Chapter 335 The Secret Land is Too Dangerous_1

Within the abandoned palace.

Lu Xuan's figure darted across like a stream of light.

He had detected something amiss in this secret land as early as his time in the medicine garden.

From the anomaly of the spiritual seeds, he learns that the fifth-rank Longevity Pan Peach has been affected by mysterious energy for a long period, thereby mutated into a Strange Longevity Peach.

This clearly indicates the existence of a peculiar force in the secret land, and it is not an ordinary one at that.

After entering the Jade House, the four treasures incited much competition, but Lu Xuan also discerned something mysterious within.

Rather than saying that the prohibitions were sealing the four treasures, it was more accurate to say that they were sealing the countless black gases that lay beneath.

The four treasures, judging from their unusual external features, functioned respectively in absorbing, suppressing, and refining the black gases.