Chapter 66 Inferior Spirit Plant_1

"Third-Rank Treasure, Immaculate Jade…"

Lu Xuan held the transparent jade talisman in his hand, muttering to himself.

"I never expected that a First Grade Red Cloud Pine's light cluster would yield a third-rank treasure."

He was surprised. Even though the difference between the second and third ranks may not sound significant, there is in fact a qualitative distinction.

Second Grade Treasures are still in the Qi Practicing stage, primarily used by intermediate and high-order Qi cultivators. In contrast, Third Rank Treasures are in the Foundation Establishment category.

"I guess the perfect grade must account for much of it. But the higher the rank of the spiritual plant, the harder it is to get a mature perfect grade. This time, I was lucky that one of the five Red Cloud Pine nuts was of perfect quality," Lu Xuan speculated.

A third-rank Immaculate Jade, though mainly auxiliary, is extremely valuable.