was holding off his orgasm was beyond me. I'd found having an orgasm with a cock was WAY quicker than with my pussy.

His breath was hard and loud in my face as he kept going, making my head swim. His kissing became more frantic and his thrusts harder as he pounded my pussy. I knew he couldn't last at this pace, he had to be close. I savored every second of the fucking he was giving me. It was by far the best sex I'd ever had!

Suddenly he leaned back and pulled his cock from me roughly, causing me to startle. My eyes flared open at the sudden emptiness; then I felt something hot and wet on my cock. As I watched, Dad came spurting his entire load on my still throbbing cock.

I couldn't take my eyes off it. Every time Dad pulled his cock back, it lashed out with another thick rope of cum until my cock was slathered with it.

I was still gasping for breath when he wrung out the last drop onto the base of my cock. Before I knew what he was doing, he'd put both our cocks together in his joined hands and was starting to rub our cocks together.

At first, I'd been disappointed he'd pulled out. As part of my "upgrade" package, I'd been assured I couldn't get pregnant unless I wanted to and that I'd never catch an STD. Don't ask me how it worked cause I didn't know. But I'd wanted to feel him blasting inside me.

But that thought fled at the feeling of him using his cum as a lubricant as his fingers flew up and down our joined cocks. Belly to belly, he rubbed our two cocks together, the thick smell of his semen filling my nose.

"Daaaaaaad," I groaned, my cock already telling me it couldn't take much more.

"That's it sweetie, just let it out. Cum for Daddy!"

His words were like a switch being flicked. He somehow knew I was starting to blow as one of his hands continued to pump our cocks while the other covered our heads as my cum splattered against his palm. I could actually hear it as each spurt hit his hand, coating it before raining back down on our still combined cocks.

The jolting bursts of pleasure my orgasm was giving me threatened to make me pass out. But I held on, fighting to keep my eyes open to watch my father continue to jerk our two cocks off as my orgasm waned.

Then he brought his hands together and smeared our cum together on our cocks. Slick with our joined cum, I watched as he slowly stroked us together, shuddering each time he reached my head.

I looked up as he did the same. We were both wearing the stupidest grins. Then we were kissing again. Slow, gentle kissing.

He'd dropped our cocks and they rubbed against one another as we continued to kiss.

I was exhausted. But, the feeling of our sticky cocks rubbing together between us was getting to me.

I pushed him onto the floor on his back.

"I don't think I--" he began, but I cut him off as I climbed atop him and lowered my sticky cock to his face. As soon as I saw his mouth pop open, I turned and took his salty prick into my mouth in the traditional 69.

He was only semi-hard, and I didn't expect that to change. Unlike me, most guys needed to recover, but I didn't care. I just wanted to clean his cock for him. The thought of licking our combined juices made me light-headed. All these dirty deeds we were doing kept fueling my twisted thoughts. The more things I did, the more perverted ideas I had.

My cock was getting hard again as he tongued and swallowed my cock. Thank whoever for my new futa stamina. While I might get too exhausted to fuck, my cock never seemed to.

I could see the stairs right in front of me now. If someone came down them right now, they'd see Dad's cock in my mouth as our two sweaty bodies writhed. The thought hit me with another jolt along my cock, and I pushed deeper into Dad's mouth.

He protested briefly but didn't stop his administration.

Having thoroughly cleaned his now limp cock, I sat back, bending his neck at a hard angle. But, like a pro, he didn't stop. He moved to try and accept my hard cock.

"Get on the couch," I ordered.

His eyes popped open, my cock still in his mouth. He nodded once, then complied.

"On your back, head off the couch," I commanded.

He did as I said, dangling his head off the couch and giving me a perfect shot into his throat.

I positioned my cock on his lips.

He licked his lips once, swallowed, and then obediently opened his mouth. I started to slide in, not stopping until I hit the back of his mouth. A moment later, the resistance was gone, and my cock slid into his throat. I had to figure out how he did that so easily!

I looked down, watching as I could see my cockhead enter his throat and move down. I wrapped my hands around his throat, running my fingers across my cock through his neck. I pulled back enough to allow him to breathe.

"Take a deep one, you ready?" I said, not able to see more than the lips on his face.

"Yes," he said weakly.

"Oh don't pretend. You know you like it," I said.

In response, his mouth popped open, and he stuck out his tongue.

My cock slipped all the way inside and into his throat in an easy movement. Holy crap, my dad could suck cock! I watched in wonder as my cock bulged his throat as it moved back and forth. The sight was too much and I knew I wasn't going to last.

I pulled out and he coughed, getting another ragged breath.

"You think you can take a little rough stuff?" I asked.

"I can take whatever you got," he said in a hoarse voice.

I grinned, "Let's see what you can do, Dad," I said before pushing back into his mouth. I made sure I'd just gotten into his throat before I slammed my hips forward, thrusting into him as far as I could.

He flinched but didn't pull away as I started to thrust.

"What a trooper you are," I said as I started to grunt with every thrust. By now I was pistoning in and out of his throat, my pelvis smashing into his lips with every pump.

I knew if I wanted to finish before he needed more air I needed to do it now. I grabbed his throat roughly with both hands and held him still. I pounded his throat like an onihole.

I didn't care about his breathing anymore, I just needed to cum. This little cock slut was going to take it all! Over and over I pounded him, all the while my thoughts becoming more and more foul.

"Yeah, take it you slut. You little cock slut. You love this cock don't you? You'll do anything for it. You're mine now. Take it, take it all slut!" I groaned, so close to cumming.

Then his hands grabbed my ass and pulled me all the way into him, triggering my orgasm.

I practically howled as my cum ran down the length of my shaft and deep into his belly. I pounded again and again, each time sending another spurt into his throat. By the time I finished, my legs were trembling and threatening to give out on me.

Dad slapped me hard on the ass, and I immediately pulled out. As soon as my cock left his lips, a small stream of cum dropping on his nose, he started coughing and sat up, trying to get his breath.

"Are you OK?" I asked, suddenly concerned I'd gone a bit too far. "I'm sorry Dad, I--"

He held a hand up for me to stop, then looked towards the door. "Closet," he choked out in a whisper.

I looked at the stairs again in disbelief before he pushed me, and I got moving to hide in the closet. As I pulled the door mostly shut, I realized I'd left my clothes in the middle of the floor. As I started to open the door, I saw my clothes and Dad were gone.

I glanced over and saw that he was sitting at his desk, the glow from his computer screen, the only light in the room. He didn't look at me but motioned for me to close the door as I finally heard someone on the stairs.

A moment later, Mom was standing at the doorway.

"Sinjin?" she called. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing dear," he replied, his voice somehow back to normal.

"I thought I heard the neighborhood coyotes going at it again or something," she said, yawning.

"Just the Internet. I was watching some videos," he said more calmly than I thought possible.

My heart was still pounding in my throat; half from my orgasm, the other half from almost being caught.

I heard Mom sniff.

"Uh-huh," she said knowingly. "Just wear headphones or something when you're watching porn," she sighed. "I don't want to be woken up by it."

"Of course, sorry," Dad said.

"Whatever, just don't make a mess on my couch again," she said and then I heard her retreating up the stairs.

A moment later, Dad opened the closet door for me.

"I think it's best that you went to bed," he said.

I was still in shock with how easily he handled the situation. He was so calm and collected. "How--"

"Don't worry about that now," he said, handing me my clothes. Just head upstairs and go to bed. Shower in the morning, though. She'll probably be up a while yet."

I just looked at him in silence for a moment. Then I reached up and slid my finger across his nose, wiping the drip of my cum off his face.

"Nice catch," He grinned before leaning down and kissing me deeply one last time. "And sweetie?" he said as we broke.

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Try and take it easy on the old man next time, huh?" he rubbed his throat gingerly.

My reply was interrupted as he swatted me on the ass, causing me to yelp, before he pushed me towards the door.


I hid my smile in the morning when I came into the kitchen and heard Mom asking Dad if he was coming down with something.

"Don't think so," Dad said rather hoarsely.

"You sound terrible. Probably too many late nights," she said knowingly.

"You're probably right," Dad said, catching my eye as I sat down at the table.

"Late night?" I asked, feeling the need to stir things up. My dad nudged me very subtly under the table--so subtle that I'd probably have a bruise.

"Yeah, been filling out more applications, checking the listings, you know," Dad said in his hoarse voice, but he narrowed his eyes at me.

I just smiled and grabbed some food.

"That's not all you've been doing down there," Mom said in a strange tone. With her back to us, she was putting the last touches on a bagel.

I glanced at Dad with a curious expression. He shook his head slightly and I dropped it. They had a strange relationship and it wasn't exactly breakfast conversation.

"I'll be late tonight. I have to prep for that business training, so don't count on me for dinner," Mom said over her shoulder as she left the kitchen.

"Be safe, dear," Dad said to her back.

She didn't reply.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" Dad said.

I glanced at my phone, and sure enough, I was going to be late.

"Is Thomas here? He can give me a lift." There was no way I could catch the bus. I didn't bother trying to catch Mom to ask for a ride; she'd say not only was it out of the way, but it was my responsibility to get to school on time.

"Nope, he left already," Dad grinned evilly at me.

"Well, shit--wait, what's that expression for?" I asked as he looked like he'd eaten the proverbial canary.

"You could always ask me for a ride," Dad said.

I had a moment of dumb confusion. Dad never drove me to school. I usually had other means. He'd never even offered it before. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What's the catch?" I asked suspiciously.

He took another sip of his coffee and looked at me over the top of his cup.

"No catch," he said, rubbing his sore throat. "Maybe a little payback, but no catch."

I honestly thought about trying to beg Mom to take me, but I'd already heard her leave. My dad's tone told me I would probably end up hoarse by the time I got to school if I took him up on his offer. That's when I felt that twinge, and my dirty mind took over.

I made a big act of sighing in defeat before saying, "OK, if I must. Let me grab my bag."

"Sure thing, honey, I'll meet you in the car," Dad said, putting his coffee down.

All the way to my room and then to the garage, my dirty mind came up with every bad porn scene I could remember. I took a deep breath and tried to get myself together. I was both excited and dreading what could happen next as I opened the car door.

"Hey, mister, mind giving me a lift?" I said in a tart's voice. I didn't wait for a reply as I slid in and closed the door. Then I looked over at my half-naked father. He was wearing a shirt and sitting on a towel, that's it. Not even shoes.

"Seriously?!?" I said incredulously.

"Hey, if you don't want the ride," he said, pulling the keys from the ignition.

"No, wait," I sighed with mock resignation. The sight of his dick standing straight up and the thought of getting caught sent a shiver down my spine. At the time, I had no idea how much of an adventurous streak my dad had.

I reached over and slid my hand around his cock. It was incredibly warm, almost like it had been in an oven or something.

"You've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?" I asked, beginning to run my fingers lightly over his prick.

"You have no idea," he grinned, starting the car and opening the garage door.

"And you've wanted it so bad you've been offering me rides every day in the hopes I'd give in?" I asked. Again, he'd never offered me a ride, not even once.

"Well, not you specifically," he said as he turned out of the driveway.

"Oh?" I asked, leaning over a bit more to get closer to him. He'd pushed the seat back as far as he could and still be able to reach the pedals. It seemed he had expectations.

He glanced at me and grinned.

"Started with the first driving lesson I gave Remmi," Dad said.

"You dirty old man!" I gasped and then giggled.

"Hey, your mom didn't let her start driving till she was 18 either!" he said.

Mom had been very strict about our family and driving. We weren't allowed to get behind the wheel until we were 18. She made us get a state ID as soon as we could, but a driver's license was off the table until we were "mature enough" to handle one.

"That's you, making sure you don't start trying to bang your daughters until they are legal. Wait, did you and Remmi ever..." I trailed off, leaving the statement open.

"Tell you what," he said, not taking his eyes off the road. "If you can swallow my load before we reach school, I'll tell you the truth," he grinned again.

And there it was. I was wondering how he'd proposition me.

"Golly mister, that'! I don't even know what you're talking about," I said in a horribly over-the-top, innocent voice.

He responded by reaching over, grabbing me by the neck and pulling my face to his cock.

I was smiling the entire time I pretended to struggle.

"And if you think I'm going to take it easy on you after last night, you can forget about that," he said, his hand still on my neck and pushing.

I looked down at the precum that was leaking from his head and chuckled. My tongue lashed out of its own accord as his salty smell hit me, and I began lapping at his cock.

As soon as my mouth touched him, he took his hand off my neck, freeing me to get to work. Luckily, there was enough room for me to start blowing him. Usually, a steering wheel would be in the way, or the guy would not be big enough for me to do much. But Dad came prepared. It was obvious this wasn't his first rodeo.

Dad's truck was tall enough, and I wasn't too worried about someone seeing my head bobbing up and down in his lap. This gave me a bit of confidence as I took my time licking and nibbling on the head of his cock. Meanwhile, my hand was gently fondling his balls, which seemed to be huge this morning. I then gave them a merciless tongue-lashing as well.

I felt the truck accelerating and glanced up to see where we were going. Dad was getting on the highway. We didn't need to use the highway to get to school; what was he thinking?

"You were taking so long, I figured I'd take the long way so you'd have a chance to get done in time," he said.

I glanced at him, drool in the corner of my mouth and glared at him. "Gee, thanks," I said flatly.

"What? Do you need some help?" Then his hand was on the back of my neck again. This time he didn't guide me; he straight rammed my head down onto his cock. I got my mouth open just in time.

It hit the back of my mouth and immediately he started grinding his cock on it, trying to force himself into my throat.

My hands flailed in a moment of panic as I gagged, allowing him to push into my throat.

"There we go. Good girl. I knew you could do it," he said, taking his hand off my neck.

I came up coughing and sputtering.

"You asshole!" I growled in semi-real anger.

"What? You were having a hard time. Do you need more help?" He started to reach for my neck again.

"No!" I said reflexively. If I could stay in control, maybe he wouldn't bruise my throat like I'd done him last night.

"Then get to work. We'll be there in no time," he cautioned.

"Fuck you!" I said before diving back on his cock.

"That's kinda the point, sweetie," he chuckled.

I ignored him and started to work his cock over, getting an appreciative groan from him in response.

Meanwhile, my body was practically vibrating with how excited I was getting. The fact I was too busy with him to touch myself made it frustrating but in a good way.

"There," I heard him say. I was about to come up to ask him what was up when his hand grabbed me by the hair on the back of my head and kept me in place.

I froze, not sure what was going on.

Then he started pushing and pulling my head in a steady rhythm. Now I was the onihole.

I tried to relax and let him guide the pace when a loud horn startled me. Suddenly, he was once again in my throat.

"There you go, sweetie, just like that," he said, guiding his cock back and forth in short strokes, still in my throat.

I hung on, trying not to throw up. I could feel the tears streaming down my face by this point and knew my mascara was probably a slutty mess.

"Oh, look," Dad said as he pulled me off his cock and I gasped for breath. He pulled me up until I could see out the window at a semi-truck next to us. A man in the passenger seat was glued to the window, smiling and nodding like crazy.

I was shocked! Honestly shocked that my dad would do this. Exposing me as a sloppy slut for this stranger to watch. It sent a thrilling shudder through me that I couldn't really understand.

"Well, don't stop; he wants more," my dad said before plunging me back down on his cock again. He pushed into me and started to grind before pulling me back off to look at the truck guy. I knew I had thick strings of spit still hanging off my chin, and the truck guy was giving me a big thumbs up. This made my groin tingle in a whole new way.

Dad repeated this several times until the truck pulled away on a different exit than us.

"I can't believe you did that!" I coughed, looking down at the mess that was in his lap. I could see pools of spit tinted with mascara everywhere.

"But I like showing off my little slut," he said. "You are my little slut now, aren't you?"

I was thinking about how I'd called him a slut last night and didn't answer him right away as I pretended to think about it. As I'd hoped, he forced his cock back into my throat and proceeded to thrust roughly in and out, causing me to gag to the point I was trying to throw up. He pulled me off, not letting me recover from the heaves I was trying to control.

"Now, are you my slut?" He said as I felt the truck slowing down. "Best answer quick, this is our exit."

"YES!" I gasped once I could talk again. At this point, I was pretty sure I'd discovered my next kink as I loved every second of this.

"Good, that's good," he said before assaulting me again.

I knew where we were. We were maybe two minutes from school. I had to finish this quickly, or someone might see me when we pulled up. Would he actually do that? Would he go THAT far? I mean, he already shared me with the truck guy, and I hadn't thought he was capable of something like that.

Then all my attention was on his cock as he pistoned in and out of my mouth, only pausing occasionally for me to breathe while he ground himself in me.

I held on for dear life, doing everything I could not to barf. I'd already slipped two fingers into his ass in an attempt to hurry him up, but it didn't seem to be working. It seemed he was enjoying both my attention and my frustration.

Just when I thought it was hopeless, his cum started splashing into my mouth. He hadn't warned me, he hadn't groaned, nothing. He let the first rope coat my mouth, then once again jammed himself down my throat.

Now, my eyes were watering so badly that it looked like I was actively crying. My hands clawed at him as I constantly gagged on him, and he seemed to enjoy it.

"That's right, you little slut," he growled low. "Maybe next time you'll be nicer to your old man." Without another word, he pulled me off his cock and smeared what was left on my lips. A moment later, he practically threw me into the passenger seat.

I was still gasping for breath, and my eyes went wide as I realized we were pulling into the school's drop-off lane. I panicked as I glanced in the mirror and saw my face was a disaster. I mean, a gang-banged slut after 40 guys kind of a mess.

I yanked the towel out from under his ass, making him yelp and swerve. I scrubbed at my face in the passenger visor mirror, trying to make myself somewhat presentable. It was a waste of time as he pulled to a stop.

"Have a great day at school!" Dad said in a voice so sweet it could have given me a cavity.

I glared at him, then threw the towel at him as I reached for the handle. I'd just have to make it to a bathroom without anyone noticing. I held my bag up as I got out to try and cover some of my face. I gave Dad the finger as I slammed the door shut and made my escape.

Thankfully, I made it to the bathroom relatively unscathed. My guardian angel must have been sober today, as the bathroom was empty.

I started the water and gripped both sides of the sink as I looked in the mirror.

He'd worked me over. I honestly looked like someone had beat me up. My lips and eyes were puffy. Mascara was everywhere, and I still had a small glob of his cum on my upper lip.

It was looking at that glob that did it. My legs started trembling, and it felt like jolts of electricity were running up to my cock.

I quickly locked myself in a stall and pulled off my soaking pants and underwear. I furiously stroked my cock thinking about how my dad had used and abused me. Forcing me down, choking me, destroying my face and showing me off in public for the complete slut I was. Then I licked the last glob of his cum off my lip and started spraying my own cum everywhere.

I wasn't ready and missed the bowl at first before I could adjust and finish more cleanly. My legs didn't stop trembling, my heart racing as my cock emptied itself into the bowl. When it finally subsided, I looked down and found the largest load I'd had yet.

It seemed I enjoyed playing the part of a used slut. I wondered what that meant for me as a person. My phone chiming interrupted my thoughts.

It was Dad. Of course, it was.

"You good?" he asked. I sensed he was worried he'd gone too far and was checking on me. This made me chuckle.

I started to reply, then stopped. I arranged myself so the tip of my cock was in frame with the giant load I'd just dropped and snapped the picture. I sent it to him without words attached.

It took a moment before he replied.

"I'm glad. And to answer your question, no, never with Remmi. See you at home. Love you."

I didn't reply as I shook myself from the surreal moment and began the process of cleaning myself up again. All the while plotting how I was gonna get back at him.
