Chapter 1 Brick Breaks Martial Art (Part 1)_1

Yan Huang Republic's capital, Capital City, is the political center of the nation. In this vast city, nearly thirty million people reside; their density is among the highest in the world. The magnitude of the city leaves anyone in awe.

Jing Shan District is the smallest county in Capital City. Although its area is much smaller compared to other city districts, it is bustling. Around four in the afternoon, schools dismiss their students for the day. Not far from the entrance of Jing Shan Vocational School, two individuals stand in a dark corner.

"Boss, will that kid really show up today?" The speaker is a chubby boy who looks around sixteen or seventeen, standing about 1.7 meters tall. His figure brings to mind a globe due to his rotund physique.

Next to him stands an older youth. Around 1.8 meters tall, He is lean, his features not handsome but harmonious in their own way. His narrow eyes gleamed ferociously, making him quite fascinating in a peculiar way.

"He'll come. That boy is definitely meeting her today after school. If I don't vent my anger today, I, Qi Yue, have lived in vain. Be ready when I give the cue, Field Mouse."

Field Mouse, the chubby boy, nodded vigorously but with noticeable apprehension in his eyes. "Boss, they say the boy knows martial arts. He's practiced for nearly seven or eight years. Do you think the two of us can handle him?"

Qi Yue patted the backpack slung around his shoulder. "What's there to fear? Don't forget, I brought my secret weapon."

With a snigger, Field Mouse pats his own backpack. "Seeing you with a backpack feels so strange, boss. It's like it conflicts with your personality."

Irked, Qi Yue glared at Field Mouse. "Stop talking nonsense! I completed middle school and spent two years in high school, even if I didn't graduate. They're coming. Be ready."

A girl came out of Jing Shan Vocational School. Her beautiful face, voluptuous figure, and attire — a short skirt and a yellow blouse rather than the usual school uniform — exuded a level of sensuality not commonly associated with her age. Instead of leaving the school immediately like other students, she glanced around the school gate as if looking for someone.

A brisk figure was sprinting towards the school gate at an even pace, shouting, "Nana, I'm here." Appearing to be around eighteen or nineteen, he was about 1.8 meters tall with a balanced physique. His black hair fell neatly onto his shoulders. His handsome face bore an elusive gleam in his eyes and a mischievous smile.

"I just came out too," Nana approached the handsome young man with a sweet smile.

The handsome youth took Nana's hand, speaking with a low chuckle: "Nana, I've missed you. What should we do next?"

Seemingly oblivious to the attention from the passing students, Nana spoke flirtatiously, "Whatever you like! If we can't decide, we might as well go to your place."

"Sounds good!" The handsome youth's eyes glowed with an eager light; the smile at the corner of his mouth grew even more lascivious.

"What an adulterous pair!" A frigid voice came from the corner; Qi Yue and Field Mouse came out, their faces twisting in disdain. Their wait was evidently for this young couple.

Upon seeing Qi Yue, Nana turned pale and quickly hid behind the handsome youth.

"Damn it, why are you hiding? Relax, I don't hit women, I just want to teach this kid a lesson." Qi Yue said nastily.

The handsome young man snorted disdainfully, saying, "Nana, don't be afraid, I'm here. Ten of him wouldn't be a match for me."

Qi Yue stopped five meters away from the handsome young man, and with his hands on his hips, the field mouse shouted, "YanXiaoyi, you dumbass, daring to steal Boss' woman, we're going to teach you a lesson today."

"Just the two of you?" YanXiaoyi's expression became even more dismissive. He lifted his right leg and kicked beautifully into the air, his movements quick and neat. His handsome face and half-length black hair only added to his suave demeanour, yet his eyes were full of contempt. Nana, hiding behind him, seemed less scared. She glared at Qi Yue and said, "I have nothing to do with you anymore, stop looking for me. I belong to Xiao Yi now."

Qi Yue snorted coldly, unzipped his backpack, and reached his hand inside. The chubby field mouse did the same.

YanXiaoyi's complexion visibly changed, but in front of his girlfriend, he had to maintain his bravado, "If you want to fight, let's do it. Remember, my dad's in the city's public security bureau. Delinquent teens like you should have long been brought in for correction."

The expression on Qi Yue's face turned sinister. He had been an orphan since he was a child, growing up in an orphanage under society's welfare. He had gone unguided; the older he grew, the stronger the rebellion in his heart. Although the Yan Huang Republic implemented twelve years of compulsory education, allowing him to attend high school for free, he inevitably dropped out before graduating. Hence, he became a slacker, spending his time fighting, drinking and smoking. Nana spent more than a year with him; despite his impoverished background, he treasured his first love. But as soon as she found someone like YanXiaoyi, who could both fight and had support, she immediately dumped Qi Yue. This made Qi Yue resentful, and he specifically came to Nana's school today to settle the score with YanXiaoyi.

"I heard you know martial arts?" Qi Yue asked YanXiaoyi, his eyes slanting.

YanXiaoyi confidently said, "Yes, I've been learning for several years. My teacher is the famous Northern Leg King. So, you want to try my legwork? Fighting you, a delinquent, would get my shoes dirty."

Qi Yue withdrew his hand from his backpack, sneering, "There's a saying you might have heard before - 'Brick Breaks Martial Art', today, I'll show you why the flower is so red." As soon as he finished speaking, he charged forward at such a speed, even YanXiaoyi, who knew martial arts, was taken aback. In his hand, Qi Yue was holding a large brick, which was his secret weapon from his backpack.

YanXiaoyi had, indeed, been trained in martial arts. So, when he saw Qi Yue charging at him with a brick, he didn't panic, as the brick was far less threatening than a machete. However, as a notorious slacker, Qi Yue's fighting experience far outshone YanXiaoyi's. As soon as he charged, Qi Yue flung the brick, sending it hurtling towards YanXiaoyi's head.

YanXiaoyi, who had been prepared for a fight was taken aback. He had planned to give Qi Yue a sweeping leg kick when he came within range, but he hadn't expected Qi Yue to use this method. He quickly blocked it with his arm, but the force of the brick took him by surprise. He cried out in pain as the brick hit him squarely on the arm.

At that moment, Qi Yue reached him, catching the brick as it rebounded off YanXiaoyi's arm. He swung his arm in a wide arc, striking out.

The field mouse was noticeably slower than his Boss. Holding a brick, he too charged forward, shouting, "Confucius says: fight with brick, aim for face, no random hitting; now it's on, why should one fight alone, invite friends, hit hard, isn't it fun; if it doesn't hit, hit again, if it does, hit till one dies, and if he dies, oh well!" One can't help but wonder, if Confucius were alive today, what his reaction would be to that phrase.


The new book is now updated formally, this is a brand new work by Little Three trying out a new theme. It's his first time writing about urban life, and he's put in a lot of effort into it. Please support Little Three by adding it to your collection, and also direct your recommendation votes to this book. This Sunday, we will host an appreciation event here, and everyone is welcome to join.