"Damn it, I'm afraid I can't beat the monsters behind us," Ji Changsheng said.
His reaction was, of course, not slow; he quickly realized something:
"Unsteady Heart can't beat those minor Supreme Unity numbers."
In the year he wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace, the majesty of Balance Great Saint was clearly in sight.
Everyone employed minor numbers, and Balance Great Saint, five hundred years ago, was the glory of those minor accounts.
Moreover, at that time, there weren't any experts studying how to play minor.
But this time was different.
Ancestral Dragon had almost successfully impersonated someone else.
The benefits of Supreme Unity playing minor were simply too great.
As for the consequences of failure...
It's funny to say that when the chance to gamble presents itself, all gamblers who sit at the table believe they will win.
Even with casinos that clearly won't let you win, ordinary folks still rush to offer themselves up.