Chapter 251: Isn't Fate Always Given? _1

"It is indeed a bit of a pity. I thought that even if I couldn't kill Same-heart Demon alone, I could at least escape unscathed. I didn't expect such an accident."

The cultivator with the surname Kong shook his head in agreement.

"However, cultivation is all about one word: 'striving'.

Striving against heaven, striving against earth, striving against others, to improve cultivation, to seize opportunities, to advance further."

"If you don't strive, opportunities and treasures will be snatched away by others. The gap between each other will gradually widen."

"Especially for people like us who neither have a very rich family background nor exceptional talent, we cannot afford to miss any opportunities."

"Fall behind once, fall behind every step of the way; once you miss, it's very difficult to catch up again."

The cultivator with the surname Kong spoke somewhat pensively.

Lu Xuan pondered for a moment.

"Senior Brother is correct, yet not entirely correct.