Chapter 4: Zodiac Guardian (Part 2)_1

The third chapter has arrived today, and before 9 o'clock, Little Three has completed his 3 updates. If you think the book is not bad, please vote and favor. Thanks.


Qi Yue's face calmed down, and he asked, "If I become the Qilin you spoke of, what do I need to do?"

Zagru radiated a peaceful aura all over his body, and he said solemnly: "As the King of Zodiac, you will command twelve Zodiac Guardians. Your task is to guard the East. When any abnormal situation arises in our Eastern world, you will need to lead our Zodiac Guardians to deal with it. The birth of the Zodiac Guardian necessarily means the emergence of evil forces within the East. Moreover, as an Eastern Guardian, you may also have to face challenges from the West."

Qi Yue walked up to Zagru, showing a slightly strange smile on his face. He patted Zagru's shoulder with some deep feeling and said, "Little monk, I can see that you are a very righteous person who regards the wellbeing of the world as your own responsibility."

Zagru was taken aback, "I'm just doing what I should, everyone has their own fate, just like you, who was born to inherit the Kirin Bloodline."

Qi Yue's smile deepened, "Because you are a good person, and a compassionate monk, I think that if I insist on leaving, you definitely wouldn't stop me, right? Farewell." Then, he turned and walked away.

Zagru was stunned. After all, he was still only under twenty. Upon seeing Qi Yue turn and leave, he became anxious, "You, you're just leaving like this? Don't you want to become the King of Zodiac?"

Without turning his head, Qi Yue replied, "Who would want to be the so-called King of Zodiac? Being a hero isn't so easy. Without need to question it, if I become this so-called King of Zodiac you mentioned, I would surely face formidable enemies. As you mentioned, I'm nothing more than a rogue, a rascal. For a rogue, a rascal, nothing is more important than staying alive. I'm still nineteen years old, I haven't lived enough. Although I have dreamt of being a hero, I have seen enough TV shows and novels to know it's not as easy as it seems. You might die before achieving anything as a hero. Hence, I have no intentions of becoming a hero. I'm just a small character, and I only wish to remain so. The idea of becoming a superhero, with underwear worn outside, like in TV shows, is merely a dream. Please stop bothering me, I'm not a warrior, let alone a hero."

While speaking, Qi Yue had already reached the entrance of the main hall. He had correctly guessed Zagru's characteristic behavior; as a serious practitioner, he wouldn't force anyone against their will.

Zagru grew anxious. Even though he deeply disdained the person before him, the Kirin was too important for all the Zodiac Guardians, "Wait, can you tell me, what are some of your life goals, or rather, what is your greatest desire?"

Qi Yue turned at the entrance, his eyes filled with longing, "Actually, my desires are quite simple. I live on the west side of the Capital City. I used to know an older brother, his nickname was Smoky Man. He once said something that greatly inspired me, he said, 'Sleep until you wake up naturally, count money until your hands cramp.' Based on these words, I added two more; 'Beautiful women will knock on my door for me to sleep with, my manhood will never falter.' These four phrases combined, form my entire life goal. However, I know, as a mere small character, that desires are beautiful but also hard to achieve. Therefore, I never harbour any extravagant hopes."

Seeing that Qi Yue was about to leave again, Zagru hurriedly said, "Your desires are not impossible to achieve." Even though, as a monk, he didn't want to get involved in worldly matters, he still had to agree to keep Qi Yue from leaving.

Sure enough, as soon as Zagru made this comment, it piqued Qi Yue's interest. "Oh? How is it possible then? Does becoming a Kylin make it achievable? Even if it is true, I don't want to enjoy a few days and die."

Zagru smiled bitterly, "What you've just mentioned can essentially be boiled down to one concept: power. With power, everything becomes simpler. In the East, the Kylin's status is absolutely extraordinary, and what you're up against is not as dangerous as you imagine. As the King of the Zodiac Guardian, all the Zodiac Guardians will take your safety as their responsibility, even willing to sacrifice their own lives for you. Moreover, as an unprecedented Mo Kirin, you possess special abilities that other Kylins don't have. Now you are at the initial stage of awakening, as long as I guide you, your Mo Kirin bloodline will be fully awakened, and you will immediately possess this special ability."

Qi Yue looked at Zagru and asked, "What kind of ability? Don't tell me I'll become a super expert after you guide me, I've read too many novels, I understand the principle of gradual progress, no one can become an expert overnight."

Zagru shook his head, "Of course not, you're absolutely right. Gradual progress is the process that all cultivation techniques must go through. The more effort you put in, the more ability you will have. In ancient times, the Kylin was one of the strongest divine beasts, but, the Kylin had a fatal weakness, their horns. Once the horn was cut off, the Kylin's life would also disappear. But among all the Kylin's, there was one exception, the Mo Kirin. The Mo Kirin possesses a powerful vitality that no other Kylin can match, even with their horn cut off, they can survive and their horns would regrow."

Qi Yue casually asked, "What is your point in all of this?"

Zagru said, "The point is, as soon as your Mo Kirin bloodline is fully awakened, you will have an extremely strong self-recovery ability. Unless your head gets chopped off, even if other limbs are broken, you can recover in a short time."

Qi Yue was startled, "What the heck, am I a Kylin, or a cockroach?"

Zagru smiled slightly, "Of course you're a Kylin. How could a cockroach compare to a Mo Kirin? Not only that, as a Kylin is a symbol of auspiciousness, once your bloodline awakens, anyone who offends you will be punished by fate. While the punishment may not necessarily be severe, the auspiciousness is not something anyone can offend."

Qi Yue exclaimed with excitement, "You mean that if someone messes with me in the future, they'll be cursed with bad luck?"

Zagru said, "In a way, you could understand it like that, but only to a certain extent."

Qi Yue shook his head, "It's still not acceptable. If I only have powerful recovery ability, wouldn't I be a punching bag? No deal."

Zagru suppressed the anger in his heart, "Of course not, as the successor of Kylin, naturally there's a cultivation technique for Kylins. As long as you are willing to practice diligently, you will definitely become strong. The Zodiac Guardians will protect you too, so how can you become a punching bag? Among the Eastern Guardians, I am known as Skybringer. My ability is to help you and the other Zodiac Guardians awaken their abilities. However, I can only sense their aura within one hundred miles. You are different. After you turn eighteen years old, no matter where you are, I can sense your presence. You also possess the ability to sense any Zodiac Guardian's aura within five hundred miles. Two years ago, I traveled the entire nation and found three Zodiac Guardians due to my relentless efforts. Some of them have already awakened while others were guided by me. As long as you're willing to accept this role as the Kylin, they will naturally become your Guardians. And before you find twelve Zodiac Guardians, you can disregard any trouble in the East. Rest assured, amongst the Eastern Guardians, the most important ones are the Zodiac Guardians, they are the strongest ones. And among the Zodiac Guardians, the most important one is you, the King of Zodiac. Only under your leadership, the Zodiac Guardians can exert their full strength. So, keeping you safe is the most important thing. In the next few years, your task is actually very simple, that is, to find the other Zodiac Guardians and practice yourself, it won't be dangerous. Among us Eastern Guardians, some belong to ancient families with a vast amount of power. As the King of Zodiac, you will naturally receive their help, and your wishes will be a lot easier to achieve."

Qi Yue tilted his head and said, "Sounds good, alright, I can agree to you, but, should there be some kind of sign for this?" As he spoke, Qi Yue rubbed his thumb, index finger, and middle finger together, and a smirk and lewd grin spread across his face, revealing his rogue character with no doubt.