Marc was a honest soldier. He spoke of things as he saw them with no sugarcoating. If you were being cruel or unreasonable he would tell you outright, no matter your position. That's why when the Futa wars started, after one altercation with a higher military officer he was immediately drafted to the front lines, leaving behind his cushy job as a backline logistics mule. While he wasn't a pacifist he also was just a city boy unprepared for the throes of war. And just like that his everyday routine from working in a cafe and walking through the city with his friends, turned into an hellish landscape with mud covered trenches and an everpresent sound of shelling. Truth be told everyday he spent on the front lines he both thanked the gods and cursed he survived yet another day.
However, this all came to a head one day. Just as the first day shift was waking up, accompanied by the sounds of a trench line waking up, a blaring sound of a whistle could be heard. Suddenly the sky was covered dark with shells. Marc quickly leapt to one of the alcoves to shield himself from the metallic rain as his whole world shook with the impact of thousands of shells. The hail itself didn't last long, however the eerie quiet that followed felt like eternity. Following the example of his compatriots, that managed to survive, Marc rose from his defensive alcove to peer over the trench parapet and to look at the enemy line. The origin of their non-perfect morning.
Suddenly as if the string of silence was cut with a pair of scissors, a low rumbling could be heard. Expecting another round of shells some soldiers dove for cover, but Marc and a number of others didn't. They recognized this wasn't the rumble of artillery but something else. And just when the sound of mud splashing joined the rumble they were proven in their suspicions as the soldier on Marc's left shouted, "ENEMY CHARGE !!!" Immediately the trench was flooded with people on Marc's flanks as soldiers jumped behind machine guns and hoisted their rifles pointing towards the no-man's land. Marc himself quickly jumped down and dashed towards the command bunker. He wasn't a common soldier, he was a runner. As such his job was one of the most important on the front line, it being the duty of relaying all commands to the whole trench line, he called his own.
He bolted through the line, masterfully dodging the various people loading field-guns, carrying machine gun ammo boxes or doing whatever else to strengthen their defense. Marc ran as much as he could, weaving through the squiggles of the uneven trench-line. Turning another corner he finally saw the light of a detached command bunker, practically leaping against the door frame.
"Runner is here !" he quickly spat as dry heaves overtook him. Unable to catch his breath he had to support himself with one of his hands against the door frame, unknowingly hoisting all his weight upon it.
"You did good soldier, relay this command." an older man pat Marc on the back as he offered him a canteen of water.
"All units are to immediately sur.." his words were cut off by a shout of a lookout outside.
"ENEMY IS HERE !!!" with that Marc's world swayed from side to side. Whilst before he was slightly fatigued his feet turned to jello as he slowly slid against the doorframe down to the ground. Looking back into the trench he could see 2-meter giants clad in black armor standing beside him. The last thing he saw being the cloud of smoke in the no-man's land and the waves of green smoke a couple giant's poured into the trenches from their shoulder mounted devices. After that all became dark as unconsciousness overcame him.
Marc's nose twitched as he smelt the familiar smell of antiseptic. Opening his eyes he was assaulted by the near pure white coloration of his surroundings. Slightly rising his head and surveying his surroundings he could see that he was in a single room, masquerading as a solitary room of a jail. Outside of the 4 bare walls and his person the room also contained a simple bed, toilet and sink as well as a shower, each item clearly being far too comfortable and luxurious for a jail cell. Turning around he spotted the single thing that wasn't white in this room, that being massive armored door. Coated in pearly silver color it starkly contrasted the whole room. Without a handle yet equipped with a food chute it was clear wherever Marc is it was indeed intended as a prison, luxurious, yet prison nonetheless.
Done observing his surroundings Marc turned his gaze towards his own body, sensing the sensitive breeze even before he just confirmed his suspicions as his eyes were treated with the sight of his stark naked body. With his tool free to dangle he allowed brief lapse in decorum as he gave it a few swirls before turning back to the matter at hand, slight smile playing on his lips from his absurd behaviour. With hands against the wall he poked and probed all the sides of his room, trying to gather as much information about his situation as possible. From the couple knocks and listening for the reverb he determined that while his room is appended to the hallway through the armored door it's sides must also share the same room as his. The potential of comrades sharing their prison with him did raise his mood somewhat, as it meant a prison break could be attempted if an opportunity presented itself.
Content with the information he had Marc sat down on the edge of his bed to rest. However, just as he sat down the armored door hissed to life as it unlocked. With a long squeak it opened to reveal Marc's warden. While Marc already served over 2 years truth be told he never saw his opponent from close before. If he went from the information others relayed not one futanari was ever captured as every fallen soldier of theirs immediately dissolved within their armor leaving just the exterior carapace. Even though he was ready for various bizarre alien life forms what entered his cell was no more than a woman. A tall and muscular woman to be exact, as even under her navy blue uniform with golden seams and shoulder pads a clear outline of muscular stature could be seen. Yet despite her muscular disposition the woman sported hefty breasts as large as her head that moved with her every breath, looking slightly lower Marc could guess the woman was similarly gifted in her posterior. Finally lowering his gaze even further down Marc could finally find an alien appendage he was looking for. That being a raging outline of a clearly human penis in her right pant leg.
"Well met prisoner," the woman spoke to Marc, her voice warm and non-confrontational yet firm.
"Where am I ?" Marc quickly responded, trying to gather as much information as possible and still gazing at her crotch.
"You are in the, ugh… You know what, fuck it, I can't breathe in this thing." she exclaimed unbuttoning the top buttons of her uniform before turning her attention to her pants as she started to jostle and move them. "You are my 13th prisoner and I just can't take it anymore. What did central command thing about mandating this outfit for first contact." she grumbled as she slowly undressed.
"This is better," she exhaled, her cock now dangling free and her uniform being fully unbuttoned left to barely cover her nipples and revealing her bare stomach.
"I can't wait to change into the proper uniform," the woman commented as one of her hands started to slowly massage her length.
"What ?" Marc exclaimed his gaze transfixed on the futanari's rod, now slowly rising but even flaccid it was twice the size of Marc's own tool.
"Huh, interested ?" the warden disregarded his question as she noticed Marc's gaze Before Marc could let out a word of refusal without warning she started to furiously thrust her hips forward, pushing her now erect cock straight into a hole she shaped with her fingers.
"Tell you what, ugh, I'm horny and can't be bothered, egh, to fetch my pocket pussy. If you, agh, will be a good boy and give me a good suck, ooh, I can do something about your current living situation. What do you say ?" she said in between thrusts of her hips as her face slowly twisted in a lecherous smile.
Despite the massive hard-on Marc sported and still unable to snap out of his staring session he said, "N-no, I refuse !"
"Don't lie to yourself boy. I can already see you'll come begging for it soon. But, your loss. Esme come here !" the futanari warden, still masturbating stepped out of Marc's cell and just before the door closed he could see her vigorously thrusting into one of her, slightly less endowed coworker, both of their faces absent of thought and twisted with primal pleasure as they rocked their bodies.
The moment the door closed Marc's hand dove down to immediately start stroking his engorged member. While Marc was no stranger to masturbation this was the first time in his life he ever felt so horny. His hand became a practically blur as he tried to satiate his lust as fast as possible. Throwing his gaze upwards from the pleasure he was experiencing he could see a couple vents embedded in the ceiling of his cell.
'Were those vents there before ?' Marc though in his lusty haze, unable to even recollect if he checked the ceiling before the warden came in.
However, what was Marc absolutely sure of was that the room definitely wasn't being pumped full of the pink mist that now muddied his vision.
'What is this thing., ugh…' Marc was stopped in his thoughts as orgasm overcame him and his mind went blank. Unable to process he sprayed the floor in front of him as some kind of an animal. But without a time to even recover he already resumed jerking of as another wave of pleasure washed over him. Still misty he looked down on his hand jerking him of and his smile slowly contorted into the same smile the warden had.
------X------"I'm cumming !" Marc whelped through his gritted teeth as he unleashed yet another load on the right wall of his cell. Adding in on the tapestry of ejaculate covering the whole room. Just as he finished cumming he resumed his masturbation as he waddled over to the door, one of his hands never leaving his cock alone. He already lost track of how long he was locked up but one was certain his arousal was ever present. Day and night he would masturbate all over this room, bringing just a bit of reprieve from his constant high arousal. He already fucked his pillow and covers hard, thrice. Each time they were replaced Marc couldn't wait to jump into the bed and hump it pregnant as if he was some kind of a wild animal. As he walked by the door he could hear the familiar *Thunk* of the food tray. Looking down he could see what appeared to be soup with bread, frosted with a helping of a guard semen. Ever since he came here guards made him accustomed to occasional additives to his meals. While at first he avoided the meals entirely, he slowly succumbed. First he only ate the absolutely clean parts, then he edged more and more. Nowadays he ate as much as possible to the edge of the cum covered part. After all he needed nutrients to cum. Just as he was about to dig into his soup another *Thunk* emerged from the door. Rising his gaze from the tray of food he could see the that someone dropped a large dildo through the chute. It was truly huge tool, it's light blue rubber body dwarfing Marc's worn rod. Still tugging on the length of his own he slowly approached and picked up the rubber boyfriend. Twisting it in his one hand he surveyed it's surface. As he rotated it he couldn't shake the sense of familiarity he felt towards it. 'I already saw this somewhere. But where ?' Marc thought to himself. Working his gaze throughout the whole tool he found a peculiar thing. At the base of the dildo was a small opening. Stopping his masturbation for a few seconds he raised his second hand and inserted two fingers into the hole. The moment his fingers were slurped by the moist insides he realized what it is. A pocket pussy. Enamored by the thought of new stimuli his dick immediately shot up as if begging to be inserted into the toy. As the now familiar fog again enveloped Marc's brain, without a thought he planted the rubber thing on his crotch. The moment his cock felt the wet insides he immediately came. As he dispensed his seed inside, he realized another function of the device. That being that, working as an extension of his own penis, all the cum he released emerged from the tip of the rubber dong. Elated that he can continue covering the walls in his spunk Marc already started bobbing the rubber dildo on his crotch, making sure that he catches every rib and internal wall.
An ungodly amount must have passed ever since Marc received his rubber boyfriend. After all his hair, once cut to a military buzz cut, now covered his ears and dangerously approached his shoulders. But Marc didn't have the time to notice, after all his mind was permanently wrapped in pleasure as he made sure to always jerk off with his rubber dildo. Nowadays he even went to sleep with it.
The prison life didn't stop at influencing just his dick or hair. Ever since he was captured his once firm, one might call even slightly emaciated, stomach was now silky smooth. Practically his whole body was now covered in soft layer of healthy fat making every part of his body soft to touch. Speaking of soft to touch Marc's complexion and skin completely cleared up, where once was uncomfortable acne was replaced with silky smooth skin that just shined with brightness. What certainly wasn't missed was Marc's hair. Since his capture no hair grew bellow his hairline, something he liked very much as it meant the access to his cock was unimpeded. All in all the once rough soldier perfectly mellowed out as he thrust his, now meaty, hips with the dildo on his crotch.
'Speaking of, I cum so much yet I never tried it,' Marc thought to himself in a brief moment of lucidity between hip thrusts.
As his gaze lowered to his nether regions his heart began to race. Looking down at the blue-ish head of his faux member he was overcame with exhilaration and curiosity of what may it feel like. His lips quivering he slowly lowered his head too meet his prick. The moment his lips made a contact with the rubber his whole body was shocked with numerous orgasms. Quickly latching on as if to catch it all he bellowed a moan as he licked up his own cum. With each torrent he felt pleasure he never felt before, far eclipsing his simple masturbation from before.
Finishing his creaming session, he lifted his head to take a deep breath before diving back in. With renewed vigor his hand immediately got to work rubbing the dildo as his lips and tongue worked the tip.
Mackie was right in the middle of his fellatio session as he was interrupted by the sound of a meal tray being dropped off. With an annoyed look he slowly retracted from the base of the rubber dildo that was just a moment ago ravaging his throat. With loud *Pop* his puffy lips popped of the head of the dildo. Ever since he began sucking off the tool his lips have increased by several sizes turning into proper puffy cocksuckers that made it hard to even speak properly. Something Mackie didn't do much now as the fake rod was nearly permanently probing his whorish throat. However, the change didn't stop at just his lips. Paired with his facial changes were the changes that happened to his lower body, that being of course his now swaying ass. He quickly found out that the best way to suck off cock properly is to squat in front of it, making every blowjob session also a work-out. Truthfully it didn't matter much to Mackie as cock was nearly always on his mind nowadays.
Looking down at his tray he removed his fingers that were fingering his ass until now and observed his meal. The guards really outdid themselves today as the helping of cum frosting on his cake was clearly bigger than the cake itself. Bending forward his face turned into a lewd smile as he presented his supple ass to the air. As if someone should grab it and pound him right then and there.
With a lusty gaze he slowly opened his mouth before diving into the cum cake. Ecstasy flowed through him as he slurped up the cum with a pleasured face. After all he already ate his own cum so when he decided to also eat the futanari one he had no problem taking in the delicious porridge.
Licking his lips Mackie slowly rose from the tray. As he moved upwards his gaze was suddenly stopped at the doors. At around the mid-point where once was a solid steel now was a hole. But not just any hole, filling it out and preventing any sight of a outside of Mackie's cell was a huge cock. While not as big as Mackie's dildo the vein covered rod was still a sight to behold. Wasting no time Mackie leapt forward lips first. With a look of a starved junkie he immediately fellating the dick, desperate to satisfy his. He was actually so engrossed in pleasuring the rod without a moment of thought he squatted down on the plastic dildo that just emerged from the ground. Filled on both ends the bitch moaned and whelped as it was being double teamed, the sound of his own ass-cheeks clapping accompanying the sound of wet slurps and meaty thrusts on the floor embedded dildo.
The day started as any other. Mackie woke up the the sound of sloshing as the machine that operated his bed woke the boy up by ramming his puffy anus. Mackie actually established a routine of making sure each day he started with the loudest moan possible. After few minutes he squirted from his cock as the machine finished waking him up. Quickly jumping of his bed Mackie's whole body wobbled with soft pudge. Ever since he switched to pure cum diet his body gained a slight amount of weight. Weight he didn't worry about much as most of it centered around his huge hips and even bigger ass. With the comfortable sound of clapping of his back boulders he turned towards the door to receive his breakfast.
Lowering himself onto the floor dildo he once again let out couple moans as the tool, now bigger than his arm scraped his enlarged prostate. Comfortably settled he turned his gaze towards the door. Ready for the hole to open up and for one of the guards to fill his throat full with morning cum. Yet the hole didn't open like every day. Bored and desperate Mackie started to slowly play with his nipples as he rose and fell on the dildo. Captured by arousal he didn't wait long to properly clap on the plastic toy as his face turned to sin.
After some time the door suddenly hissed. The masturbating boy didn't even have the chance to hear the hiss through the cacophony of moans and wet splotches as he furiously masturbated. What he did notice was the doors slowly opening. Still masturbating the boy was dazed with a flash of strong light as the door revealed a lone figure.
Standing in the doorway was the familiar face of the warden. While her chestnut hair and green eyes were the same what wasn't were her clothes. Instead of the warden's uniform, she wore before, her whole wardrobe was replaced by a bright blue high-rise leotard. Forgoing the incredibly deep cleavage, with her nipples peeking out slightly, the bottom part didn't even manage contain her genitals, as her cock dangled through a special cut out hole. Paired with gray pantyhose and high heels it was truly an outfit only a slut would wear.
"You turned out very good." she said towards the still masturbating Mackie, she as well being busy jerking her own cock with a pocket ona-hole.
Mackie didn't even manage to word out a reply, his mind fogged by sight of her cock. Instead he let out a number of whimpers and moans as he desparately reached for the tip of her rod with his tongue whilst still being embedded on his dildo.
With a lecherous smile the warden looked down on Mackie as she commanded, "Rise slut. You'll come with me and you can be sure for the rest of your life you will be properly filled."
"Yesh, mishtress." Mackie finally slurred through his thick lips as he slowly rose from his plastic boyfriend. Strangely the everpresent arousal slowly subsided to allow slight moments of reason. Just as with his lips when the tip of the dildo left his anus an audible wet *Plop* could be heard by them both. Hearing the sound Mackie's brain froze for a bit as if it was finally wiped clean. Disregarding the strange sensation Mackie turned to stand before the warden.
"Before we go.. Ugh.. Dress yourself." the warden moaned as released another load into the ona-hole. "And hurry I can't wait to stick my cock in some whore."
"Yes, mishtress." Mackie saluted with a lewd face as he quickly skipped over to the bed, upon which now laid the same outfit the warden wore. Of course as he walked over to the bedside his ass made a point of reminding the two of it's existence as with each step Mackie took a loud clap quickly followed. The seductive sway and clap of Mackie's ass-cheeks clearly send the warden over the edge multiple times as he could hear her letting out couple deep moans as well as the sound and smell of cum dropping on the floor of the cell.
Mackie dressed himself slowly. Instead of classic dress-up it was more a teasing reverse striptease, meant to drag out more moans and grunts from the warden. After all his reasoning was crystal clear. If he aroused the warden enough maybe she wouldn't be able to control herself and she would rape him with that, oh so deliciously looking cock of hers. While not completely Mackie's tactic must have worked. Because right after he finished putting on his shoes the warden quickly stepped over and grabbed a handful of his ass, causing a stream of moans to escape Mackie's lips as she felt him up.
"Let's go." the warden ordered her hand still fondling Mackie's posterior and the other still jerking her cock with an ona-hole, but with clearly noticeable higher pace. Emboldened by the wardens action as they started to walk Mackie didn't waste time and started to cup her own ass-cheek with one of his free hands, causing a yelp and an climax from the warden.
Leaving the cell after god knows how long of a time Mackie was greeted with the sight of tens if not hundreds of the same doors he saw on his own cell. The warden turned right, yet not letting go of Mackie, in reply Mackie as well kept his hand where it was walking through the hallway enjoying each other's asses.
As they walked the hallway wasn't absent of sound as the sounds of sex and moans slowly traveled throughout. Some doors were even left completely open allowing Mackie to gaze at empty cells, pregnant sows being gang-banged by a group of guards, various futanari's fucking each other and much more different displays of sex. The atmosphere as well as the growing roughness both of them treated the other to raised the number of moans and the speed the warden masturbated as they walked, ever so often she would stop for a minute cumming on the floor before immediately resuming her jerk off session and walking forward. But the increasing heat finally broke the camel's back as the warden suddenly stopped and commanded.
"Argh. I can't take it anymore ! Stand before me and show me your ass." she ordered, checking Mackie out.
"Yes, mistress !" Mackie gleefully replied, happy he finally attained his goal. Not wasting a second of time he quickly bent over in front of the warden. Leaning against the floor he slowly started to sway his ass to entice the raging hard-on she wore."You wanted this, didn't ya ? You cock hungry slut." the warden panted as her dick entered into Mackie's bussy, immediately being enveloped by warmth that caused her to prematurely cum."Yesh ! I'm just a slut wanting a thick cock up my ass !" Mackie moaned at the sensation of a real cock scraping his insides, as he too came, squirting from his dicklette against his leotard.
"Take it you cock-hungry incubus. I will not fall for your enchantments." the warden moaned as she started thrusting into Mackie.
"Oh god, give it to me ! All I want is cock ! Give it to me !" Mackie screamed and moaned as the warden prodded his deepest depths.
"Now let's go to meet the officer, you need to report to her." the warden said, still vigorously humping Mackie's ass.
"Ugh, okay." Mackie laboriously whelped as he slowly started crawling forward on his fours, making sure the warden's dick is still plugging his behind.
Ridding Mackie the whole journey, the warden made sure to cum numerous times to fill the crawling boy's stomach. Actually, by the time they arrived into the plaza where the prisoners were being gathered Mackie managed to develop quite the pregnant belly that swayed and sloshed.
"Prisoner 309-F-010," the warden saluted the officer after finally removing herself from Mackie's ass, leaving a dripping trail of cum behind.
"I see why you wanted to bring him yourself Amanda. You filled him up good. Gertrude, come here and service the warden !" the officer barked into the plaza.
Finally standing up and caressing his sore ass Mackie could see the officer in all her glory, and the sight truly took him aback. Standing slightly taller than the warden the black haired beauty emanated authority. Dressed in smart casual style she could be considered relatively normal were it not for two things. One thing was the fact that all of her clothes the white blouse, black tie and black dress pants were all made of some kind of rubber. Rubber that cling-ed on a body just as endowed if not more than the warden's. Another were the clear two humanoid shapes covered beneath her clothes. Whilst one on her was humping against her generous ass clearly making sure it was always filled the other, in front, looked to be on the receiving end of the officers mighty tool, as a couple moans escaped the officer's front ever so often.
Just as he was finished giving the officer a look over a young girl came strutting over. Guessing it was the Gertrude the officer called for before Mackie immediately recognized she was the junior around here. With small boobs and ass she could barely rival the mounds of her superiors, this also impacted her clothing as she wore a simple bikini and nothing more. Without question she immediately handed Mackie a black dildo and knelt before the warden, before quickly latching onto her cock and giving it a good suck. The warden's face which was slowly growing more annoyed until now once again smiled as she slowly started to hump Gertrude's face. Mackie also didn't waste time as he quickly inserted the black dildo into his own ass, moaning and panting he also smiled happily he was once again filled.
"Officer, I would like to keep this prisoner for my personal use." the warden suddenly said. In between her hip thrusts.
"Really ?" the officers face turned to question before a flash of pleasure and a moan coming from her front made everyone aware she just came into her carry-on pussy.