Chapter 3 The Strange Monk (Lower)_1

"How much longer do we need to keep walking!?" Qi Yue panted his question out. While he had no signs of altitude sickness, climbing at these heights was no easy task.

Walking ahead, the young monk replied, "We're almost there."

The pair stopped at the entrance of a hall, ancient and weighty doors extending ahead of them, faint, peculiar patterns marking them. The young monk gestured for Qi Yue to follow him inside.

Inside the temple hall was serene. A statue of Buddha centred the spacious room, the young monk paying his respects before turning to face Qi Yue. His countenance seemed more radiant, more divine in front of the Buddha.

"Well, can you tell me now? Why have you brought me here?" Qi Yue had long since lost his patience. Were it not for the Lincoln Navigator and a bag of lamb that satiated his hunger, he might've fled.

With a calm demeanor, the young monk replied, "I brought you here to make you see."

"See? Are you insulting me? I'm no dullard who's incapable of understanding." Qi Yue gave the young monk a scornful snort.

You shouldn't speak flippantly in front of the Buddha," the young monk cautioned, "Your presence in Tibet is orchestrated by destiny. Our meeting too is part of this design. Consider me your guide. Frankly, it's surprising that such an important individual from the East would be someone like you."

Qi Yue's face darkened at his words, "So you look down on me? I have no interest in your temples. If that's the case, let's part ways here. Just take me back." Although a ruffian, Qi Yue held a fierce sense of pride. If it weren't for the monk's status, he might've already let his fists do the talking. He never let any slights or condescension slide back in the Capital City, and even though it seemed in vain, this was his way of protecting his pride.

Ignoring Qi Yue's words, the young monk continued: "The Yan Huang Republic is the pearl of the East and its mysteries are not to be understood by mere mortals. In this world, a group of people have been silently safeguarding the East, contributing all their strength to its prosperity. Controlled by destiny, these guardians emerge once every millennia. Their existence ensures the peaceful development of the East."

"Are you trying to tell me a story?" Qi Yue was somewhat dumbfounded by the young monk's words.

The young monk shook his head, "I am telling you the story that is about to unfold for you. There are many things in this world that we cannot comprehend. However, just because we cannot comprehend them does not mean they're not real."

Qi Yue, remembering his strange dream, felt his pulse quicken slightly, "So who are these people guarding the East that you're talking about? Are you saying gods exist?

The young monk shook his head, "Although there are no gods, there is a magnificent lineage that has been passed down the ages. You are the very heir of this lineage."

Qi Yue suddenly let out a hearty laugh, "Little monk, you're quite the character, dragging me all the way out here in the middle of the night just to tell me a story? Do you really think I would believe you? Even if this story is fascinating, it has nothing to do with me, I'm leaving now." With that, he turned and started walking away.

Did Qi Yue really not believe the young monk's words? No, he was beginning to. He just suddenly felt a little uneasy and decided to leave as a way to protect himself.

The young monk suddenly spoke, "Hold on! If you want to know if everything I've said is true, then please remove your top."

Qi Yue swung around sharply, "Remove my top? In front of the Budda? Although I don't believe in Buddha, I don't want to offend him either."

The young monk gave a faint smile, "It seems you're beginning to believe, haven't you? Please remove your top. When a person comes into this world, they are born without any clothes. The Buddha will forgive you."

Qi Yue snorted, "I don't want to know anything right now, nor do I want to hear your evidence for anything. I'm leaving." Having said this, he turned to leave with a note of panic in his voice. However, a gentle force held him back, and no matter how hard Qi Yue tried, he was no longer able to move.

Under the influence of this strange, gentle force, he turned around again. The young monk, having silently moved next to him, stood face to face with Qi Yue. With a sweep of his right hand, the smooth force not only held Qi Yue captive but also removed his top, revealing his brassy skin beneath.

"Every generation's Kylin is so stubborn, stubborn in their sacrifices to guard the East. But you express this stubbornness in fear. I wonder if being born in the same generation as you is a fortune or a misfortune for me." The young monk's face grew sombre as he raised his hand, the fingers resembling white jade. Gently, he touched the space over Qi Yue's heart.