Chapter 484: The Frustrating Little Beast Ke Ke

Martial Mark muttered to himself, his expression extremely excited as he took steps forward.

A massive Divine Pillar soared from the ground to the sky; hundreds of people could not encircle it with their arms. It stood in the dark valley, exuding an ancient and vicarious aura. Though devoid of any energy fluctuations, it made even the Half-Ancestors' hearts palpitate.

The entirely dark Tree that Reaches the Sky stood silently, with clouds swirling around, rendering the place incredibly mysterious.

Xiao Chen and Bai Qi felt their hair stand on end as the Martial Mark seemed to be summoning spirits, continually chanting various mysterious curses.

"Ancestral God of ancient times, please hear my prayer and return the lost Martial Ancestor War Soul..."

As Martial Mark prayed with utmost devotion, a cold, eerie wind suddenly swept through the pitch-dark valley, chilling to the bone and causing involuntary shivers.