Chapter 329 Advantage is Mine_1

Outside the Mysterious Palace.

A Foundation Establishment Cultivator flies in hurriedly from afar, landing outside the palace corridor.

He had been entangled with the Ice Illusion Toad Demon Beasts in the Deep Dark Water Region and delayed in the Strange Stone Array for a long time. Knowing that he is far behind others, he is anxious and wants to rush into the palace as quickly as possible.

There are many leftovers of Magic Method Marks and restricted air in the corridor, which should be the traces left by the first Cultivator who entered the palace in order to break the prohibition.

After the Cultivator's Spiritual Sense sweeps through the corridor and finds no anomalies, he flies towards the interior of the palace at a high speed.

Suddenly, a cold Sword Light strikes at him, slashing a deep crack in his defense Magic Artifact, two Foundation Establishment First-term Stage Cultivators suddenly appeared, attacking from the front and back.