Chapter 5: Four Auspicious Clouds Kirin (Part 1)_1

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He settled into one of the depressions, the sensation transmitted by the Shariputra Bead still nourishing his body, its calming effect was glaringly evident.

Zagru approached Qi Yue and comfortably planted himself opposite him. Faintly smiling, he said, "Consider the process of awakening as if you were asleep, or as if you were dreaming. Close your eyes."

Qi Yue did not attempt any tricks this time, obediently closing his eyes. The majority of his attention was still fixed on the Buddha Beads adorning his wrist. The peace brought forth by the beads had allowed him to confront everything in front of him calmly and rationally.

Zagru's appearance was quite ordinary, his simple monk robes were devoid of adornments. But the moment he sat in front of Qi Yue, he seemed to transform completely. His deep calm eyes suddenly shone bright, and his entire body was cloaked with a milky white aura of tranquillity, similar to the enlightened Buddha illuminated by the light of wisdom. A white light spot lit up on his forehead, rings of halo radiating from it, enveloping both Zagru and Qi Yue.

If any enlightened monk saw this scene, they would forget all Buddhist precepts and exclaim in surprise. For the white light spot shining on Zagru's forehead was the most precious and powerful Active Sharira of Buddhism, something almost extinct in the world. It wasn't a Buddhist treasure that could be obtained through a lifetime of asceticism. To form an Active Sharira, at least a lineage of ten or more generations of High Monks had to pass Buddhism's teachings down through successive generations. Active Sharira is an absolute treasure of heaven and earth, its Buddhist power doesn't lie in its strength, but its purity. Anyone who comes in contact with it can extend their life by at least ten years, and its other miraculous effects are only known to those who possess it.

Unfortunately, Qi Yue could not see any of this, his consciousness was already deep in sleep under the spray of Buddha's light. Had it not been for the influence of the Active Sharira, his Shariputra Bead would have provided him with a new assessment of the young monk in front of him.

Zagru joined his hands together in prayer, the calming Buddhist breath surged towards Qi Yue at double speed. The pure Buddha gas that ordinary people would dream of coating, was relentlessly hammering into him without reservation.

Under the support of the Buddha Qi, the Mo Kirin on Qi Yue's chest seemed more lifelike. As if the Kylin was about to rise from Qi Yue's body, a faint black air current began to emerge, and the Mo Kirin's silver eyes shone brightly.

Zagru sighed lightly and said, "The heavens really do mock humans! For the first time, a Mo Kirin has appeared in the form of the Fourth Cloud Black Kirin. It seems that fate is fair after all. What a pity for the naturally spiritual body of the Mo Kirin. Benevolent is the Buddha, I hope that he can smoothly complete everything within the protection."

With both hands extended, his index fingers lightly touched Qi Yue's heart, where the Mo Kirin's head was located. A bright cry echoed in the main hall, and the Mo Kirin pattern on Qi Yue's body really started to move. Amidst the intertwining black and silver, the Mo Kirin seemed to take flight, and a massive amount of energy expanded instantly, filling the main hall with auspicious breath.

The Mo Kirin on Qi Yue's body had suddenly grown larger, taking on a gaseous form. The giant transparent Mo Kirin rose into the sky, its black and silver horn pointing to the top of the main hall. As a loud roar reverberated in the main hall, the giant Mo Kirin circled around Qi Yue and the Buddha's energy surged out, pouring into Qi Yue from every pore in his body.

Four black blood vessels appeared on Qi Yue's body, the skin unable to obstruct the black light that the blood vessels were emitting. The black blood vessels were arranged strangely. They all appeared between Qi Yue's chest and abdomen, and the point of origin was in Qi Yue's head. The color of the four black blood veins deepened with the infusion of the Buddha's Qi while the Mo Kirin in the sky continued to circle, beams of black and silver light shot from the Mo Kirin's single horn and poured into Qi Yue from the top of his head.

A hint of pain appeared on Qi Yue's face. Although he had already lost consciousness, his body's instinct was still active, and the four blood vessels changed from black to silver and back to black, repeating this process.

A faint smile appeared on Zagru's face, his hands were gathered in front of him, in the gesture of Buddha picking a flower. The Buddha's Power radiated without any pause, under the influence of the Active Sharira, it continued to surge towards Qi Yue's body.

Awakening the dormant power within one's blood is a process that demands an enormous amount of energy. It imposes a significant burden on the practitioner. Even if successful, it has a substantial impact on the practitioner himself. However, Zagru did not hesitate for a second. The Buddha's Power he released was completely based on a spirit of devotion.

Within this ancient hall, the sacred ceremony continued unceasingly. The alternation of day and night outside had no effect on everything happening inside the hall. Time ticked by, Qi Yue's expression became even more serene, but Zagru's face gradually turned pale. Large drops of sweat soaked through his humble monk's robe. The Shariputra bead in Qi Yue's hand, under the induction of the Active Sharira, emitted a dazzling green light, consistently humming. It was due to its presence that Qi Yue could maintain a peaceful mindset amidst this perilously arduous ceremony.

Just as Zagru mentioned, when Qi Yue woke from his stupor, he felt like he had just had a dream. In this dream, he found himself enveloped by four rays of light. These four lights were red, purple, green, and blue. When the four-colored lights completely converged, his dream also ended.

Upon opening his eyes, the hall was still dim. Everything inside was exactly as it was before Qi Yue fell into a stupor, nothing had changed. However, Zagru was nowhere to be seen. Looking down at his chest, Qi Yue was surprised to discover that the pattern of Kylin had disappeared. Despite being bare-chested, he didn't feel cold at all.

Upon getting up and stretching his body a little, everything seemed to be the same as before, with no changes whatsoever. He still felt like his old self, apart from the Shariputra bead in his hand proving what had transpired. Qi Yue felt no presence of any special powers.

"Could I have become a superhero?" Qi Yue thought to himself. He squatted down and slapped the ground with his hand, "Ouch!" The hardness of the ground caused his palm to sting, but the hard stone ground itself remained unchanged.

"Damn it! Did that fellow Zagru deceive me? I'm still the same as before. At least transforming into Kylin should make me a little more formidable. Now, I seem no different than before. Do I still have to rely on my Brick Breaks Martial Art?"

While moving his body, Qi Yue found that, although he seemed to have just awoken from sleep, his body should've felt a bit stiff after maintaining a crossed-legged position for so long. But there was no such feeling now. Each joint was flexible and his body was extremely relaxed, as if his muscles and bones had become much softer after that sleep.

His upper garment was on the ground next to him. Qi Yue picked up the clothes and put them on, only to find, much to his surprise, that they seemed a bit small and tight. Looking down at his own body again, there seemed to be no change from his perspective, but his body had swelled up somewhat like a second burst of puberty — not a muscular enlargement, but one of the entire skeletal structure and meridians of his body, although he had yet to notice it.

Reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, Qi Yue discovered that it was out of battery. In the rush of departure, Tian shu had only given him the phone and not the charger. Now he wasn't even able to recharge it. The phone had become a piece of junk. Shrugging, he put the phone back into his pocket and decided to find Zagru. There were still many questions in his mind that only Zagru could answer.

Just as Qi Yue was heading toward the front door, it creaked open revealing Zagru dressed in a dark red monk's robe, stepping inside. Seeing Qi Yue, he was taken aback and exclaimed in surprise, "You woke up so soon? This is much earlier than I expected."

Qi Yue scratched his head and said, "You're not telling me I slept for thirty hours again, are you?"

Zagru smiled faintly and said, "No, not at all. This time you've been asleep for thirty-six days and nights. Originally, I thought you would take forty-nine days to wake up, but you woke up thirteen days early. It seems that the bloodline of the Black Kylin really is different from a regular Kylin."