Chapter 219: The Opening of the Blessed Land _1

The rewards from the two superior-quality light clusters were quite remarkable.

One rewarded him with three years of cultivation level, the equivalent of three regular water firefly grasses, while the other rewarded him with a third-rank treasure.

[Harvest: One second-grade water firefly grass. Reward: Third-Rank Treasure Aquatic Pearl.]

[Aquatic Pearl, third-rank treasure, hold the pearl in your mouth, and you will be able to move freely in the depth of ten thousand meters deep water and cultivate normally in the water.]

"The Third-Rank Treasure Aquatic Pearl, although its function is quite specific, it can have impressive effects in certain specific environments."

Lu Xuan felt a moment of inspiration. As the opening time neared, he took the time to review his own strength.

After advancing to the Foundation Establishment Realm, his own cultivation techniques and the treasures he carried differed drastically from the Qi Practicing Stage.