Chapter 177: Ice and Fire Realm, Grass Puppet Breakthrough_1

In his Spirit Field, Lu Xuan found an empty area and took out the white jade box containing the Mystical Immortal Peach Spirit Seeds.

He carefully observed the three Spirit Seeds in the box. Unconsciously, the pink smoke within the crevices of the Spirit Seeds thickened. To Lu Xuan, the Spirit Seeds instantly became extremely attractive.

They quickly turned into the shape of honey peaches**, stirring ripe fantasies within Lu Xuan's youthful mind.

"Bold! I knew at first glance that you aren't ordinary Spirit Seeds!"

Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, as he cast a cleansing spell on himself. Instantly, his mind became clear and his thoughts serene.

The Peach Core Spirit Seeds returned to their original appearance.

"Sure enough, this is a naughty Spirit Peach. Luckily, I have a countermeasure."

"Under the cleansing spell, I am free from desires. Women can only impede the speed of my farming!"