Chapter 59: Ru Yue's Abnormality (Part 2)_2

"Ru Yue, just now, Ji De was..."

Hai Ruyue cut off Qi Yue's words, "Can't you keep your mouth shut even while eating?"

"Alright, alright, I won't say anything. But you wouldn't hold a grudge and blame this on me, would you?" Qi Yue said tentatively.

Hai Ruyue suddenly laughed, "Qi Yue, I've noticed that you're getting smarter."

"I... Ru Yue, you're so kind-hearted and beautiful, just like an angel. You wouldn't be capable of doing such a thing, I believe in you completely."

Hai Ruyue pulled a face, but her smile deepened. She found herself becoming happier whenever she was in this ruffian's company.

Since the end of the symposium, the Mouse, Mo Di, and Guan Ping stopped living at the Dragon Realm Manor. YanXiaoyi sometimes stayed here and sometimes went home. Xu Dong was in a similar situation. By his own account, he only came back to stay when he hadn't caught the attention of any pretty girls. At this time, they were all obviously still in bed.