Chapter 164: Confirming Conjecture_1

The first type of magical beast blood was from a two-headed demon lizard. Long Dangdang dripped a drop on her hand, and almost instantly, a faint purple tint emerged on her skin, the blood easily absorbed.

With the experience from yesterday's cultivation, there was no need to soak in a bathtub. All it took was a drop to confirm whether the blood could be absorbed.

Then came the second and third kinds—success, all successful.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong exchanged a glance, both showing the joy in their eyes.

By the time all seven types of blood were tested, the siblings were practically beaming with excitement. All successful, yes, all successful. The blood of seven dragon genus magical beasts with the dragon bloodline were all absorbable by them.

Next, they began to soak in the bathtub again to absorb the blood, testing their outer spiritual power after each absorption to see its increase.