Chapter 221 Two-headed Juvenile_1

"Well then, every meeting must end, we would meet again, until then."

Lu Xuan saluted the Tree Spirit with a cupped fist gesture.

As soon as he entered the Langyue Blessed Land, his greatly depleted Qingmu Origin Energy was replenished, making him extremely cheerful.

Qingmu Origin Energy was of great use to him as a Spirit Plant Master.

It could enhance the self-healing ability of his Flesh Body and the affinity with spirit plants. Most importantly, it could accelerate the growth of Spirit Plants.

Previously, he had used the Qingmu Origin Energy to mature the Water Glow Grass he planted, greatly shortening its growth time, and quickly confirming the type of rewards within the Light Cluster.

Although it was pleasing to use, the replenishment was extremely troublesome, requiring the absorption and transformation of massive amounts of plant spiritual energy. Lu Xuan had not found the right opportunity until now, when he finally replenished it.