Chapter 414: Searching for Sword in Sword Pool_1

Lu Xuan's speech was full of disdain, but his spiritual sense explored inside the storage bag, searching for poisonous substances that could satisfy the young worm's cravings.

He prided himself on being able to control the worm's bodily condition at all times, so he was confident that even if it was poisoned to the brink of death, he could save it.

Soon, he took out a piece of Demon Beast Meat from the bag. The meat was stored in an exquisite jade box, covered with runic symbols on all sides to retain its richness and prevent the loss of spiritual power.

Lu Xuan remembered that this meat came from a third-ranked Ice Toad. The Ice Toad lived in extremely cold places and could absorb the extremely Yin and extreme cold aura. Its body was filled with a potent virus.

"Try this?"

He threw a fist-sized piece of Ice Toad meat to the young Hundred Poison Heart Devouring Insect.

Feeling the icy poison within the meat, the young worm's eyes lit up and it swallowed the meat in a few gulps.