Chapter 70 Eight Meridians Unblocked (Part 2)_2

Seeing the opportunity to get out of the situation, Meng Bei quickly let go of Qi Yue's hand and shook Hai Ruyue's. He regretted it instantly when he felt the strength in her grip. This was the first time Hai Ruyue had met Meng Bei, and the way he forcefully grabbed Qi Yue had displeased her. In an instant, her delicate hand that was on the smaller side tightened around his, causing Meng Bei to grimace in pain. Despite exerting all his strength, his knuckles cracked under the pressure of her iron grip. It was clear that Hai Ruyue was on the verge of crushing his hand.

"Alright, Ru Yue, if you keep squeezing his hand like this, I'm going to get jealous," Qi Yue slightly smiled and gently pulled away Ru Yue's hand.