Chapter 236 Senior Brother, You Know Me_1

The dark yellow gourd was considerably larger than the nutrient gourd, with many faint patterns on the surface, tied with a deep yellow cord on its waist and bottleneck.

Upon removing a soft cork from the gourd's mouth, a strong aroma of wine diffused out, lingering for a good while.

Lu Xuan's consciousness focused on the dark yellow gourd, instantly gaining detailed information about it.

[Drunk Immortal Gourd, Fourth-Grade Treasure, has a very large capacity. Infused with the powder of wine worms during refinement, it purifies the quality of the Spiritual Spring, altering its taste.]

[Depending on the traits of the Spiritual Spring and the type of Spirit Fruit put into the Drunk Immortal Gourd, it can automatically brew Spirit Brew.]

[Spirit Milk and Spiritual Liquid treasures placed in the gourd can have their quality and age enhanced.]

"An automatic wine-brewing gourd?"

Lu Xuan couldn't help but exclaim.