Chapter 46 Hexaptera Parasite (Please continue reading)_1

"Come down."

Lu Xuan returned to the courtyard with three Qingmiao spirit tea seedlings and spoke to the Cloud Leopard Juvenile Beast that was perched on his shoulder.

The Cloud Leopard, its blue-green eyes coldly regarding Lu Xuan, gently descended to the ground and headed straight for the spiritual spring pool.

Lu Xuan went to a corner of the spirit field, sectioned off a large part of the virgin spirit soil, and using the Earth Pulling Technique, created three small pits in the spirit field. He gently placed the three Qingmiao spirit tea seedlings in the pits.

After planting the Qingmiao spirit tea, his attention was focused on the small tea seedlings.

"Only the purest water can engender the most delicate tea."

"To water the tea seedlings with spirit spring water would be even better."