Peculiar Hunger part 5 by Awak

There was an undeniable spring in Belor's step as his mansion slowly came into sight. A familiar happiness was blossoming in his heart the closer he got back to his home, and it was not the building itself that brought him so much delightful anticipation.

"You have been bouncing like a young buck in love since we got up this morning, sweetheart." The pretty wrinkles in Tatjana's face grew deeper as she couldn't help herself but smile at her master's cheerfulness. "Those ladies of yours must be quite special. You nearly talked my ears off in the last few days about them."

A slightly embarrassed blush rested on the lithe man's face, and he scratched the back of his head when he looked back at the old lady. Since they departed from the tribe, his excitement had only grown. "They really are. I got quite lucky when I found them. I can't wait to introduce them to you and, of course, you as well, Intara."

The mature morph returned his smile as they got closer to the building. Little had changed since the vampire left his home, and the walls greeted them with their cold exterior. The grand manor never looked inviting, but that was the point of it after all. As a vampire, there was no need for unannounced visitors.

After a few more steps, the owner of the estate entered into the outer area and took in the all-too-familiar sight. The courtyard was mostly abandoned beside the flourishing garden, which was currently being worked on by the slender figure of Alftrid and the more curvy form of Chenna.

It took a few seconds for the two, but after a yelp of delight, the tomboy was already charging at her master. Once that short distance was defeated, she threw herself into his waiting arms and embraced his enchanting body with a face of devotion and happiness. "Master, you have finally returned."

Before Belor could even answer, the excited woman sealed his lips with an eager kiss that wasn't missing any tongue. For a few long seconds, the vampire simply made out with his servant. The love and loyalty in this kiss was almost tasteable, and only the knowledge that there was plenty more kissing to do today made him pull away from her.

Alftrid was breathing heavily after their lips separated and enjoyed his embracing arms. Her slender, tight form pressed into his, and the growing lust in her loins couldn't be missed. Uncaring about being watched, the tomboy began grinding her shaft against his thigh with need.

"Soon, darling, I will give all of you plenty of attention. You are not the only one here that needs my arms." The vampire's gaze rested on Chenna, who was waiting for her turn with a blush on her face.

Reluctantly, Alftrid let go of him only for the sinful form of the curvy servant to take her place. Her hugging was more assertive, just as her kiss. Both the maid and her master moaned into each other's mouth while sharing love and spit. Instinctively, Belor's finger grasped the yielding flesh of the small woman's hefty behind and pulled her closer.

With inhuman strength, he lifted Chenna up while not missing a second of her exploring tongue. Finally their lips parted, but the moment of lust did not. The vampire buried his face in those amazing soft tits and earned a feminine giggle from his servant. Her girthy shaft rubbed against his hard stomach already leaking arousal. "You are always so hungry for my fat tits, master."

The only thing she got as an answer was a gentle bite on her nipple, which caused a pleased gasp from her. Belor could spend the rest of the day, maybe even the rest of his days, kissing and sucking on those wonderful breasts, but after getting his fill, he eventually put Chenna down again.

"I understand what you mean, honey. They are quite special." Tatjana's voice from the back interrupted the lustful greeting, and the young man turned around to her with an apologetic smile. The old lady had a teasing grin on her face.

"My apologies, my dear. Darlings, those are Tatjana and Intara." Belor took a step back to let them greet each other. "Tatjana will be joining you as my servant, and Intara is here as an ambassador from the nearby morph tribe. I think you will get along just fine."

In direct comparison, the witch and the tomboy had the same body type, just like the shaman and the curvy servant. The vampire took this moment to smother his growing lust at least a tiny bit before the beast could take over completely. After some hearty embraces and introductions, the ladies separated again.

"I must say, our master has impeccable taste. You two are gorgeous." Alftrid gave the two newcomers a smile, which actually made the old lady blush. Intara just nodded at the compliment and continued chatting happily with Chenna. The two small, curvy ladies bounced off each other quite well.

Tatjana looked over at her grinning master and shook her head with a chuckle. "If all of your servants are like this, I will be blushing for the next few days, but I have to return the compliment." Despite her slight embarrassment, the aged beauty smiled at the tomboy.

"I did get fairly lucky with Tatjana here. The looks are not the only thing that you are going to enjoy, Alftrid. She is also a trained herbalist. Intara probably also knows a thing or two about the matter." The slender woman's features lit up with delight at her master's words. "Why don't you show them your garden while I take care of your sister and friends?"

The excited servant gave him a slight bow before leading the newcomers towards the garden area. Belor continued his way into the mansion with quick steps and felt that intimate connection wash over him. Once more he was home.


"Can you take care of that part of the room, Kyra?" Laura motioned towards the younger woman to clean around the corner while using her own mop. The youth just nodded towards the tall lady and moved over. Diligently she worked on the floor, getting rid of the dust that had settled there over the century of neglect. Just a few more rooms, and every part of the mansion would be cleaned from the tooth of time.

Suddenly she felt a wave of energy wash over her, and a familiar tingling went through her youthful form. The hair on her neck stood on end as she stopped her motion.

Immediately she felt a lithe figure embracing her from behind, and she knew exactly who it was. His hands wrapped around her gorgeous body and stopped their exploration when they found those beautiful breasts. With soft gropes and gentle kisses on her neck, the young vampire tasted his servant.

"Belor." A satisfied sigh escaped her, and she leaned back against his gentle but lustful work. All of that stress that had worked up over the weeks suddenly fell away because of his soft lips and searing touch. Kyra leaned her head to the side to give him better access to her tender skin, which the lustful master eagerly followed up.

"I missed your taste, darling. I hope you have not forgotten me." A grin rested on Belor's face as he devoured her scent. Those perky breasts filled his palms perfectly like they were made to be groped by him. He made her feel his whole form while caressing her.

"You are well aware of what you are doing to us. Don't play innocent, you wicked man." With half-lidded eyes, the slender woman gazed back at him, and the young vampire chuckled in delight. Kyra was sinfully attractive, and with little thought, he continued his sensual work.

One hand left her tits alone only to wander over her toned stomach towards the tent in her skirt. Through the cloth, Belor grasped the aching cock of his servant and gently stroked her, which sent the young girl into a hazy lust, and beautiful moans escaped her mouth.

Automatically her own hand searched for his dick that had been poking her firm ass, but before she could catch it, the lithe figure pulled away. With playful sternness, Kyra looked at him, but his gaze rested on someone else.

Laura had been watching that lustful interaction with a needy blush, her fingers gripping into her skirt. The tall woman was almost shaking with desire, which made her curvy body even more alluring, and Belor gave her a soft smile. "Do not worry, my sweet; I have not forgotten about you."

She only watched with bated breath as the beautiful vampire approached her. His eyes were filled with sensual love, and his hand lifted towards her face. Reverently he took ahold of her cheeks and slowly caressed them. The buxom woman's heart almost stopped as his lips met hers, and she melted into the loving kiss of her master.

Almost a minute of gentle coupling passed that left the servant flushed with desire and sparking passion in her eyes. Laura did not need to be touched or groped to feel completely satisfied by him.

"You taste so wonderful, Laura. It fills my heart with joy to have a gorgeous woman like you desire me so much." Finally the embrace followed as the tall lady fell into his arms, pressing her sizeable chest against his slender form. Her warmth enveloped him, and they held each other for a while.

"Have you met up with Kath yet, Belor?" Kyra watched the sensual embrace with amusement. Her smile turned into a grin when he shook his head. "Then you better hurry up. She would never say it out loud, but she really missed you, probably the most from us five."

After a second of thought, the vampire gave Laura another sensual kiss, and then his form vanished into thin air. The tall woman let out a satisfied sigh, utterly pleased, but quickly collected herself when she spotted the massive grin on the other servant's face.


Kath was stretching her muscles after the usual morning run. Her athletic body felt pleasant and rejuvenated after pushing her limits. The tomboy had spent most of her time outside the last few weeks trying to get her thoughts distracted by doing her sports or hunting, yet her mind was still cloudy and constantly wandering to that stupid beautiful face of her boss.

Especially the last days had been hell for her. Everything inside of the lithe woman yearned for his touch, and even the lewd fun she had with the others did little to lower this desire.

She stepped into the grand entry hall of the mansion, still getting the knots out of her shoulders. "I am back from my run. If anyone needs me, I'll be taking a nap." Her voice rang hollow into the emptiness, and a sigh escaped the athletic girl.

"My, my, you have really worked on your form, my darling. You look absolutely fetching." Kath's heart stopped for a second at the familiar voice, and in disbelief, she looked towards the slender figure of her master making his way down the stairs.

A well of emotions rose up inside of the tomboy, but her body already moved on its own. After a few steps, she threw herself into his surprised arms and buried her face into his neck. The young vampire was stunned at the unusual display of affection, and the smug grin vanished from his face, replaced by a soft smile. His arms took ahold of the fit servant and gently caressed her hair.

"Just shut up." It mattered little that he hadn't even said anything. The lithe woman needed this moment desperately, and she clung to his enchanting form like a woman drowning. Her fit body felt so right pressed against his, and the maid took a deep sniff of his scent. "You absolute bastard."

The dark clouds that had filled her mind got easily dispersed by his presence, and Kath let out a satisfied sigh. She nuzzled deeper into Belor's form, unwilling to ever let him go. That familiar lustful energy washed over her, and her cock reacted right away.

"Of course, you had to press your sweaty body against me, but I guess you are feeling the effect you have on me as well." The young vampire could barely contain his lust at this point because of her enticing figure. Meeting up with all of his servants had set his desire on fire.

A deep kiss followed his words as she sealed their lips together, and with pent-up hunger, the lithe maid tasted her master. Their lips twined and intertwined as all that lust got finally released. Like long-lost lovers, they drowned in each other's emotions for a few precious moments.

Once they separated again, they could both feel the unrelenting heat rising up. Kath's face turned into the familiar smug expression, and she grinded her shaft between his thighs to tease him but also to get rid of some of her lust. The slick sound of her leaking cock fucking between his legs was wonderfully lewd after the tender moment. "Want me to pop your pucker open right here in the foyer?"

With glee she watched him actually consider getting fucked right here in the open. His eyes were filled with wanton desire, and her continued thrusts did little to help him keep things in order. A grin sparked on his face as he watched that fit girl enjoy his body. "Such a teasing minx. I would love to get ravaged right now but I have something planned for all of you girls. Get the others together into the big bedroom."

A giggle of anticipation escaped her, and the fit servant actually stopped her movement. "Of course. The big boss is not satisfied with just one cock. He needs all five of his maids to fuck him like the needy slut he is."

Once Kath turned around, she let out a lustful yelp as Belor slapped that firm butt of hers, and with quick steps, the excited woman did as she was told.


Tatjana was caught up in her conversation with the skeletal figure in front of her as the vampire manifested himself out of the shadows. The old lady gave him a smile, which quickly turned into a lewd grin when she spotted his flushed expression. "Someone seems to be excited."

He settled himself for a moment longer and looked with concern at the unconscious shaman on the bed next to them. His gaze wandered to Charles, who gave his master a deep bow. "Welcome home, Master Belor. I have already met the new arrivals and assigned them some rooms."

The skeleton follows the young man's eyes towards the resting figure of the curvy morph. "Well, it seems that some of your new servants are more accustomed to the supernatural. The poor lady fell unconscious the very moment she spotted me."

"That is upsetting. Maybe I should have eased her into the happenings of my mansion." With genuine concern, he checked on the mature lady. Externally she was completely fine, but the shock must have been too great.

"Now, now, let Charles and me deal with this. I think you have other matters to attend to." The witch gave him another playful smile and ushered him out of the room.

The undead looked at her with surprise at how well she already adapted to her role, and he couldn't help himself when he kissed the aged beauty deeply. It was only for a second but the intensity in his current state of lust was overwhelming for the woman who was so deeply connected to him.

Once he was satisfied, Belor looked over to Charles again. "Very well, Charles, I leave the matter to your capable hands. You can also introduce Tatjana to her new life and show her around the mansion. I think the lady needs proper attire."


A grin spread onto the lithe man's face as the door opened. His figure was lazily resting on the large bed as his servants filed into the room in eager anticipation, one more beautiful than the other. "There you are, my darlings. It has been a while since I got you all together again."

Their flushed expressions were delicious to behold, and Belor felt the tense, lustful energy mixed with deep arousal rising in the room. He could throw more teasing and charming words around, but the events of the day slowly had left his mind blank with need.

With a snap of a finger, all the clothes were gone, and those five beauties stood in front of him in all of their glory. Throbbing cocks made the heavy scent in the air even stronger now that they were freed, and the lustful devotion was clear in their eyes. The desire to worship their bodies took over, and the vampire got up from the bed to kneel between them.

"Can't decide, huh? Well, I can't blame you when faced with such a banquet." Kath had a wide, lecherous grin on her face and moved into position. The other girls soon joined in, surrounding their master while stroking their hard shafts.

Belor gave himself a moment to take in that incredible concoction of their combined musky arousal. The five servants had created a hotbox of desire around him with their leaking rods, begging to be touched and sucked. Without much thought, the young man grasped the shafts of Kyra and Chenna while sucking in the necking tip of Kath.

A pleased moan escaped the tomboy, which made her shut up for a moment at least. With hunger, Belor swirled his tongue around the engorged crown to taste every drop of her pre-cum. He teased the slit until the fit girl's breathing grew erratic before finally taking her deeper. Inch by inch that delicious pecker disappeared in his maw.

No words escaped the feisty Kath as that divine feeling of his tight throat washed over her. Already a sheen of sweat built up on her athletic body, and her hands gripped his locks to anchor herself. "By the gods, how much I missed this."

The slender man's hands kept themselves busy by stroking those hard dicks in his palms. With slick sounds, he took care of those needy servants who were waiting for their turn. Two more shafts made themselves known by rubbing their dripping arousal all over his head, and a pleased moan escaped the vampire, which caused a giggle from the impatient servants.

Kath gazed through the valley of her delightful cups down at her master, and his wanton eyes gave her the affirmation that she needed. Slowly she moved her hips to fuck that greedy throat deeply. The lithe maid set a speed she could handle to enjoy his searing inside as long as possible.

Already Belor was in heaven under the ministrations of these ladies. With two cocks in hand, two cocks making a mess on his body, and another cock stretching his mouth, he felt right at home. The vulgar sound and rising smell of sex set the beast at ease for now.

"Hey Kath, you have been hogging his mouth for long enough now. We also need a turn." Kyra had been thrusting into his hand for a moment now, but the young lady felt her own need taking over and looked at the other woman.

"A shame; I could do this for the rest of the day." With a sigh, Kath pulled out of her master's mouth, already missing that tight heat, and then slapped her shaft playfully against his face, which earned her a few slutty moans. "And I think you wouldn't mind that at all, boss."

With needy speed, he turned around and quickly caught the shaft of Laura between his lips. The tall woman had been smearing her desire all over him and her surprised gasp turned into a deep moan as her long girthy cock sank into that insane void. It was quite a change in size for his gullet, but an expert cock sucker like Belor had little problem with taking the large lady deep right away.

He switched one hand over to Alftrid, who had done the same thing as Laura, and a gentle moan escaped his most devoted servant. "Ah, Master, your hand is so wonderful. Keep stroking me like that." With soft movements, she fucked into his grasp.

Chenna, who was now freed from his hand, knelt down next to him and pressed her curvy body against his form. The small woman made her own neediness known by rubbing her soft curves against his slender figure while her shaft throbbed against his thigh for stimulation.

On his other side, he felt the fit body of Kath, who also got onto the ground. Her athletic frame was drastically different from the softness of Chenna but not any less pleasant. The tomboy trailed a hand down his spine with a grin until she arrived at those firm cheeks. Her fingers found their way between the cleft of his ass to that quivering pucker of her master. "You are quite excited, boss. That greedy hole is begging for fat cocks." 

 With teasing desire, she pressed against the entrance, and as always, that wonderful rosebud eagerly spread open. Her fingers stretched him easily, and yet his ring clamped down around her digits. Kath was leaking hard from that feeling alone.

In the meantime, Kyra was playing with the hefty tits of her friend, who was getting sucked off by the lustful man between them. He was working her own shaft, but the sensation was not enough for the young woman, and she had found her distraction in those wonderful orbs. Her fingers dug into the soft meat and she squeezed those hard nipples to give the tall woman extra stimulation.

Belor brought Laura to the very edge of release but, with a wicked grin, stopped in his tracks. He pulled her out of his maw with a deliciously wet sound and left the tall beauty aching for more. With a hungry gaze, he immediately found his next target, and Alftrid's shaft vanished inside of him.

"Fuck, you are so good to me." Just like her sister, the slender lady grasped the vampire's hair as he bobbed up and down on her shaft with slutty delight. Her form was quivering from the pleasure, which made her perky breasts bounce slightly. Belor let go of the two shafts to give his devotee his full attention for a second by grasping her firm ass. Faster and faster, her rod disappeared inside of him.

Her twin was keeping herself occupied by teasing her master with those exploring fingers. She had found his prostate and was pressing on that sensitive button with a naughty grin. "Maybe I'll manage to make you cum just from my fingers, you greedy slut."

Chenna was on her feet again and simply exchanged strokes with Kyra. The two ladies had not felt his mouth yet but were biding their time for that very moment. Laura, on the other hand, took a step back to gather herself after all of that extra stimulation, but the cock fiend was already eyeing the girthy shaft of Chenna.

The lecherous attention of her master made Alftrid weak in her knees, and she plopped down on the bed as he continued that greedy sucking. "Master, wait, I am going to cum." She was well aware there was little chance of stopping him once the beast took over.

After a while the lithe woman couldn't take it anymore and with a scream of pleasure and devotion released that pent-up load she was keeping ready just for him. While her orgasm was crashing over her, she felt that lustful energy sweeping through her body to extend the extensive peak even longer. Spurt upon spurt of potent essence left her virile body and became sustenance for that hungry vampire.

Finally she was completely spent and collapsed onto the bed. Her gorgeous body was sweaty and exhausted, but her gaze was locked onto those purple glowing eyes of her beautiful lord. In his lust-drunk state, he still managed to plant a tender kiss on her lips as a thanks, but his ravenous gaze was locked onto those two unsucked cocks.

Belor took over for Chenna and Kyra, grasping their throbbing shafts. The two maids gasped in delight at the lustful eyes of their master, knowing that he would not be satisfied until they fed him. With deep anticipation, the young woman held onto her small, curvy friend as the pretty man gave them his passionate attention.

Instead of focusing on one cock, the vampire simply kept switching between them. One moment he was taking Chenna's girthy shaft deep, and the other he was devouring Kyra's throbbing cock. His hands were wrapped around the base of their meaty pillars to keep those tasty rods under control.

The wet sound of his throat stretching around their flesh filled the room. On the bed the other two maids were caressing their exhausted peer while watching the scene. Belor's mindless cock-hunger was nothing new for them, and they eagerly waited until he was done with the other two.

With lustful focus he worked their lengths while also keeping his watch on their faces because their passionate blush was fuel for his actions. The heat and desire in the room almost left the air misty, and the maids' eyes were drawn to their master.

Chenna was the first to make her impending release known with heavy breaths. Her sizeable tits heaved under the approaching avalanche, and needy moans fell from her lips. Churning with creamy lust, the hefty balls of the small servant grew ever tighter to her body, and with a yelp of pleasure, she finally unleashed the held seed.

The young vampire put most of his attention towards the excessive amount of release filling his mouth, and his throat worked overtime to gulp every drop down. Once more his power surged from the potent essence.

Eventually the flood reached its end, and with a lewd pop he released the curvy lady from his eager maw. With heady lust, Chenna joined the other three on the bed and dropped into their waiting arms.

Kyra waited with bated breath as her master's gaze switched back to her. His almost insane grin sent a shiver down her spine, and her cock twitched in need. Slowly the lithe man rose back to his feet and gave her a gentle kiss, much to the young woman's surprise. Before she could think about the sudden tenderness, her feet were lifted off the ground.

With a feat of vampiric strength, Belor flipped the gorgeous maid onto her head and held her pressed against his torso. Her feet were dangling in the air, and her shaft was at the perfect position to find its way back into his hot mouth. His cock was pressing against her face, and the young woman simply engulfed the shaft as well.

"Hey, I also want special treatment." Kath, who was currently stroking her sister's cock back to hardness, made her playful complaining air, but the two lovers just continued that passionate standing 69. The tomboy sprang to her feet and walked over to press her body against the toned back of the vampire.

"I guess I'll just have to take my pleasure then." Without much waiting, the fit maid grasped her own shaft and smeared her pre-cum between those tight ass cheeks. Once her engorged tip found that divine rosebud, she pressed forward. In one swift motion she almost fell into the wonderful heat of her master, and a satisfied sigh escaped her.

"Fuck, your body was made to be fucked, boss." With a few testing thrusts, she set a slow but deep pace, which did little to stop the actions of the other two. Wet sounds of desire escaped them as they devoured each other's cocks, but Belor also pushed back against the hard shaft invading his insides to encourage the fit maid for more.

He had a wonderful view of Kyra's balls and soft ass from this position. A small smile escaped him as he spotted Laura stepping into his sight, her gaze locked onto the barely jiggling behind of her younger colleague. The sensual beauty gave him a gorgeous smile. "Mind if I help you make the young one undone?"

The tall woman sank her fingers into the firm flesh of that pretty ass and slowly spread them apart to reveal that tight pucker to the air. To invite her, Belor lifted the gorgeous maid up to give Laura better access. She needed little more encouragement and sank her face into that divine haven.

Her silky tongue snaked out of her mouth to tease that tight hole for a moment. The muffled moans of Kyra made her pleasure known, but she kept gagging on the shaft in her mouth because Kath was fucking the vampire right into her gullet. With choking screams of pleasure, the youngest was helplessly squeezed between them.

Laura increased her efforts and stretched that tight ring open with her wet muscle to explore the clenching flesh. The incredible sensation of being sucked and tongue-fucked was too much for the upside-down maid, and with more muffled sounds, her release approached. Belor kept her shaft deep inside of him as spurt after spurt of delicious essence escaped her.

Kath continued her deep fucking, and now that her master was less distracted, she picked up the pace. The meaty whack of her hips meeting his ass filled the room, and the slender man handed the light woman in his arms over to Laura. With a lewd grin, the tall beauty carried Kyra over to the bed into the sinful embrace of Chenna and Alftrid.

The two were lounging on the bed together while locked in a kiss to stoke their fires again. You could almost grasp the lustful energy of their master in the air, which gave them the energy for what was to come.

Laura quickly joined the two lovers again because Belor, who had been bent over by the tomboy behind him, gave her an inviting look. The oldest maid has not reached her peak yet, and the vampire's mouth was free again. With shuddering thrusts, Kath gave her friend a wink. "Come on, big lady. Your boss needs to get spit-roasted by two big cocks."

Soon her shaft disappeared inside that insatiable maw once more, and the lithe figure was speared on two throbbing rods. The two maids locked eyes, and a familiar competition set in. "Well, old hag, I bet I can hold on longer than you."

Amused anger sparked in Laura's face, who was only a few years older than Kath. She grasped her master's hair and raked her girthy dick through his throat. "Bring it on, bitch."

As the center of the lustful challenge, Belor moaned in delight as his servants were fucking him from both ends. Their sweaty bodies slammed into him over and over again. Despite all of their bravado, he also knew that the two could not keep doing this for much longer.

"Holy shit, your body is insane, boss. I wish I could fuck you forever." Laura could only agree with the other maid and felt her peak rushing towards her while stretching his throat.

After a few more moments of vulgar fucking, both of them found a shattering end. With a combined moan of pleasure, they reached their release and started pumping their searing seed right into that greedy man. Both of them clung onto his form as they emptied inside of him, and once they finished their softening cocks, slipped out of his used holes.

Any other slut would have collapsed after such a fucking with their hole gaping and used, but Belor felt insane power surging through his blood. Before the two maids could even catch a breath, they got pulled towards him so that their bodies sandwiched the greedy master. With Kath's fit figure in his back and Laura's sinful curves on his front, he pulled the tall lady into another deep kiss.

The tomboy behind him rubbed her sweaty body against the vampire to make him feel all of her hardness and softness. That all-too-familiar energy swept over her for a second wind, and she gave the tender skin on the lithe man's neck a lustful kiss. "You are such an insatiable slut."

Belor chuckled into the kiss of the tall beauty and reluctantly let her go. The kiss alone had almost given Laura another peak, so she was happy and sad to separate. With growing lust, the undead pulled the two servants towards the bed, where the other three were already getting ready for round two.

After letting go of Laura and Kath, the vampire just let himself fall into the soft, sweaty heaven of the other maid's bodies. With delightful giggles, the ladies smothered him in their curves, taking full advantage of his lacking need to breathe. The greedy man's hands found any tit or cock they could grasp to stroke and squeeze to his heart's desire.

Plenty of moments of playful lust passed before his needs rose again. Belor motioned for Chenna to take a seat between the pillows on the matress and once she was in position the vampire leaned back against the curvy maid. Her soft tits served as the perfect resting place for his head while her cock leaked against his back. A lustful smile rested on the small woman's face, and she pulled the slender figure closer into her embrace.

She took the hint and grasped his ankles as the flexible man lifted his legs towards her. In the new position, he was fully exposed to the other servants, and his lecherous grin was a wonderful invitation. "Alftrid, if you would do the honors."

With gleeful energy, the lithe maid jumped into action and positioned herself right in front of him. Both of them took a moment to let their gazes wander over each other's gorgeous bodies. After the moment of appreciation, Alftrid moved closer on her knees and planted her eager cock right on his own. Gently she grasped both of them and stroked them together.

The slick sound joined the heavy, lustful breath in the room, but Belor's quivering asshole begged for much more than simple frotting, and slowly, the devoted servant leaned over him. First she gave Chenna, who was still holding the master ready, a quick kiss and then the quivering man squeezed between them. Finally, she stopped the stroking and moved her tip against that inviting anus.

With lustful devotion, she sank her hard shaft inside of him and let out a long, drawn moan. While gripping his hip, Alftrid took a moment to settle into the divine sensation and locked her eyes with his. "Let me worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped."

A meaty whack followed as the fit maid slammed her shaft deep inside of him. The inner walls of the vampire pulled her deeper, not willing to let go, but with the compromise of more thrusts, she managed to set up her pace. There was love in every hard stroke of hers, and with feminine strength, she pushed him into Chenna's soft body.

Over and over she thrust right into him. His tight pucker was the altar for her lord, and with clear devotion, the maid wanted to bring him heavenly pleasure. Sweaty lust and passion coupled them together, and the bed creaked under her forceful prayers. "Master!"

Belor writhed under that wonderful ministration, and his body, which was created for such pleasure, eagerly took everything she dished out. Every time her body met his, a needy moan escaped his throat, and his hands gripped into the sheets as an anchor.

There was still a hole left ready for worship, and soon another acolyte joined the passionate coupling. The curvy figure of Laura stepped over her master and settled herself between them. Her long, meaty cock was throbbing right in front of his face, and the beauty gazed down at him with sensual lust. Despite getting his world rocked, Belor still had time to exchange a loving glance and slowly engulfed her hard shaft.

Laura surged forward to bury her rod deep inside of his maw again with a lustful gasp. She settled herself in the sensation once more and then rocked her hips to pump her pillar down into him. Vulgar, wet noises escaped the vampire, and his eyes rolled back into the insane pleasure that was provided for him.

Sweat dripped between those attractive bodies as the two maids pounded their master right against the curves of Chenna and down into the bed. With heavy breaths and loving devotion, they filled his enchanting form. Belor was drenched in the heat and bodily fluids as the pace of these devotees slowly picked up.

The sound of Kath gagging on Kyra's cock was background noise for the passionate spectacle. With lustful eyes, the young maid watched the filthy worship, and her form shivered not just from the talented mouth of her friend. The tomboy between her legs, sadly enough, only got glimpses of the coupling, but she had a tasty treat to distract herself.

Further and further, the vampire's body was pushed with everyone well aware that he could take much more. The small servant serving as a pillow might not be a direct part of the fucking, but the sheer friction and the view of Laura's fat tits swinging in front of her face were pleasant enough.

Erratic breathing and the acceleration of thrusts introduced a nearing end to this worship. Laura and Alftrid slammed their forms mightily against his slender figure; their balls, heavy and full of delicious seed, smacked right against his chin and ass.

With a roar of pleasure, it was the fit maid who found her peak first.

His name escaped her tongue, and with a final thrust, she unleashed her devotion deep inside of his clenching heat. The final verse of her prayer washed over her as buckets of searing seed fed the insatiable beast. Another gasp and she was finally spent. As the athletic figure collapsed back onto the bed, her cock slipped free from his form.

Laura had all the freedom to move at will now, and she stopped her motion for a second. Her loving eyes gazed into his lust-drunk orbs, and the tall lady gripped his head tightly. Sensual desire was exchanged between them again, and the maid took a deep breath.

"I love you." Her whispered words were the start of brutal thrusts right against his face as the curvy servant chased her own peak. The gurgling sound of his throat getting violated filled the air, but Laura could keep such an insane pace up only for seconds.

A howl of desire was unleashed from her lungs, and her hefty balls released the building deluge of burning lava. She kept pumping her hips as her sizable shaft pulsed with every spurt of cum, but eventually the beauty was completely spent as well. After the last drops of the maid's seed left her tip, she collapsed backward right next to Alftrid.

Belor's form was pulsing with energy, and he watched the exhausted bodies of his servants in front of him. In their sweaty and heavingly breathing state, they were gorgeous to behold. Like angels, their figures were spread out, and a blissful expression filled their faces after worshipping him.

The vampire had little time to take in the sight because he was suddenly lifted upwards. Chenna had waited long enough now, and she wanted a piece of her master. Once the lithe man was positioned above her laid body, her girthy cock poked its head between his slender legs.

A surprising base strength rested in that small body as she lifted his hips to position her crown at that once more tight pucker. With a deep breath, she pulled her master back down to impale him on her hard shaft. Sparks of lust formed in Belor's mind, and together with his servant, he let out a combined moan.

Despite her strength, Chenna could only grind her hips into him from this position, which gave pleasurable friction but nowhere near the hard fucking they both needed. Luckily enough, two more maids joined them in this time of need.

Kyra moved between his spread legs and lifted his hips into the air. Belor dropped his head backward and took in the fit, sweating form of Kath, who had a smug grin on her face. "Got another load for you, boss."

She lifted him up by his shoulders, and with the combined strength of three women, the vampire was suspended helplessly between them. The tomboy moved her hips back to align her cock with his mouth, which already had opened invitingly, and speared right into his throat with a lustful gasp.

On his other end, Kyra's engorged tip nudged at the tight seal around Chenna's girthy cock, and to her delight, the clenching ring opened up lightly for her. Her length slid along the small woman's substantial meat until her hips met Belor's firm ass. His pucker was gripping onto both of their cocks, and his body almost seared them with the heat. "I still have no idea how your body does this, but I really don't care; fuck, you feel good."

A chuckle escaped the maid, who was lodged in his throat, and she tightened her grip on his body. "Either way, ladies, this man needs to get fucked hard, and I don't want you to stop until we fuck him all the way to heaven."

With lewd grins and laughter, they began their motions. There was no need to ease their movements or be gentle because that sinful body was made to be fucked. The three servants set a hard pace as they took their master deep with ragged breaths.

Meaty slaps filled the room once more, and the sheer friction of their bodies stoked the embers of lust even further. Gurgling moans escaped the powerful vampire as the three cocks rearranged his insides, and his form happily yielded to their invasion.

A familiar energy sparked inside the three maids as their thrusts grew stronger far beyond human possibility. Belor was feeding them his energy, and Kath couldn't help but laugh as her hips turned into a blur because of the newfound strength and stamina. "You are such a greedy slut. We will give you all the fucking cock you need until you are finally sated." 

 Chenna pumped her form upwards with inhuman strength and made his form shudder with every thrust. Her sweaty body slammed into him over and over again as her cock raked through his ring. "I don't think that the master will ever be sated."

"No reason not to try." With a breathing giggle, Kyra smashed against his prostate, and her magical gaze wandered over all of that energy floating around her. The young maid's youthful strength was little in comparison to the sheer power washing through her, but she knew that every drop of lust and virility helped to feed that hungry beast.

Heavy moans and exhausted breathing soon set in as the three maids powered through a while longer. Their bodies yearned for a moment of respite, but that insane prowess did not allow a single second of stillness. They were drenched in sweat and plenty of other fluids, just like the master between them.

The heat and sound in the room combined into an overwhelming cacophony of lust that eventually had to find its end. An orgasm like never before was approaching on the horizon, and moans quickly turned into screams of pure desire. One more searing spark of energy broke through their bodies, and the end was nigh.

Like animals in heat they rutted a few more times into the tight but giving body of the vampire and then their peaks were unleashed. With tight grips and gritting teeth, their mortal bodies gave everything they could give.

Belor felt the three shafts inside of him explode with burning whiteness and creamy torrents began filling him to the very brim. Pump after pump of built-up essence flooded his body, and the sheer amount threatened to leak out of his ring and mouth, but his magic would not let that happen.

Not just the undead's eyes but his whole form was set ablaze with a purple glow as the buckets of cum got absorbed by him. All five servants could feel the insane amount of energy they fed him. Eventually the pumping ended, and the three maids, who were rutting like beasts a second ago, collapsed in blissful exhaustion.

In a pile of erotic curves and sweat, the vampire relished in the pure power and dizzying desire. Laura and Alftrid joined the pile as well to completely envelop him in fat tits and softening cocks. Every aspect of this heap of passion seared into his form, and even the air itself was heavy to breathe. It was a resting place fit for a lord.

It took plenty of moments for the girls to catch their minds in that hazy mist and to feel the greedy hands and loving kisses of their master on their bodies. A few giggles escaped them, and they put more of their erotic weight right on top of their master. Obviously it was Kath that found her words first. "Welcome home, boss."


Evening had arrived in the mansion, and Tatjana took a moment to let her gaze wander over her new attire. The aged beauty swirled in front of the mirror to take in the dress. A densing of energy made her turn around, and out of the shadows, the enchanting figure of her sire emerged.

He had the grin of a man on his face who just had been fucked to bits by plenty of youthful energy. With a feminine giggle, the old lady continued her turning to let him look all over her form. Her body was neatly dressed in a rather classical maid outfit. It fit her attractive figure perfectly and even made her tits a bit more perky than they actually are.

"What do you think, sweetheart? Charles showed me some other outfits, but I thought them a bit too revealing. I think this one suits my needs perfectly well." A pleased smile filled her slightly wrinkled face, and she was looking over to the vampire for his input.

What she found in his gaze made her twitch slightly. His serene expression had once more turned lustful, and he was watching over the old lady with the feral eyes of a beast who had renewed its hunger. The sheer intensity made the maid take a step backward, and a slight concern filled her face.

"You just had three sexy, young women fulfill your every desire and probably fuck your brain out. You can't tell me that you are horny again just because I am wearing a completely normal dress. What to do with..." The words of the mature dame turned into a surprised yelp as the slender man lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder like a primitive caveman.

After a step through shadow, the heat in the air got denser, and the stench of sex filled her nose. Her lustful concern grew even stronger as the gaze of five young women rested upon her. Another yelp escaped her as Belor gave her delightful ass a slap.

"My darlings, I think we can do another round." The agreeing giggle made the old lady blush, and the vampire carried her over to the den of hungry lionesses.