Chapter 99: Zodiac Star Battle Sword Formation, Mountain Suppression_1

"Brother Lu, ask away, and I guarantee I will tell you everything I know!"

Baili Jianqing nodded his head vigorously.

"Your grandfather has spent many years cultivating in the Sky Sword Sect, so I'm sure you're quite familiar with the sect's many details,"

"I want to know if after entering the sect, one is allowed to have their own Spirit Field and freely cultivate Spirit Plants."

"Of course! Once you join, the sect will arrange for Foundation Establishment or even Core Formation cultivators to teach you cultivation methods, guide you in techniques of cultivating, pill making, array setting, talisman crafting, and occasionally, there are mandatory sect missions that must be completed."

"Besides those, Outer Sect Disciples can arrange their time freely as long as they do not violate the sect's rules."