Chapter 6: Zodiac Rooster (Medium)_1

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Zagru sighed lightly, saying, "Actually, I have the same feelings as you. However, as a Skybringer, my instincts are never wrong. He is the only person in this generation who possesses the Kirin Bloodline. Bloodlines are never wrong. As the heir of the Kirin clan, perhaps, he is an anomaly. In history, no one possessing the Kirin Bloodline has ever been like him. Even I can't fully understand what kind of person he is now, but I can sense that his heart is not as it appears on the surface. What he will ultimately be capable of and what kind of person he will turn out to be depends on you. Under good guidance, I believe he will change; I have always had strong faith in the inherent goodness of mankind."

Ji Mingming fell into silence. As a favoured daughter of the heavens, anyone she met could easily be hundreds or thousands of times stronger than Qi Yue. Spending the rest of her life with such a person, even if only as a partner, was something she was extremely reluctant to do.

Zagru noticed Ji Mingming's concern and admonished, "As a Zodiac Guardian, you must have the determination to do everything for your mission. Mingming, you must keep this in mind, no matter how bad he is, he is still the owner of the Kirin Bloodline. Without him, we may never be able to find all the Zodiac Guardians in my lifetime. The Kirin Bloodline has an invisible call, once his bloodline awakens, all the Zodiac Guardians will naturally gather towards him. Therefore, your duty is to protect him, help him. Whether his power can be enhanced is secondary. The Kirin symbolizes auspiciousness and serves as a guide for the Zodiac Guardians. So, under all circumstances, you must ensure his safety. When all the Zodiac Guardians have been gathered, you should all should come to me, and I will impart the ability of starting the zodiac to Qi Yue."

Ji Mingming silently nodded and said, "I understand, Master. Don't worry, since the day I became a Zodiac Guardian, I am no longer an ordinary girl. I will not allow personal feelings to interfere with my duty."

Zagru smiled and said, "You are a sensible child. As a Four Auspicious Clouds Kirin, Qi Yue might not have much strength in this life. Among the generations of Zodiac Guardians, the strongest Kirin only ever reached Four Clouds, barely comparable to a Zodiac Guardian. That is even with being a One Auspicious Cloud Kirin. Each increase of one cloud level will double the Kirin's power, but the effort required would be several times or even more than that required by an ordinary Zodiac Guardian. As a Four Auspicious Clouds Kirin, the toughness of his cultivation would multiply several times. I'm afraid he may not even reach the Initial Cloud level in his lifetime. You must not only protect him but also encourage him. I have given him the relic beads. In addition to the healing ability of his Mo Kirin, I think as long as his identity is not revealed, he should be able to gather all the Zodiac Guardians. At the same time, once you reach the Capital City with him, contact the Dragon immediately. With the Dragon present, I'll feel much safer. After all, the Dragon has always been the leader among the Zodiac Guardians, and the Dragon of our generation is truly a genius."

At the mention of the word Dragon, Ji Mingming couldn't help smiling a little. She nodded and said, "Yes! I'll try to find the Dragon as soon as I return to the Capital City. Don't worry, do you have any other instructions?"

Zagru shook his head and said, "You have been here for three years. Except for the time you returned home during the New Year, you have always been practicing diligently. Plus, the foundation you laid before, you are already a qualified Zodiac Guardian. Regarding the Kirin, I have already warned you about all the necessary things. You just need to do as I said. Teach him the Kirin Ascension. Although there is little chance of success, one can never predict what will happen. Maybe he can comprehend some of the abilities. Even if only one attribute can reach the Initial Cloud level, it would be helpful for him."

Ji Mingming frowned slightly at the thought of being with Qi Yue. She lightly nodded and said "I am leaving now. Please take care of yourself."

Zagru smiled faintly, clasped his hands together, and murmured a prayer..

Qi Yue was bored alone in the yard, his eyes full of Ji Mingming's figure. He met two extraordinarily beautiful women on his trip to Tibet. He had also become the Kirin King among the Zodiac Guardians. Life truly is beautiful, and the world is truly wonderful. It seems that he was no longer a mere ruffian, at least he was now a ruffian of taste.

At this moment, Ji Mingming had already come out of the door. Zagru followed her out, and Qi Yue said, "Should I go now?"

Zagru nodded and handed a small bag to Qi Yue, saying, "This is your bag, which you should carry along. I have collected it for you. It should have everything you need. Take care."

It was then that Qi Yue recalled he had left his bag in the Lincoln car when he got out and hadn't brought it with him. That bag had the money that the field mouse gave him! That was all he had to his name. Qi Yue had never had more money on him in his entire life.

He quickly grabbed his bag and asked, "Shall we go?"

Zagru nodded.

"Then we really should be on our way." Qi Yue winked at Zagru.

Zagru, taken aback, asked, "You have other matters to attend to?"

Qi Yue gave an ironic smile: "I thought you would drive us to the station. I was hoping to ride in your Lincoln Navigator one more time."

Zagru faintly smiled and said, "Don't worry, while you were taking your bath I had the car prepared. Of course, we have a car for you. Go now, and remember my advice: it's more important to cultivate one's mind than their body. We will meet again, and I hope that won't take too long."

Although Qi Yue didn't quite understand what Zagru was saying, Ji Mingming had already taken the lead in saying goodbye to Zagru and was headed to the door of the temple. He wasn't going to let the beauty wait. He waved at Zagru and hurried off after Ji Mingming.

Zagru, watching them leave, his gaze softened: "May Buddha bless them. I hope their journey goes smoothly. Skybringer, did you prove that saying right? The worst character has the best luck. Even so, I hope your luck can also bless your zodiac companions."

By the time Qi Yue caught up with Ji Mingming, she already had a small suitcase in her hands. Her luggage was quite light. When they reached the gates of the temple, just as Zagru had said, an off-road vehicle was waiting for them. Off-road vehicles are popular in Tibet due to the bumpy roads. While it couldn't compare to the Lincoln Navigator, it was a reasonably good Jeep Grand Cherokee. Ji Mingming placed her suitcase in the boot of the car and climbed into the front seat without acknowledging Qi Yue. Since there was a driver, she sat in the front, apparently not wanting to sit with Qi Yue. It had only been a half-hour since she met him, but Ji Mingming had no good impressions of him, despite his status as a Kirin. His lewd gaze and disgusting words had quickly made a bad first impression.

Qi Yue didn't care. He sat alone in the spacious back seat comfortably, stretching out his legs on the seat, he closed the door, and reclined.

Ji Mingming signaled for the driver to start the car. Looking in the rearview mirror, she saw Qi Yue lounging and couldn't help but frown, "Can't you sit properly?"

Qi Yue said, "Why should I sit properly? Haven't you heard of the old saying 'Nothing tastes better than dumplings, nothing feels better than lying down'? Why should I sit when I can lie down?" As he spoke, he pulled out a cigarette, dried to a crisp, from his pocket. Even though the lighter wouldn't work, the car did have a cigarette lighter. By the time Ji Mingming smelled the smoke, Qi Yue was already puffing out clouds in the back seat.