Chapter 94 Sword Peacock_1

Blood clouds drifted across the sky; a few breaths later, a Wang Family Cultivator in the initial stage of Foundation Establishment, standing atop a Flying Leaf Boat Artifact, swiftly approached from a distance.

His Spiritual Sense swept around, but found no abnormalities.

The Wang Family Head did not hesitate and pursued in the direction the blood cloud disappeared.

Although he had a keen interest in the peculiar scabbard that flew out, the demon envoy of the trick level was far more important.

If it wasn't dealt with, the new Secret Land could not be completely secured. Moreover, before that demon envoy fled, it took a Brilliant Treasure. This needed to be reclaimed along the way.

The Flying Boat Magical Tool darted away, disappearing into the horizon with a whooshing sound.

A moment later, Lu Xuan emerged from under a large tree several dozen meters away, his face still carrying a shocked expression.