Chapter 364: Abnormal Beast Taming_1

After gaining some understanding of the ten plus four-grade baby beasts, Lu Xuan began his beast taming journey.

"All of you are descendants of fourth-grade demon beasts. I suppose I don't need to elaborate on your spiritual intelligence. You should all be able to understand the meaning of my words."

He swept his gaze over all the baby beasts, his eyes pausing momentarily on the airborne Lion Bird Beast.

"Let's start with a simple endurance training."

As Lu Xuan spoke, spiritual power surged within his body. The rocks on the hall floor churned, and in an instant, over ten stone chambers appeared.

The stone chambers were over twenty feet in length and width, not very high, and appeared extremely crude.

"Each beast will receive one stone chamber. You are to stay inside for four hours, do not act impulsively. If you leave before the set time, there will be varying degrees of punishment."