Chapter 84 Emperor Black Mamba (Part 2)_2

Qi Yue nodded and said, "Master, what you said makes sense. So, do you know of any ancient divine beasts or ancient beasts that have this kind of situation?"

Zagru shook his head and said, "I have thought about it. I do not know of any ancient divine beasts or ancient ferocious beasts that have this circumstance. While ancient beasts all possess strong energy, none of it can be absorbed. Who would willingly contribute their painstakingly cultivated energy for the benefit of others? Qi Yue, why not consult Senior Underworld Snake again? With his near ten thousand-year lifespan, he might know more."

Qi Yue thought for a moment and said, "Never mind him. He has been living in the sea all along and may not understand the situation on land. Let's ask another." As he said this, he activated the cloud power within his body to communicate with another soul hidden within him.