Chapter 77 Zodiac Warrior VS The Three Dark Kings (Part 2)_1

The new book "Douluo Continent" is already open for collection and will officially start to update on the 20th of December. Book Number: 1115277


Wolf King Ganite brought his elite Demonic Werewolves, who, compared to regular werewolves, have faster speed, sharper attacks, and some simple Darkness Abilities. Bear King Basloo also invested heavily, bringing only his most elite Wild Bear Men.

The recent rocket attack, though it didn't hurt the elite members of the Darkness Council, still managed to kill six of the weaker Vampire Viscounts under Vampire Prince Klinseman's command in the explosion. Additionally, seven or eight Demonic Werewolves at the center of the blast were killed. Only the heavily defended Wild Bear Men escaped unscathed. Wolf King Ganite, who lost almost half of the twenty Demonic Werewolves he brought, was the angriest.