The Lost Kid who met the Golden Light... Part-2.

Once upon a time, in the era of endless wars and chaos, humans were divided into many small nations and were constantly battling with each other to no end.

An 'Ordinary' child was born into a family of herdsmen.

The small family that used to keep cattle and sell 'Milk' to make their living, with the addition of a new member to the family, things became livelier.

But human greed affects everyone; war spread its flames far and wide, and the small family lost their cattle.

Day of difficulty came upon the poor family that had no other source of income.

Eventually, the parents of the 'ordinary' kid decided to abandon their child in the heart of the forest and migrate somewhere else in search of better opportunities.

The 'Ordinary' kid, who barely just learned how to walk, had no idea about the ways of the world.

Fortunately, an old herb gatherer picked up the abandoned 'Ordinary' kid and took him in as his own child.