Chapter 214: Improvement Successful, Water Glow Grass_1

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

After resolving the persisting obsession in a Green Xuan Deer's heart, Lu Xuan mostly stayed on his own mountain peak, peacefully cultivating spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts.

In the meantime, there were Foundation Establishment peers with similar cultivation levels from nearby areas who invited him to explore the secret lands together, but he politely declined every single one of them.

Gradually, his fellow cultivators understood Lu Xuan's character well - they knew he wanted to be a peaceful and non-contentious Spirit Plant Master who doesn't like fighting or adventuring, so they gradually gave up on the idea of inviting him along.

However, after the news spread that Lu Xuan had helped his fellow True Disciple, Ge Pu, solve his spirit beast reproduction problem, and that he had resolved the obsession of the Green Xuan Deer in the secret land, the crowd showed no disrespect. Instead, they held him in higher regard.