Chapter 127 The Sudden Change of Style in Farming_1

"Fellow cultivator, how about buying this unusual spiritual plant for a hundred spirit stones? This is much higher than most second-rank spiritual plants. To buy a spiritual plant whose species and rank are both unknown at this price is quite fair."

Although Lu Xuan was eager inside, his tone revealed an air of nonchalance.

"A hundred spirit stones are too low! This spiritual plant looks so peculiar, it must be a rare variety. Let's do it this way, one hundred and fifty spirit stones, and you can take it directly."

The cyclops middle-aged cultivator took a big step back in the negotiation.

"Even if it is a rare and peculiar spiritual plant, it won't be of much use if we don't know the cultivation method."

Lu Xuan pointed out the crux of the problem.

He haggled with the stall owner bit by bit, and finally got the third-rank Thorn Bone spiritual plant for one hundred and twenty spirit stones.

Half a day later, Lu Xuan stood in a small courtyard, looking around.