Chapter 15 Zodiac Warriors Rabbit, Sheep, Rat (Part 1)_1

This is the second chapter for today, and there will be more around 8 pm tonight. I see some friends claiming that the protagonist isn't very powerful yet, but don't worry. Power has to improve gradually. This story is already moving towards becoming more and more exciting, just wait and see.


With Ji Mingming's loud shout, her body suddenly drifted backward. Then, a layer of colorful light emerged, instantly sweeping over her body. Just as when Qi Yue had seen Hai Ruyue's Attribute Metamorphosis, the clothes that Ji Mingming was wearing drifted off and neatly landed on the ground next to her. The colorful light expanded rapidly, and a powerful aura permeated the woods. When Ji Mingming re-appeared, Sister Mo Di and her brother were immediately struck with shock.

Her hair, originally short and black, had now turned into long, vibrantly colored hair that extended down to her rounded buttocks. Brightly shining, rainbow-colored feathers appeared at every point on her body. The hair on her head was red in the middle. Above her forehead, three strains of red hair stuck upward together. Her arms had disappeared, replaced by two colorful wings, each one and a half meters long. The colorful feathers in the front of her body spread neatly like a beautiful armor. A colorless barrier formed on her face, blocking the view of the back. From her waist towards the back extended two-meter-long colorful feathers, covering the ground behind her. A loud crowing sound rang out, and everyone present felt a boost in energy.

"I am the Zodiac Warrior representing the zodiac sign of the rooster. If I guess correctly, Sister Mo Di, your sign should be the rabbit, and Yan Xiaoyi, yours should be the sheep. Am I right?"

A soft halo of rainbow colors rotated around Ji Mingming's body. She now looked like a gorgeous rainbow phoenix, lightly flapping her wings. On the edges of her wings, there was a metallic luster. "Sister Mo Di, before using my Attribute Metamorphosis my strength was indeed a bit less than yours. But, after the transformation, you are no match for me." As she spoke, her right wing flapped lightly, a ray of rainbow light flew out gracefully, traversed a distance of fifty meters, and landed on a big tree. The tree swayed slightly and, with a loud noise, the top half fell onto the ground. Attacking empty space fifty meters away, this was not something that internal energy could achieve.

In awe, Yan Xiaoyi asked, "Are you saying that my cousin and I, like you, are also Zodiac Guardians?"

Colorful lights flickered, and Mingming's body was once again enveloped in radiance. It swept up the clothes that had fallen to the ground like a whirlwind. When the light dissipated, she re-emerged in front of everyone, having restored to her youthful, beautiful girl form. "Correct, You and Sister Mo Di should be members of the Zodiac Guardians too. Your head's horns and white hair, they are all symbols of the sheep. And Sister Mo Di's explosive leg power, as well as the ability employed by her 'Stomp Decision,' far surpasses any ordinary person. Only the Rabbit of the Zodiac Guardians can have this kind of special ability. Of course, this is just my guess. After verification is needed to find out whether you truly are Zodiac Guardians. If you are, then it's no wonder Qi Yue hit Yan Xiaoyi with a brick. His own aura entered Yan Xiaoyi's body, prematurely awakening his Bloodline of Zodiac Sheep."

Qi Yue looked at Yan Xiaoyi, feeling a sense of helplessness. His one-time enemy transformed into his Zodiac partner—wasn't this change a bit too drastic?

Yan Xiaoyi eagerly asked, "How can we verify if we're really Zodiac Guardians? If I am, can my horns and white hair return to normal?"

Mingming smiled slightly and responded, "Sure, they can. But, as for verification of identity or returning you to normal, unfortunately, I can't help with that. It requires the King from the twelve Zodiac Guardians." As she was speaking, she looked at Qi Yue with a smile.

Yan Xiaoyi's face twisted slightly, "You're not going to tell me that this rascal is the King of the Zodiac Guardian, are you?"

Mingming said a bit helplessly, "When I first met this guy, it was hard for me to believe too. But the fact proves he indeed is the King of the Zodiac Guardian, the King Kylin."

By now, Qi Yue had recovered from his initial shock and grumbled, "YanXiaoyi, do you really think I want to take you in as my brother? You've been honing in on my girl, and I'd love to beat the tar out of you. But, since Ming Ming says you're likely the Zodiac Sheep, I guess it wouldn't hurt to improve our relationship a bit. You can hang out with me from now on."

YanXiaoyi spat back in anger, "Hang out with you, hell no, who do you think you are?" His resentment towards Qi Yue wasn't going to dissipate that easily.

With a glint in his eyes, Qi Yue calmly replied, "That's your call. If you want to spend the rest of your life with two horns and a head full of white hair, who am I to stop you? Ming Ming, Tianmouse, let's move."

"Hold on." As soon as Qi Yue was about to leave, Teacher Mo Di quickly interrupted them. After witnessing Ming Ming's attribute metamorphosis ability again, she knows that she can't intimidate Qi Yue through force. The title 'Zodiac Guardian' gave her a peculiar feeling and she surprisingly felt a bit envious. More importantly, if what Ming Ming said was true, then YanXiaoyi would have to rely on little hoodlum Qi Yue to revert back to his original state. Rating the situation realistically, she found herself in a position where she had to yield, making her more level-headed than YanXiaoyi.

Qi Yue turned back around, grinned, and said, "Beautiful teacher, do you need anything else?"

Mo Di took a deep breath and said, "You and Xiao Yi don't really harbor any sort of serious animosity. Your dispute was merely over a girl. Now that Xiao Yi and that girl have nothing to do with each other, there's a chance for you two to become partners. Please, help him. The horns and white hair have brought Xiao Yi a great deal of agony recently."

Qi Yue glanced at YanXiaoyi, while YanXiaoyi turned away, refusing to meet his gaze. Nonetheless, he didn't say anything else. Turning back to Mo Di, Qi Yue said, "Alright, I agree."

Mo Di didn't expect Qi Yue to agree so readily, "Thank you."

Qi Yue shook his head and said, "You don't need to thank me. If anyone should be thanked, it should be my brother Tianmouse. You're his teacher. For my brother's sake, I can't refuse. Furthermore, you're right. I don't have any real grudge against YanXiaoyi. Resolving this situation this way does seem like a good solution. In the future, please take care of my brother Tianmouse, Teacher Mo Di."

Tianmouse cast a grateful look at Qi Yue. Qi Yue squeezed his shoulder lightly in response. Mo Di affirmed, "Alright, I promise. From now on, I'll take care of Tian Boguang. Can we start now?"

Qi Yue never intended to leave in the first place. Ming Ming had been hinting at him the entire time. There was no way he could easily give up after stumbling upon a Zodiac Guardian. The trio walked back to where Mo Di and YanXiaoyi were standing. He eyed the horns on YanXiaoyi's head and couldn't help but let a smile slip, "I need to confirm whether or not you two are real Zodiac Guardians. If you are, I only need to activate YanXiaoyi's Bloodline of Zodiac Sheep to make the signs of his early awakening disappear. Once his bloodline awakens completely, he'll be able to control this metamorphosis ability himself. But, during my check and while I'm activating his bloodline, the person's state of mind is vital. If either of us is in a bad mood, it might induce some unfavorable effects."

Although Qi Yue didn't possess the powers of Kirin yet, he had already learned the Rising Kirin Technique. Within the Kirin's skills, there were a few that he could use without training, including activating the Zodiac Bloodline and identifying the Zodiac Guardians Bloodline. Currently, his Kirin's power remains in its early stages, and he must wait a year for the Kirin Bloodline to blend entirely into his body. At that point, he would gain Zagru's mentioned ability to detect the presence of Zodiac Guardians within a specific range. Thus, when he met YanXiaoyi and Mo Di, he didn't sense anything and had to utilize a unique ritual in close range to evaluate whether they were indeed true Zodiac Guardians. As for the matter of one's state of mind that he mentioned, it was nothing but a fabrication.

YanXiaoyi snorted coldly and replied, "What kind of damaging effects could there be?"