Chapter 241 Teaching_1

Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged inside him, with an abundance of fire attribute spiritual power gathering before him, and instantly, a giant crimson fireball floated in the air, a wave of heat rolling towards him.

With a thought, the giant fireball instantly transformed into a few dozen feet long fire spear. The spear was ablaze with red flames, and it shot towards the sky like an arrow, at an extreme speed.

Midway, without losing speed, the fire spear naturally transformed into a fire whip. When the whip fell, the surrounding air cracked with noise, everywhere was suffused with the flames.

All the way to the top, the fire whip split into tens or hundreds of smaller whips, scattering around, forming a gigantic fire net.

The fire net, while falling, transformed into countless tiny sparks, finally, slowly dissipated in the air.

"Fire Manipulation Secret, providing me with a higher control over various forms of flames, suddenly giving me much flexibility."