Peculiar Hunger part 1 by Awak

Numb nothingness shackled his body deeply. The stupor was felt but not quite the same as being awake. Yet there was something strange about this stupor. It felt almost unwilling. But, like every stupor, the sense of reality slowly returned to him. Inch by inch. Once again, Belor felt alive, or rather unalive.

His eyes pierced through the darkness that surrounded him. The cold stone above Belor was clearly of his usual resting place, and the soft cushion below only validated such.

A numb pain in his head was the only thing left of the deep stupor he was in. The vampire looked down at his own body and found no sign of damage. 

Of course there wouldn't be any damage; he was a vampire after all. Why would he even think that? 

If he was looking for answers to his forgetting, he wouldn't find them inside this stone coffin. A slight surge of power emits from the vampire as he seeks the connection to his manor for the usual dark energy that nets around his estate.

In his weakened state, he eventually finds the familiar energy beneath the surface that immediately connects with him. He and his manor are one again, but just like with himself, he felt the weakness in the net that barely had any strength left.

Slowly and carefully he crawled his senses through the building looking for any sign of existence. A weak form sparks in his mind somewhere in the entry hall, and a sigh of relief escaped the young undead. A very familiar creature. 

Putting together all the strength in his light, slender body, he pushed the coffin open and finally stepped out of the confinement. If his heart would still be beating, it would have skipped a step at the sight around him.

The crypt was destroyed and damaged, with rubble lying around everywhere. It looked like a battle had taken place within his most secure safe haven. His senses once again sparked for danger, but emptiness greeted the vampire again. 

Carefully he stepped through the rubble with his bare feet, making sure not to damage his beautiful form. Having full control of his lithe beauty again felt wonderful. 

When he arrives at the doorway out of the crypt, he stretches fully, no longer hindered by coffin or rubble. The vampire looked down on his pale body with a soft smile. 

His twinkish figure still looked gorgeous as always, with his average cock hanging freely and his cute ass looking spankable as ever. 

'I should probably find some clothes before stepping into civilization before some lady or guy pounces on me.'

Thinking about ladies immediately made his hunger surge, and once again the vampire became aware of his current weak state. A hunt was soon in order.

The quiet steps of his bare feet echoed through the corridors of the mansion. His damaged home has seen far better days. It would need a lot of work to bring the estate back to its dark glory. Luckily enough, his connection was now fully back, and his steps carried him quickly to his destination. 

Occasionally he comes across skeletal remains damaged from combat of the potential invasion that has caused such damage to the building. 

Soon enough he arrived at the great hall, which had to carry the heaviest destruction. At some point, heavy siege engines or magic must have blasted through the entry, and the amount of skeletons was staggering. At least he wouldn't have to worry about the necromantic future of his household. 

The vampire digs through some rubble until he finally frees the remains of a fairly intact skeletal body. Any clothing has rotted away, but the bone structure alone was enough to identify him. 

A slight rumble goes through the mansion as Belor sparks some of his remaining energy. The vampire doubted that he could reanimate any undead except this one who is connected to him so deeply. 

As the dark glow from his eyes vanishes, he has to lean against a wall to not fall over, but the result made him smile. With sudden and erratic motions, the skeleton sparks to unlife again and slowly tries to stand up.

"It is good to see you, Charles. Maybe you can help me solve what has happened here."

At the sound of Belor's gentle voice, the empty sockets snap to him, and a familiarity can be seen within the rigid expressions of the skull. 

"Master Belor! Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

The skeleton is far more animated than others of his kind. Reason being that he has been connected to Belor for centuries as the dutiful servant. 

"I am alright, thank you, but you look quite awful. You should probably find your arm at some point." 

Charles looks at his missing limb and gives a slow nod.

"Of course. My apologies for this inadequate look not befitting your status. I will look for my extremity post haste!"

The undead servant immediately sparks to motion, trying to find his arm among the rubble. 

"No. Wait, you idiot. Answer my questions first. No reason for etiquette at the moment. Besides, we are both naked." 

Charles looks over the naked body of his beautiful master. "Of course. Master Belor. Well, I do not have much memory of the events a hundred years ago, but..."

The thought process of the servant is immediately interrupted by the surprised gasp of the vampire. "A hundred years?! I am only 400, no, 500 years old now. I have missed a fifth of my existence?" 

Belor paces through the grand hall, sounding out his frustration against the silence as the servant follows and tries to calm him. "Barely anything mortal from back then exists anymore. Who is even in charge of the surrounding lands?" 

A skeletal hand rests on his shoulder to calm the agitated vampire. If the vampire had any strength currently, he probably would have broken more of the estate. "Master Belor. I can only tell you what I remember. We were assaulted by adventures with holy might. Some kind of church of divine entity must have backed them; otherwise, they would not have succeeded."

In a calmer state, Belor looks back at his servant. "Then why am I alive then? Surely they would have destroyed such a vile undead like me." A mocking tone sits in his voice as he is far from vile and actually not as undead as most vampires.

"What about mother? She surely would have saved me from the strange stupor. Her life might be ancient, but even a hundred years are enough for her to act." 

A shrug comes from the undead in front of him. "As soon as you were left inanimate, so too did my existence stop." 

A motion of hopelessness comes across Belor's eternally beautiful face as his gaze wanders over the rubble and destruction around him. As a sigh escapes him, Charles springs to action and holds his shoulder so that they look at each other. Seeing his master like this pains his missing heart. 

He somehow manages to have a fatherly look in his unmoving skull as he holds his far more powerful protectee. "Now, now, Master Belor. You still exist and are only one or two hunts away from regaining your strength. As long as I still walk around, I will help you and be by your side." 

Another sigh escapes the young-looking vampire, and he takes strength that is needed for the rebuilding of his estate. "Talking about hunts, are there any villages or hamlets nearby?"

It was dark out as the tavern was slowly but surely emptying. In the flickering light of the candles, the usual drunkards sat around finishing their last drinks. The sturdy lady started washing out some mugs as she was looking at her tavern. 

Some might question why a mature beauty like her would still be working the bar while having a bunch of young ones around who could take over that part, but Matilda always enjoyed the social aspect of dealing with patrons. That was the very reason why she started this business when she was younger, to begin with. 

A slight smile crosses her face as she remembers the young woman in the mirror from 15 years ago, always drawing eyes towards her generous curves. Not that she no longer draws eyes from the patrons, but maybe she did put on a bit more weight.

Her gaze stops at the unfamiliar figure sitting in the corner alone. The slender man was definitely not a regular and definitely not drunk. At least she assumed that it was a man because the robe and hood were hiding most of his features. 

"Hey Tina, who is that guy in the corner? Did he even order anything?" 

The young maid who was currently ushering out some drunkards who had way too much looks over to the barkeep. "Well, he came in a while ago. Don't know who he is. I didn't want to kick him out for not ordering for... for reasons." 

A slight blush creeps onto the maiden's face, which gives her a raised eyebrow from the older lady. "Reasons?" 

The blush turns into a somewhat lewd grin as Tina gives her boss a quick grin. "Why don't you look for yourself?"

A bit confused by her maid's attitude, the mature lady steps around the bar and approaches the figure that would spark such a reaction. "Hey, everything alright wi...." 

Her voice quickly stops as the figure gazes up at her. She had expected some pretty boy from the reaction of her maid, but the breathtaking beauty of the young one left her stunned. 

His features were gorgeous with a slight hint of masculinity, his lips something begging to be kissed or doing much more, and then his eyes. By the gods, his eyes. She could almost lose herself in those light blue oceans. 

"I am sorry. Am I causing problems?" The soft, gentle voice perfected the look, and Matilda felt her body reacting to this sinful creature. 

A blush crept on her face, and heat ran through her body. She could feel the blood pooling between her thighs, and her cock gave a clear reaction to this stunning stranger.

"No, no. Of course not, cutie." It took a moment for her voice to return as she gathered herself. The stranger has pulled back his hood, revealing beautiful dark hair going all the way to his shoulders. 

"I am just...." A quick sigh follows. She is acting like some young gal. "You've been sitting here all alone, not ordering anything. Is everything alright?" 

At her words, the deep eyes of the young man turned slightly wet, and the big lady immediately felt a sting at her words. "I am sorry. I was just looking for some shelter from the cold. I don't have much money. I am so sorry." 

He is about to stand and leave on the verge of crying, but the curvy body of Matilda stops him. A gentle pressure puts the young man back into his seat, and she sits next to him, making sure the cold boy feels the warmth of her form. "No, you don't, cutie. You will stay here where it is nice and warm, and I will bring you something hot to eat." 

The coming protest was silenced with a careful finger on his lips and a gentle smile. Matilda motions for Tina to bring something, to which the young woman answers with another lewd grin.

The barkeep made sure that the young man ate everything presented to him, her warm gaze never leaving him. As it got late, the rest of the maids disappeared out of the tavern. Particularly Tina seemed sad to not stay longer. 

"Thank you. You are so kind to me." A weak smile sits on his face after he finishes, which makes the mature lady's heart flutter. 

"Do not worry about it, cutie. You have yet to tell me your name." 

"Oh, apologies. Talin is my name." The nervous blush on his face almost makes her act up. She can still feel the heat of her arousal that has been stoking between her legs. "I should probably leave you; you surely want to go to sleep and..." 

His motion for leaving is once again interrupted by her warm body. "No cutie. You can stay as long as you like. Actually, you can rest in the back. I might not have any rooms, but we can organize something. I could sleep on a bench, and you can take...." 

This time it is the young man who stops her mid-sentence with his beautiful eyes taking on a different facet. A more seductive one. "Thank you. Such help, especially from such a gorgeous woman like you, still makes me believe that there is warmth and kindness in this world. If there is any way I can repay you, I am willing to do it." 

The weak smile of the young man has an almost predatory tone to it, and a soft hand rests on her shoulder.

An internal giggle escapes Belor as he almost feels whiplash from the speed she grabbed him. Mortals are too easy. 

The lady quickly carries him into a modest bedroom and lays him down on the soft mattress. The musky arousal from her is intoxicating. The vampire had to hold back throughout the evening to not immediately pounce on her in hunger, as it had been so long. 

Keeping up the innocent act, he slowly reveals more of his gorgeous body to the heavy-breathing beauty standing in front of him. Hopefully, the sturdy lady does not pass out from his enchanting looks like many mortals before her. "I want to... I want to make you feel good." 

Only a second passes after the stammering words before Matilda is completely naked in all her glory. Her heavy breasts, which are slightly sagging, move softly under her aroused breathing. The rest of her body is just as enticing. She might not be as super thin as some other ladies, but many prefer it that way. The curves of her ass and hips are almost begging for someone to sink their hands into the soft flesh. But of course, Belor's eyes are on the main attraction of the evening.

Poking out from between her kissable thighs is a rock-hard cock already dripping pre in abundance. The purple cockhead is engorged with need and pointing towards him invitingly. Her fat shaft is not too long but has a nice thickness to it that would deliciously stretch any hole. 

Below this wonderful specimen sits the price for all his work. Two plump balls hang heavily between her legs. Belor can smell her seed as it churns in her sack. His eyes almost flutter in pleasure from the thought of drinking down her life essence. 

After all, he is very different from other vampires. 

The lustful gaze of the woman rests on him, and he sees the contradiction in her face as she wants to grab the target of her desire in front of her but is scared to strongly touch this delicate beauty. Funnily enough, it actually is the other way around because of his vampiric nature. 

"Sit down. I want to make you feel good." He takes her hand and guides her on the bed, spreading her legs as she sits down. Belor slides down onto his knees right between the meaty thighs. The smell is ever stronger here, and he takes a moment to take in her scent.

'Focus,' he thinks to himself, and he leans forward until this pillar of fuckmeat rests on his face. The eyes of his prey are locked onto the scene between her legs, glazed over with lust. A moan escapes her as the vampire slowly kisses along her shaft with those wonderful lips of his. 

"Gods, that feels divine." Belor can't help but giggle, as probably the other way is more true. His eager tongue slides along the soft but hard pillar, exploring every ridge and vein of it. The raging fire in her eyes is fuel to his slow and teasing act.

Soon he finds himself close to the heavy orbs that contain the prized possession of his work. Delight sits in the vampire's face as he takes one of them into his warm mouth, sucking and tickling it with his tongue until it is shining nicely with his spit. He can hear the results of his administration in the moans and gasps of Matilda.

The second ball gets just as much attention before he finally moves all the way up to that beautiful cockhead. He is going to play with that tight butthole later. 

His velvety tongue swirls around the engorged tip and takes in the flood of pre-cum that has been gushing out of her. It is at this point that even the young vampire can no longer hold back.

With one swift movement, he takes her entire shaft deep into his throat, stretching him wide. A deep hunger creeps into his eyes as the beast has lost its patience. 

A long moan draws from the buxom woman's lips at the sudden tightness around her shaft. That innocent-looking boy has taken her cock deep into him, and it doesn't even look like he is struggling. 

As her eyes lock onto his, it now finally occurs to her that there is more to this cutie showing up in her tavern. 

The lady doesn't have time to think about it as the young one bobs up and down on her shaft in a speed that almost seems unnatural. She wants to move, but the slender arms of Belor hold her down easily as he keeps devouring this delicious cock. 

As the beast has taken over, there is little control in his movements as the fat shaft slides into his mouth over and over again. With centuries of expertise, he works her dick, eager for the creamy delight to come. The tightness of his throat is otherworldly, and no mortal will last long under such conditions.

She can't even warn him that she is about to explode, but he doesn't seem to care anyway. Everything inside Matilda snaps as this beautiful stranger brings her towards an orgasm that is better than anything she has ever experienced. 

With a deep moan, she finally unleashes her hot, potent seed into this insatiable maw. Not a single drop is wasted as spurt after spurt of cum hits his throat. 

Her release lasts far longer than she expected, much to Belor's delight, and after what feels like forever, she finally comes down from her high, breathing heavily. With dazed eyes, she looks down at his beautiful face still buried in her crotch, and with heavy breath, she finally begins to speak. "I am not sure which god I pleased to send me such an angel, but I am...." 

Her words stop as the young man finally looks up. His gorgeous eyes now filled with a terrifying hunger that brings a nervous smile to her face. Two fingers begin prodding at her asshole, promising, or rather forcing, pleasure far beyond her ability.

The dark energy within the vampire sparks with power that he has not felt for a long time. The potent essence of this virile lady hungrily gets absorbed by his youthful body, igniting every vein with energy. 

His fingers quickly find entrance between those soft cheeks and expertly find their way to that little secret that makes the softening shaft in his throat spark back to life. 

"Hey cutie. Is everything alright?" There is a tone of fear much different from the first time she spoke those words today, but his famished gaze is enough to silence the mature lady. 

Like a ravenous beast, he starts anew, bopping up and down on her meaty shaft, making her moans turn into screams of pleasure like she has never felt before. She can barely hold on as the young vampire takes her deep again, and she questions her choice of words from before as this beast takes her to new heights.

Hours later, Belor is finally satisfied. With a lewd, wet pop, her soft shaft slides out of his mouth, shining with his spit. 

The mature beauty lies in her now messy bed, her eyes wide open on the edge of consciousness. She looks perfectly ravaged with her sweaty body and erotic curves sprawled across the mattress. 

"Four times is not bad for a mortal, I must say." Amusement sits in Belor's voice as he slightly adjusts himself, barely tired from the ordeal. 

Quite the opposite is the case, as his body brims and surges with dark energy just like in the days of the past. The vampire can feel the sparks flowing through him as his magic begs to be used. 

With a slight grin, he sees the chest of the lady move softly, and he leans over her to give one of her heavy tits a spank and suck, watching the hefty globe jiggle with delight. 

"I would have played with those a bit more, but I have to apologize for my hunger, but maybe you don't even mind." He looks around the room for a second. "I am going to take a look around. Maybe I'll find something better to wear." As he is about to turn, he suddenly stops and moves back towards the other side of her bed above her head. "Let's forget that I was ever here, my dear. I can't have the Inquisition knocking at my door while I'm still rebuilding." 

A spark of magic jumps from his finger onto her forehead as he starts wiping her memory for the last few hours. Gazing down at the gorgeous mature lady, he changes his mind and only removes his face from her memory and leaves her with a final kiss. "Actually, you can keep that as a reward, mortal."

Slow scratches can be heard from the mansion as the nearly broken broom in the hands of the skeletal servant moves across the floor. It almost looks comical as the lonely figure sweeps the rubble-filled grounds of the wide empty hall, and he would surely whistle if he could. 

During his monotonous task, Charles feels a familiar power approaching and looks through the broken entry towards the slim figure of a still beautiful, young wolf. 

"Ah, Master Belor. You have returned from your hunt, I see." 

A strange motion goes through the wolf as his muscles change and his hair recedes. Hopping onto his hind legs, soon enough the gorgeous figure of his master, now clothed in simple garb, stands at the entry. 

With another step, a deep rumble hurls through the empty corridors of the rundown manor. The once dark halls now fill with vague light with no apparent source, giving the place a dark but quite beautiful atmosphere. 

Charles can feel his own prowess surge to unlife as his master now fully connects with the energy net of the mansion, once again full of power. 

"Yes, I have returned."Lazily, Belor's eyes wandered around the scenery in his entry hall. From his vantage point on top of the stairs, the pretty vampire had a good view of the clean-up procedure. It looked much better than before, although a lot of work still needs to be done. 

Skeletal figures move about clearing rubble and repairing any lasting damage. Their movements were slow and rigid as they went about their work. 

Two of them were lifting some larger piece of a stone pillar back into place. Luckily the manor deeply remembers its former looks as it wants to return towards that form. 

With a dark glow, the stone sealed itself back into place, slowly fusing at the cracks while the figures were holding it. 

Suddenly a part of rubble broke loose, and the skeletal hand lost its grip as it struggled with its animation. The pillar piece snapped at the fusing point and tumbled down towards the skeleton. 

Splinters of bone strew across the floor of the entry hall as the noise and dust settled down.

"Get another one from the corpse cellar." Belor motioned the other skeleton to move, and with awkward steps it went about following the order. 

A sigh quickly follows as the vampire leaned back against his arms, his dark robe molding against his beautiful figure. Necromancy never was his strong point, and why would it be? Making ugly undead creatures move about is clearly not in his interest. 

His senses extend throughout the manor easily as he is looking for the familiar spark of Charles. The moment he found him down in the crypt, only a second passed, and the vampire stepped out of the shadow behind the skeleton. "Charles, for a word." The servant looked up towards his master as he ordered some other undead minions around. Charles' necromancy was much more potent and experienced. Smoothly the skeletons were stabilizing the base of the mansion, a job that Belor would not have trusted himself with.

"Master Belor, is something the matter? You look bored." Charles immediately steps in order dressed in his new servant's attire.

"Obviously. Is there anything entertaining about watching some boney fellows moving about?" Belor rubs the temple of his nose in annoyance. "I know the mansion needs to be repaired, but this is a rather dull activity."

"Also unbefitting of your status." The skull of Charles is non-saying as always as he gazes at his superior.

"Flattering me won't change that, Charles." With restless energy, the vampire starts walking up and down the corridor they are standing in. "I need something different to do or watch. More fitting servants. Servants with more..."

"Curves?" Amusement rings in Charles' hollow voice. "Dicks even?"

"I mean, yes." Leaning against the wall, Belor sighs in frustration. "I clearly need something like back in the day. Beautiful mortals roaming about my estate, dressed in provocative attire that leaves little to the imagination with easy access to their intimate areas. You can cup a feel or quickly free their dicks for a quick snack."

"I am well aware of your tastes, Master." Confusion sits in Charles' tone as he slightly tilts his head. "But why are you telling me all this? It is well within your rights and power to just leave and get some. Are you feeling bad about leaving me al..."

"Fantastic idea, Charles." Belor quickly interrupts the words of his servant. "I will be off then." Before another word is spoken, the blushing vampire vanishes into shadow again, leaving Charles behind.


Heavily the sun was shining down from the sky across the field. Kyra wipes her forehead to not get any sweat in her eyes. "This fucking heat, I swear." The sweaty body of the young woman was aching from all the work. She has built up some muscle from being a simple farmer's girl, but her slender, enticing body was not made for this.

"You get used to it. If you want, I can do your work as well." As always, her friend Chenna was smiling at her. The slightly smaller girl with bigger curves was trying to be as helpful as ever.

"It's alright, Chenna. I can go on for a while longer." Kyra gives her friend a thankful nod.

The bubbly girl just continues smashing her hoe into the ground while humming a tune with little thought in her head. Chenna clearly has a bit more muscle and stamina in comparison to her slender friend. More importantly, she has the mental capacity, or rather the lack thereof, for it.

"Hey, there is one good thing about it. You'll build up a body and stamina that is perfect for fucking." Laughter comes from her other side as Kath gives her a lewd grin. The androgynous woman that has a few years on her has also worked up a sweat but is clearly enjoying it. Her silent twin, Alftrid, rolled her eyes at her sister's comments but also just kept on working.

"Is there any topic that you do not relate to sex?" The question from Kyra was rather rhetorical because she knew the answer already.

"Ha, you prude. This is the kind of sweat that you get when you are getting a good dicking or are balls deep inside a hole." Kath lets out a cackle while hoeing. 

Chenna is trying to hide her deep blush, and Kyra just shakes her head with a grin.

 "I see that you have yet to manage to find any decency while sleeping around." The voice of Laura rings out nearby as the tall woman with her full figure gets closer to the four.

"Oh, Lady Laura herself is honoring us with her presence." The mocking tone of Kath's voice is already causing a familiar vein to pop up on Laura's head. "I thought you didn't have to do any lowly work with us peasants after your promotion."

Alftrid stays out of the conversation clearly knowing where it leads while the good-hearted Chenna tries to keep the other two from arguing. "Not this again, please."

"I have not once seen myself higher than any of you. I was simply wondering why you stopped working." Foolishly enough, Laura tries to argue with Kath while literally overlooking Chenna.

"Oh, I know that you don't want to be higher than any of us. As far as I remember, you prefer to be on your knees despite your size." A wicked grin sits on Kath's face as she pokes fun at her superior.

"The way you swallow a cock is quite the proof of that." Kyra chimes in with the teasing just to not work for a second, which is rewarded by another cackle of Kath and a deadly glare from Laura.

 "I can't with you girls. How do you two manage to deal with this all day long?" The tall one looks towards Chenna, who shrugs, and then Alftrid. Her words stop as she follows Alftrid's intense gaze to the edge of the field where a figure is sitting in the grass, obviously watching them.

"Can we help you, sir?" Laura's voice rings over the field toward the robed figure with his hood down. Even from this range, she could see that he was quite attractive.

"Just taking a break from my walk and admiring the view. Please continue." His soft voice was clear with his intent, and a blush crept onto her face.

"Bold one, aren't t you? Someone should teach you not to creep on girls like that." The usual teasing comes from Kath. With a more quiet tone towards her sister, who couldn't keep her eyes off the stranger. "I mean, he is kinda hot."

"Promise? I feel like you in particular could teach a guy like me a good, hard lesson." The seductive tone doesn't miss the androgynous girl, and it takes a moment for her to get back to her usual cool. She rarely meets someone who just fires back like that.

"You better pay me a drink then, and I'll give you a deep-hitting lesson that you won't forget for a while, boy. Maybe I'll invite my friends as well." The other girls just watch the exchange. None of them were really working anymore and felt a mesmerizing pull towards that stranger.

"Sounds like a date to me. I'll see you later in the tavern. First round will be on me." With those words, the figure stands up and takes his leave. Even Kath felt disarmed by those words.

"He seems nice." The first words through the stunned silence were Chenna's, who was giving her friends a clueless smile.


"I can't wait to finally have some decent relaxing after a hard day's work." Kath stretches her lithe body as they make their way through the evening towards the tavern. 

Kyra has not talked much the last few hours. The thoughts of the young woman still sit with the stranger on the field. That deep pulling feeling that she and the others had won't leave her, and for some reason her mind just keeps conjuring the image of this beautiful man even though he was far away.

"Are you alright?" Once again the concerned voice of Chenna pulls her out of her houghts.

Kyra gives the kind girl a smile and just nods. "No worries. I just can't get that stranger out of my head. Something doesn't sit right with him."

"I know what you mean. I couldn't get him out of my head either. He was strangely mesmerizing. I can't really explain it." Laura puts a hand on the shoulder of the smaller woman.

"Maybe he was an elf or something. They say that their looks alone are enough to ensnare young maidens and boys. At least that is from one of the stories of my grandma." Chenna shrugs her shoulders with her thoughtless smile.

"That was no elf." Alftrid gets a few curious looks as she speaks for the first time of the day. It is rare to hear the deep voice of the mysterious girl. Once again an intensity lies in her gaze nearly covered by her raven-black hair.

"Tsk, you all worry too much about this. I know what kind of guy that was." Kath walks nonchalantly next to her twin, showing no concern whatsoever as they finally arrive at the tavern. "Spits a loud word, but when it actually comes to action, he..."

Her words quickly die down as she opens the door to the loud warmth. All the way in the back on their usual table sits the same figure as before, already looking at them as they enter. The strange pull that all of them felt on the field returns in full force, and they stand in the doorway for an extra second. 

Once again, to everyone's surprise, it is Alftrid that makes the first move and walks towards the gorgeous man with eager steps. The others follow soon after.

"Evening, ladies. I am glad to meet you again." The sheer confidence in his voice already makes them shiver as they sit down. Only Alftrid is unconcerned and is glued to his lips with a rare soft smile as she sits down next to him. The lack of distance between them gives a strange feeling of familiarity.

"Well, boy. You play a strange game, but it seems like you can back it up. With your face and your body." Kath sat down on his other side and didn't want to lag behind the strange confidence of her sister. She makes sure that the pretty boy is squeezed between their erotic bodies.

"We will see what the evening brings. I promised you girls something to drink, and I stand by my word." He motions for a maid to bring some ales, which is enough for Kath to relax for now.


The evening wears on in the loud tavern as the other girls slowly relax. Belor is generous with ale and words as he flirts and talks with the beauties. Kath quickly follows with her usual teasing, happy to have someone who matches her tongue. Being so close to his enticing figure also makes her hands wander casually and, after a few drinks, more directly. 

There is rarely a moment where her grip is not on his thigh or cute ass. The touch has an aspect of lustful possessiveness to it that the vampire can clearly appreciate. Her breasts might not be his preferred size, but the rest of her lithe body makes up for it. 

On his other side, her twin sister acts similarly. Her touch is not quite possessive but more in reverence. Belor quickly felt her alignment with the dark arts and had made contact with the woman through magic beforehand. 

Laura and Chenna soon fell in line as well for different reasons, though. Laura seeing Kath being so familiar with him immediately triggers her rivalry, and she tried to outmatch her. For a while, Belor could feel the tall woman's long legs searching his under the table. Her feet were sliding along his thighs and rubbing against his crotch, and the vampire saw the delight in her face at what she felt.

Chenna, on the other hand, simply enough, followed the actions of the other women. She was not acting as bold, but the curvy girl quickly followed with laughter and drink. 

The only one who was not fully enthralled was Kyra. The slender girl had smart eyes and a natural resistance towards magic, something that he felt from the very start. Not that he was using any magic actively. If that had been the case, the woman would have been quickly overwhelmed. It is rather that his enchanting beauty did not have the usual passive effect like it did on other mortals.

"Well ladies, I think you all had enough to drink. I don't want you slurring your words." Weak protest is heard from Laura and Kath, but complete intoxication was never Belor's plan.

"But we are having so much fun." The glazed-over eyes of Kath are locked onto his. Her hand is currently doing circles on his left ass cheek, kneading and groping the soft flesh. "I don't want this evening to end."

"Did I say anything about ending the evening? I simply would like to continue somewhere else. Before you and Laura make a mess under the table here" Both of them slightly blush at his words but quickly follow with a lustful grin. "Let's go upstairs into a room."

Four of the girls did not need any more invitation as they stood up. Alftrid was still clinging onto his body with her head on his shoulders, almost acting like she was in love. The only one who didn't follow right away was Kyra. She still wasn't sure about this whole thing as enticing as it is.

"You don't want to come?" Chenna looks down at her concerned friend with some rosy cheeks.

 "I... I don't know." The slender woman looks up at her friend and the others.

"Why don't you four go upstairs and let me have a talk with Kyra?" Alftrid immediately pulled him closer against her to make the vampire feel her small tits and athletic body. "I will be right with you, no worries."

Reluctantly she moves away while Kath and Laura give a few teasing grins. With another concerned look, Chenna also leaves. 

Kyra visibly got more nervous now that she was alone with this enchanting figure. His gaze grew softer as he looked down at her. "You are far too smart for this, aren't you?"

"Are you some kind of spellcaster or mage? What you are doing is clearly not natural." With a nod towards her friends who were disappearing up the staircase, her tone grew more playful. "They might be sluts, but I have not seen Kath or Laura give in so easily. Even Alftrid is completely ensnared by you."

"The others are in it for lust, but she knows what other things I promise." Confidence rests once more on his face. "I offered her a much better life than she currently has."

Confused, she looked into his light blue eyes, almost losing herself in them. "Wait, what are you saying?"

"I am simply saying if you go upstairs with me and the others, I can give you a life of pleasure and desire. I can open to you a world that you never knew existed." He leaned down to her, his face so close to hers. Belor's whispering voice almost clouded her mind. Almost.

"I will not lie to you. If you follow me, you will never be able to return to this life. Most of the unknowing might even hate you and envy you, but the reward alone will be enough to overcome such minor problems." He pulled back again with no intent to force her further.

"You know where to find me." With those words he turned around and followed the other four upstairs, leaving Kyra with her own thoughts.


As he entered the room, the heavy arousal of four women was already in the air. The sound of Laura throating Kath's throbbing cock was mixed in with the tomboy's moans.

"Fuck. You little slut, you could not have waited for him, could you?" With one hand on Laura's head, the lithe woman laid her head back in pleasure as she not really guided but stopped the tall, curvy lady from going completely overboard. 

Laura desperately stroked her larger cock with need while taking her friend's fat shaft deliciously deep. 

The small Chenna next to her pinched the nipples of her sizable rack with a lustful blush on her face while her girthy cock responded to the scene. Only Alftrid was already staring at the figure of her dreams as he entered. Without hesitation, she embraced him with a deep kiss while pressing her athletic body against his form.

"Master." Her twitching cock was grinding against his stomach as she could barely keep herself off of him. "I am yours. Please use me."

"Damn, Alftrid. I have never seen you like this." Kath finally managed to get Laura off of her shaft and was trying to catch her breath when the tall woman gave her a lewd grin. "Do you think he is that good?"

"You have no idea. He is so much more." Alftrid finally stopped her eager assault that even left the vampire stunned. Maybe his visions were too much for her.

"Your sister is right. This will be much more than a simple orgy." Belor snaps his fingers, and his robe vanishes without a trace. All four women were taking in his mesmerizing form while a deep lust and desire took over. "I will give you something that you have never experienced before, but if you leave behind your boring lives, I can offer you this experience over and over again."

"I thought there was more to it. If you are only half as good of a fuck as you are looking, I gladly take that deal." Kath licked her lips while eating the beauty with her eyes. Even Laura forgot about Kath's cock and had a new target in mind.

"I want to feel as good as Alftrid." Chenna presses herself against him from the other side. Her curvy body molded around his. Her soft tits felt absolutely divine, but there was a pleasant core strength in her body as well. 

Soon enough, Belor was on his knees, surrounded by four throbbing cocks. His hands were working on two of them while his mouth worked on Kath's shaft. Her meaty pillar was slightly larger than his own, just as her sister's, but it couldn't hold up with the length of the other two women. With deep lust and need, she plunged her cock down into his tight throat.

"Fuck, you are even better than Laura's slutty mouth. No, you are probably the best I ever had. Your throat was made for fat cocks." Her grip on his hair strengthened as she fucked that amazing hole. The sweat dripping down her body over her abs and her small tits bouncing was a delightful sight for Belor.

Alfrid on his left matched her sister perfectly. The deep bliss in her eyes was a rare sight as her new master stroked her cock. Laura, on the other hand, was already licking her lips as her gaze rarely left Belor's beautiful cock. She wanted to devour that thing right away, but the vampire wants to get a taste of her first. The tall beauty groped her own sizeable tits as the slender hand expertly moved her large dick. 

Chenna didn't mind rubbing her girthy shaft across his head while she waited for her turn. The small woman had a nice view of his cute ass, and her mind was already balls deep inside of him.

Belor expertly worked their throbbing shafts, making sure that not a single one felt left out. His taste buds were soon enough coated in the precum of four horny women giving him an appetizer of what is to come. Occasionally he also gave the nice, hefty globes holding his delicious prize the right amount of love.

"I like a man who appreciates the full package." A lewd grin sits on Laura's face as she enjoys that eager tongue on her balls. "You are going to get a nice serving of spunk soon."Kath chuckles while her shaft is getting pumped by that experienced hand. "The way he works, he will get fucking showered in cum, but maybe that is exactly what the slut wants." Another chuckle follows as she sees the validation of her words in Belor's slutty grin. 

Chenna can't even join in the dirty talk as the handjob alone is overwhelming for her. Every fiber of her being wants to release, but she wants to enjoy the sensation longer.

The very moment Belor's lips switch to Chenna's cock, the small woman reaches her peak with a vast variety of facial expressions, much to the amusement of Kath and Laura. With slutty expertise, the vampire has already locked his lips around the shaft to not waste a single drop. The whole evening of pent-up desire unloads into his throat with spurt after spurt of hot, potent seed.

"Damn, Chenna, you worked up quite a bit today. Luckily for you, the little cum slut here knows how to deal with this." Once again, Kath laughs teasingly. 

After Chenna's release finally stops, the small woman takes a step back and sits down on the bed. "I'll need a moment."

Laura leans down towards Belor with a lewd grin on her face. "Did you enjoy that, boy? Don't worry, I and Kath are not quick shots like Chenna. With your looks, we might even give you several loads." The tall woman stops with her words as the boy slowly turns towards her. A hint of fear creeps into her smile under the hungry, glowing look of the beast taking over.

"I think this guy knows how to drain our balls quite well." Kath's voice has a lustful tone to it as she sees the unnatural desire. Instead of fear, her blush and lust deepen much more. 

Belor moves the scene over to the bed so that Chenna has plenty to look at. Once again, Kath's cock sinks deep into that insatiable maw of his while Alftrid is allowed to have the first go at his enchanting behind. 

Her hefty cock slaps between his spankable cheeks, and she takes in the already divine feeling. "Master." While hotdogging this amazing ass would already be enough for her, she feels that her new master wants much more. Slowly she aligns her engorged head with his tight pucker. 

A moan like no other escapes the athletic woman as she sinks into his tight hole in one slow movement. Alftrid wanted to take her time, but it almost felt like that hungry hole pulled her in. The sensation clinging to her shaft almost makes her cum on the spot like Chenna, but she doesn't want to disappoint her superior. 

Kath watches her sister slowly fuck that amazing-looking ass with a deep bliss on her face. She is barely holding on herself while this hungry beast devours her easily, still with this enticing look in his eyes. "Are you some kind of sex demon or something?"

The only answer that she gets is an amused twinkle in his eyes and even more intense slurping around her shaft. The fact that there is a dick balls deep inside of his ass barely slows him down. 

In the meantime, Chenna has already gotten hard again thanks to the ministrations of Laura. While the tall woman was waiting for her turn, she got herself another treat in the form of Chenna's girthy dick. "Laura, ah, you are too much."

A strange surge suddenly sparks through Alftrid as she slowly fucks her master. Her energy and prowess increase dramatically, and she feels like plowing him deeper. 'A taste of what is to come, darling. Ravage me.' The soft voice of Belor in her head is enough for the enthralled woman as the speed of her fucking drastically increases. 

The woman on the other side of Belor watches baffled as her twin sister begins fucking the man in front of her with inhuman speed. "Alftrid?" Her words do not reach the wild animal whose mind is filled with nothing but the need to please her master's slutty desires. 

Letting down her guard like this is only an invitation for Belor. Suddenly the sucking becomes more intense, not hindered by the beast rutting his ass. Kath can only cling to him as her balls tighten up and she reaches her peak. With a scream of pleasure, she releases inside of this divine throat, and she looks baffled down towards Belor, amazed by the sheer amount of her own release. 

After being completely spent, she collapses next to the vampire on the bed. Now freed of other distractions, he looks back at Alftrid with a slutty smile. 

The lithe woman nods at her master's unspoken request and leans over him. With a hand on his head, she pushes him down, making him arch his back. Focusing all of her energy, she hammers into his slutty ass, which is rewarded with whorish giggling. Faster and faster she pumps into him, the bed below them creaking in protest with every powerful thrust. 

Chenna looks at the intense fucking with wide eyes, and even Laura stops sucking to witness the supernatural coupling. Unknown to them, another pair of eyes watches the spectacle from the corner of the room while stroking her own cock. 

Higher and higher, Alftrid thrusts her lust into this insatiable beast. Every little drop of her newfound energy is used to pound him into the mattress, and every time his expression becomes more and more slutty. Sadly enough for Belor, she is only mortal. 

With a high-pitched moan, Alftrid reaches her peak and opens the floodgates of her desires. Wave after wave of potent cum makes its way through her throbbing cock into the needy ass of her master. She holds onto him as the supernatural orgasm flows through her, filling him to the brim with her hot devotion. 

It might have only been a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime for all of the women watching until Alftrid is finally done. Suddenly all the energy leaves her again, and she collapses against his back with a deep exhaustion.

"Is she alright? That was so intense, holy shit." Kath looks at her sister with some concern but also lust as the vampire gently moves Alftrid's limp body onto the bed.

The spent cock slips out of him, and an otherworldly bliss sits in her eyes. "Wow." Nothing else escapes, and her eyes grow heavy in exhaustion.

"I told you that this will be much more." He turns towards Laura with a smile, barely exhausted from the experience. "I think someone wanted a delicious treat."

With a lustful gaze, Belor settles onto the bed again and uses the exhausted Alftrid as a cushion behind him. His body now resting against the small breasts and abs, the vampire opens his legs as an invitation for Laura. 

The tall woman eagerly slips between them to finally get what she wanted the whole evening. Almost reverently, she takes in the sight of this beautiful cock. His smooth balls also deserve to be worshipped, so she begins at the very base with her tongue while stroking the shaft. 

Belor sighs in delight as her velvety tongue tickles this beautiful sack. He motions Chenna closer, and as she settles next to him, his hand quickly gropes her soft, pillowy chest. The small woman giggles happily and offers him more to touch. 

Kath, not wanting to be left out, moves behind Laura and takes care of her throbbing cock hanging heavily between her legs. "I think you need some attention here, slut."

The sound of dual sucking fills the room, enhancing the sexual atmosphere, and the smell of cum and sweat hangs heavily in the air. Belor's gaze doesn't rest on the sexual depravity in front of him but on Kyra standing in the corner taking care of her own needs.

He gives her a wink before putting his attention towards the heavy tits of Chenna and the greedy mouth of Laura again. In his back, the exhausted Alftrid once again touches him possessively. 

Laura gazes at the man whose cock she is currently worshipping with a hint of frustration. She considers herself an expert cocksucker, but that bastard is not even breaking a sweat while she barely holds on from cumming herself from sucking his cock. The slutty mouth of Kath doesn't help much in that matter either. 

She tries to sneak two fingers into his asshole that should be well loose from Alfrid's fucking only to find it still tight without a trace of cum. Her confused moaning is only answered with a playful wink from Belor and is distraction enough for her to lose focus and to cum into Kath's eager maw. 

The lithe woman behind her eagerly takes every drop but doesn't swallow as she sees the vampire pointing at his open mouth. With a grin on her face and her cheeks full of cum, she steps over the now-collapsed Laura, making sure her dick slides through the tall girl's ass crack. 

When she stops over Belor with her athletic body at full display for him, she slowly lets Laura's cum drip out of her mouth into his awaiting, hungry hole. Chenna and Alfrid watch the raunchy display with eager eyes. 

After she is finally done, Kath has become rock hard again, and she gazes down at the slutty beauty swallowing in delight. "Can you be any more perfect?"

"You have yet to test my asshole, darling, but you might have to share with someone." Belor nods towards Kyra, who has just been watching for now. Gone are her clothes, and her erotic, slender body is on full display.

"There you are, bitch. Let's stretch this slut's asshole wide. I have a slight feeling he can take it." A wide grin sits on the fit woman's face, and she motions her younger friend over. 

Kath slips onto the mattress behind the vampire, pushing her sister out of the way in the process. Belor lets himself sink against his new cushion, but this time the cushion lifts him and pushes her cock into his tight hole.

"What the actual fuck is this? You' can't tell me this tight little thing isn't made for fucking." Kath shivers in delight at the incredible sensation and pulls the vampire's legs all the way towards his chest, giving all the other ladies an amazing iew. "Come on, Kyra, I can only hold on for so long until I have to fuck this cum slut."

Despite the awkward position, Belor gives the careful woman a lewd grin as she comes closer. The other women step aside to let the slender girl slide right up to the vampire, giving him a close-up of her amazing body. Kyra is quite thin with decent curves and a hint of muscle from working the fields. Her throbbing shaft is slightly larger than Belor's dick and she slaps them together with a breathless grin. 

Slowly she guides her cock downwards to the appraised hole already filled with one fat cock and carefully nudges against the tight ring. To her surprise, that tight hole gives enough space for her dick to slide all the way in while still having a vice grip on her shaft.

"This fucker can't be real." Kath breathes heavily below Belor, which earns her a slutty giggle from him. "Let's fuck him hard before I cum from the sensation of this boy cunt and your dick against mine alone."

They move together for a while, trying to sync their thrusting, but they quickly lose themselves. The vulgar sound of flesh meeting flesh and the squelching noise of two cocks violating a tight hole quickly fill the room. Soon enough, Belor stops his teasing giggling and makes a sound more fitting for such a raunchy display. His moans are deep and blissful as he fully enjoys the delight of being stretched so wide. 

Sandwiched between the athletic body of Kath and the slender figure of Kyra, he has little visual or audible input of what is happening around him. Their groans of effort and pleasure grow loud in his ears, and he decides to prolong the fucking with some more magic.

Just like Alfrid before, a surge of stamina and prowess bursts through the two, and they pick up speed. The inhuman strength coming with the power surge makes this position a lot easier as he bounces between the two bodies intensifying the vulgar soundscape. 

Deep concentration sits in Kyra's face as she focuses on fucking this needy ass as hard as she can. Belor cannot see Kath, but from the lack of dirty talk, he assumes that she is doing the same. Together they fuck him to new heights of the evening, chasing a peak that can never be reached by mortal acts. 

Eventually that climb ends, and with deep moans, the two women hit their peak together. The dual sensation of two fat cocks exploding inside of him feels unbelievable. With his magic, the constant bursts of cum stretches him wider and wider, but at the same time, his body absorbs the raw seed fast, surging his already immense power from this cum-filled evening.

Smothered in a pile of erotic bodies Belor finally relaxes. He has clearly found what he was looking for, as some of the girls give him lustful grins.


"So we basically are your maids; did I get that right?" Kath follows the robed figure through the forest. The other women behind her had different reactions to all of the information that Belor had revealed to them the next day. 

Alfrid was, of course, delighted to serve her master in every way. Chenna was also quite positive about the whole thing. Laura was surprisingly alright with it as well. Being the maid of a rich vampire doesn't sound that bad. Kyra, on the other hand, was still unsure, but from the looks of it, she followed up for a different reason than the others.

"Yes, again, I am in need of servants." The vampire sounded quite frustrated as he had to explain to her that simple concept. "There is a hierarchy in place, but whenever you girls feel the need, we can fuck. Or when I feel the need for another load of cum."

Laughter rings out from the athletic girl. "A fucking vampire that drinks cum instead of blood. That is so stupid."

"Stupid? Mortal, I could rip you apart with a thought if I so pleased. Does that sound stupid to you?" He looks back at them with a dreadful gaze that had a decent effect on Chenna, Laura, and Kyra but not the twins. 

Alfrid just looked far more excited than she should be from being threatened by a creature of the night, and Kath just gave him a grin. "I don't think you put in all that effort to get rid of us again."

They finally arrived at his manor that looked gloomy as ever, still damaged from the events a hundred years ago.

"Look at that all dark and mysterious. I hope the inside looks a bit more inviting." Kath grins at the other girls, who mostly just stare at the large rundown building.

"It's perfect." Alfrid was delighted at the sight and gave Belor a surprise hug. 

Once they all step inside, a lonely figure stands against a pillar in the now clean entry hall.

"Do you need that skeleton in the suit standing around here all day? Seems a bit creepy to me." Kath walks up next to it to take a closer look and nearly shits her pants as Charles turns his head towards her.

"Master Belor, you have returned." The skeleton bows deeply to his master, and the other women hide behind Belor or Laura. The gaze of the undead wanders over the terrified women. "And this must be the servants you recruited? A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Seeing no immediate threat from the creature, the girls relax for a second. Alfrid even steps closer to him with renewed excitement. "Can I create a creature like this as well?"

A familiar groan echoes through the manor as Belor connects his magic with the net of his home again, and a slight glow suddenly engulfs the five women, binding them to him as well. "We will see."

"By the way, Master Belor, I took the liberty of preparing some maid dresses. I designed them after your tastes." He claps his hands, and the rattling of bones can be heard.

"Did you have to put them on the skeletons, Charles?" The vampire holds his head as he looks at the assortment of skeletal creatures dressed in maid outfits that border on fetish wear. 

The women gush over the different outfits as the skeletons strike cute or seductive poses to show off the dresses.

"Everything for you, Master Belor."A cold breeze rushes through the old forest surrounding the estate. The moaning and howling of the trees in the wind went right to the marrow of one's bones.

With light steps, Belor walks through this eerie atmosphere. His lupine form moved elegantly along the deformed branches of trees, looking more like gnarly fingers than wood. The early evening added to the feeling that kept most mortals away from his manor.

The young vampire felt energy pulsing inside of him as he returned from another raunchy hunt in a nearby hamlet. The chosen victim, a pretty tailor lady, had quite the sizeable cock with plump balls hanging low. Her essence was delicious and potent, but her skilled fingers also did some lovely work on his own shaft and tight pucker.

Slowly his dark, looming mansion comes into sight, still showing some signs of the destruction, but Charles and the new servants put in some decent work to make it more lively.

Belor was surprised how easily his maids adapted to their new lives. Even Kyra occasionally calls him Master now. The signs of mortals now living within the estate are pretty clear.

The courtyard, inside the still-damaged walls, now houses a small garden. Chenna and Alftrid mainly care for it, and both of them have decent skill in such yard work.

Close by is an open space for some physical activities. Most of the time, Kath and her sister, but also Laura, can be found there keeping their bodies in top form. Belor remembers a few pleasant evenings watching the girls sweat.

Of course, he had ordered them to wear nothing while training their erotic bodies, and sometimes they put on a little show for him. All of the new maids quickly realized that their master has an insatiable libido, and if they want some carnal delights, a seductive look or tantalizing glimpse is enough to leave them exhausted with another wild session of fucking.

But this evening things are somewhat different. No servant is outside following their hobbies in their free time. No dirty talk from Kath or words of worship from Alftrid. A strange silence hangs over his manor.

Belor's form shifts as fur disappears and beautiful pale skin shows once again. As he stands on his two feet again, he carefully steps into the courtyard. His gaze drifts towards the building after finding no signs of life or unlife outside.

Then suddenly a foreign power catches his attention. It sits right in his entry hall with undead patience waiting for his return. A vampire?

Panic sparks in his mind, and the net of power of his mansion quickly connects with his own energy. Fear of another attack sits in his mind even if it is from one of his own. The young undead's senses rush through his household, marking every entity within his home.

As his sensor dances around the unfamiliar energy, his eyes widen in surprise. Quickly he darts for the entrance to the mansion.

The dark hall sits just as silent as the courtyard, but the dim light of the large room is clearly affected by this ancient power that has invaded. Belor's eyes are drawn towards a single point at the top of the staircase.

A regal figure stands there patiently. Her enticing hourglass figure immediately draws the eyes of anyone who has a bit of common sense. The beauty is slightly taller than Belor but not by much. The erotic curves of her sinful body are covered in a gorgeous dark dress that almost feels too simple for her.

Few open spaces on her dress reveal pale, soft skin begging to be kissed and worshipped. Her generous cleavage invites anyone to openly stare at the breathtaking valley between her perfectly sized breasts, just above average. Overall her figure is slender but not too much, as the gaze gets drawn downwards to her wideish hips.

Long legs with nicely sized thighs are open for anyone to look at, as her dress has a long cut on both sides. Any mortal would kill to spend a moment between those heavenly thighs no matter what hides between them. The curves on her side also promise a beautiful backside of appropriate size to finalize the image of a sinful beauty that even rivals Belor's own.

The dark eyes of this woman lock with his as they draw him into this dark and gorgeous abyss that many people have lost themselves in. Her face itself is close to feminine perfection. Dark lipstick only strengthens wonderful lips that bring a kiss that could be called heaven. Raven-black hair surrounds her profile, and like a waterfall of black water, it drapes down to her shoulders, even further over her soft chest, and stops just shy of her waist.

Seconds pass as the two vampires gaze at each other. Two gorgeous immortals taking in the form of the other after such a long time. A flicker of shadow is the only activity as both of them vanish only to reappear in the middle of their former positions.

Belor sinks into the embrace of this breathtaking lady. The soft flesh of her breasts molds against his own form and feels wonderfully familiar. She presses her whole sinful body against him, making sure that he feels every part of her tantalizing figure.

Before the young vampire can even say anything, marks of black lipstick appear on his face in the speed of someone who finally is reunited with someone they lost long ago. His gentle voice only manages to breathe a single word.


"My precious, precious boy. It has been so long, far too long." Her smoky, soft voice, which would steal a mortal man's mind, was filled with a deep maternal love. Belor clings to his beloved mother like a drowning man to a life ring.

Her kissing assault was pleasantly overwhelming, and the young vampire didn't mind a single second of being pampered by her. Many feelings swirled inside of him, making his undead heart beat in a rare moment of happiness.

Eventually her affections stop as her boy has been nicely covered in her lipstick. Gently she grasps his head and meets his gaze that is glazed over with affection. Her own eyes tell of an unending love, which is incredibly rare in vampire society.

"My lovely boy, finally I can hold you again, feel your beautiful form against mine. I nearly went against Merdite herself to get you back." A careful thumb caresses his cheek, and the ancient vampiress has to hold herself back from kissing him again.

"Merdite? What do you mean, Mother? I don't know anything about what happened to me." Belor breaks the gaze with her only to rest his head on her generous breasts.

"Oh, my poor boy. The seal even took your memory." She holds his head and almost smothers him in the soft expanse of her chest, if he had to breathe that is. Slowly her figure rocks from side to side in a calming way. "If that is the case, then you probably have many questions."

Belor's gaze drifts back up towards her face with a different look this time. The erotic form of his mother and the soft valley of her chest have done enough to stir something inside of him. A deep hunger and need sit in the lustful vampire's eyes as he drinks in her profile.

"Hm, maybe there is something else that you need first. I completely forgot." Her voice becomes even more seductive when she sees the all-too-familiar desire in his face. "Your wonderful libido is acting up again after being reunited for so long. I feel the same way, my boy. Let Mother Sylvia take care of you like always."

With a strength that belies her form, she lifts her precious son into a bridal carry. He cuddles against one of her breasts while his mother looks upon him with lust and love.


Gently she lays him down into the large bed inside the crypt. Belor's mind is a lustful mess after being so close to his mother. Her form and scent completely dominate his thoughts, which is clearly shown to her by his glazed-over eyes and the rapid breathing.

Yet the ancient vampiress takes her time. Instead of vanishing her dress with a snap of a finger, she decides to drive her son wild by slowly undressing. Inch by inch she reveals her pale, soft skin until the first stop of her body. With a gentle sigh, her amazing tits are free.

"Besides your lust for seed, I know that your favorite part of a woman is her sizeable chest, right, my boy?" Sylvia presses her breasts together with a playful, feminine moan. At the sight of these large globes, Belor can do nothing but gasp with need.

"Sorry, Belor, I can't help myself. I know that you are blind with lust from teasing you like this. I made you this way after all." The rest of her dress falls away and displays her sinful beauty in all of its dark glory. There are so many things to look at, her body a sight that would drive any person mad, but Belor's gaze rests only on one thing.

The large shaft of his mother swings slightly, as it is revealed, already throbbing hard. She is most certainly larger than him, even slightly larger than Laura, but it isn't her size alone that is so enticing. Everything about her cock is gorgeous, from the hefty, pale balls, along her gorgeous, girthy shaft, all the way to that engorged tip.

She is already leaking precum, betraying her own lust, as she teases her beautiful son. The wonderful, musky scent of her arousal drives Belor to even greater heights of desire. With any other person, be they mortal or immortal, he would already be all over them with slutty lust, but not with his mother. Like a good boy, he waits for her to act, very aware that she is at the brink of snapping herself.

In the blink of an eye, she jumps through the shadows and appears kneeling over him again. She takes her son in a deep but loving kiss. Both of their hunger is evident in the way they greedily kiss each other with every smooch of their lips.

"You are gorgeous." The phrase escapes both of them in unison, followed by a giggle.

Sylvia leans back to admire her perfect boy for a second, whose dark robe has long disappeared. She lifts his legs as he lays on his back and pushes them towards his chest. Belor himself immediately takes a hold of them and presents all of his intimate area to her.

With a lewd grin on her face, she lightly slaps her own shaft against the beautiful cock of her son. The raunchy sound breaks the loving intimacy slightly, but it is only the beginning of what is to come.

"I'll have to suck your dick later, my precious boy. For now let me remind this insatiable hole of my cock." Slowly she drapes the head of her dick along his shaft and smears precum all over his length. When she arrives at his balls, she gives them another playful slap with her cock before finally reaching that quivering pucker.

Everything inside of Sylvia snaps as she thrusts into him with one smooth stroke. Their combined moans ring out as she hilts her cock all the way to the base in his divine depth.

"This feels much better than I remembered. Your ass perfectly molds around my shaft. Your ring is trying to suck me in even deeper while your tight walls alone jerk me already. You are so perfect." The ancient vampiress can't help herself and speaks out every little thing she feels while her emotions go wild. Lust, love, hunger, and desire all intermingle while just being inside of him.

Belor feels the invading length with every sense of his, the feeling all too familiar after being taken by his mother a thousand times over. Both of them are trying to draw out this blissful moment of deep bonding as long as possible because they both know that soon enough the beast is taking over.

Almost at the same time, hunger takes over for both of them, and with a lustful growl, his mother starts moving inside of him. Although she pulls out slowly, with every inch of her length being replaced by more lust, the ancient vampiress is not so gentle the other way.

Her hammering thrust refills him quickly, and every time another moan escapes Belor. The ordeal is faster with every thrust until the pulling out matches the thrusting inside.

With deep lust, she fucks the tight hole of her son with brutal strokes. Her tits sway during this process, and if Belor did not have to hold onto his legs, he would have loved to knead the enticing orbs.

Almost like she heard his thoughts, the stunning woman leans over him and pushes his body down with her whole body. When his feet dangle over his head, she grabs his legs for leverage and starts pounding into him properly, pushing her dick as deep as possible.

The bed below them moans and creaks with every inhuman thrust of this ancient vampiress. Mortals would break under such an assault, but Sylvia is painfully aware that her son can take it, no, that he needs it this way.

The combination of supernatural speed and strength makes the vulgar sound of the mother-son coupling even louder. The only thing overshadowing the creaking protest of the bed is the slapping of meat.

Lustful concentration rests on her face as she loses herself in her desire that has been lost to her for so long. Her gorgeous boy meets her eyes with equal fire. "Belor!"

Belor's hands finally grasp the amazing tits of his mother and sink into the yielding flesh. Her hard nipples poke into his palms as he gropes and kneads these wonderful, pale breasts.

He loses his focus as the tongue of his mother invades his mouth, and the vampire eagerly sucks her in. Not once does his mother lose rhythm during all of this, and Belor pulls her flush against his own body as their tongues dance with each other.

After what feels like forever but also far too short, she pulls her mouth away again only to put all of her focus towards pounding into him with her girthy length. The young vampire takes a hold of her face to lock eyes with her as she rearranges his insides.

Her dick is hitting all of the wonderful spots and dragging along his prostate with every move. "You know that I cannot put into words how much I love you. So let me do it the way we have always done it."

A spark of dark magic gently pokes against his arcane form, and with a deep moan, Belor allows the phallic energy entry. Their prowess' connects in a sensual way that only familiar arcana can do. Similar to their physical movement, the magic shaft plunges into the willing hole over and over again, sealing another act of love between them.

Not only did his mother fuck him physically, but also on a magical level. The sensation is overwhelming for everyone involved. Sylvia cannot last longer under such intense connection.

She doesn't need to tell him about her approaching climax; too deeply are they intertwined. Belor holds onto her as she picks up speed and chases her first of many releases.

With a deep feminine moan, the floodgates open, and the young vampire can feel the seed of his mother hitting deep inside of him. Wave after wave of hot essence fills and would surely overflow him if he wasn't so special.

The potent, highly magical cum of the ancient vampiress feels like lava. His body greedily drinks in all of this essence, sparking his power to insane heights. Pure dark magic flows through his veins; his eyes glow in purple energy.

His mother also clearly reacts to this sudden surge of power as they are still connected. She holds him tightly as the weaker return of magic flows through her.

With a wet pop, her cock slides out of him, still throbbing hard. She watches her son writhe under this magic with an exhausted smile. Sylvia knows that she only has a few moments of rest before the real fun begins.

After his body finally gets familiar with this energy, it is not just Belor's eyes that glow purple. The sheer amount of magical prowess inside of him is even visible to people without arcane knowledge as his body emits some purple light.

"You are absolutely perfect, my precious boy. The pinnacle of vampirehood." The young undead can feel the enticing curves of his mother surround him as she embraces her beloved son and creation. "You want it hard now, don't you?"

A wicked grin rests on Belor's face at her rhetorical question, and he eagerly gets on his hands and knees on the bed. His cute ass wiggles at his mother, who lets out an almost feral grunt.

With a slutty giggle, the young vampire's head is pressed down into the mattress by her strong hand as she looms over him with her dick hard. A few lewd slaps against that enticing butt follow before he can feel her throbbing cock resting against his ass crack.

The slutty giggle turns into lustful whimpering as he can feel his mother grinding her fat shaft against his inviting pucker.

"By Abol, how much I missed this. Get ready, my precious boy; I will give you all my love." Eventually his mother stops her wild grinding and sinks her cock into the clenching heat with a deep moan.

A rough thrust follows, and before he can relax, she hammers into him with brutal lust. The bed doesn't even moan at the display of inhuman strength; it just straight up breaks below them, which doesn't slow his mother down in any way.

Deep strokes plunder his insides as she jackhammers down into him. Belor would love to see her erotic body move, but her strong hand keeps him pressed down, just the way he likes it.

Even their magical coupling gets more brutal as the arcane shaft penetrates his arcane form over and over again. Any weaker spellcaster would break under an assault of such lustful nature, but Belor strives with it.

"You are such a needy boy, Belor. There is barely anyone in this world that can do this to you." There is a hint of exhaustion in her voice as she plows him deeply. "And even if someone manages to fuck your brains out, their cum will just give you power again. You are the perfect slut."

She lets go of his head only to pull up his legs. Once he is upside down, his mother gazes down at his beautiful form with a smile full of desire. Her cock is still deep inside of him, and before he can react, she starts pile-driving down.

The new position leaves Belor helpless in the most delicious way possible, but now he can actually watch the erotic figure of his mother on top of him. Her tits bounce wildly with every brutal thrust, and sweat drips down on him. Her lustful grin only makes her look more enticing in his eyes.

"The things you do to me with that body of yours. I think I need at least a day of fucking that tight ass until I am satisfied now that I finally have you back." The lewd sound of their hips slapping together underlines her words, and the wet squelching sound of her shaft disappearing in his hungry hole does the rest to make this perfect.

Once again, time loses all meaning for Belor as the sensation of her fat dick violating him physically and magically is the only thing he focuses on. The deep connection makes him feel every single one of her emotions openly with a vulnerability that the ancient vampiress wouldn't allow with anyone else.

Desire and lust swirl inside of her and fuel the brutal pounding that she is currently giving him. There is also a certain pride not just towards herself but also her beautiful creation. Overshadowing every other emotion, though, is an endless well of love and affection for her child.

Belor's exploration of his mother's arcane form gets interrupted by a feral growl right out of her mouth as her pounding turns even more brutal. The approaching climax is clearly visible in her face as she drives her son into the mattress. Finally she reaches her peak, and once more Belor can feel her potent essence flood his guts; this time, however, she just keeps thrusting and makes a mess all over him.

Cum sprays onto his slender body as his mother rides out her climax with primitive grunts. Her balls unleash every single drop of seed they can muster. With one last deep thrust, she is done and looks down at her slutty son in exhaustion.

"I love you so much." Her breathing is heavy as she drops down next to him on the bed, her cock slipping out of his tight asshole. The ancient vampiress pulls him into her soft embrace.The mess quickly disappears on his body, and he cuddles into the erotic form of his mother again. Her pillowy chest cushions his head, and he lazily strokes her cock while she recovers. "I have missed you so much, mother. When I woke, I felt so alone."

"I am so sorry, my darling. Forces that are beyond me kept me away from you. I am so sorry." Her emotions are laid open and just spill forth with a raw intensity. The sudden mention of her failure to save him hits her harder than expected.

"I know you would never abandon me. Please don't feel bad." The last thing that Belor wants to see is his mother crying while she has allowed herself to be so vulnerable. With sweet and tender kisses, he tries to calm her down again.

She returns the loving kisses with some of her own and holds him in her arms. "You do deserve an explanation, though. After we are done, of course."

With a gentle push, she makes herself some space and lays back against a pillow with a lustful smile. Her emotions are under control again, and she playfully squeezes her own tits. "You love these, right?"

The young vampire's face lights up, and he quickly moves over his mother with his cock rock-hard. He takes a seat on her soft stomach and playfully slaps her voluptuous tits, which sparks a moan from his mother.

"I assume you haven't released since you woke up, my darling." Two possessive hands rest on his ass cheeks as Sylvia holds him in place and looks up at him lustfully. "I know that your cum is your essence and you don't want to accidentally turn anyone into your childe, but you don't need to be so hard on yourself."

"Well, now I have you here." Belor shrugs and rests his hard dick between the wonderful valley of her tits. He grabs both of them eagerly and envelopes his cock with her pillowy flesh. The soft heat feels absolutely divine, and the young vampire starts fucking his mother's cleavage with slow strokes.

"Your dick is searing hot and pulsing so much. Come on, fuck my tits." Sylvia slowly guides his movements as he loses himself in that incredible feeling.

Belor picks up speed, and he breathes heavily under the sensation. His mother adds some more stimulation to the titfuck by opening her mouth and kissing the tip of his cock with every stroke.

The soft slapping of flesh fills the crypt once more. The precum of the young vampire makes the tight valley more slick as his cock moves through it.

"I guess a little taste won't hurt." Sylvia stops her son from moving for a moment and swirls her tongue around his cock head. The salty taste of his precum coats her tongue, and the ancient vampiress shudders in delight at the potent taste. Sparks of magic fill her, and he continues his thrusts.

It doesn't take long for Belor to reach his limit. All the fucking from before has left him pent-up. "Mother, I am close."

"Face, tits, or ass?" A lustful grin rests on her face as she makes the remark. The young vampire pulls away from her and aims directly at her chest. Sylvia pushes her wonderful tits together to give him an enticing view.

With a deep moan, Belor lets out his desires and paints his mother's breasts. Streaks of potent seed shoot through the air and paint the soft tits with a coating of cum. Sylvia keeps her mouth closed to not accidentally swallow some of the potent essence. It would be like drinking another vampire's blood after all.

His orgasm lasts for a while, as he shoots out rope after rope of his hot essence, far more than his body could physically produce. The beautiful tits are drenched in cum, and he gives his mother a lewd grin after he is done. "Thank you."

The ancient vampiress pushes herself up and takes a look at the mess with a delightful giggle. "My, my, darling. I guess it has been a while, but we are not done yet." She moves over him again and pushes him into the mattress.

Her dick finds its way back to that tight hole and slowly pushes inside. "I told you that I will give you a full day of love."


Broken pieces of the bed are strewn all over the floor of the crypt. The mattress is in absolute tatters, and even the stone floor is damaged from the supernatural fucking that has happened here. On top of the destroyed bed, Belor lies nestled against the erotic form of his mother, using her cum-covered tits as a pillow.

The young vampire is sparkling, full of energy like he has not felt for a long time. His mother is quite the opposite, though.

With her face, tits, and ass drenched in her son's potent essence, the enchanting beauty looks even more gorgeous. Her breathing goes heavily as the ancient vampiress recovers from the full day fucking. She still manages to caress the hair of her beautiful son with a smile. "You are really something else, my precious boy."

"You also promised me an explanation." A soft smile sits on his face as he enjoys the gentle affection of his mother.

"I did." A thoughtfulness rests in her eyes as she gathers her memory about the event. "I only arrived after you were sealed away, darling, so I can not tell you everything. Like I mentioned before, it was definitely an act of Merdite that kept you away from me."

"The goddess of love, fertility, and lust attacked my estate?" Belor is clearly confused at the idea that a goddess herself would put in the effort to deal with an unimportant vampire like himself.

"Of course not, silly. It was a band of adventurers that moved against you. They rallied a sizeable army and marched on your estate. I assume that even you were surprised by the sudden act because you hadn't bolstered your defenses beforehand." A second of silence follows.

"Either way, when I arrived, your manor was destroyed and your crypt sealed by divine intervention. Even with my dark magic, there was little I could do against a goddess herself. I am so sorry." She leans down and places a soft kiss on his head.

"But why seal me away and not destroy me? This all feels a little strange, don't you think?" Subconsciously, his hand found its way back to her cock and lazily stroked the semi-hard shaft.

"I don't know why Merdite acted, but I know who called her, of course. Like I said, a group of adventurers called for your end, and they did say that you have to be destroyed. I thank Abol that you are still with me." A subtle smile sits on her face as her son plays with her dick.

"I assume that you know the names of those adventurers." Belor leans over to give her cockhead a kiss.

"Of course. One of those adventurers stands out, though. It was a woman with divine blood, Merida her name. You can probably guess what kind of divine blood flows through her veins." With a soft gasp, she enjoys the kiss. "The human is already dead, but his bloodline lives on. There was also a dwarf and an elf that should still be alive."

"Thank you, mother. First I need to rebuild before unraveling this mystery." The young vampire gives his mother a big hug with a smile.

"I assume that I am allowed to stay in your estate." A playful smile rests on the vampiress' face as she follows the old rules of vampire society.

"Of course."


With a displeased grunt, Kath carried the bucket and mop into the basement. Charles has told the maids that the crypt of Master Belor needs cleaning for some reason. Annoyingly enough, she reached her climax first when they made the contest of who has to do it. "Damn that Laura and her amazing tongue."

Her thoughts drift towards that enchanting beauty that arrived a few days ago. Just like with Belor, the woman does not want to leave her head. A delightful shudder goes down her spine as she thinks about what this woman could do to her.

Finally she arrived at the door to the crypt and slowly opened it. When faced with the state of destruction, inside her eyes go wide in disbelief.

"What the actual fuck happened here?"