Chapter 59: Hidden Fog Maze Array_1

"These past two days, I've had some minor achievements and have by a fluke ascended to the ranks of Middle-Stage Qi Practitioners."

Lu Xuan said with a proud smile.

"You're doing well, lad."

The thin old man praised, before immediately changing the topic.

"With the cultivation of the Qi Cultivation Fourth Layer, the spiritual power in your body can nonetheless meet the requirements for planting more Spirit Firefly Grass."

"At that time, I will put in a good word for you, so you can get more Spirit Firefly Grass or other spirit plant seeds."

"Many thanks, Old He."

Lu Xuan expressed his gratitude cheerfully to the thin old man.

"That's based on your own merit. If you didn't have that ability to cultivate high-quality spiritual plants, and if your cultivation wasn't at the intermediate stage of Qi cultivation, then no matter what I said, it would be impossible."

"However, your growth really surprised me a bit."