Chapter 284: Perfect Grade Can't Guarantee Quality_1

The Hundred Herbs Hall.

The spacious hall was filled with a rich aroma of herbs.

More than a dozen attendants were intently processing various spirit plants. Among them, a slender elder stood out.

"Manager He, these Spirit Firefly Grasses were just purchased today. Can you help process them? A Pill Master needs them this afternoon."

A middle-aged man brought a large bundle of Spirit Firefly Grass to the slender elder and thumped it down.


The slender elder looked at the large quantity of Spirit Firefly Grass, grit his teeth, and agreed.

After bending over for nearly two hours to process the herbs, Manager He struggled to stand upright, his back aching.

Given his Qi Cultivation Fourth Layer physique, this should not usually happen.

However, his advanced age meant his body was no longer as hardy as during his youth. Coupled with several chronic illnesses and the strain of bending over to process spiritual medicine for so long, his pain was unbearable.