Chapter 19 Essence of the Wind_2

"As he saw the scenery beneath his feet rapidly getting smaller, and the surrounding roaring wind, Long Dangdang panicked. He didn't know what to do and could only flail his arms and legs about in fear.

Soon, he couldn't see Zi Tianwu's figure anymore. He opened his mouth to shout, but a gust of wind filled his mouth and choked off his scream. The relentless wind rocked his body in the air, and he felt as if he could fall from the sky at any moment.

His inner fear was intensifying, and Long Dangdang's face had turned pale with terror. After all, he was only a ten-year-old child. He tried to use the Divine Lotus Spirit Furnace to protect himself, but he soon found that he couldn't even manifest it because of the intense wind pressure.

What should he do? What can he do?

In the roaring wind, even breathing became a struggle for Long Dangdang. Suddenly, his vision blur, and he found himself thrust into a cloud bank by the strong wind. The surrounding clouds swirled and churned around him like a whirlpool. For a moment, he could no longer see the land below, bringing a little calm to his heart.

His teacher had said that he would give him the true understanding of the wind, which was why he was thrown into the wind. But what was the true understanding of the wind?

His teacher also told him to try to merge with the elements as he comprehended them and become a part of the elements.

Thinking about this, Long Dangdang became somewhat settled. Of course! His teacher wouldn't harm him. So, everything he was experiencing was under his teacher's control, and there was no danger. If there really wasn't any danger, then what was he afraid of?

As his fear gradually disappeared, suddenly, the surroundings cleared, and he found himself above the cloud layer, pushed by the wind elements.

Below him was a hole he had torn through the cloud layer, and large patches of cloud, scattered like cotton wool, spread in all directions.

Looking up, the sky was clear and azure. The dazzling sunlight saturated the air with light elements. This beautiful sight was one that he had never experienced in his lifetime. So, this is how magnificent it is in the high sky.

The chill of the cold air made him shiver. The next moment, the harsh wind that had enfolded him suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Long Dangdang blinked. The wind is gone?

In an instant, a piercing scream echoed through the sky, "Ah—"

Falling freely back into the cloud layer, he realized that the seemingly thick clouds didn't provide any resistance at all. The intense feeling of weightlessness instantly filled his heart with fear again.

With a "whizz", he penetrated the cloud layer, and the vast and curved land appeared in his sight, along with the intense sense of weightlessness and the whistling wind.

Yes, the wind was there again, but it wasn't the wind that had forcefully enveloped him before, but the wind caused by his rapid fall.

Don't panic, don't panic. The true understanding of the wind!

Biting the tip of his tongue, Long Dangdang worked to reduce the fear in his heart. He closed his eyes tightly and sank his consciousness into the mental spirit ocean that he had just sensed, like in his meditation, feeling everything around him.

In the air were elements of various attributes, mainly green and gold. Around his body, numerous light points were surging violently.

These were the wind elements. But at this moment, these wind elements appeared to fluctuate extremely violently.

Long Dangdang tried to touch them with his spiritual power, but he found that his spiritual power couldn't touch these violently fluctuating wind elements at all."

Had these wind elements changed somehow? They seemed somewhat different from the wind elements he had perceived before. What had they gained?

He tried hard to recall the sensation of condensing wind elements in his previous meditations. Compared to other elements, wind elements felt lighter and thus, easier to condense. However, perhaps due to this lightness, it became more challenging to manipulate them.

Subconsciously, he stretched his spiritual power further out, touching the distant wind elements that also existed.

Indeed, the light feeling reappeared. Yes, the wind elements further from his body retained that light sensation. However, the wind elements swirling unable to be touched around him had lost this lightness.

Subconsciously opening his eyes again, he was instantly struck by the furious wind, causing tears to stream down his face. The raging wind seemed to be roaring and bellowing.

Was this the anger of the wind? Long Dangdang questioned subconsciously. Wind elements shouldn't be like this. The real wind elements were light. So where did their anger come from? Because they had lost the typical wind element's...

Suddenly, a flash of insight crossed his mind. Long Dangdang suddenly understood that the furious wind, forced into existence by his rapid descent, was not the true essence of wind. So where did the true essence of wind and its lightness come from?


Yes, the wind that could ascend to the sky and sweep the earth, the ubiquitous wind, was it not the symbol of freedom? Freedom was what the wind element truly yearned for.

His inner enlightenment gave him a sudden feeling of clarity. Subconsciously, he manipulated his spiritual power towards the distant wind elements, merging with them, guiding these light winds closer to himself, infecting the winds that were raging with anger.

Dim green light began to condense around his body. The faint green light was not intense, yet it continuously touched and contaminated the raging wind around Long Dangdang, but this effort was like a drop in the ocean. His falling speed and the wind elements he could gather had a huge gap.

But at this moment, he seemed to have completely immersed himself in the sensation of the free wind, his falling speed intensifying further, regardless he no longer had fear in his heart, only continuous comprehension and guidance of wind elements.

He felt that his rapid descent made him a part of the wind. Soaring in the sky, free like the wind!

Zi Tianwu sat at the peak of the mountain, his spiritual power covered Long Dandang, sensing the changes in his body. Comprehension was crucial to a mage, even mages of similar disciplines like summoners and priests were less demanding in this regard. Summoners needed the affinity with their summoned beasts, the stirring of bloodlines. Priests needed to do good deeds, accumulating good thoughts and blessings in their hearts.

Long Dangdang in the sky was falling rapidly, getting closer and closer. Zi Tianwu's face had already formed an intense smile. Even with his pride, he was filled with admiration at this moment.

He could feel, feel the true essence of the wind. During the first deep sensation, he was able to actively guide the wind elements to help himself even while falling from the sky. Although the wind elements, he had condensed with his cultivation level, were not enough to slow him down, being able to do this was already considered brilliant for a ten-year-old child, his future potential was boundless, and his understanding of the wind was sure to advance by leaps and bounds.

Looking down, Long Dangdang's body had already fallen to a gradient level with the peak of the mountain, less than a kilometer from the ground.

Zi Tianwu waved his hand, and in front of the mountain peak, the valley beneath was filled with gently gathered wind elements, forming a cushion-like structure in mid-air at a height of five hundred meters. When Long Dangdang entered that height, he would be slowed down, surrounded by wind elements, and hence further understand the profound secrets of wind through dense wind elements.

A thousand meters, nine hundred meters, eight hundred meters, seven hundred meters, six hundred meters...

Suddenly, a green light flashed faintly on Long Dangdang's forehead, the next moment, a dazzling green light burst out from his body, and his rapidly falling body suddenly stopped when it just fell to five hundred meters.

On the cliff, Zi Tianwu suddenly stood up, his proud green peacock eyes getting wider.