Chapter 25 Zodiac Tiger (Part 2)_2

"Ah, I see." The middle-aged man's coldness disappeared naturally from his eyes. "My name is Shui Yin, feel free to visit our home when you get the chance. Yue'er, we should go. Your mother might really lose her temper if we do not return home soon."

Shui Yue faintly smiled and said to Qi Yue: "We should go now. If we are indeed as fated as you say, we might see each other again."

Qi Yue nodded, "Certainly. Uncle, Miss Shui Yue, take care."

Only after the father and daughter pair left did Qi Yue retract his gaze. The most captivating thing about Shui Yue was her gentle and kind heart. Even as a rogue, he couldn't bring himself to disrespect her.

"All right, stop staring. I didn't expect the bar to be set so high by you, brother. I seem to have underestimated you." Xu Dong had appeared beside Qi Yue at some point, his face a shade darker than before.