We ended up chilling out the rest of the day. Yes, we did take a long shower together, but that was it. I don't know how long Terri had been going, but I'd already had a week straight of mind-blowing sex. No matter how much my dick said to the contrary, I needed a break.
While taking a much-needed soak in Terri's hot tub, we talked a bit about what had transpired this week.
"So, the same day you told me about your dad, and I went through all that trouble to come up with a brilliant seduction plan, the very same day, you went and banged him?" Terri asked after I'd told her.
"It just...happened," I shrugged.
"Uh-huh. And then you fucked him every day until last night? Did they all just happen too?" Terri smirked at me.
"Oh no, we just wanted to fuck after that first time," I grinned at her.
She splashed water at me, an annoyed expression plastered to her face.
Luckily, the hot tub was on the back patio and had been enclosed for privacy. A little water splashing out wouldn't be a problem.
"And last night? What was that all about?" Terri asked, realizing she'd been played the whole week.
"Oh, I wanted to make you dance like my little slut puppet," I laughed, receiving another splash for it.
"You really tore up my ass, you know that? That monster between your legs should be a registered weapon," Terri complained.
"Yeah, well, who introduced me to the ones who gave it to me? Huh?" I shot back.
"Oh, you weren't given anything; you paid for it, trust me," Terri said with a sour expression.
Suddenly, my good humor was gone. Terri brought up the one thing I kept buried dark and deep in the back of my mind.
"Did you make a deal with them, too?" I asked quietly.
Terri looked at me for a long moment before nodding her head slowly.
We didn't say any more about it and sank into a dark silence.
"And what the fuck is up with your dad?" Terri burst out.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"When did he become a sex fiend?" Terri asked, leaning against the side of the tub, her breasts bobbing distractingly. "I've known him forever, and he's always been the nicest, most chill guy I know. But last night...it was like he was a whole different dude."
"Apparently, he's always been one. Since high school!" I said.
"So...he's essentially us in 20 years?" Terri surmised.
"I can only hope. I can't wait to read about his exploits."
"Read?" Terri asked.
"Yeah. Dad mentioned he used to keep a sorta journal of all his activities," I said.
"Journal? A sex journal?"
"Well, yeah, I guess. He said he wrote them down as if they were stories. He told me the website where he posted them, but I haven't had time to check them out because...well...you know," I stammered.
"You've been fucking everything in sight?" Terri grinned.
"Pretty much," I grinned back.
"Aren't you sore? I know I am from all the abuse you heaped on me," Terri said.
"Well duh," I shot back. "Why do you think I'm in the hot tub?"
"Oh," Terri started. "I thought you wanted to have another make-out session."
"You remember last time, right? Do you want to clean the semen out of the hot tub again? Cause I sure as hell don't," I shook my head remembering a previous party that had gotten a bit out of control. It hadn't been my swimmers, though; that had been before I received my girl-cock.
"Oh yeah, I guess you're right," Terri frowned.
"No. I just want to relax with my best friend and chill. No sex, no flirting, no innuendo, nothing. Just relaxing," I said.
"Then what the hell are we going to do?" Terri asked, laughing.
"Tell me more about your FanLover account."
"Well, after today, it's amazing. I quadrupled my subscribers and was tipped enough to upgrade my equipment. Half of that is yours, by the way. We'll get paid next month."
"Why thank you," I grinned. "I figured I might have had something to do with it."
"You did. Which is why I'm going to host your opening feed tomorrow, and we're going to do your big reveal!" Terri said excitedly.
"Tomorrow?" All the stress I'd shed since the broadcast suddenly came flooding back.
"Yup, I sent out the invites to everyone who was online today and promised them something they'd never seen before. I guarantee they'll be there," Terri nodded confidently.
"Uh, but it's Sunday," I said lamely.
"What? You need to get to church or something?"
"I probably should," I frowned before we both started laughing.
"Don't worry about it; you're a natural. Just do what you did today and you'll be great!" Terri smiled. "Besides, Mom's pulling a double and won't be getting back until really late. We'll have plenty of time and won't have to rush, if you know what I mean?"
I just shook my head. "Whatever you say," I sighed, giving up.
"Trust me, would I ever steer you wrong?"
I just looked at her with a flat stare.
"What?" she said with good humor. When I just kept looking at her, her face fell. "You're not going to tear my ass up again, are you?" she said with what sounded like real trepidation.
I made her squirm for a moment more. "No," I finally said. "Like I said, I'm sore. I don't want to do anything today." My cock betrayed my words by slowly rising above the surface of its own accord. "Besides, gotta save something for tomorrow, right?" I leered at her.
She looked uncharacteristically nervous and chuckled lamely.
Patty (Terri's mom) came home a while later and brought in some food. I liked Patty, she'd always been the kind of mom I pictured a mom should be. She was kind, smart, and thoughtful. It was obvious she worked too hard as her face showed all the horrid things she'd seen in her line of work. She'd gotten old before her time, but she was still attractive in the farmer's daughter kind of way.
I stayed over with Terri that night, and true to my word, we didn't do anything. Of course, in the middle of the night, I woke up and found my cock firmly wedged between Terri's cheeks. I don't know who'd initiated it in our sleep, but I sighed and gave in. I ended up hotdogging her until I splattered all over her back. Just as I thought, it had felt wonderful.
She'd laughed at me that I couldn't even make it one night before she made me clean up my mess.
At least I slept better afterward.
In the morning, Patty was gone, and we got to work setting up for my feed. We weren't going to go on until later in the evening, but we still had a lot of planning and setting up to do.
Terri wanted my setup to be different from hers, or at least enough to distinguish it from hers. So, we reverse-angled the set, focusing on the desk and chairs on the other side of the room. Terri had some great ideas on things we could do there.
I was still nervous, but the way Terri acted so professionally calmed me right down.
When it was finally time, we were both sitting in the armchairs in front of the desk, facing the camera.
Terri was wearing, of all things, yoga pants and a sports bra that just overflowed with her cleavage. I'd had to borrow clothes from her and had ended up with a pair of baggy sweats and a short tank top that gave a pretty good view of my underboob. Terri had offered me a pair of yoga pants, but I figured that would give away the surprise a bit too early. She'd laughed and agreed.
But still, sweatpants?
"Remember, easy access." Terri had reminded me.
I still wasn't convinced, but I figured that when I did this on my own, I would wear what I wanted.
"Now remember, I'll start off and give you your opening. Then you..."
"I read off the site rules to make it all official-like," I repeated for the tenth time.
"And that you're over 18," Terri added.
"Of course," I said, but in reality, I'd forgotten that legal part. I just wanted to get to the sexy part.
Terri had been teasing me all day, winding me up to the point I was ready to pop, then settling me down. She said it would help with my big finish later. I didn't know if that was true or not, but by the afternoon, I didn't care. I was so horny it hurt!
True to her word, almost every person who tuned into the live feed yesterday was now subscribed to my channel and waiting in the lobby for the stream to begin. On top of that, a lot of new people showed up as well. While I didn't make much from the subscription fees, with the numbers I was already getting, my bank account would be looking pretty...at least until my next trip to the mall.
"You ready?" Terri asked, turning to me.
"Yeah?" I said, my nerves already rattled.
Terri leaned over and hugged me. It was soft, warm, and gentle. Nothing like how we usually hugged: hungry, frantic, and horny. She held me with no sign of letting go.
I hugged her back, albeit rigid and unsure. After a few moments, I relaxed and hugged her back warmly.
We just sat there, hugging, for quite a while. For some reason, I started tearing up.
"OK, OK, enough of that now," Terri said, leaning back from me.
"I don't know where that came from," I said, wiping my eyes. "My makeup OK?"
Terri's smile was kind, almost motherly.
"It's fine, beautiful. But, look at me," Terri said.
I looked into Terri's eyes.
"We absolutely don't have to do this. Not right now, not ever. You understand? You don't owe me anything and I don't owe you a thing."
"I know," I said softly.
"I was thinking about everything you told me you've done this week. You've had a hell of a week. There's no shame in postponing this or canceling it altogether. It happens all the time in this business."
Terri was kneeling in front of me now, talking to me gently, everything else forgotten. It was just her and I right at this moment. Of course, her massive jugs were resting on my crotch and didn't help me to think clearly at all.
My cock started to stiffen, and she shifted suddenly when she realized what was happening.
"I'm sorry Ash, I didn't mean that--" Terri said in a sudden panic.
"I know Terri," I sniffed once. "Things just happen sometimes, right?" I grinned down at her.
"Yeah. I guess they do, don't they?" Terri nodded. "I love you, you know that, right? I give you a lot of shit, call you names, occasionally mistreat you...but...you're my best friend. Always have been...and...I do love you," Terri couldn't seem to meet my eyes.
We'd said the words to one another enough times that it wasn't a shock. But the way Terri was saying it felt like the most genuine thing I'd ever heard from her.
I stared at her a moment before reaching forward and lifting her chin so she could look me in the eye.
"I love you too...you stupid slut. Now, let's get it on already." I don't know where the courage came from, but I was suddenly ready to take on the world...or at least fuck my friend in front of a few thousand people. Same-same, right?
Terri cocked her head at me for a moment. "I pour my heart out to you in the most honest display of affection I've ever...displayed!" she stuttered. "And your response is to call me a stupid slut?" She was putting on a hurt façade, but I knew better.
"I said I love you too," I leaned forward and kissed her before pulling on my mask. "Now move that fine ass, I want to make some money...and tear you apart."
Terri was in the middle of putting her own mask on and stopped at my words.
"You promised," she glared at me.
"I had my fingers crossed; now quit stalling, or I'll start this without you," I was suddenly bursting with energy, having no idea where it had come from.
She shook her finger at me one more time before pulling her mask down and securing it in place. She turned to the computer and typed a series of commands, causing the camera to come on a moment later.
"Hello again everyone!" Terri called out in that cheerful voice of hers. "I'm so excited to see so many of you returned to see Red's big premier. I know she's excited, but again, she's got that bout of stage fright going, so she asked I play hostess Twinkie for her first broadcast."
That got a chuckle out of me that made Terri glance my way.
"Did you want to say hello? It is your show, after all," Terri said, starting to prompt me out of my cowardice.
I leaned forward into the camera and sighed.
A loud chime startled me and made me glance at the screen. A tip for $100 and a message from the sender were on the screen. It was only one word: "First!"
I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well," I searched for the name of the sender. It was listed as Anonymous. "Well Anny...wait. I thought that said anonymous, but it's Anonymouse. Clever," I nodded my head.
"Oh," Terri said.
I glanced at her.
"It is clever, isn't it?" Terri's smile seemed forced.
I turned back to the camera, shaking my head. "I hope you don't mind if I call you Anny, as that name is more than a mouthful for me. Thank you for your generosity. You know," I leaned closer to the camera and my voice automatically dropped into a sultrier tone. "For better or worse, you never forget your first."
This caused Terri to chuckle as well.
I leaned back, "Sorry. Kinda got caught up in the moment there. As I was saying, Hi everybody!" I cleared my throat before continuing. "I just wanted to say that while I know I'm new here and don't really know what I'm doing yet, I hope you will be patient and help me figure this out as we go. I had such a great time yesterday; I'm just hoping today can be as much fun!" I was trying for cheery, like Terri, but it just didn't play well.
"Don't know what you're doing yet? You practically made out with your first tipper!" Terri chuckled.
"Ahh, who am I kidding? I'm not the cutesy girl type at all. Those who were here yesterday saw the real me by the end."
"Sure, but they haven't really met the true you yet," Terri jumped in.
"OK, fair point," I nodded to Terri. Then I leaned towards the camera, partially covering my mouth in a stage whisper. "Fair warning folks, you're going to see some shit today that might shock you...or hell, it might just make you as horny as I get all the time. Hopefully, you'll all stick around afterward because everything you see today is real. Nothing is faked in the slightest...except maybe some of her orgasm play-acting," I threw a thumb at Terri. "I don't know about you, but the more T...she plays it up, the hotter it is to me."
I nearly said Terri's name but, luckily, caught myself. I was going to have to be more careful.
I felt Terri's hand on my arm and paused.
"Sorry, was I starting to ramble?" I asked.
Terri held up her fingers close together, "Just a little."
"Sorry, guys. When I get excited, I tend to ramble a bit," I shrugged at the camera.
"Well, the queue for questions is already piling up, you want to take a few of those to start?" Terri asked me.
In my excitement, I'd completely forgotten about the text messages the audience was typing at me.
"Sure, but first, let me get the mandatory legal stuff out of the way," I turned to the camera conspiratorially. "Feel free to catch a power nap as I read off all this official crap real quick." Then, I proceeded to read the printed-out document that was required by the website to be read during the first broadcast of any new channel. It was relatively painless, and when I was done, I wadded it up and threw it over my shoulder.
"Thank God that's over," Terri said.
"Said every girl on Prom night," I muttered.
Terri burst out laughing.
"Sorry. Y'all still awake out there? Sorry bout that. I couldn't bring you the good stuff until I got that out of the way, you know how it is. OK, question time. Guys, I'll answer pretty much anything except something that might get me in trouble," I paused to wag a finger at the screen. "So, don't try to trick the new girl, OK?"
"But you told me how much you enjoyed a good paddling," Terri threw out there.
"Really? Already you're trying to..." I started but glanced at the screen.
Terri had already sorted through the list and started with some tame ones. She coached me about reading the person's screen name when I replied to them. She said it made it a more personal connection and helped to bring in tips.
"OK, Stalker983045721--what the shit is with that name? Seriously, are there really nearly a billion people out there with the screen name Stalker?"
"You'd be surprised," Terri mumbled.
"Make it either personal or more flamboyant. Something that really stands out and makes you Stalker numero uno or something. Sorry, rambling...I warned you. Anywho, it's probably a good time to answer your question. As some of you have probably figured out by now, especially after yesterday's performance, that--" I stopped and turned to Terri. "What the hell do I call you on here anyway? You never said."
Terri seemed caught off guard and hesitated.
"I go by RStar," Terri said.
"RStar?" I looked at her with a look that, thankfully, the mask covered. I wasn't sure what my body language said, though. "I am not calling you RStar. I'd end up fumbling it and calling you Rooster or something in the heat of the moment."
"In the heat of the moment, you can call me whatever you want," Terri said with that porn princess voice she used to seduce my dad with.
"I'll keep that in mind," I said, my eyes lingering on her for a moment longer than was necessary before turning back to the camera.
"I'm sorry, Stalker, that was rude. Y'all will learn pretty quickly, I get distracted pretty easily. It's like, 'Hi, how are you--oh, look at the kitty!'"
Terri actually snorted with a laugh.
"Did you just snort?" I asked.
Terri just waved her hand at me as she had a bout of giggles going.
"ANYWAY, Stalker, your question, do R and I here know each other personally? I'd say we knew each other biblically at this point, but yes. We've been friends for quite some time now. Since she's the reason I'm getting into the whole FanLover scene. If this goes well, we'll probably stay friends. If it all falls apart, who knows? Just kidding. I'd still love her, I'd just beat her ass."
Terri rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"I'd say don't hold back, tell us how you really feel, but I think that's pretty obvious at this point. Next question!" Terri said.
Terri fed me questions after that, mostly mundane stuff that still surprised me. I'd watched her yesterday as she just chit-chatted with people like they weren't there just to see her take her clothes off and abuse herself. After about 20 minutes, I had to interrupt.
"OK, hold up," I said, placing a hand on Terri's wrist. "OK, uh...I don't know how to really say this, guys. I'm always going to be as honest with you as I can, even if it might upset someone. I probably shouldn't ask this 'cause it'll probably offend some of you, but I can't go on without getting some input."
Terri was looking at me with her head cocked to one side.
"Please don't take this wrong; just chalk it up to my ignorance. But, when I first heard about FanLover, I pretty much figured it was going to be a...well, just a live porn site. Don't get me wrong, I love porn, but...how do I put this? Watching R yesterday was the first time I'd ever seen something on FanLover. Between yesterday and answering your questions today, this isn't what I expected. I mean, sure, R and I will probably have a go at each other like rabbits later," I gave her a quick smile before turning back to the camera.
"But I wasn't excepting...a relationship with my audience...cause that's what this feels like. It feels like we're on our first date and just trying to get to know one another. We're nervous, asking safe questions, trying to feel each other out while hoping to feel each other up later. Is that what it's always like here?"
The answers came fast and furious as everyone, even the ordinarily quiet ones, voiced an opinion. You could tell the quiet ones apart from the loud, more chatty ones because there was an indicator next to each name that told you how much they'd posted.
I took a moment to read several of the replies.
"Huh," I said after a minute. "The jest of it seems to be that this is not a normal kind of channel? Most of the adult performers out there seem to just want to do the deed, get paid and sign off? That R's channel is unique because she takes the time to talk, and not in a 'just humor them' kind of way?" I looked at Terri, who nodded.
"It's true. You call it a relationship with the audience, I call it a connection. Just like with anyone I'm going to spend personal time with, I want to know them as more than strangers. Especially if I'm going to get a bit more...intimate with them. Is that wrong?" Terri asked.
"Oh, hell no!" I said with finality. I turned back to the camera, "I'm going to give this one to you guys as a freebie. I've slept with quite a few people...well, I take that back. I've fucked quite a few people; sleeping with someone is totally different."
I could see Terri nodding out of the corner of my eye.
"I'm not a 'hey, you're hot, let's do it,' kind of girl. I have to know you at least a little before I'm willing to take my clothes off. And yes," I shook my head. "I know how that sounds since I took my clothes off in front of you yesterday." I glanced at Terri again.
"Like I said, I'm going to be honest with you guys, even if you might not like it." I looked dead into the camera, "I didn't take my clothes off for you guys yesterday." I looked at Terri, "I took them off for her."
Terri looked up at me and the strange tone that was in my voice.
I wasn't sure where this was coming from; I just went with it.
"You see, yesterday, I'd been watching my goddess of a best friend doing all these hot things for over an hour, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to have her. You guys just happened to be there when I attacked her." I turned back to the camera. "So, yeah. I know yesterday wasn't exactly what I'd call porn. You know, planned out scenes and angles and staged parts so you got to see all the nasty bits. It was just two friends going at one another cause we like each other. We just happened to have an audience." I shrugged.
"Now, don't get me wrong, I plan on doing all sorts of nasty shit with you guys. I've got stuff I want to do today that's going to blow your minds. But I thought doing this channel, I was basically going to show off for a cold camera while people paid me for the privilege of watching my body. I didn't expect...a connection as R calls it. But it feels different now.
"And yeah, I know this is going to sound hokey, but...you guys aren't the cold camera I was expecting. You feel more like the people you are out there and we're going to share something pretty cool together. Just forgive me if I get a bit carried away and don't show you the perfect camera angle sometimes. I'm not going to fake anything up here, not even if you try to pay me to.
"We've all been with someone who wasn't enjoying themselves. Maybe it was a crappy TV show you were watching together, maybe an awkward conversation, maybe it was even bad sex. I'm not going to do anything up here that I don't enjoy. It wouldn't be fair to you, and it would turn this into work for me, something nobody enjoys." I smiled at the camera, then shook my head.
"OK, sorry, kinda went down a rabbit hole with that one. Rambler, remember?" I glanced at the screen and saw nothing but supportive and understanding messages.
"Seriously, you guys? My own friends, R excluded, don't support me the way you guys are right now. You're awesome!" I perked up. As I'd been talking, it was like I was wearing myself down, talking myself into a hole of sorts. I guess I'd been testing my new audience to see how they'd react. Surprisingly, there were more people here now than when I started.
More and more positive messages were flowing in, and it was strangely turning me on.
"OK," I slapped my hands on my knees. "I was planning on answering some more questions, but guys, I'm horny. You don't mind if I cut the questions short this time? I promise to answer more next time. R has been teasing the shit out of me all day, and I can't take much more."
A moment later, Terri looked up from the screen and smiled at me, "They don't seem to mind."
"Awesome! You guys are the best!" I grabbed Terri and pulled her into my lap, causing her to yelp in surprise as I did.
"And you, do you mind if we..."
In response, Terri took my face in her hands, leaned over and kissed me. The kiss started slow but quickly became much more passionate.
My hands had a mind of their own as they began to fondle her through her sports bra.
Breaking off suddenly, I looked at the camera.
"Don't you guys love sports bras? Aren't they the best? I mean, she might as well be naked with how well this thing conforms to her," I said, making a show of playing with her boobs.
Terri moaned into my neck and she kissed and bit me.
I pulled her sports bra up, revealing one naked breast, but kept the other covered. It was a bit awkward, but I kept one hand on each and displayed them for the camera to see.
"I dunno, sometimes I think the sports bra is hotter. What do you guys think?"
"Stop teasing me," Terri moaned.
"Of course," I said, ignoring her. "There's always the whole rolled-up thing," I said, and I pulled her bra up, freeing her magnificent breasts. I left the now rolled-up bra just above her boobs and massaged her chest lewdly. "I think this is probably hottest because it's like she's not quite naked yet."
I glanced at the screen, and people seemed to agree with me for the most part.
Not to be outdone, Terri pushed me away and slid down so that she was kneeling in front of me.
"Then there's the ever-popular ripping the bitch's shirt off bit," she said as she roughly yanked my tank top off and threw it over her shoulder. She then buried her face in my boobs.
I sighed in contentment as she began nuzzling me. Her hands roughly grabbed my hair and pulled my head back as she began to alternate, licking and biting at me. I gasped and hissed in appreciation.
Then she was crushing herself to me, kissing me deeply. She twisted so the camera could get a better shot of our mouths and how our breasts were being mashed together. If it looked half as hot as it felt, the shot had to be amazing.
Terri broke and looked me in the eye.
"You ready?" she asked.
"Are you kidding?" I panted.
She grinned evilly and looked at the camera.
"OK folks, I promised you something you'd never seen before, and this is it." Terri pushed me back in the chair and pulled me further down into it so she could get at my sweats.
It was easy to see me through the sweats if you knew what was there. Still, Terri took her time sliding the sweats down my hips and slowly exposing my hard cock an inch at a time.
I watched as she bit her lip, watching in fascination as she fully exposed my cock. She'd been a bit too close, and once it was free, it sprang up and slapped her under her chin. We both chuckled.
"Yes," I said to the camera. "I'm a real futa. I'm not someone with a prosthetic glued to my crotch or any other ugly fake bullshit. This is me, folks, and everything I am."
I sucked in a breath as Terri took hold of my cock.
Out of the corner of my eye the questions were flying like crazy across the screen. One caught my eye and I smiled.
"Good eye Misty21. Yes, I wasn't just grinding on R here yesterday. I kinda lost control and couldn't help myself. It wasn't planned or anything, and I thought I'd concealed it, but I couldn't fool you, huh?"
Another question popped up, "Yup GingerLover277. That was R's honest expression yesterday, wasn't it?" I asked, looking down at Terri.
Terri turned to look at the camera, not taking her hands off stroking my cock.
"Red here is full of surprises, case in point," she said, waving my cock in the air. "And yesterday, she just fucked me for the first time without warning. So yeah, I was a bit shocked. I mean, look at this thing. Wouldn't you be surprised if it was suddenly splitting you in half like the Grand Canyon?" Terri grinned.
My groans turned into a whimper as Terri stopped stroking me and rose to her feet.
"Oh relax," Terri said as she approached the camera. "Some of you are saying it, some of you aren't. But I know ALL of you are wondering if we're being honest with you right now. I can't say I blame you; I've been fooled before myself and don't want to be tricked. So, I tell you what. I'm going to pick this camera up and we're going to go explore this thing up close and personal."
"I swear to God, if you start talking like Steve Erwin, I'm gonna leave," I said.
"Crikey!" Terri started but pushed me back down onto the chair as I started to stand up. "Knock it off. You know you're not going to walk out of this." Terri glanced down at my cock. "That thing won't let you, will it?" She chuckled as I gave her the finger.
"Now, you said you wanted to be honest with your audience, so the least you can do is be patient and curb your libido long enough to get them on your side."
"Fine," I grumbled.
"She can be a little whiny bitch you guys, fair warning. OK, shaky cam alert! For all you prone to motion sickness, hang on!" Terri said as she carefully picked up the tripod and camera and moved it closer to me
We'd planned this part, so I wasn't surprised. I was just horny and frustrated!
"OK," Terri said, pulling the camera from the tripod and kneeling in front of me. She began a thorough examination of my junk. We'd combed the Internet looking for ways to tell prosthetics from the real thing and she began to cover them all. She looked for seams and discoloration between my cock and the rest of my skin tone. She touched it in several different places so people could see how it changed color with the pressure before practically ripping it off, trying to show it was completely attached. She gave them an intimate look at every inch of my intimates.
"OK, I know I said I'd be honest with you guys, but this is...uh...getting a bit embarrassing," I said as Terri was literally giving an up close and personal view of my pussy as she was sliding a smooth dildo inside me. While it felt nice, it was just making me that much hornier.
"Hang in there, baby. We're almost done," Terri said as she sadly removed the dildo and stood back up. "OK, folks, this is the last test I'm going to do."
I groaned miserably as I knew what was coming.
"Oh, don't be that way. Come on, stand up. This is for science, after all," she said with a grin.
"This ain't for science!" I complained, standing up in front of her. "This is so you can fuck me with a clear conscious in front of your audience!" I growled.
Terri turned the camera around to face her. "Sorry, folks. She knows what's coming next and isn't happy about it." Turning the camera back around, she made me turn around completely and then lift each foot off the ground. I had to keep my hands open and in view, as best I could, to show I wasn't trying to pull a fast one.
"OK," Terri said as she put the camera back on the tripod. Then she picked up the large glass of ice water sitting on the table and held it up for the camera to see. "Just simple ice water," she took a sip.
My cock was already starting to deflate in anticipation of what was coming.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I whispered as Terri turned to me.
"Ready?" she asked.
"No!" I complained loudly.
"On three, then. One, Tw--" She dumped the entire glass on my crotch.
I ground my teeth in pain and contained most of my shriek. The results were instantaneous. My cock started to shrink, searching for warmth back inside my body.
"This is payback for something, isn't it?" I growled.
"Who? Me, sweetie?" Terri said with an evil grin. "No, never."
"Fucking sadist!" I spat.
Terri already had the camera right back in my crotch, documenting to the Internet what I looked like flaccid.
After a minute of basically refilming everything Terri filmed before, she turned the camera around to face herself once again.
"OK, you guys. I'm not going to torture her anymore today to try and prove we're not lying to you. But I want you to go back over the video later. If you see something, or come up with questions, let her know, and she'll address them in the next video. For now, I need to kiss and make up," Terri said.
Terri placed the camera back on the tripod and made sure it had a good angle before she knelt in front of me. Luckily, she'd put towels down, otherwise we would have soaked the carpet.
I looked down and watched as she took hold of my hips and started to run her warm tongue along the length of my cock, what length there was currently. I was so small she was able to fit me entirely in her mouth without hitting her tonsils.
She pulled me out of her mouth and began to tongue my pussy. She hadn't said she was going to do that. But I looked down at my best friend. Her tongue was between my folds and my semi-erect cock was resting on her forehead. My dad was right, the sight of your cock on someone's face was sexy as hell.
She didn't touch my cock again until it had returned to full hardness. At this point, she took it in hand and I gasped as she started sliding the dildo back inside me at the same time. She began to gently stroke me while moving the smooth plastic slowly in and out of me.
Turning to the camera, "Believe us yet?" Terri asked before returning to my cock and slipping it into her mouth. She looked up at me as she slowly sank lower on my cock. Meanwhile, her hand didn't let up with the fake cock sliding into my pussy.
"You look so sexy right now," I said, watching her.
On the spur of the moment, I reached over and picked up the camera.
"Sorry for the jiggling guys, but you've got to see this!" I said as I panned down to watch Terri swallowing inch after inch of my cock. Her eyes moved from mine to the camera, and she stayed with it the entire time.
I waited until she came off me, spit strings trailing from her lips.
"I dare anyone to say, she's not the sexiest thing alive right now!"
Terri grinned, swiped her tongue across the head of my cock and then dove down on it, impaling her throat.
"Holy fuck," I gasped as I felt when I hit the back of her throat. She bobbed a minute before starting to work me over using long strokes. I'd been aching for release for most of the day now, and I knew I couldn't last much longer.
"I know you guys want to see more of this, but guys...I really need to cum. She really has been teasing me all day, and I'm crazy pent up right now," I whined to the audience but didn't take the camera off her hot lips sliding up and down my cock while her hand was still pounding my pussy with the dildo.
"Where would you like it R?" I asked through clenched teeth.
Terri came off me long enough to say, "Let them decide," and then she was back to expertly edging me with her incredible mouth.
"OK, she says y'all can choose where to cum. Mouth, face, tits, what? Hurry up, 'cause she's got me teetering on the brink here."
I glanced at the screen and it was almost universally face.
"Have they never seen you suck cock, R?" I asked as the few messages I'd glanced at were practically rabid with all sorts of lewd suggestions.
"Not a real one," she gasped. "What did they choose?"
"Seems our audience has a thing for bukkake," I grunted.
"Good choice. Besides, I know you can cum enough for three anyway." She kept going, over and over, my cock disappearing into her mouth.
A moment later, I could feel the surge.
She must have felt it, too, as she buried the dildo inside me before she pulled back and aimed my cock at her face just as the first blast erupted.
All I could do was groan and try to keep the camera on her face as she deliberately pumped my cock, firing jet after jet of thick cum across her face. I just kept cumming. When I finally stopped, I'd nearly covered her face, and already parts were dripping down onto her tits.
"Holy shit," I groaned as she started to suck gently on my head, her hand delicately pumping me slowly, searching for any missing drops. I sighed as I felt the dildo slowly slip from inside me.
"Give me the camera," Terri said and plucked it from my fingers. "Look at her face, you guys; I could knock her over with a feather right now." Then she made a show of poking me with her finger, and I collapsed into the chair, still reeling.
Terri set the camera back on the tripod and turned to face it, up close. "You guys see this?" She pointed at her face. "This was what you guys wanted," she said. "But I want you to remember this for next time as there are consequences to your choices," she said with such seriousness it made me chuckle.
"And you," she said, turning to me. "Take responsibility," she demanded.
Without a word, I obediently leaned forward and started kissing her face, cleaning my cum from it. I knew she got some sort of sick satisfaction from it, as she was grinning by the time I was done.
"You missed some," she said, pointing to the small trails that had dripped onto her chest.
"Can't have that now, can we?" I leaned forward and began to noisily lick her tits, causing a moan to escape her lips
This entire time, she hadn't stopped stroking me with one of her hands, and I was more than ready to go again.
Terri leaned towards the camera and motioned to my now rock-hard cock. "Behold, the power of the futa!" She grinned.
I leaned back in the chair, enjoying her attention.
"You are so good to me," I said softly, drawing her attention.
"Hold that thought," she said, turning back to the camera. She looked past it and to the screen.
"Wow, are you seeing this?" she glanced back at me before turning to the screen. "I think they enjoyed that as much as you did."
I tried to see the screen from here, but it was too far away. I know there was a lot of writing and what looked like a bunch of emojis on the screen. I'd have to look at the transcript later. For now, I was getting my second wind.
"OK, you guys, I have another decision for you. You see, I'm going to get up on top of that monster and ride it as long as I can," she said, then paused as she saw something on the screen that caught her attention.
"No, CowboyLover6969. I know we can both go longer than eight seconds. You can time us if you want," she laughed. "The thing is, I haven't done this with Red yet, and I can't decide whether to go straight up cowgirl or reverse. They both sound good to me, but I want to make sure you all get a good view. So, what's it going to be?" Then she leaned over and slobbered noisily on the head of my cock, making sure it was good and slippery.
I watched as tiny rivers of her spit trailed down my cock. It was amazingly hot.
"You doing OK?" she whispered, her back to the camera.
"I know which one I want," I whispered back.
"I bet you do," she grinned. "And I'm pretty sure I know which one it is," she said, winking at me.
"OK, time's up!" Terri said, looking over her shoulder at the screen. "How am I getting fucked tonight?" she asked lewdly. After scanning the page, she said, "ActionJackson88, I'd love to do that, it's a fabulous suggestion, but for another time, I'm afraid. But," she held up a finger, "don't let me forget that one. I want to try it out sometime," her voice was so sultry I was dying to know what they'd suggested.
She turned to me and winked before releasing me and repositioning the camera.
"You know, we really need another camera or two to give them different camera angles to choose from," Terri suggested to the air in general. "I saw a gangbang DVD one time that had that option. It was hot!"
For the first time tonight, I heard the tipping tone sounding like raindrops pounding a roof during a storm. I'm sure there had been others, but I had been so distracted tonight I hadn't been paying attention.
Then Terri turned her blazing eyes on me. I'd seen that look before. She was wildly horny. I'm talking break the furniture and scream loud enough to call the cops horny. The last time I'd seen that look, I'd ended up with bruised lips.
She didn't say a word as she approached me in all her glory. She still had the yoga pants on, but nothing else. Her tits were already heaving as she almost looked like she was panting with excitement.
I started to lean forward to help her out of her pants, but she pushed me roughly back into the chair.
Terri bent over, her ass right in the camera. She looked back over her shoulder, locking eyes with the camera and proceeded to slowly peel herself out of the yoga pants.
I couldn't see what the camera saw, but I was definitely gonna go back and watch the replay!
Kicking the pants off, she moved forward and straddled me while facing me.
"Classic huh? They chose wisely," I quoted.
Terri winked at me and then reached down to bring me to her entrance.
I could feel the heat radiating off her pussy before I even touched it. I glanced up from where she was about to impale herself on me and saw the pure lust and hunger in her eyes.
"You've got it bad, don't you?" I said, a bit of my own sexy voice kicking in.
"I'm about to break you," she growled.
I grinned up at her, "Let's see what you got slut puppet."
Her eyes flared as she pushed down onto me.
"Oh God damn!" The words escaped my lips unbidden as her molten insides wrapped themselves around me.
She'd pulled a good third of me inside her. She was holding herself up, shuddering, while I was trembling inside her.
Without warning, she sank down another third without a sound.
Meanwhile, my eyes were squeezed shut, and I was groaning at how tight she was squeezing me.
Her groan was low and guttural as I opened my eyes just in time to see her bottom herself out on me. Her hand reached forward and grabbed my shoulders roughly. She was panting roughly.
"I can feel you quivering around me," I said low but clear enough for the audience to hear. "Your pussy is amazing," I groaned as she started to grind against me.
Then she was flicking her hips forward and back, bringing only a few inches of my cock out of her before sliding it back in.
"Fuuuuuuuuck," she groaned as she continued to work herself atop me.
My hands leapt to her heaving breast, bare inches in front of me. I massaged and pinched before leaning forwards and licking and sucking. All the while, she kept up her grind fest.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" she droned in a voice that was laced with desperate need.
Then I winced as her insides were crushing my cock and she was trying to hold herself completely still while shaking uncontrollably. She was holding her breath.
I knew that screwed-up face of concentration; she was cumming, and cumming hard! I grabbed her hips and tried to help hold her still as she rode the waves of her orgasm. I couldn't help but smile as I watched this goddess cumming with my cock buried hilt deep inside her.
Finally, she let out an explosive breath, her body shuddering, and she fell forward onto my chest. She lay there shaking, and I held my best friend as she slowly came back from her orgasm. I was kind, and gentle, and nice...until she stopped moving.
That's when I started pumping. I still had hold of her hips and pushed then pulled in time as I thrust up into her incredible tightness.
She cried out as I started to move, then began to cuss me out. "Fucking bitch, let me enjoy that a little longer."
"Nope," I said as I continued to thrust. "Besides, a good slut puppet like you, I'll have you cumming your brains out again in no time."
"Big words," she said, her face still buried in my cleavage.
"You planning on helping out here, or am I going to have to do all the work?" I grinned at her.
"You can be such a bitch," she groaned and slowly leaned back on her own.
I slowed then, pushing up into her and watching her. "Your boobs giggle so sexily when I pound you, you know that?" I said.
"Shut up!" she groaned. She sounded half out of it and still groggy. Terri didn't have orgasms like that very often. But when she did, she was next to useless afterward unless I took drastic measures.
"Well, if you're not going to help, then I'm going to help myself," I said. "And you know what I like."
Her eyes snapped open at the unspoken threat. "When did you become such a fucking cow?" she whined but was pulling herself from her stupor.
By this time, I'd stopped pounding her and was looking up at her with an evil grin. When she still didn't move, I said, "Last chance."
"OK, fine!" Then she reached down and twisted both my nipples hard enough to make me cry out in pain.
"Hey!" I yelped. When I looked up at her, she was wide awake and grinning down at me.
"Now you're going to get it," she said as she began to slide herself up and down my cock with long strokes. Every time she bottomed out, she'd let out this guttural grunt. It reminded me of when I'd been pounding her ass and somehow fucked her senseless.
"Oh? You like that, do you?" Terri said as she grunted louder for me. "What? Does it remind you of something?" she asked, the loud slapping sound as she pounded my pelvis punctuating her grunts.
"Yes," I hissed, loving every inch of her.
"You like that? Fucking poor girls until they're nothing but a heaping mess on the floor?" She grunted, picking up the pace.
"I like pounding YOUR brains out," I said through clenched teeth. She was driving me nuts.
"Oh, did you like my face? My eyes rolled up, my tongue hanging out, drooling on the carpet as you pounded my ass?"
"Fuck!" I growled as she didn't let up. Her pussy kept pulling at me, wringing my dick out with every stroke while her words urged me onwards.
"What? Not going to last this time?" Terri leered down at me. "Seems I've got the power over you this time. I'm gonna make you lose your shit."
Her words inflamed my libido. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pushing down on her shoulders every time she pounded down on me.
"Oh yeah, you are. You can't take much more. This pussy is just too good for you. You can't stop it, I'm not going to let you stop, not until I pull every last drop of your cum out and make you splatter it against my insides."
"Jesus Christ, woman!" I howled, completely losing control and just ramming up into her. "I need to cum bitch, I need it now!"
"Oh, do you?" she was grunting with effort now as our actions were getting rough. "Well, what's stopping you? You know you can use any of my holes anytime. Just blow your load in me, I can take it. Just thinking about those lovely ropes of thick cum spurting inside me makes me--"
That's when I lost it. I exploded inside her, ramming myself up hard enough to make her cry out in surprise.
"Holy fuck, I can feel you cumming! You just keep getting bigger, God!" She cried out as I slammed into her again. "Yeah, let all that nasty shit out... it's so fucking warm. Keep filling me, fuck!"
Her words spurred me on and I couldn't help but pound up into her several more times. Each time, I was letting another spurt go.
Terri put her hand to her abdomen, "Holy crap, I really can feel it!" she panted, grunting again and again with each of my plunges.
When I finally collapsed back, letting go of her hips, my arms fell limp to my sides.
A blazing headache suddenly burst forth and blinded me momentarily. My vision blurred, spots in my eyes, and the sound of my blood pumping in my ears deafened me. A moment later, it was all gone, and I was lying in a heap, gasping for air.
Terri was leaning over me, grinning down at me with an expression of complete dominance.
"You are so my bitch," She grinned.
I didn't have the energy to reply.
She looked over her shoulder at the camera, "She's my bitch isn't she? I mean, you saw that, right? I totally owned her just then." She turned back to me a moment later. "See, they agree with me. You're MY bitch. And just to prove it,"
Terri shifted her legs forward and pinned my arms to my sides as she slipped her dripping pussy over my face as my cum was sliding out of her.
All I could do was what she wanted. I didn't have the energy or strength to resist. So, I lay there eating my cum out of her pussy as she giggled down at me, occasionally gasping when I touched her clit.
A few minutes later, she took pity on me and turned around to 69 with me. "See, I'm not a total bitch. I can take responsibility for my messes, too." She looked up at the camera that wasn't far from her, "That's a life lesson, kids." Then she was slurping noisily on my still-dripping cock.
Sometime later I woke up as Terri was pulling the mask off me.
"Huh?" I said groggily.
"Wake up, sleeping beauty," Terri said sweetly.
"What?" I looked around in a daze. I was still in the armchair, most of my body still a mess from our sloppy romp.
Terri was gently wiping my cock with a warm washcloth.
"Wow, you were out of it," Terri said.
"What happened?" I asked, trying to sit up.
"No," Terri said, putting an unusually strong hand on my chest. "Just relax," She smiled and continued cleaning me up. "Best I can tell, you passed out. When I realized you were out of it, I signed off and shut down the broadcast."
"You did?" I was trying to keep my eyes open. It was increasingly difficult.
"Yup, I got you covered," Terri said as she moved up, cleaning several small globs of my cum that had dribbled out of her when she moved up to sit on my face. "Our audience was surprisingly worried I'd smothered you when you didn't get up."
"Really?" That surprised me.
"Yup," Terri said, moving to wipe off my face. "I simply told them I fucked you unconscious, and they believed me. I was rather sweet about it. They seemed to like that."
"Wow," I looked around and saw the studio had already been broken down and put away. The office was back to normal. "How long was I out?"
"A good hour or so," Terri continued to smile down at me, having finished my impromptu sponge bath.
"I don't know what happened," I said honestly.
"I happened," Terri said, leaning down and kissing me with so much tenderness I didn't want to move for fear of losing it. When she leaned back, she was still looking at me. "You've got it for me bad, don't you?"
She put her finger on my lips. "It's alright. I've got it pretty bad for you, too." Her hand moved to the side of my face, where she cupped it gently. "But that's for later. Right now, let's get you to bed before Mom comes home. She's pretty open-minded, but I think the state you're in right now would probably test even her limits," Terri smiled down at me before helping me gingerly to my feet.
My legs were wobbly, like I'd just run a marathon. "No really, what the hell happened to me? I'm weak as a kitten right now. We didn't even do that much."
"I don't know Ash," Terri said as we entered her room. She deposited me on the bed, closed the door, and turned off the light before crawling in with me. She curled up around me, and I found her warmth wonderful.
Before I knew it, my eyes were drooping again. I tried to say something, but Terri cut me off.
"Shhh. We've got school in the morning, and you need to be able to walk on your own. So sleep, I've got you, sweetie," Terri said gently in my ear.
The last thing I felt was her delicately wrapping a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.
Things kinda normalized about then. I'm not saying they went completely back to normal, but...I guess it was the new normal?
I wasn't fucking everything in sight nightly like a brainless sex machine anymore. Don't get me wrong; I was constantly horny; I just seemed to have more self-control.
Like on Tuesday, I came home and was alone in the house with Dad. We exchanged pleasantries but didn't instantly go at one another like sex-starved teenagers. No, I waited till that night.
I'd been going through my new porn collection. I had the two streaming videos Terri and I had made and the two videos from the mall dressing room with Remmi. Not to mention all of the house security videos.
I'd decided I was going to start a collection. Anyone who wanted to have sex with me would have to be willing to have at least some of it recorded for fap material...I mean posterity.
I'd worked myself up to a good lather and was heading to the bathroom to take care of it. The house was quiet; it was after one in the morning, after all. When I got into the bathroom, I turned to close the door and saw the door to my parent's room was cracked.
That wasn't normal. They always closed their door. To see it cracked open seemed like an invitation to me.
I left the bathroom and crept down the hall. Stopping at the cracked door, I looked in. Mom and Dad were both asleep, so I tiptoed into the room, closing the door behind me.
It was like a flashback. Here I was, standing over my sleeping parents once again. Only this time, I knew what my dad was hiding. I glanced over at Mom, and once more, dark ideas swam to the surface of my mind.
I've mentioned it before, but Mom is gorgeous. I mean, smoking hot, even now after three kids. She was tall, had a deliciously curvy figure, with long brown hair, sharp facial features, and an amazing rack that I couldn't stop staring at because it was exposed and pointed right at me.
Mom slept in the nude as well, apparently. It looked like she'd tossed and turned in the middle of the night, exposing her chest and one leg in the process.
My cock was straining my shorts now. I mean, I didn't have any special lustful ideas towards my mom. But she was still a beautiful woman. My hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it slipped into my shorts. I started to stroke myself to these lovely exposed titties.
I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Part of me wanted to blow my load all over her right there, but I didn't want to wake her. Or worse, not wake her, and she'd think Dad had done it and take it out of him.
As if sensing my eyes, Mom shifted again, exposing a bit more skin.
Why I pulled my camera out just then, I don't know, but I did. I opened my phone, pulled up the video camera function and started recording. I took some great footage of my mom's massive tits rising and falling as she slept away, unaware her daughter was making a sex tape. At one point, I even had my cock in the frame, just for size comparison.
I couldn't help it; I reached over and gently lifted the covers to get a good look at her backside. Her ass was just as impressive as I thought it would be. That went on tape as well. But I couldn't stop now; I wanted to see everything.
I guess I could have just gone back through the camera footage on Dad's security system. Checked her out in the shower. But I wasn't thinking about that just then. I had a living, breathing toy right in front of me.
Moving around the bed, I had to stretch over Dad to raise the covers enough to get a good look at Mom. In my opinion, she could do porn, no problem. She had a really cute little landing strip, too.
A hand on my boob made me nearly jump out the window. Luckily, I restrained myself enough to lower the covers before looking down at my grinning dad.
"Looking for something?" He whispered.
I gave him a half-shrug as his hand moved down to my hard cock.
"I think you were," Dad said, glancing at Mom. "Want to go downstairs?" When I shook my head, he gently slipped his hand into my shorts and pulled me partially out. "Here?" he mouthed.
That idea sent a zing through my belly and down my cock.
I guess my dad felt it because he chuckled slightly.
I looked at him, still lying on his pillow and moved up so my cock was near his face. He glanced at Mom once more, then turned his head, still on its pillow and opened his mouth.
I knew he wouldn't mind, but I still held up my phone just to be sure. I saw his eyes get a little wider and glance at Mom one more time before turning back to my cock.
I wasted no time positioning the camera before taking his invitation and slipping inside his warm mouth. It was an awkward angle, but it still felt good. Getting only about half my cock into him, I began to pump gently.
One of his free hands reached for my boobs again. I pulled up my shirt, exposing my tits for him, and he began to enjoy himself.
I panned the camera from where I was pumping my dad's mouth over to Mom's sleeping form and then back. The scene was hot, straight out of a porn video...well, maybe not straight out of it, but still, it was hot.
I wondered again if I could get away with cumming on her tits and tried to push it from my mind. The more I thought about it, the hotter I got.
I pulled out of my dad's mouth. This wasn't going to be enough.
He looked at me questioningly.
I lay down on the carpet next to the bed and spread my legs for him. In all the porn I'd seen, they'd fucked on the bed and always made too much movement, whether the sleeping actress woke up or not.
Dad wasted no time climbing carefully out of bed and down to the floor with me.
I reached out and took his cock in my hand before filming myself, pulling it to my mouth. I was plenty wet, but I found the more lubrication the better. I slobbered all over his cock, trying to record at the awkward angle. Dad took the camera from me and helped me out.
Finally, I pushed him back, guiding him to my entrance.
He started to hand the camera back, "No, I want to see what you see," I whispered.
He shrugged and turned the camera on me. I'd pulled off my shorts and shirt and now lay there naked, waiting for him.
I watched his face as he pushed forward, the head of his cock slipping between my wet folds. He was filming it as every inch of him slowly sank into me. The more I thought about watching the video later, the more excited I got.
He momentarily closed his eyes as he sank into me, enjoying the warmth of my insides wrapping around him. He opened his eyes just before he bottomed out and looked down at me.
I smiled up at my father as his cock was now buried inside my wet pussy. The camera pivoted up to my face, running from his cock, to my pussy, to my cock, tits and then eyes.
All it took was a nod, and he started to go to work.
Making sure we weren't touching the bed, I curved my hips up to give Dad better access. This, in turn, caused my cock to push into my belly slightly, its precum making a wet spot.
I reached down and ran my finger through my precum before sucking the salty goodness off and grabbing my dick. There I was, slowly jacking my cock while sucking on a cum coated finger. When I looked up, I saw the camera taking it all in, every slutty inch of me and the things I was doing. Then, I saw my dad's face, and I could tell he was already getting close.
The poor guy. I probably should have been helping to take care of him. I know mom didn't. He probably hadn't cum since our last time...at least, not with someone else. He was probably on as much of a hair trigger as I was, and I'm sure the sight of me wasn't helping.
I started jacking my cock with a vengeance. I wanted to cum with Dad still inside me, preferably while he was still fucking me. But from the look on his face, I didn't have much time.
Bless him; he must have read my mind. He looked down at my frantically stroking my cock and slowed down his pumping of my pussy. He was going to try and hold off for me.
This entire time, we hadn't made a sound...aside from the squelching of his cock pounding my pussy. Even as waves of pleasure were coursing through me from the pounding he'd been giving me, I'd held back every gasp and moan. It was so weird fucking and not making any noise.
I could feel my orgasm building and grabbed the camera with my free hand so I could put my legs up on my dad's shoulders. He took the sign and grabbed onto my thighs as he began to pump faster once more.
I angled the camera up, watched his cock pounding away just below the base of my own cock. I knew the shaky cam was going to be bad, but I didn't care.
I watched Dad's face turning red as he was getting into it and risked it.
"My pussy must feel pretty good for you to be making that face," I whispered.
"You fucking slut," my father whispered back, his words acting like a fire that started burning in my belly.
He must have seen the reaction as he continued.
"Always with the teasing. Waving that fucking cock in my face. Fucking my face while watching your mom's tits the whole time. I bet you want to fuck your mom now...fucking slut!" He whispered, his voice panting as he kept up his quiet pounding.
His words dove me over the edge and sent my cock exploding out all over my tits and belly. I barely got the camera turned around in time but then lost track of it as the jolts of pleasure coursed through me.
I guess the sight of his daughter's girl cock blowing its load all over my body pushed him over too. The next thing I knew, he was pulling out and spraying his cum all over me, marking his daughter with his semen.
I hadn't caught the beginning of his orgasm, but I moved the camera enough to get a bird's eye view of the events.
The feeling of hot cum splattering on my skin was amazing. I wished it would stay warm longer, but I basked in every glorious spurt from both our cocks.
Then, we were both trying to keep our panting quiet.
Dad glanced up; Mom hadn't moved an inch. He looked down at me, smiled and nodded. He leaned back, almost entirely clean, where I was drowning in our combined cum.
I looked down at my slick tits and had to stifle a sudden giggle as I turned off the camera.
"Want help?" Dad whispered.
I waved him off and quietly got to my feet, trying to keep any cum from dripping onto the floor.
"Night," I whispered as I kissed him briefly and fled the room. A quick shower later, and I was back in bed. I could get used to this. I sighed contentedly and went to sleep.
I woke up alone, in my own bed, sometime later. Someone had the courtesy to clean me up somewhat before they'd put me to bed. I was grateful as I didn't want to imagine the state of Dad's sheets.
I checked my phone and saw it was early afternoon.
Being very careful, I got up and stretched. My legs were still a bit wobbly, but my arms seemed OK. I was going to have to start out a little slower with my "get in shape" plan. I'd have to pick swimming or sex, not both!
I threw on some clothes and peeked into Dad's room. Remmi was still in there with Dad. They were naked on the bed and talking quietly. Something made me quietly shut the door and tiptoe away to give them some privacy. If it was something important, one of them would fill me in later.
I went and got into a very hot shower. I took my time, letting the hot water stream across my tired muscles. I kept finding myself standing beneath the spray, just enjoying the feel of the water hitting me.
By the time I climbed out, the bathroom was a steamy mess. I finished cleaning myself up and was throwing on fresh clothes in my room when a pair of arms snaked around me.
"Oh, you're warm!" Remmi said as she snuggled into my back.
"Hey you," I stopped and leaned back into her.
"Heya, sis," she said before kissing my neck and letting go of me. "Thanks for that," Remmi said as she flopped onto my bed. She was dressed in nothing but one of Dad's jerseys.
"For what?" I asked, finishing getting dressed.
"Well, for a couple of things, actually. But as of right now, for letting Dad and I talk."
"You heard me open the door?" I asked, thinking I'd been sneaky.
"Yeah. Dad didn't, but I knew. Thanks. There were some things I wanted to clear the air with him about."
"Everything all good?" I asked as I pulled my hair out of the back of my t-shirt.
"Yup, we're all good. As for the other, thank you for making me stay," Remmi said.
"I knew you wanted to do this. You were just too nervous to act."
"And that's why I'm thanking you. If you hadn't prodded me, I would still be wondering, 'What if?' So, thanks," Remmi said.
I leaned over and kissed her lightly. "What are sisters for?" I smiled.
"Oh, I've got some ideas," Remmi grinned.
"You mean besides prodding?" I flirted.
"Welllll," Remmi began.
"Not right now, you don't," I waved my hand in front of my face. "You need a shower...badly."
Remmi's face turned into a pout. "Come with me?"
I surprised myself by shaking my head. "No thanks. I'm afraid I might pass out again."
"You did?" Remmi sat up.
"Pretty much," I nodded. "Now, go clean up!"
"Yes, mom!" Remmi stuck her tongue out at me and then headed to the bathroom I'd just vacated.
I went downstairs and got something to eat. That piece of toast and glass of juice from this morning were long gone.
Dad came down just as I was finishing up the fruit I was munching on. He was dressed in his usual bum about the house clothes, but he smelled fresh from the shower as well.
"Hey, sweetie."
"Hey, Dad," I mumbled through a mouthful of fruit.
Dad came over and got something to drink before leaning against the wall next to me.
I glanced up at him.
"You OK?" he asked.
I grinned, "Yeah, I'm all right."
"Pretty intense, huh?" he asked.
"I'm alright Dad!" I protested.
"OK, OK" he said as he held his hands up.
Remmi and Dad were both tiptoeing around me like I was some delicate flower. I guess my whole fainting deal must have scared them pretty good. Was that what that was? Had I fainted?
"I need to go do some work on the computer. Let me know if you need anything, OK?" Dad said as he kissed me on top of the head and headed for the basement.
"Hey Dad?" I called out, making him stop and turn back.
"When I was a kid, did I ever have an accident with water or something?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Dad asked.
"Like, a trauma event at a pool or lake or anything?" I said.
Dad thought about it. "Not that I can remember, but I'll check with your mom." Dad knocked on the side of his head. "Old noggin's not what it once was, you know."
"OK, thanks," I said as he turned and headed for the basement stairs. "I'm not coming down there and fucking you, just so you know," I called after him.
"Never said you were," he said as he waved without looking at me.
Remmi came down a little while later and we talked for a bit. She took off before everyone was due to get home, though. She didn't feel she could face Mom just now.
Dad got absorbed in whatever he was doing and forgot to make dinner, so he ordered pizza instead.
Later, I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling and comparing how insane the morning had been but how mundane the afternoon was. I mean, I know you can't just have sex all day. Even I don't have that kind of stamina. But to be all over one another one minute and then just be comfortably hanging out doing nothing the next. It was weird...but I kinda liked it.
I had the drowning dream again that night. Only this time, I knew where the cylinder was that I was trapped in.
I tried to push the nightmare out of my head at school the next day, but it kept tapping at the back of my subconscious. I needed something to get my mind off it.
"You'll never guess what I was doing yesterday," I said as I took a bite of my sandwich at lunch.
"I was wondering where you'd run off to," Terri said as she ate her own lunch.
So, I proceeded to fill Terri in on all my antics. By the time I was finished, her mouth was hanging open, and her sandwich had been forgotten.
"Please tell me you got it all on tape!" Terri said, just a bit too loud.
"Of course," I grinned at her.
"Wow...so you've pretty much rounded all the bases now, haven't you?" Terri asked.
"Almost. How did you and Thomas's big date go over the weekend? Thomas didn't say."
The look on Terri's face changed to one of delight. "It was great! We grabbed a bite, then caught a movie and ended up talking out by the pool at your house till way too late."
I liked the look Terri had. She seemed genuinely happy. She normally carried a serious look about her everywhere she went, but when talking about Thomas, that fell away.
"I take it the two of you hit it off, then?"
"Yeah. We're going out again this weekend."
"Oh ho-ho. Is Ms. Terri on a second date? Do I hear wedding bells?" I teased. Terri never went out with someone more than once. It was her thing.
"Bitch, shut up." Terri frowned at me.
"Y'all doing anything good?" I asked.
"Ice skating," Terri sighed.
"Ice skating? You?" I knew Terri couldn't ice skate to save her soul.
"The things I do for love," she sighed.
I raised my eyebrows at her.
"Don't start," she threatened.
I just smiled and ate my sandwich.
"Thomas is actually pretty interesting when you get to know him," Terri said after a minute.
"He actually spoke to you?" I acted shocked.
"After a while. At first, he was too nervous. But once we were sitting out by the pool in the dark, he opened up pretty quick."
"Was he stoned?" I asked.
"Nope," Terri said.
"Well done. It's hard getting that boy to talk at all," I said.
"He did ask about you and me," Terri said.
"Really?" I leaned forward. "How so?"
"Well, he'd seen the streams and knew you and I were close. But, he was under the impression we were exclusive."
"I told that idiot to go for it!" I muttered in frustration.
"He did say he had your permission," Terri gave me a sour look. "Permission? Really, Ash?"
"Hey, he wouldn't even consider dating you until I told him it was OK. So, I gave him the green light. Oh, and look, y'all are dating now. You're welcome."
"Fine," Terri said. "But I'm not paying a dowery."
I chuckled. "He say anything about your stream?"
"Just that he found it incredibly sexy and couldn't wait to see the next one," Terri said.
"Really? Well, that answered that. You offer him a private show?" I asked and watched as Terri became embarrassed. "You are not blushing!"
Terri shook her head. "No, I didn't offer. Thomas and I are...taking things slow. With all the recent...activities, we're both a little twisted up...emotionally. So, we're feeling each other out first."
"I bet you are," I grinned lewdly.
Terri sighed in disgust. "What about you and Remmi?"
"Complicated," I frowned.
"You said that last time," Terri countered.
"It's more complicated," I said and then explained the conversation we'd had.
"Huh. If I didn't know her any better, I'd almost say she was playing with you. Which I'm sure you'd love, but no." Terri shook her head. "I guess y'all are taking it slow as well."
"You call yesterday taking it slow?" I scoffed.
"You know what I mean," Terri shook her head at me. "Just don't be in a hurry. The sex is fun and amazing and all, but it's a very small part of a relationship, Ash. You need to get a feel for the other stuff before you make a serious commitment."
"Who the hell are you?" I asked. "When did you become a relationship guru?"
"Oh, if it's someone else's relationship, it's easy. I just have problems with my own," she grinned at me.
The bell rang, cutting off our conversation as we headed back to class.
"When you seeing Remmi again?" Terri asked.
"Actually, I don't know," I frowned.
The next two days were pretty boring. Aside from the now-reoccurring drowning nightmare that had me avoiding the pool at all costs, nothing new happened. Dad said Mom couldn't remember anything bad, water-related, that had happened to me.
Then, I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, when there was a quiet knock on my door. It was Dad. He was naked and motioning for me to be quiet and follow him.
I thought he was heading downstairs, but when he turned towards his bedroom, my heart started racing.
Sure enough, when I entered, Mom was tied up and blindfolded just as he had been Monday. I don't know what they'd been doing, but my mother's body was glistening in the dim light of the bedroom.
Dad closed the door and pointed at the chair I'd directed Remmi to, giving me a strange sense of Deja vu.
"Is that you, Daddy?" My mother's voice was brimming with sultriness and shocked me. I'd never heard that voice from her before.
"Yes, sweetie, it's me," Dad said as he approached the bed.
"Why did you tie me up and cover my eyes, Daddy?"
"It's a game, sweetie," Dad said as he climbed onto the bed.
"I bet I know what kind of game, Daddy," Mom said.
"Oh? You do?" Dad said.
"It's a sex game, isn't it Daddy?" Mom was really playing up the sexy talk. I was starting to have a newfound respect for her acting abilities.
"And what would you know about sex games?" Dad asked as he reached out and lightly ran his hand across Mom's stomach.
"You'd be surprised what my friend Terri and I get up to when you're not around, Daddy."
Holy shit, did Mom know about Terri and I?
"Now, Asher, what have I told you about playing with your friends?" Dad said.
Mom moaned softly as Dad's fingers slid across her body. "Not to play unless you could watch," Mom said.
"Is that what you want Asher, for me to watch you and your friend playing?" Dad said.
"Maybe later. Right now, I want you to play with me, Daddy," Mom said, her body writhing under Dad's delicate attentions.
"Oh? And what do you want me to play with, Asher?"
"My pussy," Mom's voice came out as a whisper like she was ashamed of saying the word aloud.
"Like this?" Dad said as his fingers went to work teasing her. A minute later, "Or like this?" he said as he lowered his mouth to her sex.
Mom lit up like she'd touched a live wire. Her body arched and she strained at her bonds with Dad's oral talent.
"Oh yes, Daddy. Do that, right there!" Mom cried out, her innocent voice cracking as her mask slipped a bit.
I was drawn closer as I watched my father licking my mother's pussy. But her squirming and heaving chest were what was doing it for me. I already had my cock in my hand and was stroking it to this erotic sight. Then I felt something and looked down to find Dad's hand lightly stroking my cock, all the while not stopping going down on Mom. The man could multi-task.
I enjoyed his administrations for a few minutes until he had to stop as Mom's breathing had changed. He solely focused on her now.
"Yes, Daddy. Make your little girl cum, please, Daddy!" Mom was calling out, "Please, Daddy, please!" Again, and again.
Each time she called out, it put me one step closer to blowing my load. As I watched my mother calling out as her orgasm claimed her, I had to stop touching myself altogether because I didn't want to cum just yet.
When Mom stopped shaking, Dad moved up and rested his cock against Mom's pussy.
"Oh, Daddy. Are you going to fuck me now? Are you going to fuck your own daughter?" Mom asked.
"Of course," Dad said simply.
"With your bare dick? What if you get me pregnant?" Mom asked.
"We'll just have to risk it, won't we?" Dad said as he started slipping his cock inside her.
"Oh, Daddy, your dick feels so good, don't stop!" Mom urged him on with even more talk.
Her words were really having an effect on me and I found my heart was racing. I watched as the two of them went at it for what seemed like an eternity, but then I saw his face. He was getting close.
He opened his eyes and found me staring at him. "What?" he mouthed.
"Switch?" I mouthed.
He gave me a look. He didn't understand me.
"I want to fuck her," I mouthed.
Dad actually stopped fucking Mom and stared at me.
"Daddy? What's wrong?" Mom called.
"Uh, no...nothing, honey," Dad said as he resumed his thrust, only disjointed now.
"Really?" Dad mouthed and I just nodded my head enthusiastically.
Would Dad really let me do Mom right in front of him? I wasn't sure which was hotter, fucking Mom or Dad watching me fuck Mom. Dad watching, definitely Dad watching was hotter.
Finally, Dad made his choice and slowed to a stop again. "I'm going to try something, Asher; hang on just a second," Dad said and pulled out of my Mom.
Mom responded by making a pouting noise.
I climbed up on the bed at Dad's urging and took my place between my Mother's thighs. I looked down and saw her glistening and swollen lips from Father's abusings.
I jumped when Dad spoke to Mom from over my shoulder. He was right behind me now and had hold of my hips for balance.
"Tell me what you think of this Asher," Dad said as he gave my hips a little push.
I didn't need his prodding as the head of my cock was already gently resting between her folds. When I started to push, the reaction was immediate.
"Jesus Sinjin, what's that?" Mom cried out in her normal voice, all fake-daughter pretense gone.
"Just a little something I thought you might like," Dad said coyly.
"Little?" Mom gasped.
I pushed deeper, bringing a groan from deep in her throat.
"Now, Asher, be nice...or I'll stop," Dad said.
"OK, Daddy," Mom moaned again as I continued to sink deeper into her lovely pussy.
I could feel Dad's hands holding my ass, urging me forward. His big fingers digging into my cheeks sent another dark thrill through me.
I had to lean forward, my arms to either side of my Mom as I bottomed out. I couldn't hold her legs as they were restrained, and she'd probably figure out pretty quickly it wasn't Dad holding her.
Then Dad had my hips again and began to urge me to move. I followed his lead, letting him basically fuck his wife using my cock. It was kind of sexy, to be honest.
Mom was having a hard time staying in character now that I was fucking her properly.
"Ugh...damn, that's good," Mom said in her own voice again.
"What was that, Asher?" My Dad said over my shoulder.
"Oh, just fuck me, Daddy," Mom replied, falling back into her role as me.
I was fucking my Mom, while she was pretending to be me fucking my Dad, as he watched on and guided my hips.
Then I felt Dad's cock. He was pressing against my back, rubbing gently. I didn't mind it. It felt kind of dirty. But, then it slipped lower and he was rubbing it down the crack of my ass, "hot dog" style. I thought he was going to fuck me at first, but he just kept running his cock back and forth, teasing my asshole.
I was pounding my Mom's pussy now and wasn't sure how much more I could take. Between her gripping my cock and my father teasing my ass, I was starting to lose it.
Somehow, Dad seemed to sense my pending orgasm and leaped into action.
"Oh, Asher, you're going to make Daddy cum," Dad said. I wasn't sure who he was talking to as he was grinding on my ass with real heat now.
"Oh yes, Daddy! But not inside. I don't want to get pregnant!" My mother cried out.
Her words were still affecting me just as much as they were Dad as I could feel my muscles tensing. I was doing my damnedest to not make any noise, but it was getting harder by the second, pun intended.
"Fuck, here it comes, Asher!" Dad said. "Take Daddy's cum!"
Suddenly there was a warm splattering across my back and ass as my father was blowing his load all over my backside. This, of course, sent me over the edge, and I pulled out just in time.
"Yes! Make a mess of your daughter!" Mom cried out as my first spurt flew and landed on her stomach. She cried out each time my cum blasted her. "Holy fuck!" she cried out in her real voice as I truly made a mess of her. I guess she hadn't been expecting such a deluge.
When I leaned back and looked down, my Mother had my cum from her tits to her navel. Sexy streaks of my semen painted her skin and made me want to do it all over again.
A nudge from Dad pushed those thoughts from my mind and I carefully crawled off the bed as Dad moved up to take my place.
"That was amazing, Asher!" Dad said.
"Happy to please my Daddy anytime," Mom purred back.
Dad winked at me and I made my escape before Dad started unstrapping her.
I replayed the events in my head while in the shower and couldn't help but touch myself with how excited I got. I couldn't believe my Dad had let me do that. I wondered what else he'd let me do.