Chapter 53: The Beginning of Spirit Furnace Providential Selection_3

"Commence the distribution of the ceremony badges," Zhou Shuixi said with a grave tone.

An elder standing next to him waved his hand and flashes of silver light flew towards each class's homeroom teacher. They each caught the silver light, revealing silver badges. They then distributed these badges to the students of their respective classes.

Long Dangdang was startled upon seeing the silver badge in Long Kongkong's hand. Its design was almost identical to his own gold-colored badge, aside from the color difference.

"As the fifty-first dean of Spirit Furnace Academy, I humbly welcome the wise elders," Zhou Shuixi reverently greeted towards the sky.

The entire Spirit Furnace Academy seemed to resonate in a strange way. A subtle vibration could be felt in the air. The elemental energies and varieties of elements in the air increased in concentration, as if the entire academy was becoming more anomalistic.