Chapter 68: Shocking Sight of Perfection Level (Part 2)_2

As he entered the elevator, Qi Yue's heart pounded anew, at a faster rate than usual. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. If these two women had come to Capital City with that Lin Yifan, then he was in big trouble. Qi Yue didn't have a clear grasp of the redhead woman's power, but he felt at least sixty percent confident that he wouldn't be at a disadvantage against her. However, the purple-haired woman was like a clear yet unfathomable pool of water, like a vast, boundless starry sky, giving him a sense of profound unpredictability.

Qi Yue didn't know how he managed to get out of the Hilton Hotel. Standing a few dozen meters away from the hotel entrance, he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up, blowing out fumes while deeply experiencing the lingering shock in his heart.