Chapter 53: Anomaly Appears, the Kylin Transforms (Part 1)_2

The process of the four clan leaders consolidating energy not only did not reduce the pressure, but increased it exponentially. The rising and compressing energy of gold, wood, fire, and water twisted the air in front of Qi Yue. Any ordinary person would have crumbled under such immense pressure. Even Qi Yue, who had just struggled to push back some of the pressure, was once again overwhelmed. Behind him, even his Kirin Phantom was also distorted, writhing continuously under the pressure.

Under the invisible pressure, Qi Yue's muscles were the most affected. While his spirit had not collapsed, his muscles had begun to tremble slightly. The pressure, though unseen, was even more dangerous than tangible threats. If the four family heads want to destroy Qi Yue now, all it would take is a small lapse in his focus, and they would instantly attack in unison. The intense pressure made Qi Yue show a pained look.
