Chapter 310: Blood Coagulating Parasite_1

"Misfortune strikes the ones who are already suffering..."

Lu Xuan looked at the woman who had lost all control of herself, repeating her mechanical motions, as he sighed deeply within.

The scene that unfolded before them made the loose cultivators nearby deeply empathetic, their hearts filled with sorrow.

"Friend Zhang has been diligently practicing cultivation throughout his life, hoping to someday break through to the Qi Practitioner Intermediate Level, so as to improve the lives of his family. Yet who would have thought that he would meet such a fate."

"The helpless widow and orphan he leaves behind, how can they survive in such a troubled world?"

"Let's not think too much at present, let's see how this Sect Senior handles this. Regardless of whether it's the Demon Envoy's mischief or the Song Family's scheme, in the end, it's us loose cultivators who will get hurt the most."

The group whispered amongst themselves.