Chapter 17 Xie Zhi Transforming Shadows Appearing in Heart (Part 2)_1

The third chapter is here for today and there will be another one around 8 or 9 tonight. Please vote and add to your collection. Thanks.


Qi Yue said to Ming Ming, "You guys eat, I'm going to the cafeteria, oh, right, how do I get to the cafeteria?"

Ming Ming was startled and said, "Aren't you eating in the dorm? Sister Yun's cooking skills are pretty good."

Qi Yue glanced at Xu Qing, quickly shook his head and said, "Never mind, I'll just go to the cafeteria. I don't want to bother you guys." Saying this, he headed out without asking for the cafeteria's location. After all, this was a girls' dormitory and he would be living with them for a long time. Given his initial awkward encounters, Qi Yue decided it would be better to limit his interactions with these female beauties. Of course, the main reason was that he didn't want to cough up the whopping 500 yuan for the meal cost.

An hour later, when Qi Yue returned from the cafeteria, the three girls were sitting in the living room watching TV.

"I'm back." Qi Yue closed the door and lazily stretched, "The perks of Qingbei are amazing. Whoever came up with the rule of unlimited main dishes was brilliant, I haven't eaten so well in a long time."

Ming Ming smiled faintly and asked, "Will you be joining us to watch TV?"

Qi Yue glanced at the three-seater sofa, shook his head, and said, "No, you guys keep watching." On any other day, he would have unabashedly squeezed in and engaged in small talk with the three beauties. But today, his mind was filled with thoughts of the Kirin Arm, and for once, he wasn't in the mood to flirt.

Shen Yun smiled gently and said to Ming Ming, "Your cousin is quite a decent guy."

"What? Decent... um, yes, he's quite decent." Ming Ming agreed aloud but inwardly she thought, if he's decent, there isn't an indecent person in the world. However, it seemed as if the rogue had changed indeed.

In truth, Ming Ming didn't know that Qi Yue's decision to focus on his cultivation and not to approach the beautiful women was not only due to the Kirin Arm. The ridicule he faced from Ji De had also played a significant role. Even rogues have dignity and when Qi Yue realized his strength wasn't enough to defend his honor, his mindset began to change.

Once back in his room, Qi Yue sat down on the bed, getting into the five-heart skyward stance that Hai Ruyue taught him. He had practised a few times before coming to Qingbei University and, under Hai Ruyue's guidance, had a basic understanding of how to cultivate. Qi Yue quickly entered a state of cultivation but soon realized his vital essence, which he usually circulated in a fixed route during practice, had completely disappeared, leaving no trace at all. It seemed as if he had reverted to an ordinary person.

Just when Qi Yue was unsure of what to do, a deep voice echoed in his heart, "Quit looking, you won't find anything. Naturally, you must pay the price for using the Kirin Arm given your current capabilities." This voice sounded familiar, it was the same voice he had heard when invoking the Kirin Arm. Qi Yue was startled but relieved, so he quickly asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me? We met not long ago." The gentle deep voice gave Qi Yue a sense of familiarity.

Qi Yue was taken aback by his words, "Met? How is your voice in my heart? Oh! You must be the old Xie Zhi demon that Hai Ruyue said had merged with my body."

"What? You dare to call me a demon, I am a law enforcer among the divine beasts!" Xie Zhi roared in anger.

Upon hearing his guess was correct, Qi Yue's curiosity surged. Except for his fear of heights, he was fearless. The sudden presence of Xie Zhi in his body seemed fascinating instead of frightful, "Is it really you? Hai Ruyue only told me that you merged with my body and mentioned something about my Kirin King Bloodline, but she wasn't sure either. What exactly is going on? Why did you choose to be in my body, and what was with today's Kirin Arm incident?"

Xie Zhi answered, "Don't bombard me with so many questions all at once. Rest assured, I will explain everything to you one by one. After all, in some sense, you are now my master."

Qi Yue's heart warmed, and he couldn't help but get excited. Hai Ruyue had said even she wasn't sure she could defeat Xie Zhi, who had a cultivation of three thousand years, making him a powerful king among the Xie Zhi clan. Regardless of the reason behind the current circumstances, if he had such a powerful servant, what fear would he have in the future?

Perhaps sensing Qi Yue's excitement, Xie Zhi calmly continued, "Don't be too hasty. Although you are my master, I'm afraid I can't assist you in battle. To be precise, after merging into your body, I've lost my ability to fight."

"What! That can't be."

"Don't be so dramatic with your emotions. Let me finish my explanation first, and you'll understand what I mean." Xie Zhi's voice remained calm. Qi Yue felt a warm flow from his wrist into his relic charm, and then a cool current flowed from the charm into his body. His mind calmed down, and his whole body was filled with tranquility. No stronger tranquility could be offered than that of the relic charm.

"Alright, go on." Qi Yue, finally calmed, awaited Xie Zhi's story.

Xie Zhi paused before continuing. "This dates back to the ancient times, when the Xie Zhi clan had an intimate relationship with the Kirin clan. Kirin was the king among the ancient divine beasts, each possessing perfect appearance and formidable power. However, there were very few Kirins, and yet they had a strong reproductive ability. Thus, there were stories during the ancient times that Kirins were promiscuous."

Qi Yue laughed, "No wonder I love beauties. This trait is inherited from the Kirins. I am usually very upright."

Xie Zhi sighed in silence, "Clean waters do not harbor fish, a shameless man is invincible. You better watch your words as Kirins hold a high status among all divine beasts. In those days, the Kirin King led us, of the divine beast tribes, against the ancient demonic beasts and ferocious beasts, preventing them from uniting. This period was known as the Era of Ancient Giants, which lasted until the emergence of humans. Furthermore, due to Kirins' relationship with the other kinds of divine beasts, many descendants inherited a bit of the Kirin Bloodline to a certain extent. For instance, modern dogs and horses have traces of the Kirin Bloodline, but it's so insignificant that it's negligible. The beauty of a horse's figure is because of their Kirin Bloodline. Among the descendants who inherited the Kirin Bloodline, it is only our Xie Zhi clan that has managed to maintain its power and racial structure."

Qi Yue responded, "So does this mean we share some blood relation?"

Xie Zhi explained, "From a certain perspective, yes. The ancestor of our Xie Zhi clan was born from the union of a Kirin and a now extinct divine beast, the Jiao Xie. As the Jiao Xie bears some resemblance to the Kirin, the Xie Zhi clan appears very similar to the Kirin as well, except for the different shape of horns, color of fur, and distinct abilities."

Qi Yue asked, "Then how much of the Kirin Bloodline do you guys possess? If calculated in percentage."

Xie Zhi responded, "Ordinary Xie Zhis have approximately 30 percent of the Kirin Bloodline. As for me, being the descendant of the King Xie Zhi, I have 50 percent of the Kirin Bloodline. I am considered the purest Xie Zhi now. Unfortunately, Xie Zhis only inherited some of the Kirin's abilities. Because of our physical resemblance to the Kirin and traits of their power, we received much care from the Kirin in ancient times. Then, our ancestors began to serve the Kirin, making the Xie Zhi clan the vassals of the Kirin clan. This secret is only known among our two clans. We, Xie Zhis, are known for our upright character and are thus given the title of the Law Enforcers. In the Divine Beast Army led by the Kirin King, we were their law enforcers."

Qi Yue mused, "I see. That's why I felt so familiar and warm towards you when we first met. It must be due to the resonance of our bloodlines."