chapter 7: are you serious?

Next day

So I woke up and I looked to see what time it was and it was, 11:30. So I got out of my bunk and got dressed. So we had sound check at twelve and well I wanted to explore so I left a note and I wanted to see what the venue looked like and we had sound check soon. But I walked in and I saw, I think it was broken mind.

They were pretty good. But one person caught my eye. There lead singer. He was, how do I put this, a girl's eye candy. I know it sounds weird but he seems so perfect. But they finished and I think he was talking but all I heard was, blah, blah, blah.

He then said, " hi. I'm skylar." I felt butterflies in my stomach. I never felt this nervous around a guy, but I tried to use my words and I said, " h-hi. I'm Haley." F**k, I stuttered, that never happens. He smiled and said, " that is a pretty name. So, what band are you in?" I brushed, " shattered soul. You?" He smiled and said, " I sing and play lead for broken mind." I replied, " so uh. This is now awkward."

There was a dead silence, then he said," so when do you have sound check?" I felt my eyes widen, " now. Hah." He snickered a little, then said, " okay, well I am gonna go so see you later tonight. It was nice meeting you Haley." He was about to walk away but gave me a kiss on my left cheek.

He left and I was beat red. I then heard my name being called and I saw Nikki, and axel. They looked at each other then axel said, " ooo, Haley got a crush." They laughed and I punched them in the arm and then I asked, " where are Jake and dj?" They looked to the ground, " sleeping." I sighed and said, " Nikki, could you do me a big favor. And go wake up sleeping beauty, and snoring beauty."

He left and axel said, " so who's the lucky guy?" I rolled my eyes and said, " I don't kiss and tell." He laughed, and Nikki came back with dj and Jake. Thank goodness for sarcastic remark, " well look who finally woke up." They said, " sorry. Just late night."

I rolled my eyes and well this went for about two hours. But we finished and I went back to the bus and before I walked in I heard a voice calling my name I look to see and it was skylar. Once again blushing and fireworks going off in my head.

But I said, " hi, skylar. What's up?" He smiled and said, " nothing much, but I came to tell you that, well I was wondering really, would you like to possibly like to hang out sometime?" I smiled and said, " sure that would be cool." He smiled and there was something a little off about his smile, now that I notice, but he said something then left. And I went to my bunk and got out my book and well I waited till we had our set.

Show: set time

So after a while we had to start getting ready, but I wanted to dress to impress tonight. So I did a little bit of a victim look. I wore my red velvet Victorian dress. And I wanted to wear my red heels they were wedge so that helped.

But i wore that and did my hair in curls but made them a little messy. But I did my makeup a little messy, but I wanted a victim look. So that made it work. But I had a blood drip choke collar. And it just topped off the whole look. But I walked out and I saw all the guys sitting on the couch ready, but they looked over and saw me I felt out of place, and there mouths dropped open.

Nikki said, " you should wear dresses more often Haley. They look good on you." I smiled and looked down. But I perked and said, " who's ready to rock tonight?!" They cheered, and we walked over to the venue and went to the backstage area. But broken mind was before us and they were really good. They finished and skylar saws and the guys I said, " hey skylar. You guys were really good." " thanks Haley. Hi, I'm skylar." He spoke, introducing himself, and they said," hey, I am axel, this is Damien, but we call him dj, then this is nikki, and Jake." Axel said, and then he said, hi, and asked, " so Haley I was wondering when you finish your set. Could I possibly speak with you for a moment." I nodded sure then he smiled, and it was off again.

But we had to go on. And our setlist was: one cover and four songs.

Set list:

Demons awake, shattered wings, stolen heart, caged virus. A new one we were working on. Cover: palaye royale, mr. doctor man.

I think that is my second favorite song by them, but we were going to play that song last. But I thought tonight was going to be pretty good with me not fainting, and me and the boys rocking out. But once we got to caged virus I said, " so this next song, all of you are going to be the first ever to hear it off our new album, we will only say that but this is called caged virus." They screamed and I sang my heart out. And I felt pretty good. But we played the last song and I was happy, I saw the guys dancing around, and I screamed. But we finished our set and I had a fun time. This night couldn't be better.

So after we got done, I walked outside and skylar texted me, " hey Haley, meet me outside. Pls." Okay how did he get my number? But I met him outside, and he walked over half way, "hey Haley. How's everything?" I replied, " good, you?" He suddenly got in my face in a second. Okay that was weird, " I have been better. But Haley. You look rather dashing tonight." Okay don't try to flirt. But he is kind of cute.

Oh well, " thank you. So may I ask why you wanted to meet out here?" He then was right in front of me, it was like he moved in a millisecond. He then replied, " well, you see not everything has to be normal?" He said, okay this is starting to freak the f**k out of me. So I backed away a little. And said, " I am gonna go, but have a nice night skylar see you at the next venue." I then bolted to my bunk and had thoughts running through my head.