Chapter 21: Kirin Eight Treasures (Middle)_1

The refinement meeting will be held as usual at 12:05 tomorrow night. All friends are welcome to participate. Please make sure to vote and add Little Three to your collection. Thank you.


"Yes, it is because of these eight Kylin treasures. The Kirin Eight Treasures are not something else, they are actually part of the Kylin itself. These eight treasures were transformed from the final energy of the bodies of the eight ancient Kylins when they were about to die, embodying their complete essence. Even though they could not retain the energy they once had, each treasure has a different function based on the abilities of the Kylin to which it belonged. Just like the successor of the dragon mentioned earlier, if all eight Kirin treasures fall into the hands of a Kirin heir, then under the influence of the Kirin Eight Treasures, they can unlock the secrets in their own bloodline. That is the genuine method of using Kylin abilities and merging bloodlines you saw during your cultivation today."

Qi Yue frowned and asked, "So, these eight Kylin treasures are no use to me? Haven't I already learned the true method of cultivation?"

Xie Zhi replied petulantly, "That's not true. Each of the Kylin Eight Treasures has an extremely formidable function. However, they can only display their true potential in the hands of a Kylin. Didn't you realize there was something lacking when you were learning the application of Kylin abilities today?"

Qi Yue, puzzled, replied, "How could I have noticed? I only looked once and it was quite good if I could remember part of it. If there were flaws, I would only notice them during cultivation. However, when I carefully observed today, I found a large shadow at the end of the cultivation technique. I originally thought the Kylin ability application technique had concluded, but the shadow didn't disappear for a long time. Now that I think about it, it must be the flaw you were talking about."

Xie Zhi said, "That's right. Those shadowed sections likely contain some of the most potent Kylin techniques. To learn these techniques, you must use the Kylin Eight Treasures as a guide. If you can acquire the eight treasures, you'd no longer just be a Kylin inheritor, but a true Kylin. At that point, the bloodline within your body will awaken completely. It's more precise to say that a Kylin has taken on a human form than to say a human has acquired the abilities of a Kylin. With the Kylin Eight Treasures, you'll no longer be bound by the three-readings limit. You can research the application of Kylin abilities more meticulously and also gain insight into the final superior techniques."

Qi Yue grumbled, "Do we really need to make things this complicated!"

Xie Zhi sighed, "Please understand the reasons behind the Kylin salient's decision. Remember, the cultivation method of the Kylin is amongst the most superior in the ancient times. You've seen how powerful you've become, Zodiac Guardian Warriors. With the modified 'Ascension Technique', you've been able to enhance your strength rapidly. If given access to complete Kylin cultivation techniques, you would become even more formidable. This would not only apply to you but also to any cultivator who acquires the complete set of Kylin cultivation techniques. They could potentially gain immense power in a short period of time. The Kylin ancestors had to forge these safeguards."

Qi Yue nodded, "Then tell me what the three items do now. Did you not say they each have very powerful characteristics?"

Xie Zhi said, "Yes, each of the Kirin Eight Treasures is very powerful, but they can only fully release their abilities when they are gathered altogether. And if you only have three of them, their power can only reach about thirty percent at most. The three Kirin Eight Treasures before you are also not bad. They include the most important Kirin Red Armor, which is the scale in the middle. This scale was transformed from the most powerful Fire Kirin in history, possessing the power to invoke the Kirin Skyfire. Moreover, it also has many other mysterious qualities. I'm not sure of the specifics, you'll have to figure it out. However, I can assure you that this red scale has a protective ability. After you infuse it with your cloud power, it can amplify it tenfold into a set of energy armor, protecting your body. Of course, I'm talking about when you're under Three Clouds. At Three Clouds and above, the Kirin Armor it manifests can only combine with your own abilities. The stronger your cloud power, the stronger its defense. And, your cloud power is also related to its duration of support. If you can achieve the same powerful strength as that Fire Kirin predecessor, then you can have the ability to use Kirin Red Armor forever. This Kirin Red Armor also has another name, Kirin Red Armor, and it is the most defensive among the eight Kirin treasures."

Qi Yue was overjoyed and said, "So if I have it, wouldn't I become Little Strong?"

Xie Zhi was taken aback, "What is Little Strong?"

Qi Yue chuckled, "It's a roach, right? Surely you can't be unfamiliar with this creature."

Xie Zhi said, "Of course I know. Roaches are one of the oldest species passed down from ancient times. Although they are not powerful, they appeared much earlier than ancient Divine Beasts, and they have persisted until now, never dwindling and possessing extreme vitality. Your comparison is apt. However, I have to remind you that with your current scanty strength, using Kirin Red Armor can only last three seconds."

"What? Only three seconds? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Upon hearing this, Qi Yue instantly went from excited to disappointed.

Xie zhi laughingly said, "You think ten times the defense comes for free! Although it is the energy of Kirin Red, it also depends on your own abilities. You need to have the ability to trigger the inner energy of Kirin Red to use its defensive power. Given your current condition, I'd say you are lucky if you can maintain it for three seconds. But don't underestimate these three seconds. At the edge of life and death, sometimes even one second can be vitally important. Consider, if someone were to shoot an arrow at you, how long would it take from release to impact? At least for that instant, Kirin Red can help defend against the enemy's attack. Isn't that a treasured item? Moreover, there are many other secrets within the Kirin Red Armor. You'll have to explore those yourself."

Qi Yue asked, "What about the other two? What abilities do they have?"

Xie zhi said, "The ball on the right is the only one of the Kirin Eight Treasures that doesn't possess defensive or offensive power. But don't underestimate it. Among the Kirin Eight Treasures, it ranks fourth and is called the Kirin Pearl. Although it can't attack or defend, it is indeed a treasured aid to cultivation. It was transformed by the weakest Four Cloud Kirin of the same generation. In this respect, it is just like you, although you are the far more lucky. You are the Fourth Cloud Black Kirin and he was only a Four-Cloud Kirin, a slight difference with a substantial gap. He also had four kinds of abilities, but did not have your innately powerful body. If he had had a millennium of time, perhaps he really would have become the strongest Kirin in history. Once he had cultivated his four abilities to their extremes, no creature could compete. Unfortunately, the enemies did not give him this opportunity. Although a Four Cloud Kirin had the potential to become strong, cultivating with divided attention was most difficult. To limit his growth, a great Saint War between the beasts occurred. In the end, although the divine beasts defeated the ferocious ones, at the most critical moment, this Four Cloud Kirin had to use his Ultimate Kirin Arm, killing the two strongest beasts on the enemy's side at the expense of his own life. Before his death, he transformed himself into this Kirin Pearl. At that time, no one understood the function of the Kirin Pearl. It wasn't until many years later, when an ordinary Kirin accidentally obtained this Kirin Pearl and, with its help, managed to acquire all of the abilities of the Kirin in just three hundred years, that the beasts understood that the Kirin Pearl aids in cultivation. Because the sacrificed Kirin predecessor was a Four Cloud Kirin, regardless of the attributes of any Kirin, this Kirin Pearl can assist in their cultivation. Its appearance also made the status of the Kirin tribe as the King of Divine Beasts even more solid. Because of it, the improvement of the Kirin's abilities has become more abnormal. Therefore, although the Kirin Pearl ranks lower than the Kirin Red, its effect on you is still immense."