Chapter 27: Secrets of the Long Family's Mansion_2

"Get lost once you're full." Ling Xue was enjoying her husband's intimate words when she was rudely interrupted by her son, which instantly incensed her.

"Go away, go away." Long Dangdang waved off Long Kongkong. He hadn't had enough to eat yet.

"Have you stopped considering me as part of this family? Dad..." He was cut short by Long Leilei's stern gaze, which stopped him from uttering anything inappropriate.

"Alright, hurry up and eat. I have something to tell you two after dinner," Long Leilei asserted with a rare serious expression.

After dinner.

Long Leilei came to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's room, and closed the door behind him.

Sensing the unusual mood of their father, the two brothers glanced at each other, awaiting for his words.

Long Leilei walked to the window, staring out as a touch of nostalgia crossed his eyes.

"Back in the day, I was considered a prodigy too. I grew up in an orphanage and didn't know who my parents were. As a result, I was rather solitary," Long Leilei began slowly.

"Solitary? You say you're solitary? I've never noticed that," Long Kongkong said skeptically.

"Cough, I said back in the day, shut up," Long Leilei snapped, irked by the interruption.

"Ok, ok, go on."

Long Leilei took a deep breath and recomposed himself, "I studied at Temple Academy for three years and then got selected to further my studies in the main hall of Holy City. I was a loner back then, I preferred keeping to myself, living in my own world. Until one day..."

"You met Mom?" Long Kongkong interjected once again.

"Would you shut up?" Both Long Leilei and Long Dangdang voiced out almost simultaneously.


"Until one day, I met your mother," Long Leilei continued. "She was like a ray of light that shone into my heart. My world was no longer cold and desolate, it became lively and impassioned, as if it was suddenly cast in brilliant colors."

As Long Kongkong was about to make another sarcastic comment, he was hushed by Long Dangdang, who also covered his own mouth.

Long Leilei continued, "Your mother and I were from different worlds. She hailed from a prestigious family and was pampered since birth. Perhaps, she was attracted to my looks, and that's why she always smiled at me. Over time, we developed feelings for each other. However, her family was vehemently against us, claiming that I was beneath her. But, our love was solid, a few disapproving words weren't enough to tear us apart. As a result, they stipulated that I must enroll at the Spirit Furnace Academy to be worthy of being with your mother."

"And then..." Long Leilei paused, his face etched with pain.

He didn't get in! Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong came to the same conclusion.

"I didn't get in! I failed. At that point, I felt as if my world was crumbling down. If I couldn't be with your mother, there was no point for me to live. I even contemplated suicide! However..."

They eloped? Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong exchanged glances.

"Your mother didn't abandon me and we eloped."

"Whoosh!" Long Leilei suddenly turned around, "Now, it's time for you two to rise to the occasion and make your old man proud at Spirit Furnace Academy. You must graduate successfully, showing your grandmother's family how outstanding my sons are, so that I too can stand tall. Do you understand?"

"You two, speak up!"

"Oh, we understand." Long Dangdang finally released his hold on his brother and voiced their agreement.

"Dad, why do I get the feeling that you're kind of a loser!" Long Kongkong couldn't help but exclaim.

"Nonsense! Haven't you heard your mother say? Those people were just blind! Now get packed, when are you leaving?"

"Our teacher said we should leave tomorrow, so we can get used to the new environment earlier," Long Dangdang responded.

"Hmm, then get packing. I'll be going now." Having said that, Long Leilei turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Just as the door opened, Ling Xue stood outside.

Upon seeing Ling Xue, Long Leilei's eyes softened instantly, "Dear! Once they've left, we can fully enjoy our time as a couple. Let's go on a trip, what do you say?"

"Sounds good!" Ling Xue beamed, "You go ahead and wait for me in our room, I want to talk to the kids too."

"Alright!" Long Leilei agreed and left.

Ling Xue entered the room and closed the door.

Long Kongkong leaned in and whispered, "Mom, how did you fall for such a loser back then?"

There was a twitch at the corner of Ling Xue's mouth, "That's a secret."

Even Long Dangdang was curious now, "Mom, you were willing to elope with dad back then and give up your own family for him. You two must have been really in love! What is there to hide?"

Ling Xue replied indifferently, "When we eloped, I was already carrying both of you in my belly. What choice did I have? Should I have let you two grow up without a father?"

"So..." Suddenly, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were looking at their father with newfound respect. He had got into the relationship first and then took the responsibilities!

A bit helpless, Ling Xue advised, "Stop prying into our past, let's talk about your enrollment at the Spirit Furnace Academy instead." She couldn't possibly tell her sons that during a trial at Temple Academy, she and Long Leilei, a stranger then, were caught in a forest and were both affected by a specific type of poison. From being strangers, they became quite familiar with each other...

"Your grandmother's house is in Holy City. I've been in touch with them over the years, but for the sake of your father's dignity, I only visited occasionally and never with you two. Now that you're grown up and have been enrolled into Spirit Furnace Academy, fulfilling your dad's longstanding wish, you should pay them a visit. After you report to the Academy, drop by your grandmother's house. I have some letters for you to deliver to your grandpa, grandma, and your uncles."

As she spoke, Ling Xue handed over the letters to Long Dangdang. She knew the elder son was more reliable for this task.

"What if they ostracize us?" Long Kongkong asked.

Ling Xue snorted, "You're thinking too much. Your grandparents weren't exactly opposing my marriage to your dad. It was someone else whose pride couldn't take it. Now, go pack your things." With that, she also turned around and left.

At the Long family's mansion, the master bedroom!

Long Leilei, now dressed in his nightwear, was sitting on the bed, his eyes reflecting a sense of longing.

The door creaked open, Ling Xue returned and closed the door behind her.

"Xue'er, do you regret it? If it hadn't been for that accident, you might've just remained a goddess in my heart," Long Leilei said with a trace of bitterness.

Ling Xue, sounding exasperated, responded, "I'd also like to know if you were driven by pride or inferiority when you decided to leave all those years ago."

Long Leilei said, "Maybe a bit of both. I didn't expect you to chase after me. To be with me."

Ling Xue gritted her teeth and scowled, "Bullshit! You thought after sleeping with me, impregnating me, you could just leave without taking responsibility? I wanted to kill you then."

"I... I thought I was unworthy of you?"

"Shut up. If it wasn't for your good looks, did you really think I would bear your child after sleeping with me? Say that again, and I'll strangle you," Ling Xue warned.

"Uh?" A surprised Long Leilei turned to look at his wife, "So, you really did fall for me?"

Ling Xue retorted, "More like all the other guys from that batch were too ugly."

"Honey, I love you."

"It's not even dark yet, don't get all touchy-feely!"

"Hey..., what are you doing?"

An hour later.

"Husband, I love you too. Do you know that my feelings for you back in the day were not just because you were handsome..."